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All your base are belong to Peng

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:


Righto you fetid little panty-wasters. I am coming to LA in May (16th or so) for e3, the games conference thing.

<center><h2>run run for the hills!!!!</h2></center>

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 04-02-2001).]

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Another Monday, another three smelly pages of Cess to wade through in search of that rare gem... A homecoming of Frenchmen and goat molesters (appropriately enough), a tendentious trial over tedium (sorry, I played a turn or two of my game with DekeFentle this weekend and my usage still hasn't recovered), and, well, the usual drivel. At least it makes the stale office coffee taste better by comparison.


stevetherat is well-hidden, indeed, having craftily concealed his force in spite of the open terrain of his setup area. Unfortunately, he has to come out and attack sooner or later (thereby demonstrating the value of Not Being Seen). Perhaps he figures he can improve on the drubbing I gave him last game by fleeing off his map edge before I kill him too much.

Seanachai continues to be a cheating, gamey bastard with his laughably-improbable attack force of a motorized infantry company supported by a StuH, a Marder and some arty. Please! My crack defending force of bailed tank crews and MG Jeeps is still holding, but for how long?

Croda is still a brainless prat. I think we have a game going, too, but I don't recall the details. I think we're killing each other, but I'm killing him a little bit more than he's killing me. Alas, my Mortars of Culinary Vengeance have finally run dry, so he might have a chance.

Leeo and I exchanged a quick flurry of turns over the weekend in which exactly nothing happened. I'm almost to the other end of the map, so it's time to start looking for the minefields and jabos (I was wondering how he played so quickly...).

DekeFentle's alliteration can't save him from my nearly-perfect combined arms attack. My large-caliber arty is starting to fall around the VLs (killing one of his FOs with nary a hint of remorse or irony) while my armor adds some wacky DF HE and the infantry moves in to mop up the shattered survivors. Forward elements of his line have already started to surrender, and the big alt-U (whether from him or the AI) can't be far behind.

Move 'Peng'! For great justice!

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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This, Albino Paradox, is going to be a demonstration in combative high art.

I have learnt from my mistakes in your 'style' of play and put in place the most rigourous strategems enabling your complete topplement from our history of battles.

Yes, I'm being cautious. But no more so than any other facing the gamiest and luckiest and code-manipulatingest son of a kerb crawler, such as you.

You can expect, in due time, your entire force to surrender intact without a shot being fired by vastly superior, and therefore WAY over your head, tactics and skill.

Give up now while you still have a face worth saving.


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Originally posted by stevetherat:

You can expect, in due time, your entire force to surrender intact without a shot being fired by vastly superior, and therefore WAY over your head, tactics and skill.

Only if your check clears, as per our arrangement. In the meantime, I'll renew my men's magazine subscriptions. I'm sure they're in for a long wait. Does Leather Tiger Press deliver to APOs?

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Leeo and I exchanged a quick flurry of turns over the weekend in which exactly nothing happened. I'm almost to the other end of the map, so it's time to start looking for the minefields and jabos (I was wondering how he played so quickly...).

Nothing happened? Nothing happened? I am sad to point out that the Evil Aqua (though no comparison to His Most High Berli in the realm of evilness) demolished an historic farmhouse for no reason other than sheer malevolence and the desire to erect (sit down Bauhaus) a strip mall.

Elvis has apparently also decided to give his artillery crew some practice by blowing up a lovely, picturesque church and surrounding countryside. What's with all this probing by artillery fire? I love it!! A better use of artillery (by my enemy) I can't imagine. I love the smell of cordite in the morning...


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 04-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

I am always impressed by these gentlemen of the bar who presume not to know that "practice" is a noun, while "practise" is the verb form. Of course, these are the same people who would have us think that "adjourned" indicates that a proceeding is concluded when, in fact, it means quite the opposite.

It must be an American thing, right up there with "proven" and "pled". One may consult dictionaries until the second coming (your cue, Bauhaus), and never an entry for them will one find - at least, not in anything purporting to be remotely reputable. I exclude Scottish Law, where one may encounter the curious verdict of "Not Proven", which bestows neither innocence nor guilt upon the unfortunate accused.

Such fine examples of higher education. One has to wonder if daddy's money would not have been better spent.

Babra! You backassed, Canadian. Hell, your not even a real Canadian, but you live there, thus you are even lower on the food chain than a Nebraskans. *shudder*

"Proven" and "Pled" are inflected forms of Prove and Plea respectively. And if you don't believe me, you misanthropic snot, just check out webster! It's OUR (see "American") fricken dictionary!



P.S. You suck.


Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

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Originally posted by Geier:

What "impetus" mean? No se.

according to www.dictionary.com,

im·pe·tus (mp-ts)

n., pl. im·pe·tus·es.

An impelling force; an impulse.

The force or energy associated with a moving body.

Something that incites; a stimulus.

Increased activity in response to a stimulus: The approaching deadline gave impetus to the investigation.


[Latin from impetere, to attack: in-, against; see in-2 + petere, to go towards, seek; see pet- in Indo-European Roots.]


All of us phans are delighted that the old firm would acknowledge our presence once more. This makes twice in a millenium. We also understand that the old firm can exercise a degree of deniability concerning the acknowledgement of those who are usually best ignored. So, gratitude for naught is the phrase for the day or "thanks for nothing".


"Sturm, Swung, Wucht"

- Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel


[This message has been edited by Phillies Phan (edited 04-02-2001).]

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We demand that any and all of you find the annoying newbie named 'Harpooner' and make fun of him immediately. This 'Harpooner' is, in reality, 'Meeks's Hippie Cousin What Stole Meeks's CM CD Long Back'.

Ahem, back to the matters at hand. OGSF's posts are damned hilarious, we move that OGSF create the next Cesspool. We love you OGSF and are your number one fan!

On to our joust. We say again, the stupid PeterNZer and idiot Croda do not know that you need to lock the passengers as well as the trucks. This allowed us to set up flamethrowers and Platoon HQs in ambush for poor, stupid Stevetherat's troops. We've all ready won, on turn one.

Seanachai dies. DekeFentle dies. Jefe Cheats. Croda has disappeared.

We are having the greatest battle in a long time with MarkIV. He's managed to cheat verilly, achieving a 37mm frontal penetration against a StuG, and he's decided that the realistic way to attack a position is to attack it entirely from the left. This has resulted in a hellacious battle where a platoon of our fine Fallschirmjagers holds a forest against the massed forces of evil that is MarkIV.

And, finally, Goanna has thrown in the towel. Lorak, please note:

The Multitude of Hamsters: VICTORY!!!!

The Single Lizard, Goanna: Total Topplement

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Damn, Bugger....... what the ****

I blame it on PMT .......

[This message has been edited by YK2 (edited 04-02-2001).]

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just for joe shaw how bold is that


We're all just people - half of us are Model A, the rest are Model B - but that has little to do with the kind of people we are.



[This message has been edited by YK2 (edited 04-02-2001).]

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ooOOOGaah,ooOOOGaah,ooOOOGaah, OhGeeze, OhGeeze, OhGeeze, Attention the CessPool, be upstanding for a game update from the Right and Left Dishonorable Knight Sir Joe Shaw:

Goanna, gamey tricks notwithstanding, is nonetheless still grimly hanging on despite my having broken him in spirit by destroying his pillbox (a task made easier by the fact that it was facing the wrong way) and forcing him to deploy his reserve of two MkIVs ... soon to be EX MkIVs. Time is of the essence, ten turns or so to go and he has the one and only VL.

Berli has graciously decided to continue our game in which he is playing the role of the AI in a game which states Best Played Against the AI. I will, doubtless, lose this one but I'll have proved that Berli is, without a doubt, a gamey bastard ... you heard it here first, or if not first, then again.

Hakko Ichiu is gone but not forgotten.

jd and I, having littered the field with the burned out husks of our AFVs, are both stumbling toward a finish that is, thankfully, only a few turns away. The outcome is still very much in doubt, not least because the game has VLs (which I hold) AND Exit points (which he will certainly gain) and neither of us are sure how the game is going to score this thing.

Jshandorf has lost a halftrack but it's far too early to call this one, especially since his Jackson? has one of my tanks in it's sights.

Mace and I have embarked on a View One ONLY QB, very small and limited to ONLY view one (or two if a multi story building) and only from the current viewpoint of the units. It's quite tense and interesting. I shall, of course, win since I have the stomach for it and he's already whining that he's nervous.

Bauhaus is also absent and the game is on hold.

Seanachai, poor thing, has lost TONS of AFVs including a Sherman, two Stuarts and at least three M3s and I have lost ... let me check ... NONE! My peerless Uberhalftracks, Hetzers, mortars and 'schreck teams have pummelled him back into the cold, clammy fog to lick his wounds.

Damn ... I may actually win one of these.







[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 04-02-2001).]

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We're all just people - half of us are Model A, the rest are Model B - but that has little to do with the kind of people we are.



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j-gamey bastard-d, I have few illusions about the ultimate outcome of my valiant struggle against your unending horde of legaltruppen, and the indistructable Mark IV. But it did warm the cockles of my stony heart to watch the surprised look on the face of your Panther's commander (who knew BTS modeled a TC pissing his pants) when he crested the hill and found that 95mm cannon pointing strait between the eyes. Also, I am enjoying your feeble attempt at ultragamey edgehugging. Maybe you should take lessons from Shandy Duncan who is managing to actually pull it off.

Hiram, I would be most pleased to continue our little tete-a-tete amongst the snowy hills of Chuppy's little winter wonderland should you be so inclined. I have saved a special little place in my computer for our game.

dalem threatened a game, but as I have seen no file, I must assume that he has sunk further into the depths of despair after again suffering at the hands of the lesion of Croda.

We are Croda and I are having a contest to see if he runs out of men before I run out of HE shells for my Tigers and Stugs.

SteveTheRunt has executed a perfectly timed movement into my kill zone.

WildFlower is sadly lacking in necessary squire skills, as he is currently refusing to die in an appropriately servile fashion.

Speedy, Nijis and Sir Alphabet have already lost, they just don't know it yet.

Goanna is gamely putting up with playtesting a little battle for me. If this wasn’t the Cesspool, I would thank him, but since it is, I'll curse him as a gamey bastard instead.

If I forgot anyone, Tough Titty.


And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too!

- Ancient query from an infant Croda

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Maybe you should take lessons from Shandy Duncan who is managing to actually pull it off.

When one fails to put ANY sort of defensive structure down on 1/4 of the map and one's opponent finds it, one should not cry, "Gamey Edge hugger!". You should spend more time defending and less time crying about how you are losing.

BTW I got some more 170mm mortar fire coming your way.



Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

But it did warm the cockles of my stony heart to watch the surprised look on the face of your Panther's commander (who knew BTS modeled a TC pissing his pants) when he crested the hill and found that 95mm cannon pointing strait between the eyes.

Agreed here as well, stupid git, even told him where you were hiding. Got whot 'e deserved!
Also, I am enjoying your feeble attempt at ultragamey edgehugging.
Then what were you doing over there, 2 Sherman Fireflys, 2 carriers and 2+ platoons and nary a VL around. Methinks you were busily hugging the edge yerself in an attempt to infiltrate my rear (Sic semper bauhaus) areas and thus cause great distress.....thus Mr. sendthefreakinturnyagit you have been outed.

And on the subject of turns Mr. Joe let's see who prevails in our little match, eh? So send it back, ya git. If payment has already been sent then please disregard this notice


•Non illegitimi carborundum est

•If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 04-02-2001).]

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My gamey cousin says that this is the surest way to open up a can of whoop-ass on myself and has STRONGLY advised me against posting on the Peng thread. Well come an' git me ya bunch a mealy headed worm-eating, arsenic-swilling, hispanically sublimnable elderberry eaters. I live for war! I am a piece loving hippie, and I've got two CASES of whoop-ass waiting for you right over the crest of that ridge.

Here, kitty kitty....Come test the veteran newbie. Your death is assured.

All your base are belong to.....ME!! Ahhahaha Ahhhahahaha Bwa ha ha! you poor unsuspecting bastardos.

Attomized bits of Croda dripping from the burnt out hulks of your AFV's. Your men's bodies strewn about the battlefield like morning dew on the grass, etc., etc...

Come and get me coppers! I ain't afraid of nothin', see?

Ahhh...the joys of inflicting destruction! The air will be thick with the fog of your troops blood spraying. I kill like Reality.


"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

[This message has been edited by harpooner (edited 04-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by harpooner:

Come test the veteran newbie. Your death is assured.

Vegas odds are 3-2 that Meeks/Hamsters has split off another alter personality.....Perhaps we can resuscitate Margret Meade to investigate this family, truly some werid ****e going on


• illegitimi carborundum est

• frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 04-02-2001).]

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I have been absent due to physical illness. Upon attempting to catch up in this pit of prattling pundits I have relapsed.


You add Lawyer as consi… whatever? and leave out The Whupin' boy? You aborted intestinal leaving!


It is not over. It’s almost over. It’s getting there. Well maybe the fat lady is warming up. Anyway I never say die but I can imitate the act fairly well.


Things are looking more and more interesting. I wonder if that schreck crew will take out the gun before the HQ gets it?

Agua Perdido

I am waiting for you to parade out that damn Hellcat driver I must repay his kindness.


I still owe you a setup. As noted above my health precluded my sending it last weekend. I will attempt to get it out tonight.

The rest of you bugger off. Especially you Leeo. Your inane drivel is by far le bas du bas of the flaccid fecal engorged blather that pervades this prosaically penned panorama of pompous kinnigets and egg-sucking squires.

The infantile invectives contained in your posts point to an obvious genetic deficiency of a magnitude normally allotted to only the stillborn. A pox upon you, you dingleberry gulping lickspittle.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

[This message has been edited by DekeFentle (edited 04-02-2001).]

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I'm digging for fire and old drivers for my GeForce. CM looks like crappy crap on my W2K/nVidia(Leadtek WinFast actually) sys with the Detonator 3 drivers.

Hopefully I will find something really useless and dated tonight so that your deaths can commence once more. If anyone has a brilliant fix that doesn't involve using old drivers to tell my card/sys that white in CM should not be 100% transparent, I'm all ears.




"He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that."

T. Pratchett

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Originally posted by harpooner:


Thank you for posting to the Peng Challenge Thread. We appreciate all blanket requests for games, especially when accompanied by weak taunts not addressed to a particular Cesspooler. However, all of our operators are busy at this time. Your challenge is important to us, so please stay on the line.

Tall and tan

and young and lovely,

The girl from Ipanema

goes walkin'

And when she passes,

each one she passes

goes, 'aaah'...

Thank you for holding. All our operators are still busy. Your challenge is important to us, so please stay on the line.

Ah, but I want her so badly...

How can I tell her I love her?

'Cuz each time

when she walks to the sea

She looks straight ahead,

not at me...

Agua Perdido

[Yes, I know I already did this one, but he didn't seem worth wasting the time to do more than cut and paste.]


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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[Yes, I know I already did this one, but he didn't seem worth wasting the time to do more than cut and paste.]
No, no, quite right Agua lad, no need to go to all the bother of creating something new for the likes of {SNEER} this trivial little newbie. Besides, it's been a favorite of mine.

jd MY response turn was sent on Friday, I've seen nothing from you since, get your act together.







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Originally posted by jshandorf:

And if you don't believe me, you misanthropic snot, just check out webster! It's OUR (see "American") fricken dictionary!



P.S. You suck.

It's Oxford for me, old boy. However, in the spirit of love and good-feeling that the pool is all about I will cede "proven" and "pled" as nothing more than a curious crime against English perpetrated by the same people who, by an accident of geography and birth, go out at "nite". And I will further point out that I do not suck. Explosive decompression sucks.

You blow.

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I am a Bhuddist Rastafarian Agnostic who likes to blow things up for fun. I need to affirm my religious fervor by defeating you in pitched combat if I can.

Twenty-six years living in Santa Cruz would warp anyone's mind into a twisted hulk of resinous croda-spewing basura. I need carnage to sooth my grist and fuel my angst, matey.

Email me to meet quick death from the skies.


"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

[This message has been edited by harpooner (edited 04-02-2001).]

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