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Please, In all that is Holy, do not allow mouse to start a PENG CHALLENGE!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Iskander, if you care to put your rye-soaked troops up against mine, send a setup. We’ll see who cares about returning files the least.

Whoops, I just poured another, I win already.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It lacks thought, wit or verve.

It does not meet any of the criteria of "pairs" or "minds."

It's another reason for me to drink tonight.

A setup (isn't that what they call drinks out there in Mormonia, Pshaw?) will be off to you shortly.

We shall play by Iskander-Lawyer Rules: neither party is to make any moves without at least three (3) drinks in them. Ahh, those were the days... err... nights... er, wait, I don't recall...?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Ahhh... Tis so nice to know I can still get under Slapmonkey's skin...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That guy is an idiot. Oh boy! I am impressed that he can hit a target at 400m with a scope... forget that basic Marine marksmanship requires hitting a target at 500m with open sights. Pissant

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

We shall play by Iskander-Lawyer Rules: neither party is to make any moves without at least three (3) drinks in them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It wasn’t meant as a challenge, but:

As long as this is clearly understood to be the lower limit. I refuse to limit my consumption or even accept the thought of one on the top end. Now I must stagger down to the Muni to find another couple of bottles. Till this evening then.

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In Which I Challenge the Child, Agua Per Dildo:

(If he can rip off A. E. Houseman, I can steal from Lewis Carroll)

“You’re a dork, A. Perdido," the young man cried,

“And your brain has become very slow.

Your wits are clearly impossibly fried

As your mongoloid postings show.”

You’re a craven, as well, I must hasten to add.

Your refusal to fight was my clue.

You’ll cower before me when I beat you, my lad.

And keep a civil tongue on my shoe.

I shall win either way, regardless of score

For your luck is out in your actual life.

While you prance and posture in this server-side bore,

My brother is banging your wife.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

[Finally some verse!]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There, see how much fun it is to obey your betters? Your jig was nicely danced, and I shall beat you with a lead pipe for it.

Expect a setup Real Soon Now.

Agua Perdido

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Are you guys sure you don't want my ramblings? There is some pretty weak and pathetic stuff rising to the surface around here today.

A half a taunt here, a mumbled challenge there, brothers and wives, the WORST lyrics I've ever had the pain of reading, Shandorff... the list goes on...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Are you guys sure you don't want my ramblings? There is some pretty weak and pathetic stuff rising to the surface around here today.

A half a taunt here, a mumbled challenge there, brothers and wives, the WORST lyrics I've ever had the pain of reading, Shandorff... the list goes on...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Please, PL, you are doing very well at exhibiting restraint today. Take a deep breath and "just say no" to a long rambling post. Thank you.

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Ah, gin. What a wonderful idea, Mark IV.

Brings back memories college days, lazing about on the pier with pitchers of gin and grapefruit juice (health drinks) awaiting the boat's return with tired water-skiers. Then gin and tonics (protection against malaria, dontcha know) in the afternoon and martinis at night.

My own favorite is Bombay. The old side labels had the statement: What is gin? Gin is a state of mind.

How right they were.

Now, the Tanq martini (the green meanie) is nothing to turn down but the juniper is a tad strong; Beefeater's being a bit weak. Bombay is a tasty compromise.

Having had Genever gin, I found it too sweet and would rather have an ice cold shot of Aquavit.

As far as the "browns" go, I'm a Scotch whisky man, single malt, if you please. And, if I must drink bourbon, I prefer the small-batch bourbons ... Knob Creek being the current frontrunner.

I remember reading in "The Cruel Sea" about a little concoction called pink gin ... a mix of gin and a dash of bitters. It's not bad, actually.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

I remember reading in "The Cruel Sea" about a little concoction called pink gin ... a mix of gin and a dash of bitters. It's not bad, actually.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gin and angostura bitters. Its quite good, and the gin, combined with the peculiar characteristics of the bitters gives you a hell of an appetite. Since the gin makes you happy and warm and the bitters make you hungry, a pink gin or gin and bitters makes a wonderful before-dinner drink. Make a pitcher of these before your next dinner party -- assuming you louts have dinner parties.

The way I make them is to take a couple ice cubes and cover them profoundly with gin in a highball glass, about 3 or 4 fingers of gin. Then two or three drops of bitters, just enough to interact with the gin so the two of them sing their complex song together.

Sometimes, wrong-thinking people add a little bit of distilled water, but I think this robs the concoction of some of its gentle authority, and besides the melting ice will take care of this in sweet, sweet time.

PS. You can buy angostura bitters in most grocery stores. Don't go too heavy.

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Ah...Gin......how can one compare a good gin with something that looks like it's leaked out of a cess pool is beyone me!

A summer's day, a gin, tonic, with ice and lemon - medicinal to both body and soul! Bombay, Tanquerie, Saphire...even Beefeater if the others have been finished!

God knows all you putrescent diseased pus-dribling morons could do with some sort of cure!

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What is it with Gin and you guys?

Is it some form of mental crutch, or something to you hope makes you look suave and sophisticated?

If it is it's just not working, you're still all the pathetic low-life losers you always were.

btw, my choice of drink - anything with Alcohol in it.

btw, it's good to see my friend Mr Happy back! Mr Peng, lets break out a few glasses, grab the top shelf stuff and toast his return as I for one am looking forward to returning to our discussions about types of orifices and how we can manipulate them.


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I am not quite dead. However, my keyboard is. Well, the old one, anyway, as I bought a new one yesterday.

What an interesting turn the 'Pool has taken lately. I've been quite busy booking rooms at Hazelden, but the good news is we're getting a group rate!

Cheers to Mr Sprkr, my former Squire, now Knight Errant! I always knew you'd arrive, lad. I can't say that you've made me proud, necessarily, but I don't feel like vomiting when I consider your career.

As to my other Squire: lad, you shouldn't pay much attention to what's said to you here. Unless, of course, I say it, than I want to see you in classic attentive pose, eyes wide, paws held in front of you, ears pricked (a figure of speech, Bauhaus, and not reason for you to snickering in that disgusting fashion).

Also, Mouse, you should never, ever take actual offense to things people say to you here. Even if they really mean them. And most certainly do not huff, and puff, and try to return same. It serves no purpose and makes you look like a complete pillock.

This time I shall refrain from applying a hearty caning, because others have so thoroughly catagorized your errors.

Also, nods of reassurance and apology to Geier and The Old Firm. Ignore my stroppy Squire, he is still sorting out how to play well with others. He shall learn, believe me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

What a wonderful idea, Mark IV.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What is wrong with this picture?

Anyway, since someone mentioned booze... I know what all y'all are thinking, "Oh hell, now he'll go on and on about how Swedes guzzle aquavit (rather brännvin actually) by the gallon and then sail off and burn down Irish monasteries."

I'm not. Firstly, we don't have gallons here. Secondly, brännvin taste like plutonium. Remember, this is the country where people actually eat fermented herring and claim to enjoy it. They call it

tradition. Tradition for our pagan holiday midsummers eve means going up the country (our cities look like scenes from The Stand during this day), eat pickled herring, strawberries and potatoes but most importantly:

Get incredibly and utterly drunk. To achieve this, most Swedes start off their lunch with beer and snaps (schnapps, ie brännvin in shot glasses, served really cold) and go downhill from there. Some morons also drink arrak punch during the festivities. Why?

It's tradition.

The herring is vomited up just before you realise what an abscholutely schplendid idea it is to go schwimming at night and I'll just get a bit of a lie down, I'll be right back...

And don't get me started on Absolut, vodka from the Swedish State. Even if the one with pepper in it has its uses.

Anyway, the point of this is that that Indian gin is supposed to be used to clean swimming pools why the hell do you drink it?

Single malts, the only liquor with a point.

It's the way to go.

Your ombudsman,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

What is it with Gin and you guys?

Is it some form of mental crutch, or something to you hope makes you look suave and sophisticated?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No - it tastes nice.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If it is it's just not working, you're still all the pathetic low-life losers you always were.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Faulty premise gives faulty conclusion - I am suave and sophisticated regardless of the drink in my hand.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>btw, my choice of drink - anything with Alcohol in it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What else would we expect - to many late nights swilling drench with Dolly have knackered your taste buds!

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Ahh what a wonderfull thread this has turned out to be.

A nice Gin has its place. But a single-malt in my opionion beats gin hands down.

I do happen to have a really nice clear beverage chilling at home. Not sure exactly what you would call it.... but when done right it is very smooth.

(**note**: make sure you know who your buying from, blindness is to steep a price)

I think I'll have to go home and open a pint when I get home tonight.

Now for my duty.







Later Gits

Lorak the loathed

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Has anyone else ever taken note of the fact that Peng and Elvis play more games against each other than the whole rest of the Cesspool usually has going?

Now, I know these lads have known each other since childhood when they served as initiates in the same Shaolin temple, but sometimes I think the whole relationship has turned too far inward.

As always, the valiant but deeply disturbed Mark IV has seen the way to most quickly heal the wounds of the Peng Challenge Thread, and that is by that most universal and diplomatic device: alcohol. Nothing unites the members here like drink; even their disagreements are fundamentally agreeable.

Of course later there will be the rather unfortunate contests involving regurgitation for distance, accuracy, and creativity (this latter event often sends sensitive souls into monasteries). There will be some good-natured pushing, shoving, boasting, and 'knocking to the ground and putting the boot in'.

And, of course, there will be the jolly singsongs! (top marks for Agua Perdido and Terence for their lovely mutilations of some very fine poems)

Why, I feel a bit of the spirit rising now, in fact!

Come now my children, and to you I will sing

A song about buggery, a very rude thing.

You can bugger all creatures that lope slink or crawl

But the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all!

No never at all, no never at all

Not because he's ferocious, too quick, or too small

He's got spines at the back, and no way to get through 'em

If you're for buggery and hedgehogs they won't let you do 'em.

At all.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Come on now, you snobbery-imbibed poofiferous gits! You really think that we believe all your high-falutin' talk of alcohol snobery this and alcohol snobery that? You mean to say that none of you, in the pustulent perfidy of youth, have imbibed in the patron Saint of Buzzes, Olde English 800? What complete losers you are if you've not sampled the opium of the masses that is Malt Liquor. Oh, it's not that I haven't imbibed into the Devil's own; I flunked out of college the first time due primarily to Ron and his one-hundred-and-fifty-one reasons to act like an idiot. So, I've also learned the theorem "one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor." Where was I going with all this? Oh yeah, you all are a bunch of pinch-nosed, gob-hobbling alcohol snobs, and if you think you're better than us "Joe-blow hard liquor is Not Our Friend realists", then you can kiss my *** and send us a set-up!!!!

(crap, we used the royal we again, didn't we?)

Now piss off you over refined imbibers of ethanol made for sissies!!

Oh, and with a good malt liquor buzz, let me just say to you; PISS OFF!!!

Edited because Malt Liquor is my friend, you pie-eyed excuses for warriors.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Play "All or Nothing".

Play as the British.

Or don't play like OverGripingSchoolgirlFondler plays the Germans.

Either way, don't tell me the end, as we haven't gotten there yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ye're a stankin' wee artillery droppin' bastaarrd....a *real mon* wid bring has tanks oot wheel there's stall a gun alive tae tackle thaim. At noo hailps when mah cunningly concealed schreck guy gets a "rear turret penetration" wi' a 88mm panzerschreck projecteel, an tha Sherman keeps firing all guns as af nuthin' happened. Saps a man's confidaince.

Af'n any o' you stankin' girly kannigets wanna piece o' me an' "All or Nuthin", just put yer paw oop, an' Ah'll tak tha Germans agin.

Goanna as kickin' mah sorry arrse all over some rune abomination called "Brits in Bocage". Play that as the Brits, ye hand-rolled monkey ****es. Ah didnae wanna ever see tha stankin' abortion o' a map agin after thas teem. Goanna appears tae be tha CM equivalent o' Charles Bronson ain "Death Wish"...

Ah despise tha lot o' ye, an begrudge tha very air ye gobble aintae ye greedy lungs.


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