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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

As for Beaver, no comment.


Well, I shouldn't comment, but being a rude American, I will. In these parts, a Beaver, aside from being the mascot associated with my alma mater, Oregon State University, is also known in the local vernacular as, ahem, well, it has to do with procreation, but has nothing to do with the equipment with which you abuse sheep. And I ain't talking about the shears (nudge, nudge, know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more, say no more.)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Well, in Australia, Rooting is an act of procriation, and I must admit some fun!


Och noo, wid tha bae wha they used tae call ye "Wombat"?

Bruce: "Why'd they call 'im "Wombat", Gazza?"

Gary: "Cos he eats, roots and leaves."



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

That's all from football {yes the only kind of football - American - that really matters} central, now the rest of you can play in traffic.



Americans play football?


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ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! OK good, I off to get sme food in me before heading out to the Eagles v Raiders game. I think it will be the toughest chalenge the Eagles will have all year. I expect it to be a very long day for...WHAT THE F*UC*!!!!!!!! YOU GITS HAVE ME DOING IT TOO!!!!!! YOU WANKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (except Emma of course whom I should address as a wankette)!!!!!!!

There I feel much better now. And Peter since you're in SF which is right across the bay from Oakland you should have no prolem catching the game in a local..........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!WHEN WILL THIS ALL STOP!!!??!!!!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Jeeeeezzzzzzzzz, even Australians don't like AFL!. That's for Victorians only!


I think Mace likes Aussie football because of all those big men running around in short-shorts. And yes, that's VERY Victorian.

And Leeo's beaver fetish can be attributed to the fact that being cool in Ore-gone means wearing white socks.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally incompetently hissed by Lawyer:


Alright, you stuffed shirt, Perry Mason wannabe;

It's Orygun. That's how it's pronounced. ORY-GUN!

You're just jealous because you wouldn't know a beaver if it bit you on your naughty bits.

(and here is the epithet most apropos)

Ya <big>WANKER</big>!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

I only was pointing out that, much like CM, it's not whether you win or lose, or even how you play the game, as long as I get to rub salt in your wounds<hr></blockquote>

Lars, Lars, Lars . . . that is EXACTLY the point. Here, CM is the VEHICLE by which the taunts are delivered. If you don't play, you really don't belong here and can't comment on how loathsome your opponent truly is.

Similarly, FOOTBALL is the vehicle by which taunts about OU should be delivered. You don't live in a state that actually HAS a decent football team, so you really can't comment on whether another team is good or bad.


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Right then, I'm declaring an:

Official Justicariate Intervention

There will be NO MORE FOOTBALL talk ... despite the fact that the Dallas Cowboys are now on a TWO GAME WINNING STREAK ... but NO MORE understand! I shall insist upon the thread moving to a new subject immediately, said subject being:

Does The Introduction of Windows XP and Current State of the Art Video Cards and their KNOWN Inability to Play CM Create a Galactic Instability which has been DIRECTLY Caused by BTS with Prior Knowledge and Aforethought Mainly Because They Really Didn't Think that LINDA WARCHEST Was/Is a REAL Name Especially Since "Her" Profile Doesn't Even Have an Email Address and All of This Despite the Fact that Lawyer Encouraged "Her"? Well ... DOES IT?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Lars, Lars, Lars . . . that is EXACTLY the point. Here, CM is the VEHICLE by which the taunts are delivered. If you don't play, you really don't belong here and can't comment on how loathsome your opponent truly is.



Send a setup, so I may have more fertile grounds that football to comment on just how loathsome an individual you really are.

Consider yourself more challenged than OU.

BTW, the Gophers won 66-10.

Unlike OU.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Ah, screw it.


[ 10-28-2001: Message edited due to a bottle of wine and a couple of those Manhatten thingies]

[ 10-28-2001: Help! I'm drunk and I can't stop trying to fix this]

[ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

CM is the VEHICLE by which the taunts are delivered. If you don't play, you really don't belong here and can't comment on how loathsome your opponent truly is.


Blow Joe doesn't play, and he's still here. Not only that, he promoted himself to Just-a-Cur, whatever that is.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, I'm declaring an:

Official Justicariate Intervention

Does The Introduction of Windows XP and Current State of the Art Video Cards and their KNOWN Inability to Play CM Create a Galactic Instability which has been DIRECTLY Caused by BTS with Prior Knowledge and Aforethought Mainly Because They Really Didn't Think that LINDA WARCHEST Was/Is a REAL Name Especially Since "Her" Profile Doesn't Even Have an Email Address and All of This Despite the Fact that Lawyer Encouraged "Her"? Well ... DOES IT?


In your heart, you know she's right. And I'm damned concerned that CM won't work on my new super computer that will be better than anybody else's computer. In the jungle, the ants must adapt to the elephants.

That won't be hard for Mr. Tinkles because he's been crawling up their posteriors to experience his own personal inner nervana for ages.

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Oh but you mistake me Lawyer, I do play CM ... I just don't play YOU ... my stomach isn't quite strong enough to handle that yet! And you are further mistaken when you assert: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>In your heart, you know she's right. And I'm damned concerned that CM won't work on my new super computer that will be better than anybody else's computer. In the jungle, the ants must adapt to the elephants. <hr></blockquote> Quite right Lawyer, after all if the world can't accomodate YOU in the prompt and efficient manner that you deserve, well, I for one despair of civilization.

As to Betty BattleTorso I'm fully in agreement with "her" as well. After all "she" waited a FULL three hours after posting "her" query on the Tech board before "she" rightfully took umbrage and posted on the main board as well. And who can blame "her"? Why Windows XP has been out for ... DAYS now. How DARE BTS not look into that prospect immediately? And after all that "she's" done for BTS and this community you'd think they'd have consulted "her" as to the priority of CM2 vs. CM1 and XP compatibility. Obviously their slack attitudes and PROVEN poor customer service was directly responsible for THAT CRIME and "she" had every right to DEMAND immediate perfection.

I can certainly understand why YOU would support "her" position ... it's what we've come to expect of ... our Lawyer.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Let's face it, you Aussies are just plain daft if you can't appreciate a victorious Beaver now and then.<hr></blockquote>

I think its just adorable how those plucky little beavers make those wood dens across those rivers.

I still wouldn't want to root one though.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Justicar edict:

There will be NO MORE FOOTBALL talk ... <hr></blockquote>

I agree!

Besides Cricket season is now underway and once more the uber-cricket team, Australia, is again ready to take is place as the greatest cricket team in the world.

It's ...so... hard to be humble when Australia brings out so many winners!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Mind you, I can't say that beaver rooting has ever really taken off here in Australia.<hr></blockquote>

No wonder your population is decreasing. Perhaps you've been rooting too much for Football?

Hard to do better than a wet, furry beaver for some fun and games. Jeesh, do I have to draw pictures?

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Ohhh, I wish I didn't hate sigs so much because if I didn't I would steal the following offering from our beloved you-know-who:

Re CM2:

"I all buy it becuase...is the Eastern Front the largest theater (one land) of war ever in the 20th century."

I mean, that's the best EVER.

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