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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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Mr Tinkles, would a turn be too much to ask for, or have you seen the movie already...and the contents were so troublesome for you that discretion has taken the place of valour and your'e hoping I will have forgotten about the game altogether?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Mr Tinkles, would a turn be too much to ask for, or have you seen the movie already...and the contents were so troublesome for you that discretion has taken the place of valour and your'e hoping I will have forgotten about the game altogether?

Ponce!<hr></blockquote>Stuka, it's none of my business of course but I do like to lend a hand now and then, help out my fellow CessPudlians and so forth. This chap you're looking for is PROBABLY going by Ponce de Leon so perhaps if you address him by his CORRECT name he'll respond. I know that many of us KNIGHTS OF THE CESSPOOL prefer to be called by our FULL AND CORRECT NAME in order to be granted a response. I do fear that if you don't address Ponce de Leon or whoever you're referring to properly ... you may NEVER get your turn.

As I said, none of MY business, just a suggestion.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

*Sigh* Alroight then, SIR Mr Tinkles, Ponce de Leon, Joe Xia.

Send me a turn aleady.<hr></blockquote>Oh my, you're missing THREE turns? Pity, well no doubt your opponents will respond promptly now that you've addressed them properly ... odd sounding chaps though, of course there's always YOUR name.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:



So you wil have no lord, and you will live in foolish ignorance! ...<hr></blockquote>

Live in foolish ignorance???

I thought we lived in the cesspool. I know that it's secret location moves frequently, but I don't think we have ever been in Foolish Ignorance. When I was younger we lived in Abject Poverty, which, if memory serves, was just over the hill and past the iron works, but we got evicted, and had to go live in the lake.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

where's that weed of a scenario you're working on for Sir Ihavemanylettersinmyname and myself!

You're slower than the chick behind the counter at McDonalds (but probably better looking)....and you better give fries with that.


may I suggest you hold your pants! Scenarios take time, now if you want a rush job then I suggest you ask say some Cockroach to make one for you. I on the other hand I am a Designer and not some McPukes fast food fry guy who brings your half baked crispy fries to you.

sit down and shut up or you'll get nothing but Jeeps and Kubelwagens to battle around with.

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Some of you useless lot owe me reports on how the playtesting is progressing of the various types of scenarios I have thrown out to you like I would throw a nice bone at a ruddy old smelly dog to make it go away. Instead of wasting my time emailing you on the other channel, where my message would no doubt drown in the porn-newsletters you are all subscribed to, consider yourself paged.

I expect progress updates, including latest movies, and pronto they should come in (that is Italian for pronto).

Now get on with it. You can always post useless gibberish here after you have performed a useful task for society.

Not edited because it is that time of the day where I have to show you sodding lot how much more efficient and intelligent than you I am.

Wastes of space you are. Watching an episode of the Teletubbies is more amusing than reading your posts here.

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Oh, and what kind of a sodding stupid title is this anyway for a Peng Challenge. I just hope that Matt locks it up and soon. Even he can not have approved this.

Not edited because I bloody well don't need to edit my posts.

Effing lot, can't believe I waste my time talking to you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

*Ambulance chasing Lawyer sprints after said ambulance, just in time to pass a business card to the distressed rock, now sporting a natty neck brace.*<hr></blockquote>

Now see here, this is not some serial narrative. If you want to play those sorts of perverted games, go to the FAQ thread. And calling Lawyer an ambulance chaser doesn't constitute abuse because it is true.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Oh, and what kind of a sodding stupid title is this anyway for a Peng Challenge. I just hope that Matt locks it up and soon. Even he can not have approved this.<hr></blockquote> Hah! A lot YOU know Germanboy ... this title was blessed and annoited by the bald angry one himself (I think the annoited part was beer but who cares). As to the significance of the title, it's not MY fault that you Euro types aren't conversant with American political history which is the ONLY political history worth mentioning.

Remember, Each Bin Ein Jelly Donut.


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How about a sing-song, then?

Where has all the venom gone?

Long time passing.

Where has all the venom gone?

Long time ago.

Where has all the venom gone?

Dried to dust in Ye Olde Ones.

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where has all the taunting gone?

Long time passing.

Where has all the taunting gone?

Long time ago.

Where has all the taunting gone?

Contemplating navels, every one.

Oh, when will you ever learn?

Oh, when will you ever learn?

Where has all the real hate gone?

Long time passing.

Where has all the real hate gone?

Long time ago.

Where has all the real hate gone?

Lost your dangly bits, every one.

Oh, when will you ever learn?

Oh, when will you ever learn?

Where have all the good posts gone?

Long time passing.

Where have all the good posts gone?

Long time ago.

Where have all the good posts gone?

Working on CM2, every one?

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where has all the hazing gone?

Long time passing.

Where has all the hazing gone?

Long time ago.

Where has all the hazing gone?

Lack of SSN's, everyone.

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where has all the venom gone?

Long time passing.

Where has all the venom gone?

Long time ago.

Where has all the venom gone?

Dried to dust in Ye Olde Ones.

Oh, when will they ever learn?

Oh, when will they ever learn?

There. I hope you don't like it.

And you, Sir OGSF will get a set up as soon as your face finishes it's progression towards purple, that vein in your forhead bursts, and your head pops in a scarlet spray of rage. Or tonight, but I'm guessing the first will come before the last. You, You, <big>Teuchter</big>.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

How about a sing-song, then?

Where has all the venom gone?

Long time passing.

ad nauseum...


Christ on a crutch, (SIT DOWN BERLICHTINGEN!!) do we have to put up with this sort of drivel?

From this mere pup?

Call it my mistake, but I read the first few lines of his sing-song, and my eyes started bleeding. Mis-spellings in this post are purely the result of impaired vision...

Leeeeeeeeeeeeoooooo, Leeeeeooo, Leeeoo...

You had been doing so well. Just a few days ago, I was thinking, "Anyone who can make the Evil One spew his coffee can't be all bad." You had actually gone up two notched in my estimation. Granted you could have gone no lower, but still, it was progress...

And then you go and trot out this, this, abomination of a post.

Bad enough we have to endure Stuka, and his lawyer posts that are so lame that it makes you want to whack the post over its head (if it had one) to put it out of its misery.

But you! You follow his slack-ass posts with this long, drawn out piece of brain flatulence.

I quote your earlier post just to remind you of what your intent was stated to be:

"C'mon, c'mon, I can be evil! Kinda like that puppy-that-chews-up-your-slippers evil."

Well, me boy-o, that last little post of yours went way, way over the line. That's not some <tiny>evil</tiny> you've done. That's EVIL you bilge-rat. Not your provenance one dangly-bit!

That's the "light-the-torches-track-him-down-and-put-a-stake-through-his-heart" kind of evil.

Stick to your puppy style <tiny>evil</tiny>, and don't make me use a rolled up newspaper on you!

[edited to piss off you-know-who, and because I can't see]

[ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Leeo, TWO LINES ... that's it ... in each crummy stanza there were only two lines that were original ... AND THEY SUCKED!


<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>There. I hope you don't like it.<hr></blockquote>

Mission accomplished (and at only two lines-per-stanza).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Mission accomplished (and at only two lines-per-stanza).<hr></blockquote>

Leeo, if you post anymore sing-songs I am gonna have Bauhaus over penetrate you so bad that it will make the over-modeled British 95mm HOLLOW rounds look like flying Playdo.

Do you get me?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Do you get me?<hr></blockquote>

Heavens no, I don’t get you. You are an abrasive, shallow, self-involved twit, and the mere fact that I’ve brought such feverish discontent to your life is almost enough to make me smile. Oh, and you have a big head. How do you keep that pumpkin of yours upright? I’d have thought you’d have larger neck muscles to hold that “brainy” appendage in a vertical orientation.

I’ll leave the “getting you” part to our dear, and sporadically lost, bahaus.

I’m also glad you didn’t like it. Kinda like an early Christmas.

Now go pound your concave chest at someone who cares.

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ROIGHTTTTTTListen up you lot, this just isn't good enough, call this the Cesspool?

Ohhhhhhhhh how I long for the good old days when I couldn't wait to find out what or who was being slaughtered in the MBT.

Sad eh? yep, to think I used to get an adrenalin rush just at the mere thought of reading the latest on the MBT is something i'm not proud of, but what the hell, we're all friends here and you won't tell anyone, right?

I often wonder if some of these SSN we see popping up from time to time might be Croda or Meeks in disguise, but after reading a few of the afore mentioned posts I decided otherwise.

Not that I always agreed with anything that MEEKS had to say,(and he sure had a lot to say) but at least his posts brought all kinds of responses which in turn made for a good read.

And then there was Croda dear sweet Croda, so sweet that Marcel and I even adopted him in favour of a goldfish.

His posts were always full of something of interest, even if only reading his many sigs it would create more interest than some of these SSN posts we have had lately.

I mean let's face it, if Joe, Seanacoochie, Berli, Stuka, Mace and "Co" didn't post then there would be no sign of the original one and only MBT. The thread that was once so dedicated to the name of PENG is dying a slow death...........................

Then again, is it?

Am I just hormonal or was it something I ate for breakfast? Dunno....... but the thread needs a shot of something pretty quickly, hell even the Scum from the outerboards have stopped dropping by to leave their 10cents worth, What does that tell you? (sit down Bauhaus.

Oh well, thanks for listening, I sure feel better now that I got that off my chest.

*cough cough*

Actually to tell the truth, I only set out to post a little something to bring this pathetic thread back to the top (though god knows why) call it sentimentality. But you know us women, once started we never shut up.... So the motto of this post is?????????

I'll leave it with you :D

And just for the hell of it....... I'll even add my sig to this one making for an even longerrrrrrrrrrrrrr boringggggggggggg post.



Because my English isn't as good as the Frenchy's, or should that be Frenchie's, French's or French? :rolleyes:

[ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

And calling Lawyer an ambulance chaser doesn't constitute abuse because it is true.<hr></blockquote>

Actually, the term "ambulance chaser" is flattering, but not as endearing as Seanachai's once calling me "a harsh and despicable man". I had that one tatooed on my cat's chest, since I couldn't endure the pain myself.

In response to Dear Emma saying that we post no more about actual games in progress, let me give you my games update that you've all been wanting:

Seanachai will send me a turn in our re-match just as soon as he gets new lifts in his Beatle boots.

Dalem sends me turns in our interminable Franko tankfest every time he gets a new computer. Maybe next year...

MrSpkr sends a turn every time Oklahoma loses, so I expect to get lots more turns more frequently as the football season draws to a close.

Elvis is waiting for me to finish my research before starting a long Franko campaign about the 29th Division. I think I lost the setup I wanted because Elvis won't let me number turns. More delays...

OGSF did the easy part and shot off his mouth last week to insult me (not possible) and challenge me (not wise). I told him I'd get right to it. Christmas is just around the corner...

Leeo is waiting for a setup from me, but I know he'll be busy out in the woods digesting all those Christmas catalogues arriving in the RFD mail, and using their pages to "clean up" his personal business.

Plus I'm currently playing three non-Poolers in a bid to regain some sense of normalcy after wasting so much time here. They play a lot better than you gits, so it takes more effort to win.

All in all, I have more games going at once than Tinkles-san has ever played in his whole life.

Most Importantly I have listened carefully to Dubya's directive to "live normally" by spending money. So this weekend, I have accepted home delivery of a new 50" HDTV, a new digital Dolby 5.1 DVD and surround sound system, and a new Lazy-Boy recliner to comfort my pain as I drink beer and watch several of the world's best war movies that I purchased from BelleandBlade.com. Also, my new Falcon Northwest computer arrives this week, so I must run out and buy a new Sony 19" monitor today. The work of the Lawyer is never done...

This expensive and ostentatious display of self-indulgence is "normal life" for a lawyer, and so at the President's behest, I must return to it. Also, I've been so damned good this year that I deserve some special treats. I know you all will share my pain at having to leaf through the technical user manuals for all this stuff in order to learn how to actually employ a fraction of the "features" therein.

In proper respect to Dubya, I urge the rest of you to "return to your normal lives" by getting new batteries for your Game Boy.

It's great to be me, and not you. I think I stole this line from Stuka, but it is nonetheless appropriate.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Also, I've been so damned good this year that I deserve some special treats.<hr></blockquote>

That's perfectly understandable. Given your line of work no one else will be buying you presents for Christmas.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>In proper respect to Dubya, I urge the rest of you to "return to your normal lives".<hr></blockquote>

Lawyer, you seem to forget that the MBT is well represented by citizens (and other miscreants) of many countries, and that the statement is not applicable to them.

Now if Little Johnny said "the ecenomy needs stimulating", we'd naturally would do our bit by telling him to "p*ss off, and stop hogging TV air-time" then head off to the pub for a few beers.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Dalem sends me turns in our interminable Franko tankfest every time he gets a new computer. Maybe next year...


I seem to be having the same problem with him. I haven't seen a file in a couple weeks. It's time that we sent the Gnome of the Gnorth (that's you Seanachai) to dalek's door to regale him with jolly sing-songs until he starts sending out return files. Or at least jams sharp objects in his own ears all the way to what little brain stem there might be.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by the ultimate consumer:

So this weekend, I have accepted home delivery of a new 50" HDTV, a new digital Dolby 5.1 DVD and surround sound system,


You probably weren't smart enough to get one that would take an XGA input for playing CM (it's probably not a plasma display), but on the off chance that you got lucky, and when you get your kids to read the manual and hook it up for you, I'll probably be in DC the second week or so of January and would be glad to come and kill your little digital men on the 50" screen with the surround sound cranked up. I promise I'll only buy arty in the 150 mm and up range, since it will really showcase the performance of your surround system.

(edited to annoy Andreas)

[ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>

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