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COMBAT MISSIONS: Quality Control ?

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I think that your site is one of three of the best around! I have downloaded a ton of stuff and am personally very happy with it. I also very much appreciate all your and the people that contribute to it's hard work. I would hate to see it go. Now as far as what others think. Well, like the old saying goes. You can't please all the people all the time. I'm sure they feel they are right but hey it's your site. If they don't like it or feel it's not up to thier standards, well then maybe they should come up with their own site. This one is yours and if you are happy with it well I guess enough said. I realize what you are going through since you bothered to post this topic but man you do what you can in life and that's all you can do. When you stop enjoying it then it's time to throw in the towel but I wouldn't let others make that choice for you. I also bet if you would ask the individuals that are giving you a hard time about it they too would tell you not to. They probably don't think of it like you are they are probably just complaining cause they can. Bet if you gave them the choice they would ask you to continue also. Anyway, that's my say. Just remember a hell of a lot more people would rather see you stay then the few that wouldn't. If any actually would want to see you shut down anyway! ;)

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Manx - post, or do not post, whatever you want. Madmatt does. If he thinks it is junk, he does not post it.

If you post junk, it will reflect upon your site.

It is your site. Make it what you want.

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Runyan99 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sitzkrieg:

So don't let a few anal retentive, quasi-historians get you down <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROFL that hits the nail on the head. Maybe there should be a montly prize for ARQH of the month.


[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Viceroy ]

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Is this a fun video game or a simulator for tactical maneouvers? Both, I'd like to hope. So you need to cater to all groups, whether they're interested in historical accuracy or just wanna see stuff blow up. Closing sites and censoring material just paves the way for this group or that to control the focus of the 'add-ons' that CM is famous for. I'm not down with this, I like it all, historical or not, it's just a VIDEO GAME and it should allow for a little fantasy. The site is great, don't leave it open for yourself, leave it open for all the people that get enjoyment from it.

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I was wondering what your policy on rejected submissions was? I've emailed you several times with a scenario and jerkin mod and have received no response - perhaps your email isn't working? Even a f### off would be better than no response.

Personally, I've always liked the layout and look of your site the best of all the ones out there, including my own and CMHQ.

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Manx, you have one of two CM sites that I frequent regularly (the other being der Kessel) and have the best layed out, nicest looking of all the CM sites. It's where I will try to post anything I do first. If it is the money and time that is the issue, BTS should really look into getting you do their site and host mods, scenarios and previews for CM2. I hope you don't let a vocal minority overshadow the vast majority of otherwise silent satisfied users.

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Keep the site up no matter what. No matter where you go in the world you will always have morons and idiots who think they are better than you. Best thing is to ignore 'em.

Like most people here said, it's your site do what you want, don't let people tell you what to do. If we as people let other people tell us what do with our lives, than you would have no life.

So just keep the site up unless you really don't want to put up **** from some idiots.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I was wondering what your policy on rejected submissions was? I've emailed you several times with a scenario and jerkin mod and have received no response - perhaps your email isn't working? Even a f### off would be better than no response.

Personally, I've always liked the layout and look of your site the best of all the ones out there, including my own and CMHQ.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Michael -- I have seen your email (dated 6th July) although i have only got round to viewing the actual mod this weekend. Your mod hasn't been "rejected". My Inbox is in a right mess and i could do with a full day to just go through it and reply to everybody that i need to, and so my apologies for not getting back to you and at least letting you know that i am running behind schedule.

I will get it posted as soon as i can.

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As for historical accuracy, I'm assuming you're talking about the scenarios. Why not simply have 2 sections: one for historical and the other for non-historical.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

..or add historical/non-historical type to each mod, just like most scenarios have. Then everybody just picks the ones they like.

But it's a great site already!

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Are you thinking of closing down your site because of criticism or because of financial problems, Manx?

The former does not even consider a discussion. In fact, if they bother you too much, publish their bloody names here on the forum. If they are getting to you and you are thinking of closing the site, therefor depriving a LOT of people here of your excellent, FREE service, then it becomes my business as well. Get their home addresses I say!

I'll send them vinegar disguised as wine and then they have *reason* to complain!

If it's financial I, and a lot of people here on the Forum I can safely assume, will lobby BTS here on the Forum to employ you. No disrespect to Madmatt at all, but GIVE THIS MAN A JOB BTS! He's got major talent. TALENT!

If that doesn't work, then I will lobby that a small amount be voluntary donated to you(say $2.00 p/person a year) for every person that visits your site...

If THAT does not work, I am down to my last (desperate!) option:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'll send you 12 bottles of good South African wine every 6 months if you promise to keep the site open. Every time you THINK of closing down your site, then just get drunk on the wine. This substance is known to put LIFE (<-- to the critics, *get* this) in perspective. ;)You can quote me on this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Charl Theron


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::rant on::

What is wrong with these ultra grogs out there? Do they have a stick up their ass? Filled with dynamite? It makes me sick to my stomach that people have the gall to complain about a site that is dedicated to CM such as Combat Missions. What is wrong with people!

::rant off:: :D

Anyway, great site manx. You have one of the premier CM sites out there!

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Freak ]

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Hey Manx:

Don't close-up shop. If you pack it in, than I'm wearing black for a year! There will be a major void. Your's is the first site I go to and I'm sure many other would agree the surfing starts on Combat Mission. If you want to irrate that history professor, post one or two of my cheap mods!

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Oh ho ho ho ho....ha ha ha ha....I'm sorry... it's just too ridiculous, I can't help it.... oh ho ho ho ho....

Just another bit of info that disgusts me so much, I gotta laugh... otherwise, I'd cry, so I'll laugh instead.

Manx, partner, I would guess that you have the total support of 99% of everyone who plays CM. Your site kicks major butt. Now, you do what you want. But please, don't let 1 or 2 bad apples spoil a perfectly delicious bushel of great CM mods and articles (Gremlin's Boot Camp, anyone?). Now if you'll excuse me...

Oh ho ho ho ho.....

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Hi Manx

To lose your excellent CM site would be a tragedy of similar proprtions to the closing of the ASL2CM site !! :eek:

Please just try to ignore those causing you the grief (bet very few if any run sites of their own ?).

But bottom line do what you feel is best for your own piece of mind.


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1) Great site, and one of the few I bother to go to. Your work is appreciated.

2) Does it have some inaccuracies? Frankly I don't know, and I don't care.

It's important to me that the game engine is as accurate as possible. The mods are chrome that have no impact on play whatsoever.

3) If this is still a concern to you I suppose you could post a disclaimer saying:

"Some of the mods and articles scenarios here may contain inaccuracies. I am a gamer, not a historican.

If you find an error, and it is a serious concern to you, are welcome to send me an email about it. Please document the error and include references to the source materials that substantiate your position."

If it's a serious error then you can fix it. If it's trivial or unsubstantiated you can ignore it in good faith.

4) Alternatively keep doing what you're doing.

Some of the hardcore whingers will whinge no matter what you do. Even if your site is 100% accurate a few will complain based on faulty knowledge and/or reasoning.

5) When it stops being fun, stop. Just not yet.

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It would be a great shame if you site was no more Manx....! :(

I think it is the only other definitive site apart from CMHQ since I've been playing CM that I go to. I for one would greatly miss it if it was no more...Who are these Sods who have emailed you??? :mad:

I hope you can continue your site Manx... smile.gif

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Another vote for keeping the site: it's the best CM site out there, and me saying that has nothing to do with the fact that Manx has posted some of my stuff.

I've written a series of tactics guides for newer players (not grogs) for Combat Missions, and if it's those articles that some people don't like, I'd be happy to receive constructive criticism through Manx. These articles don't strive to be historical, scholarly treatises. While I'm personally very much interested in the "grog"-like minutiae of WWII weapon systems and tactics, many players aren't, and I try to help them get into the game and enjoy it more. CM can be intimidating to newer players, particularly those without a big store of knowledge on WWII weaponry.

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I wonder if Madmatt gets the same crap over at CMHQ? AFAIK he doesn't run his submissions through an accuracy filter either. I don't know of any site that does.

Bottom line is that there are always a few wackos out there with their own weird agendas and ideas. You just got to blow them off and keep your eye on the larger picture.

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Who the hell has criticised Manx's site :mad: It is superb, it is free, and very much appreciated by all.

If anyone doesn't like a mod or some aspect of the site either leave it alone or go away and do something better yourself.

Manx - please don't give up!

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Now I feel all warm inside.

All that Love.

Must be cool to be a webmaster.


It's a FREE service.

And you do it for you.

Don't let people run you down.

There had been too many good CM sites who bought it already to let a minority undermine your will to carry on.

People who think they could provide a better service and/or editorial content should consider sending articles and MODs to quench their thirst for historical accuracy...

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Ok fellas. Here's what it comes down to. If 500 people look at the site a day, and five of them send Manx negative e-mails, that's 35 "go f!@# yourself" e-mails he has to see every week.

Ask yourself this. How many times have you sent an e-mail of affirmation directly to Manx to ease the pain. None? The angry minority is quite vocal, while the happy majority sits silent.

Make it your business to get off of your collective asses and thank these people who are working themselves into a lather for your enjoyment. This stuff is a time consuming 2nd job for which none of us are paid.

Now for the nay-saying crybabies (and I think I know who a few of you are, as well as your agenda which seems to be shaping up nicely). Manx hosts many unknown mod authors because he's not an elitist and wants everyone to have FUN. Send your biting comments and destructive criticism to mod authors, not the site which is kind enough to host them.

Or better yet, shut yer ****in' pie-holes before someone blows the whistle about your identities and YOUR site collapses under the spam.

As a former member of Manx's now defunct Dirty 1/2 dozen, my love for this gaming community has waned and is being replaced by that skunky, creeping "why bother" state of mind. After DFDR, SSM's and a skad of scenarios, it appears that our brand of fun has become particularly thankless.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

I wonder if Madmatt gets the same crap over at CMHQ? AFAIK he doesn't run his submissions through an accuracy filter either.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He doesn't.

Would you think he would have posted my Austin Powers MOD otherwise?

I did that as a pun to start my article.

Instead of just tweaking a pic I did the whole MOD.

Matt believed it to be cool and posted it.

I never thought it would be posted nor am I too willing to bet that some guys or guyettes are actually using it (Deanco did but that's another matter entirely).

Doing MODs and writing articles take time.

Doing a review of those and providing a FREE hosting take time.

A little more respect towards those who DO from those who USE could be neat...

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I totally agree with Clubfoot. Feedback, particularly constructive feedback is most appreciated. I had not done anything for a while, but after I mentioned this elsewhere, some people came back with feedback on my scenarios, and that got me to start on some new ones.

At Der Kessel, we have a system whereby we class scenarios either as 'historical' or 'semi-historical'. The latter are the sort of 'Anyday, August 1944' scenarios that should still be based on realistic force compositions, but are on home-made maps, and with no historic background. The DL figures for these (so Grego told me a while back) are a lot lower than those for historical ones. I think that all of us at Der Kessel would be open to criticism of a scenario billed as 'historical', regarding force composition etc. But as always it is the tone that maketh the music (German proverb, my Granny again) :D If you find fault with anything, you can email me and tell me about it. State your sources, be reasonable, and I'll change it. Come in saying 'what a bunch of horse-manure, you suck as a designer, and your mother was a hamster', and surprisingly I would be less inclined to listen to you.

Manx, I can well understand the feeling of frustration. Been there, done that, got a medal, and smarter in the process. If you need to take some time off, do it, and come back relaxed if you feel like it. It is all for the fun of it, and not worth getting all worked up.

Keep up the good work.

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