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A whole bunch of truisms

Yeah, and what’s your point exactly?

Fionn Kelly? Never heard of him. Or maybe I have. Isn’t he that Wuss™ that requires you to read a list of conditions longer than Berli’s rap sheet before he will play a game, then requires you to file your proposed setup in triplicate with a piss-boy clerk and then maybe get back to you in three to six months for turn one?

You want killers,? Why bother travelling all the way to Ireland to play some has-been, when Sgt. Morgue (and they call him that for a reason boys and girls) is as close as Florida.

If you want a bitch-slap, Rectumburst, you best pick out a someone and not just try to have a go at the pool as a whole. The place to negotiate terms is right here and not waste our valuable time on e-mail when we should be avoiding work and looking at grogporn. Or maybe you can take on that new RPG-nancy that showed up since he apparently brought a knife to a gun fight.

As for the rest of you maggots: ÜberEidische’s mailbox is empty – so you all owe me a turn!

Don’t make me get the bag of ¥ out again.

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Make Teaburps Fight Arrowroot at Crodaburg.

Gawd. That sounds like that Star Trek:NG episode where they ran into the species that communicated only by historical metaphor.

Anyway, Croda, send them the scenario and they must each post regular updates on how they're suffering for our amusement.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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None of you vile smelling beasts has of yet accepted my challenge, I have never come across so many foes unwilling to fight! If anyone can beat me in a game of CM I shall mount my steed and be gone from this dreadful place!

Mad-matt was a Dwarven-king,

Of his large bald head I sadly sing,

For his crown did not fit at all,

On top of that great big bowling ball!

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Aragit, you're not very bright are you? The reason noone has rissen to your challenge is because you haven't actually CHALLENGED ANYONE! Try taking a moment to not obsess over animals or sharp pointy things and actually MAKE A REAL CHALLENGE. Make us sit up and face the fact that playing you would be better than ignoring you. So far, ignoring you is clearly the better option.


Bla bla, you are dull. Dull I say. Your insults are clearly derived from some observation of scant fact and a Fetish about a funny Irishman. You sound like a Tory PM. And I'll never play any Tory PM so sod off. In future, I expect more invicative, more bile, more raging against stuff. Not a X point essay on the content of your bowels.

As for your assertion we are bad players it just shows your inexperience with this community. Sure there are the village idiots, (I won't mention Croda or Hiram here of course), but there are many many fine players. I have never lost a game TCP/IP outside of the pool, and i guarantee I am not the best here.

If you are lucky one of us will play you. At the moment, we shall just continue to ignore you. I might be tempted to play you if you play Aragorn. Then two fools can jape for the Pools ammusement and we can throw donuts and bricks and quaff alcohol and chortle.


Please note, Stevieboy is now my squire as was agreed on the previous thread. The lad will be regularly spit polishing my boots and keeping the lustfull Mensch at arms length, or at least sacfricing his anal virginity to protect me. Steveboy, send me a file and lets see how you play. I hope you are good. It would be sad to have a squire with the tactical skills of a Blamonge.



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Some truths about Pengers:



A Penger

The Pengers


Email me now!

What's a Penger and why do you so desperately want one to contact you? Why would a Penger want to beat up this Fionn Kelly? Why do you have a blue collar? Is it to match that red neck? Is it possible for you to sound off like you got a pair? Against one targeted individual?

Right now you are just dull, I should know since I come from the dullest country on earth, try to be annoying at least.



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I have never lost a game TCP/IP outside of the pool, and i guarantee I am not the best here.

As if skill in playing CM had anything to do with being a cesspool member. Get a grip. We are simply better at writing than at playing, treebeard got that right at least.

We're having fun, baby. Eating cheese, drinking some wine, catching some rays you know kinda fun.

If people wanna feel threatened/intimidated by our presence, so much better, especially if they think we actually care about our win/loss ratio or yearn for the day when we might play an Irishman and actually win.

And don't give me that "community" crap either. We are here because of a mutual dislike of each other and we want the world to know.

Sod off,


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Originally posted by Stuka:

I call for a challenge between Arogporn and Treeslurp for the amusement of the knights!

Do I have a seconder?

Well if you can't see that arogadoga is a fake (no of posts 3, all in the pool, all incredibly ingnorant, fake hotmail account and he/she/it uses exclamation points) I dunno. Possibly some lackwit that we've ignored before. I suggest we do so again.



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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I second! I say we officially IGNORE them unless they accept.

I have the PERFECT scenario. It is more evil than Crodaberg and less hackneyed.



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -

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PeterNZ if you check the last peng thread, you will see I challenged anyone who is willing.

I post very little on this BBS under a different name. I have never posted in the cess before, ever. And I wish I had never posted in the first place, it seems you 'people' are looking for more than just to play a few friendly games.

With that said I bid you good by, oh and KISS MY ASS!

[This message has been edited by Aragorn (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by Geier:

Sure, go ahead. Mount away.

I would suggest that mounting is something that should be done with some care and thus should be left for professionals (ie me)!

Now for a somewhat infrequent update:

Mensch Yep, guess what the setup was, and guess what he brought! My fighting french were of course (Yawn) bombarded, fortunately Mensch forgot to set the fuses and my casualties were light!

SirOGPU My freedom loving yanks try to convince the Nazis that a democratic political system is far better than National Socialism. This is course done through well placed rifle and AP shots

Highlites were outflanking his defence works and taking out 2 pillboxes, one with bazooka and the other with a well placed tank round through the slot! A hetzer has also been removed, although it cost me a Hellcat to do it.

One VL belongs already belongs to the yanks, but if I can punch a hole in either of his two picketing platoons, I will be one happy chappy!

Speedy Damned Pollacks! put em in a pub and they're almost impossible to get out!

Anyhow, I'll keep manuevering my Superior Hamstertruppen platoons to get them into position, and while doing that I'll keep shooting at his controlled buildings with my AFVs just to let him know that I do care!

Joe Shaw has obviously been inspired by Custer's last stand, and it's obvious that's the way he wants to die.

He is down to 2 Halftracks and perhaps two platoons cowering in light woods, meanwhile my Stug3/indians pick his forces off bit by bit.

Check6 What he should be called is Check your email once every 6 weeks, because that's his turnaround period.

I demand to have a word with his sponsor (moron being that word)!

JD Best for last - our super tank battle is now underway with perhaps one of the best ambushes ever sprung in a CMBO PBEM - resulting in about 5 AFVs being killed in 2 turns (including 2 Panthers taken out by a Sherman in one turn).

The fact that it is me doing the killing is unimportant!

5 down, about 30 to go?

Aragorn Tough, not playing you!

Treeburst155 Not playing you either. Change your name to Treebeard then Aragorn and you can have a jolly good time chasing entwives (btw, do male ents get splinters when they procreate)?


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So what perks are included in Squiredom? What are the hours? To be honest, I only signed up because I was curious. Is a pension included? Do I get overtime? Am I salaried or waged?

And what exactly do I have to do? Follow Peeler around with a broom and bucket? OK, I can do that. When do I get my contract?

A most cunning and devious setup will be winging its way to you tonight. What are your preferences. NO, I don't want to hear that you prefer equines to bovines, or anything similar. I mean what side do you prefer?


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Originally posted by Aragorn:

I post very little on this BBS under a different name. I have never posted in the cess before, ever. And I wish I had never posted in the first place, it seems you 'people' are looking for more than just to play a few friendly games.

With that said I bid you good by, oh and KISS MY ASS!

Kitty! KiiiIIIIIttttTTTTyyyyYYYYYY!!!

He's gone and done hurt my feelings by being nasty.

Any chance of slapping the Mask of Shame on him?


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]

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As my squire you doff your cap to me, obey my commands and general serve me as I see fit. Benefits? Haha, this isn't Sweden! You don't get no stinking benefits! Well, you do get to have Lorak put your name up on the site and have your losses tracked. Also, if you find another squire you can have a kinigit challenge, the winner becoming a kinigit, the looser reamining a looser. Of course, the kinigits get to pick the battle for you. Now, on Germanboy's suggestion, use that mop of hair you have up there and clean the floor for me. Thanks.

You know.. I thought Arogone would have a bit more bottle. O well.



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -

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Originally posted by Aragorn:

I shall mount my steed and ...

MACE!!! Looks like this one's up your alley. Perhaps you'd like to instruct the youngster in some of the finer points...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Originally posted by stevetherat:


So what perks are included in Squiredom? What are the hours? To be honest, I only signed up because I was curious. Is a pension included? Do I get overtime? Am I salaried or waged?

And what exactly do I have to do? Follow Peeler around with a broom and bucket? OK, I can do that. When do I get my contract?

A most cunning and devious setup will be winging its way to you tonight. What are your preferences. NO, I don't want to hear that you prefer equines to bovines, or anything similar. I mean what side do you prefer?


PeterNZer, are you sure you want this one???

All this "What's a squirrel to do?" "Do I clean my own pants?" "Do I have to flush after I go?"

I vote that SteveTheGit's first job should be to take an hour or so and watch a certain movie... And as for having a new squirrel around, I notice a distinct lack of clopping noises from his direction...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

MACE!!! Looks like this one's up your alley. Perhaps you'd like to instruct the youngster in some of the finer points...

I already did! I'm now about to instruct you to pay attention to my previous posts!


Pay attention to my previous posts



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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by stevetherat:


So what perks are included in Squiredom? What are the hours? To be honest, I only signed up because I was curious. Is a pension included? Do I get overtime? Am I salaried or waged?

Perks? Overtime? Pension? You must be kidding... You work in England matey. Thanks to Maggie for doing away with all that socialist stuff.

Now go and mop the floor, you may have the occasional Pernod & Champagne, you do love it, dontcha?



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Good work lads, in getting rid of that twinkie before I had to get involved. Been busy.

Now then:

I have decided to kill Elvis.

He hasn't done his usual new thread drive-by yet, so let me say in his behalf: Wankers. Which, however true, is neither funny nor very polite. So I have decided to exhume the little pieces of dung where the dogs shat his remains and covered them in shame, after devouring his ample flesh where he lay mortally bested by Peng, and destroy him again, and the dogs, too. Said setup will creep into his little outhouse like a red-backed spider shortly, and it is a runische thing.

For good measure, I have also sent a setup to Peng, hoping to exterminate the whole viper's nest at once. The setup to Geier has been met with silence, probably shock and terror-inspired.

My snowbound advance on Moriarty continues inexorably; his men flee in terror, thinly disguised as a tactic of some sort. Pawbroon has managed to trade AFVs in the Nacht und Nebel with me, his first aggressive act since the resumption of this frog-roast. PeterNZer is the only one faring very well at the moment, though it has cost him a clanking thing.

Please stand by for other unprovoked attacks and unjust characterizations.

Where's the beach? Do they have catholic schoolgirls here? I always liked that theme better than hamsters....

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I am saddened gentlemen (and Andreas), saddened indeed that we have had two, count them ... Well ... COUNT THEM DAMNIT One Two ... there, that wasn't so hard was it (sit down Bauhaus), where was I, oh yes, two CessPoolian wannabees show up and Demand, yes Demand a game from us! Don't they know that we have two unbreakable laws here? Well, okay maybe not laws but certainly strong suggestions. ONE, if you want a game you must show some moxie by sticking around for a while. TWO, if you want a game you must INSULT a specific CessPool dweller until he decides to grant you the boon of a game. Now that game may not be with him, perhaps a squire or other lowlife, but it will be a recognized CessPool game nonetheless.

Aragon obviously hasn't bothered to read any of the prior incarnations of the 'pool and thus I say good riddance to bad rubbish ... forsooth as he might say. Perhaps Gandalf can provide a salve for his wounded ego.

TreeBorscht has missed the essential points as well by offering a general challenge and suggesting {snicker} that we give a fig for our abilities at CM. Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points.

Let the wannabees of the world know this: Entrance to, let alone acceptance by, the CessPool is not given lightly. Be a man (or a Woman, though we've seen precious little of Kitty or Y2K lately), show you've a pair and endure the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune ... not to mention whatever Bauhaus throws your way, and you've a chance. Else ... bugger off!



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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