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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Abbott:


That has to be the lamest

attempt to finish this

thread yet, Abbott.

Of course, from you

I would expect

nothing more.







[ 05-02-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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PawBroon you magnificent, mad FROGman. How in the hell am I supposed to fail to mention you in a post if you call me out like that?

Damn you and your daffy French ways and your para-angliase writing and talking. You put to shame the armouredgonad and the abbess and the spanker and the wanker and the tinker too. but the shame must fall on you for your abcessent absence from the one and only thread in all the damned world that matters.

Not that it matters anymore since the old ones only post once in a hundred worthless posts.

I, like the The story teller, find that I must MUST read every last post, though my eyes bleed and my lower intestine peristalt-halts in a writhing deathdance with each 'new' 'taunt' by the likes of, oh hell someone who's name starts with a letter of the alphabet, pick one anyone they are all of them together not worth the snot gob on the end of Croda's inner croda's finger just as it meets his tongue.

So, Dear PawBroon, I will boldly and with malicious aforehand smite thee verily about the face and shoulders. I pick up your gauntlet and slip it into my haversack, it might be worth something at the fleamarket some day, and Accept your challenge.

I will wing a thing to you poste tardy that shall be have its particulars enumerated in a Pengish sort of way in the body of the missile while the attache bit will be a thing that we shall play.

I strongly urge you to begin dying a lot at this particular period in history.


Failing to fail to mention PawBroon at last.

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I am an artist who expresses my perception of cultural nuances through written screams!

I have bowed to my critic's wishes (ie all you cesswankerludlians) but I must say - curse you, you cultural philistines who have no appreciation for the fine arts!


[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I am an artist!

I will not amend my masterpiece for the likes of you, you cultural philistines!



More like a piss-artiste, wool-boy.

My ten-month old regurgitates things more artistic than that lame excuse for a girly scream. You have all the artistic ability of a disemboweled zebra in heat, you effiminate fop.

I challenge you, Lady Mace. Perhaps you can become a performance artist and DANCE FOR ME LIKE THE TROLLOP YOU ARE!

Ahem. I shan't, however, stick dollar bills in your garter. (Put your wallet away, Bauhaus).

I await your reply. Perhaps you could send it in the form of some type of lacey, flowery doohickey reflective of your (lack of) masculinity.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I am an artist!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Close but no cigar, you are in fact a blood sucking insect who burrows into the butt crack of the thread ... you sir, are an Arse Tick!.

Have some more okra MrSpkr? Perhaps a refreshing beverage as well?

May I also take this opportunity to congratulate the worthy and noble Agua Perdido upon his elevation to Knighthood. It was a long and difficult struggle, involving much tutuoring and endless hours of correction, but in the final analysis he did me proud. Well done lad.

What's that? The other one? What other one? Another new knight ... really? Wildman? ... hmmm, while it may be true that Lorak cannot be bought, I think it's abundantly obvious that he can be leased ... likely for suprisingly affordable amounts.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

More like a piss-artiste, wool-boy.

My ten-month old regurgitates things more artistic than that lame excuse for a girly scream. You have all the artistic ability of a disemboweled zebra in heat, you effiminate fop.

I challenge you, Lady Mace. Perhaps you can become a performance artist and DANCE FOR ME LIKE THE TROLLOP YOU ARE!

Ahem. I shan't, however, stick dollar bills in your garter. (Put your wallet away, Bauhaus).

I await your reply. Perhaps you could send it in the form of some type of lacey, flowery doohickey reflective of your (lack of) masculinity.


Did I hear something?

Oh sorry, I wasn’t aware that the brown oozy scum that floats upon the cess had some level of rudimentary intelligence, let alone had a name - MrSpkr.

MrSpkr, congratulations on achieving the first rung of the evolutionary ladder, the rest of us here are some many billion of years of evolution ahead of you, but you will find the journey to full sentience rewarding and enlightening.

And since I haven’t played a (almost) sentient ooze before, I will play you so that some of my brilliance will be shared with you and speed up your path to apehood!

Please email me you proposed setup

Mace (benefactor of all almost-sentient oozes, slimes and MrSpkr )

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Close but no cigar, you are in fact a blood sucking insect who burrows into the butt crack of the thread ... you sir, are an Arse Tick!.


And you sir, are the thread's butt-crack and arse!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And you sir, are the thread's butt-crack and arse!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Quick, somebody pour a gallon of gas on my butt and set it on fire ... Hell yes it's worth the pain ... {WHHoooossssHHHHHHh!} Arrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!

{Splooossshhhhh} ....

Ahhhhhhhh, damn, that's gonna smart for a while ... I'll get you for that Mace see if I don't.


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Peng vs. Pawbroon: this should be good, folks.

Obviously both are banned, since their names start with "P". We (rexfordian first person) hereby waive this ban, in order to enjoy AARs from two masters of alternative expression. Decoder rings available for $9.95, include a self-addressed, stamped mace with your request.

Since they are the two slowest turn-returners in the history of gaming, since Cain first sent a .txt file to Abel via homing pterodactyl, this will be like Dickensian installments arriving on American shores, every couple months or so, but worth the wait. An epic clash of the resistable force and the movable object. The stealthy manooooverist vs. the scheming attritionista. A cultural tour-de-farce. A Phillie phromage-stek, avec zwiebeln. Synthetic versus natural hallucinogens. Frog vs. Pod.

Where is Howard Cosell when we need him?

This, my friends, is what CM is all about... the clash of diametrically opposed value systems in an unrelenting, no-quarter quest for adequacy.

To those about to die, remember: Kill Them All!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

For my game with Abbott I specifically chose a clear, sunny day with the idea of blowing him to bits with planes. I then proceeded to buy not a single plane, not a single AA unit, and only two vehicles capable of shooting at planes, both of which are no longer capable of shooting at planes. Abbott bought a plane. I seem to have put him off his aim when he dropped his bombs, which is just as well, but he has .50 cal machineguns, and I have halftracks. Oh dear.


PBEM report

The Jeep assault of hill 132 was commencing as the Jabo files over. German machine guns rattle upward no longer. Shermans poke their nose out for a look, immodestly pop smoke and reverse.

An evil MKIV w/skirt side by side with a late model MKVI climb over the crest of a far off hill. I wouldn’t worry much about the .50cal’s on the Jabo. I think things are going to get a bit dicey for the good guys soon.

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Rudy Boesch, a highly decorated ex-Navy SEAL with 45 years service and a bronze star, commands this base. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

45 years of service? He must have served on a previous life.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:


How I despise it, here, and him.


You chitterlin-chewing culinary wastrel.

Denigrate tri-tip, will you, just because it's slow-roasted in a 55-gallon drum on a beach by a machinist or an agricultural laborer? Serve it in a French restaurant with some bearnaise and they'd call it Chateaubriand and hit you for $57 a plate. I've had Chateaubriand, I've had tri-tip (slow-roasted in a 55-gallon drum on a beach by a machinist who races hot-rodded Ford Pintos on the weekends), and you, sir, are no 55-gallon drum (except in terms of making a hollow "booonnngg" sound when struck on the head with a ball-peen hammer). Neither are you even a hot-rodded Ford Pinto (except for your reputed tendancy to burst into flame when rear-ended (Bauhaus! Put down that Chilton manual. No, it doesn't have a centerfold.)).

I seem to have lost track of my point in all of this, except that now I'm hungry for BBQ, and all I have for breakfast is yogurt and a banana. Maybe I can improvise a hibachi out of paperclips and this stainless steel commuter mug... I can probably make charcoal out of the waste paper in the recycling bin if I cook it in the office toaster long enough...

But, I digress.

Agua Perdido

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WHAT is this doing at the bottom of page 1?

The theme for this bump shall be, let's see, my hatred for Goanna, whose elite Polskis are tightening the garotte. Thank you Mr. AI for the village of wooden bunkers you issued me, the plethora of useless IGs (well, except for one of them) I got for a night battle, and the single Hetzer that made it to, oh, about turn 3.

Not over yet, but it won't be pretty. I will take it out on Hiram out of sheer spite.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

'ook, ook, ook!'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Watch it pally. You could get banned for that kind of language here. Unless of course you meant to say 'ook, ook, ook!' perchance?

In that case, thanks for noticing, no I bloody well won't and I would think that they normally have a kind of blueish tint unless you chose the ones of Omnian manufacture.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

And isn't it interesting to note that the only person to support Eurorat is none other then our very own BTS village idiot M.Bates. Wow... he never ceases to not amaze me.


Haha the one time I check the Peng Thread this week and I see a wholly unwarranted attack on my good self!

Even you fools in the Peng Thread should realise that the invasion of cretins like Eurowarrior (prompted and baited by Maximus) is a good stick to poke Maximess with!

Right I'll piss off now then.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

Haha the one time I check the Peng Thread this week and I see a wholly unwarranted attack on my good self!

Even you fools in the Peng Thread should realise that the invasion of cretins like Eurowarrior (prompted and baited by Maximus) is a good stick to poke Maximess with!

Right I'll piss off now then.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Splendid idea. Though why you think the attack was unwarranted, is a mystery. Poking lamely and belatedly at a well-known oaf is hardly redemption for a village idiot.

Anyway, unwarranted attacks are what the Peng Thread is for... you idiot. Therefore, being an idiot, and the attack (which didn't really meet Peng Thread standards for an "attack" anyway, being a rather lame denunciation of the obvious) consisting of rightfully noting you as an idiot, you have provoked a warranted attack, upsetting our charter in a predictably small way.

Piss off. Have a slice of tri-tip on the way out, you deserve it. See the perdidiot by the door.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

...(Bauhaus! Put down that Chilton manual. No, it doesn't have a centerfold.))...

Agua Perdido<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn, AhOOHGah, you were almost not stupid there for a second... not bad, boy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Splendid idea. Though why you think the attack was unwarranted, is a mystery. Poking lamely and belatedly at a well-known oaf is hardly redemption for a village idiot.

Anyway, unwarranted attacks are what the Peng Thread is for... you idiot. Therefore, being an idiot, and the attack (which didn't really meet Peng Thread standards for an "attack" anyway, being a rather lame denunciation of the obvious) consisting of rightfully noting you as an idiot, you have provoked a warranted attack, upsetting our charter in a predictably small way.

Piss off. Have a slice of tri-tip on the way out, you deserve it. See the perdidiot by the door.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So says you Mr Poo.

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I wish to share a little story with you all...

once a pond a time there was a little dog.. his name was.. well it don't matter cuz he gets run over by a car anyhow.. anyhow this cat like to play with a ball.. and this ball was.. well not important because the cat ate it... causing it to panic because it blocked him from going to the washroom and run out on the street and get run over.. anyhow this ferret who ate this rock as so mentioned thought why do I have short legs and not long legs oh.. say like a horse.. but that would be silly seeing horse legs on a chicken... actually this is a stupid story and has no moral behind it... aside maybe don't make stupid stories like this.

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Oh Stuky Puky your sniveling squire will soon post the results of his failing. Once again The Whuppin’ boy has pummeled house Stuka and embarrassed it’s simpleton of a squire. Will there be a response from the pontiff of this maleficent manor? I doubt it. Any Kinnegit worthy of the title would leap to defend his good/bad name and Stuka you are definitely NOT worthy.

Agua Perdido has actually not only returned the set-up but also responded with the first turn! Proof that his level of incompetence has been somewhat, sort of, well not that much exaggerated. My 88 pillboxes are pummeling everything in sight (not much more than infantry and one very unlucky jeep driver).

Mace if that really is a Pershing rolling down my right flank and not the gross exaggeration of my trembling horde, I would like to direct you to the words “Fionn’s rules of 76 in effect” in the setup e-mail for this game. I have been wondering about that arty too? It seems bigger than 155mm but I guess it always does when you’re on the receiving end. Please note this is not an accusation as I have no proof to offer other than to point to your well known gameyness. :rolleyes:

SpeedBump I am saddened by the lack of your incoherent drivel of late. I so enjoyed you feeble attempts to provoke response from the Kinnegits at large. Ah well, pleasure is always a fleeting sensation at best.

joey you still SUCK.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor and the slackjawed yammering of joey’s SUCK is humanity’s bane.

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