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Peng, Your Challenge Necessitates Gamey Manouvrouvrevoouvring!

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Yer stankin' pack o' snot-gobblin' toady eyed Wildebeest crotch sniffin' miserable lang streaks o' hot cocky poop.


Mace As flankin' mah boys wi' a de-jeeped crew member whilst launchin' a frontal assault wi' a bleedin' Artillery Spotter (sans Artillery). Tae little tae late, laddie.

Speedy As bein' slowly bludgeoned tae death an' lovin' at.

Nijis As smotherin' mah poor wee boys wi' a thousand monkey spankers.

Stuka As wonderin' when Ah'll launch mah fearful attack. Ah'm a wee bat confused mahsailf.

Seanachai As waitin' fer mae tae return tha first turn. Hah!

Elvis As nae returned a turn fraim a week ago. Bastaard.

Ah dinnae e'en get tae Sweden, an' a search on "Inga" on google.com dinnae turn oop any than' o' interest. Yawn.

Meeks as a useless twat, but at least he's crazier than a brick smacked rodent. Ah thank Ah owe the dweeb a setup.

Af'n yer still readin' thas, sod off.




You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Originally posted by Pantera:

My little brother managed to beat me up when we were kids and I'm still pissed!!

Ya know, that's a great idea. We should get peoples siblings into the pool for grudge matches-- they'll probably have incredibly abusive taunts to post, given the depth of knowledge about each others' histories. Does anybody know where we can find meeks' sister, so she can complete his topplement right here in the cesspool? And Peng looks and sounds like he must have a couple of sibs who kicked him around a lot. That would be a classic AAR-- Peng vs. Peng.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

To determine if, in effect, there is any veracity to the contention that the term "Squire" is synonymous and in all respects equal to "nothing of worth," it would behoove us to consider the etymology as recorded in Muriel Webstiches Compendium of Heraldry, or somefink.

Now then, the term brought into question in the debate between Messrs. Berlichtingen and Shaw (not bearing any relation to the law firm of Dewey, Screwem & Howe) is "Squire."

Squire (skwier) n. {ME squishy rectalus; < OFr eskewered}

Here we can clearly see that "squire" is derived from the Middle English term "squi-shy re-ctalus," which plainly is a reference to what little remains after ones dangly bits have been run through the mill a few too many times. Of course, the French determined this detritus to be a delicacy, hence the inclusion of the Old French term for what they did with squishy rectalus before they cooked and ingested it. Within hours, eskewered squishy rectalus was efflued to the ground, where it became as nothing of worth. It appears that Herr Berlichtingen might be correct. However, this presumes that one trusts the French. Ergo, the esteamed Mr. Shaw might be right.

The sum and substance of this is that it surely sounds like a blood hamster match is brewing between Kaniggets Berli and Shaw ... with sigs on the line.

Just my 2 cents.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 03-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Thursday, the actual 22nd, would work best for me. I'm sure that any encounter with you two swine will bring into play the age old construction saying: You can always get through Friday somehow.

Yo, hairy-one.

Looks like Freak-boy wants to get together on the 27th now. So then it is set.

Tuesday, March 27th at 5:00pm in Kieran's Pub.

I would assume they serve either Murphy's or Guiness there?


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BTW, I just want to formally announce that Beril is running away from me in our game. He has ordered a massive withdrawal across the entire front.

When Lorak gets his sorry ass back in here I will have chalked up another victory...



"It's takes a big man to cry, but it takes bigger man to laugh at him." - Jack handy

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Alas, it is late and yet I cannot sleep for I have tasks to finish ere I rest ... such as dealing with this ... drivel ... by Berli: We deal in absolutes here.
Nonsense and fiddledeepoop my most ignorant friend. If, in point of fact, we dealt with absolutes would Hiram have been allowed to remain? Would we even deign to acknowledge the pitiful first posts of those who wander in looking for the Ice Cream Stand of CM? Would we permit certifed SWINE such as Mace to reside here? I say not and I say that PROVES that we deal not in absolutes but in degrees of grey and half portions.
Most are worth very little?! Heretic! ALL squires are worth NOTHING! One's own squire is worth less than nothing! You, sir, are a heritic!
One must presume from your spittle flecked tirade that you intended to label me as a Heretic despite the uneven spelling at times. How then, may I be branded as heretic when the "rules" of the CessPool are unwritten? Quote me the chapter and verse I'm to have violated (sit DOWN Bauhaus) and none of your "make it up on the spot nonsense, me lad, we're on to you" (Bauhaus I said ... on second thought, carry on Bauhaus)
You should be stripped of your spurs and burned at the stake! Peng! Seanachai! Lorak! Goanna! What say you to this heresy?
Typical of you, I must say, calling on the unholy quartet to solve YOUR problem, for the problem exists only in your fevered and tortured mind. Tortured at the thought of what MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Instead you shall remain what you are now, a bitter and surly old man who curses the fates for HIS ill decision ... Captain Foobar indeed. In truth, I should pity you I suppose ... but I care so little.
I say repent and beg of mercy dog!
Beg OF mercy dog? I'll give you this Berli, you're inventive in a bizarre and unintellible fashion.

I shall grant you one last opportunity to salvage what little of your honor still remains. What say you to one of Rune's newly hatched creations? And no, it won't be a Blood Hamster match, for my sig is pledged to another ... admittedly lesser ... being and I am a Knight of honor.

It would seem that, after all, some Squires DO matter, that some DO count, else why the venom and bile you've expended in denying them?







[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Pantera? Oh no! A heavy metal enthusiast no doubt...

I'll raise you two Altans and an Enya.

Now go away.

I'm guessing a car freak.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Ah, Squire kicking. Roborat was our squire but now we have Priest (We prefer to call him pissboy). We thought that Roborat was knighted in Lorak's cult-style mass knighting some time back. If he wasn't, oh well, now he's sponsorless, perhaps Croda will take him. Pissboy, go get Berli a new boot, he seems to have worn his out.

Actually, Hamsters, while you did sponsor Priest, You sponsored me while in your Meeks persona, so I submit: Multiple personalties equals multiple squires. Besides, didn't someone else have two squires at the same time?


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Originally posted by Roborat:

I'm guessing a car freak.

Hmmm, yes, the DeTomaso Pantera. You may be onto something here, but I'll never admit it. No...I'll stick with the Heavy metal, rivets through the forehead,denim/tartan/leather wearing, everyone look at me I'm soooo macho, impression.

And you can sod off too by the way.


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hawkei, welcome to the pool.. NOW FECK OFF!

nice to see no one mentioned me over a day and a half.. who cares =/

I'm off to do some Fecking work... you all sux, i sux.. but at least I don't have a girl like Crodas.

now go put some ankle weights on and play in a lake.

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Well well well. Now I can truly say that "There goes the neighborhood." From the very bottom of the 'Pool rises some filthy anaerobic microbe to spoil my day.

What happened, Mommy let you out of the closet? Or is this another pitiful "escape attempt"? Aah, and I see that porkchop tied around your neck in the vain hopes that a dog will play with you.

Listen up weaselboy. You are the proof in the putting of the statement "Everybody's got one, and some people are one!" Get the feck off my ip addr! Just like always, can't have anything of your own, so you poach off someone else. First it was high school homework, now its IP addresses. Sheesh.

Send your worst setup. Just to show how pitiful you are, maybe I'll let Croda champion me in the battle. Anyone who's seen his record now knows what kind of a threat you aren't.

Now go away and wank yourself to your new Brittany Spears CD.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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For the benefit of the infestation of 'newbies' to this One True Thread™, and The Peng Challenge siblings, I enclose a mantra for you to live by, abide by and strive for.

This royal throne of knuggets, this sceptred Thread,

This board of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Hades, demi-pit,

This fortress built by Peng and Seanachai

For infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in a grognard sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall,

Or as a moat defensive to a castle

Against the envy of less worthy threads

This blessed board, this Thread, this realm

This Cesspool.

Learn this and you will be True.


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I just saw Iskander pic at the cesspool... what a moral booster.. jeez I'm going to kick your drunken white ass on our game.. I never felt so much better then after seeing your pic... I'm glad to know that there are still people in this world who take up the "damnfooyouugly" positions... I guess you and mace get along well huh? must have been that ugly stick youse were wacked with as a child, no? heres a tip.. I posted Crodas wifes picture If you can improve ya outlook like her.. ya on the right road to attractiveness...

now I'm off to laugh hard.. bye


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Originally posted by mensch:

I just saw Iskander pic at the cesspool... what a moral booster.. jeez I'm going to kick your drunken white ass on our game..


Mensch, just because you managed to get a squad or two cut to pieces at the same time my AT guns took out three of your four SPA's all in the span of 45 seconds is no reason to stoop to these petty ad hominem attacks. And, in this case, I'm bulletproof: that pic shows me at Glenfarclas distillery in the Spey Valley, knocking back some "105", which they don't normally give to tourists, but only to the most distinguished of drunkards. If there had been topless waitresses, it would have been a glimpse of Heaven.


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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OGSF, you are one of the people I was talking about but had forgotten to mention.

Last email received from you 3/3/01 7:20pm

LAst email sent to you 3/4/01 9:57am.

Get with the program pal or I'll give your spot to David or that new meat (sit down bauhaus) LLLLLEEEOOOOOOO.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Originally posted by Stuka:

*Checking Leeo's details*


Leeo, it would appear that you are a sinful consumer of hops and yeast based products. The 'pool is a teetotal collective of god fearing hard core christians who meet regularly for bible readings/prayer recitals and self flagellation {Thank you, brother Bauhaus, you may be seated} and as such we condemn sinners such as yourself to the fiery pits of Hell. {Berli, your'e on.....}

If you are truely rependent of your evil ways and are prepared to let god into your heart, then you may ask God yourself. Seanichie is in the refectory....3rd on the left after the sacrificial altar.

Amen Brother Stuka!


St. Bauhaus of the Immaculate Thingy

canonized 2001 A.D.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I'm insinuatin' that your nose is so brown, 'cause you keep it buried in the dirt.

That's right, boy, I'm a callin you out!

Though I appreciate your acknoledgment of my "vulgar display of emotions towards another cesspooler", I think there's only room enough for one proper-insinuatin'-name-callin'-doo-flickin'-dark-brown-nosin' SOB in the valley. Send me your set-up, Tex!

Son, you're trying way too hard. Now, give me 6 Hail Mary's and sod off.


St. Bauhaus of the Immaculate Thingy

canonized 2001 A.D.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

So, TEX, ya got no squire of your own? How horribly sad! You haven't been able to find a squire who would have you as a kinnigit? That's awful! Me feels so sorry for you, TEX! Really, it is a sad state of affairs, TEX. Maybe you occasionally wear GoreTEX? No? Well, I'm terribly sorry if I've taken you out of conTEXt, TEX. Yep. That's it. So, your sheep down there don't give you quite enough TEXtiles, TEX? Aw, that's too bad. Maybe your afraid to play me 'cause you haven't read the full TEXt of manual? Just be glad that the technical name for your 'nards is not TEXticles, 'cause sure as TEX walks bow-legged (down Bauhaus), I'd have 'em on a platter, if you only had the TEXticals to send me a set-up. TEX, ya git!

Edited to correct alcohol induced stupidity.

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-15-2001).]


You hath not earned the right to tell me to sit down. Sod off now you sniffer of farts!


St. Bauhaus of the Immaculate Thingy

canonized 2001 A.D.

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