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Now is the Challenge of our discontent, made horrid cess by this son of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No lad, I'll accomodate you with another game, but it will have to be a miserable QB I'm afraid ... unless one of the lads might have something, TOURNAMENT SAVED, that would meet the need?


Ah have a verry special scenario o' mah ain design. Ah've played at agin Warphaid, an' thain agin ain a mirror gam. At's a wee beauty, called Dunkirk. Thas teem tha German's didnae wait fer tha evacuation....

At's a bastarrrd fraim either side....

Oop tae ye, at's prolly pearls before swine anyhoo...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ah have a verry special scenario o' mah ain design. Ah've played at agin Warphaid, an' thain agin ain a mirror gam. At's a wee beauty, called Dunkirk. Thas teem tha German's didnae wait fer tha evacuation....

At's a bastarrrd fraim either side....

Oop tae ye, at's prolly pearls before swine anyhoo...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Depends, how lengthy is it, how many troops? As I mentioned, I've no desire to be tied up playing a worthless swine like Stuka for too long. Oh, hell, send it along and if it's not too involved I'll run it.

oh ... thanks, but my sister has plenty of costume jewelry already, CASH, on the other hand, ...


{edited to change references from "too big" and "too long" ... no need to GIVE OGSF a line that is there.}

[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

At's Sat'day, an' Ah'm aboot tae wander awah aintae tha heelands o' Denver tae bang awah at jam tins wi' mah verry ain M1 Garand an' mah brand noo (tae mae) 9mm Walther P38 (1943).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[helpful grog]Watch those late war safety bars. If you move the safety lever from fire to "Sicher" (safe, you other idiots) when the hammer is cocked, it will snap closed as though firing, which is a tad disconcerting at first (it is designed this way and normally works fine). BUT... some of the later war versions switched metals for the safety bar which prevents it from firing, and this metal is very brittle. It can shatter when the hammer drops, and fire anyway, when the safety is engaged while the hammer is cocked! [/unhelpful grog]

The polite thing is to place the muzzle in your mouth while engaging the safety to prevent potentially harmful noises from endangering bystanders, especially the children.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You see lads, it's another Pawbroon ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Creeps out from lurking*

Couldn't possibly be so, there is and always will be only one PawBroon.

Shame on you Joe for even comparing slappy to the French.

Now take that as a telling off :D

BTW GermanBoy you do realise that every post you now make is being checked and double checked for the slightest hint of a mistake..


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

BTW GermanBoy you do realise that every post you now make is being checked and double checked for the slightest hint of a mistake..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I made were to make it, it would be no mistake, but starting a trend.

Apart from that, I think I would have more to fear from the kids of a creche for blind children with illiterate parents looking over my posts than I do from the unbelievably dull-witted and mind-numbingly inane group of individuals frequenting this thread (myself excluded).

You should all consider yourself lucky I decided to pass by and let you see what you can not even aspire to in a particularly wild, drug-induced frenzy of a dream. Dazzling brilliance, wit, and above all, the knowledge that there will be a fried breakfast for me in my near future. Then again, I could just be called unnecessarily cruel for doing that to you.

Showing you lot off is about as much of a challenge as tearing the legs of a beetle would be - a disgusting and vile dungheap beetle maybe, but a beetle nevertheless.

Scottish people excluded, because I like Scotland.

So there.

Not edited because I bloody well don't need to.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Consider it started.....

And you did it with such style.


What can I say? ;)

Apart from that the rest of wussies here obviously needed a Scots lady to come to their rescue. Ha!

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Actually I think the rest of the wussies here are asleep. It's so quiet........

Then again most are American, so they will be no doubt helping the wifey out down the mall carrying all those brown paper bags.

Wonder whats for dinner tonight?

I bet it won't be Tomate confite ........

Edited to add...

Tst Tst what a wicked mind you have young Hiram, Andreas is a friend of both myself and Marcel, sorry to burst your bubble though.


[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Gee fellas, a humble squire learns so much from the level of conversation here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Squire" as at? Must bae squired tae tha mouse ain ye pocket, cos tha's noo kanniget fessed oop tae ownin' yoo, Jimmah.

An'aboot thus "ronin" bollocks. A ronin were a samurai (ie. Japanese kanniget) wha didnae have a Shogun (ie. Japanese Lord) tae report tae. Ye noo a kanniget laddie, an' there's ainly wun Lord aboot here last teem Ah counted.

Sae ye just a wee unemployed piss-boy wi' noo prospaicts fer adavancemaint, aren't ye?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Squire" as at? Must bae squired tae tha mouse ain ye pocket, cos tha's noo kanniget fessed oop tae ownin' yoo, Jimmah.

An'aboot thus "ronin" bollocks. A ronin were a samurai (ie. Japanese kanniget) wha didnae have a Shogun (ie. Japanese Lord) tae report tae. Ye noo a kanniget laddie, an' there's ainly wun Lord aboot here last teem Ah counted.

Sae ye just a wee unemployed piss-boy wi' noo prospaicts fer adavancemaint, aren't ye? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I have a special request for the members of the CessPool. Let's remember that OGSF IS a Scot and therefore exempt from many of the intellectual standards which we might otherwise expect of a member of the 'pool. Further, let's refrain from chapter and bloody verse on Japanese history and ranks, shall we? Yes, his post was inaccurate in MANY respects BUT ... the INTENT was spot on and I suggest that we focus on that.


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Trust the justiciar to jump on anyone coming along and displaying inspiration and providing a sparkle of amusement.

Jesus Christ on a fecking crutch, to borrow the immortal words of the shell that once was a pod, what has this place come to? :rolleyes:

Not edited because I could be a blind/deaf/mute monoglot analphabet Mongolian with no arms and still post funnier stuff in better English than 150% of you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Further, let's refrain from chapter and bloody verse on Japanese history and ranks, shall we? Yes, his post was inaccurate in MANY respects BUT


Japanese bloody historry as wha Ah bleedin' sae at as! Ye kin clang tae ye hearsay an' rumourrs, but seein' as most of at took plaice ain the pristine wildness o' tha stankin' Heelands, Ah shud bloody waill noo!

Diye thank tha skankin' Loch Ness Monster were an accident? Ye pidgeon toed, pidgeon chaisted, pidgeon brained piece o' ploppy pidgeon poop.

Af'n ye wanna knoo aboot tha Japanese History, jest ask a Scotsman!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Trust the justiciar to jump on anyone coming along and displaying inspiration and providing a sparkle of amusement.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, I was sticking up for him! I SAID that the INTENT, the point of his post was spot on and so it was. As to the rest I was proactively protecting him from the Grogs who YOU KNOW (being one yourself) were salivating over the prospect of slicing and dicing him. Say ... you wouldn't by chance be ... disappointed by my request would you? You wouldn't by chance be upset because YOU couldn't jump in and bother the poor heathen? Show a LITTLE common decency Andreas. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Not edited because I could be a blind/deaf/mute monoglot analphabet Mongolian with no arms and still post funnier stuff in better English than 150% of you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> (a) You mean you're NOT? (B) When were you planning to begin? It might be a good idea to let us know when you're posting the FUNNY stuff ... I'd personally hate to miss it. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Japanese bloody historry as wha Ah bleedin' sae at as! ... Af'n ye wanna knoo aboot tha Japanese History, jest ask a Scotsman!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Riiiiiggghhtttt ... the very place, thanks for the tip.


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X. Not Drunk and nothing but lawnmower beer in the house.

42. Defeated by a bathroom sink plumbing disaster.

11. No PBEM turns.

pi. Elvis watching a damn movie so no TCP.

haitch. MrSplattyGoonDrag still here.

11. OGSFLMNOP still impossible to understand.

1,000,000.00. PShaw! still posting 5000 words per.

However, when things look most bleak, and there doesn't seem any way things can possibly get worse, one can rest assured that they bloody will get more rotten and for no good reason other than that they can always get worse. My "Happy Thought" for the day.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Gee fellas, a humble squire learns so much from the level of conversation here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm pleased to be of assistance!

We can hope that that you'll soon move on to more advanced squire studies, like how to use the toilet, how to eat and drink without dribbling, and how to dress yourself.

We await your advancement with some degree of eagerness (eg the reduced likelihood of slipping on expelled bodily fluids left on the floor)


[ 10-07-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

haitch. MrSplattyGoonDrag still here.


Poor Mr. Peng, missing me already. The only reason why I am not regaling you with a groggy rendition of the comical e-mails I have been recieving from Australian IP addresses is that I am on the range all day and do not have the time. However, my friends the anthroplogists are keeping an eye on the pool for me and reporting what is said, and I am planning a 30000 word best of Slapdragon post to commerate my first week as a squire.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We can hope that that you'll soon move on to more advanced squire studies,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah but Mace, for that to happen he'd have to BE a Squire ... in HIS case the best we can hope for is that he manages to complete Basic Serf Training ... and it's not looking good so far.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jo Xia:

in HIS case the best we can hope for is that he manages to complete Basic Serf Training ... and it's not looking good so far.


With regards to that I'm happy to report that Slappy's tea slurpers are dying mucho by well directed mortar fire and some rockets. He's already taken to whining in an undignified fashion about having to 'cross open ground' and other such injustices. Also one of his Brit uber tanks (some kind of Churchill with a wicked cannon on it) has been immobilized leaving him sputtering with rage, and it open to a sneaky schreck attack at some later stage of the game. I expect any day to be treated to a long string of Quaker explicatives (get thine bloody ass out of here, thou art a gamey basturd, etc.) for which he'll have to sincerely apologize when he gets to that stage of the twelve step program.

So in my own little way I am trying to train the fellow, and I expect soon enough to be able to remove the newspapers from the living room floor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Not edited because I bloody well don't need to.


"Bloody well don't need to"?

How terribly, awfully posh of you old boy.

One would never know that you were a dastardly Gorman would one?

One does believe that there are treatments avialable for 'Brit envy', what?

Toodle pip!

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