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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Me ol' mate, the greatest thing since sliced bread, intelligent, witty, dashing, top Aussie, the one and only MACE can lern ya all about the rules, eh mate?<hr></blockquote>

Very good. You forgot to bold my name as a mark of respect though.

btw, Ever notice how Seanachai and AussieJeff never post at the same time?


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Why thank you Lord and Master Joe Pshaw for your stinging words of praise few a lowly SSN such as mineself! I'm dubiously impressed at the amount of airtime you have given me.

However, I am disappointed no less at thy jiggery-pokery in plotting to defeat me by proxy using thy slimy cesstuous henchman Handsolo with a cooked up "Jabo" scenario. I'm SURE to be sure that I would end up with a squadron of ELITE Jabo's on MY side of the map, bombing the crap out of my single allowed platoon of GREEN recruits while your division of ELITE KT's lurks nearby for good measure eh??? You call that sport Sire?? Can ye not stomach a faier fight within the bounds of a QB?? Zounds!!

I await your turgid response ..... and as for those other trifling and pathetic taunts around these parts ..... PFFFFT!!

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

Once again the following are wankers:





Eloquently put Mr Elvis. However you forgot one important thing. You should have used a capital "W" and bold lettering, since they are, ergo, exceedingly bold Wankers!

Warm, somewhat fuzzy (or shouldst that be Fozzy)regards...


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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It appears that SpazzyDoof err.. ozzyjeff has awoke and crawled forth from his festering orifice that he (it, whatever) calls domicile. I throw down the gauntlet of despise and challenge this putrid, babbling git to a Challenge! An electronic proxy of my hob nailed heel grinding this poster boy for abortion shall be winging it's way cross the ether whence I stumble home from the bar later this evening. Perhaps a good beating will instill the fear that lesser lifeforms feel for their superiors. Either that or an old fashioned extermination should work nicely. Ook, ook ozzyboy. Time to die!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>You call that sport Sire??<hr></blockquote> What do you think lads ... would I call that sport? <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Can ye not stomach a faier fight within the bounds of a QB??<hr></blockquote> Hmmm, at least he seems to have dropped that dreadful faux accent. Of course he understands NOTHING about the CessPool. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Zounds!!<hr></blockquote> But then he uses "Zounds" ... Seanachai ... you got some 'splaining to do.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:


VIII. Thou shalt not sound off ABOUT thy pair, nor about politics, nor racial, sexual nor ethnic crusades.<hr></blockquote>

XI) Aussies are not a race (at least I don't recall Pillocks being added to the list {it bothers me that I find myself in agreement with Seanachai on this one}).

23^4) Aussies are not an Ethnic group, as that would indicate some for of culture.

A=xy*4) By long standing tradition, the group known as Aussies, Pommies, Limeys, Canuks, etc are fair game

{Edited to fix the Pillocks UBB... and to give Germanboy something to feel superior about (got to toss the boy a bone now and again)}

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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I just skipped a whole bunch of posts. I SWORE a very long time ago that I would read EVERY 'pool post ever written. Now, not only am I a faithless liar, I am a WinXP Gates-slut, non-pool-post-reading scum. Let me get back to my XBOX. Micro$haft RULZ! CM SUXX! LGMB is the GREATEST slack-ass posterboy ever, and OZZIEJEFF is my love child - a procreative gift from a heavanly tryst with one of Mace's newshornsheep. Thankee Maceyboy.

Feh and Poot! [insert "big grin" smiley here]

[add gratuitous thingy comments here]


[insert anit-antipodean reference here]

WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA! [insert Fozzie-Bear autographed photo here}

Kurt Schilling RULES! [insert doctored photo of Hiram and Mr. Schilling here]

The Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng


There is no post script

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News just in!

An awesome turn just received from Josephine Shaw!

Further to my earlier report where Herr Von Tinklehoffenpfeffer sent his armoured spearhead into a nice little Tiger ambush while his misdirected arty fell harmlessly off in the woods, I must report that the confused remnants of that force are now holed up in a village where my arty is about to commence bombardment.

Foolish advance notice of my orders you might think?

Not so, my Tiger platoon has all exits to the village covered and escape is nigh on impossible.


The infantry of Xia have dismounted from their H/T's and are holed up in woods, within sight but out of helping distance from their armoured buddies.

This game is great, 'poolers.

The Just-A-Carrot is the best opponent, courageous, courtious, and stoopid.

I thoroughly recommend playing him, good on ya Ponce de Leon, MATE!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>An awesome turn just received from Josephine Shaw!<hr></blockquote> {GASP!} I ... I am ... so ... disappointed! I understand now what you've been doing, you whom I considered a friend ... granted a severly impaired and disadvantaged friend (He's Australian you know) but a friend nonetheless. Have I EVER failed to refer to you as Stuka? Have I EVER failed to show the proper respect for a fellow Knight of The One The True CessPool?

And now this, this unkindest cut of them all. Very well Sir Stuka, I have checked my files and I see that I DO owe you a turn. Had you simply asked for it properly, using my name I'd have KNOWN who you were referring to. As it was it never crossed my mind that you, of all people YOU Stuka, would take my friendship and abuse it in such a vile manner.

You shall have your turn Sir Stuka ... when Berli's abode requires central heating, for I'll not play a Knight without honor. I had thought, for a while, that not ALL Australians were sneaky, slimy, disgusting, smelly and underhanded villians ... oh sure, I had the example of Mace and Goanna ... not to mention the recent FlossyJeff infestation, but I had thought, for a moment, that YOU were the exception that PROVED the rule ... I see that I was mistaken.

It is ... a SAD day.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You shall have your turn Sir Stuka ... when Berli's abode requires central heating, for I'll not play a Knight without honor. I had thought, for a while, that not ALL Australians were sneaky, slimy, disgusting, smelly and underhanded villians ... oh sure, I had the example of Mace and Goanna ... not to mention the recent FlossyJeff infestation, but I had thought, for a moment, that YOU were the exception that PROVED the rule ... I see that I was mistaken.<hr></blockquote>

Joe... uh, I think you may... owe him a turn. For the first time, I am in complete agreement with you... and I'll check the manual on this... but I think that means someone turned the furnace off (if ya get my drift)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

you whom I considered a friend ... a friend....but a friend nonetheless... respect for a fellow Knight.... take my friendship <hr></blockquote>

You try and hug me Joe and I swear, I'll scream.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

OZZIEJEFF is my love child - a procreative gift from a heavanly tryst with one of Mace's newshornsheep. Thankee Maceyboy.


While I have learnt to take credit for things not of my making, especially when it results in financial reward..I must be honest and say that OZZIEJEFF did not spring from my loins!

Nor did he run, walk, or meander, saunter, skip or rush, not even crawl.

In fact, he wasn't even pushed!

So thank some one else, but still send me the money!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

It appears that SpazzyDoof err.. ozzyjeff has awoke and crawled forth from his festering orifice that he (it, whatever) calls domicile. I throw down the gauntlet of despise and challenge this putrid, babbling git to a Challenge! An electronic proxy of my hob nailed heel grinding this poster boy for abortion shall be winging it's way cross the ether whence I stumble home from the bar later this evening. Perhaps a good beating will instill the fear that lesser lifeforms feel for their superiors. Either that or an old fashioned extermination should work nicely. Ook, ook ozzyboy. Time to die!


Hmmm ......... now what do I find here??

Name: Hammfisted

Occupation: BOUNCER!

Interests: Jeeps & HK guns

No wonder the tone is somewhat ...... high strung!! Methinks a packet of Bex and a good lie down for you might do the trick. You would arise a different person ........ more Fuzzylike praps??

I also note your unauthorised use of the term "Time to die!" ripped off so SHAMELESSLY from that all time screen classic, Bladerunner. The Kopyright Kops will probably be kicking the door to your back passage down any minute now. Do not fear tho, for I shall put in a good word for you at the War Crimes trial. You have MY word. Now what could be better than THAT???

Yours Fondly,


[ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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More fuzzy like?!? WTF would I want to be more fuzzy than I already am?? Maybe at your age when you get up from a nappy-nap you might discover more hair where you didn't have any before but I'm long past that stage. You're probably noticing changes in your voice and strange feelings for marsupials that you didn't know existed. It's all a natural part of growing up little boy. Now run along and play in traffic. That's a good lad. Twit.......

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

News just in!

An awesome turn just received from Josephine Shaw! This game is great, 'poolers.

The Just-A-Carrot is the best opponent, courageous, courtious, and stoopid.

I thoroughly recommend playing him, good on ya Ponce de Leon, MATE!<hr></blockquote>

Wonderful news indeed, Sir Stuka. Your results thus far confirm my inklings that Josephine spends e'er too much time powdering his/her nose in the Cesspowderroom (for the somewhat dubious intent of improving his/her looks - though what anyone can see in this dimlight is rather beyond me) rather than honing the necessary skills for mortal combat.

Your prolific use of theBOOT is awe inspiring and to be most admired. Hopefully one day I shall also attain your lofty status, Sir Knigget!


SSN 1st Class FizzyJiff

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

More fuzzy like?!? WTF would I want to be more fuzzy than I already am?? Maybe at your age when you get up from a nappy-nap you might discover more hair where you didn't have any before but I'm long past that stage. You're probably noticing changes in your voice and strange feelings for marsupials that you didn't know existed. It's all a natural part of growing up little boy. Now run along and play in traffic. That's a good lad. Twit.......<hr></blockquote>

Fergawdsake stop typing (at 1CPM) with your one remaining fossilised digit - and send me feckin' next turn then, ye olde unt decrepit Hanndymann......

Yours interminably


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Where the feck have all tha gammy bogtrotters an' cute hoors vanished to?? Th' place was heavin' not 3 hours hence. Now it's for sure to be sure they are up to some shenanagans, the bouzzies!!

Ah well, praps Oi'll enlighten yon Lurkers and Eejuts of the importance of some most wondrous and original Orstralian inventions........

Invention 1: Th' brilliant OWEN SMG (which could still fire 30,000 RPS after submerging for 6months in yon poop-pit) One Aussie private armed with one of these beauties could wipe out a whole Battalion of the hapless enemy IN A SINGLE BURST!! All other SMG's were pale plastic imitations of the real thing. It's no wonder WE were credited with almost singlehandedly winning WW2.

Invention 2: Th' fantastic BOOMERANG which excelled in it's various roles of High altitude interceptor (120,00feet ceiling), supersonic fighter (Mach2.6),swept wing bomber (could carry 3 1Ton bunker busters), troop transport (2 x 6 man platoons - mounted under each wing), KT tank buster (each pod mounted man holding a Maverick Missile) etcetera ....etcetera.....etcetera

This little cracker was the dogs bollocks. It could even return to base in a lazy spinning arc even after running out of fuel as far as 500 miles away - truly AMAZING!

Those Aussies sure are clever, eh wot??

Hereth the lesson endeth


PS: At last the battle of Jabowocky! has begun in earnest. Mein powerful Panzer forces vill smash through der OlderManHanns puny Ami's like ze cowardly curs zey are!

PPS: RetroSodoff

No regards whatsoever,

Herr Ozziejeffen (SSN First Class with Iron Cross and rising)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:


Aaugh! Aussie Grog Porn.

Now, I have just sent Hanns a little scenario called ArtyFest '45. Supremely play balanced by Shaw and MrSpkr.

You should have a chance right up until you pull your finger out of your nose and hit the "GO" button, AssyJefe.

Hanns, we expect frequent action reports on this one.

And be careful around the GrandLiege (that whole "bad touch" thing, ya know).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Now, I have just sent Hanns a little scenario called ArtyFest '45. Supremely play balanced by Shaw and MrSpkr.

You should have a chance right up until you pull your finger out of your nose and hit the "GO" button, AssyJefe.

Hanns, we expect frequent action reports on this one.<hr></blockquote> Ah wonderful choice Sir Lars, I'd forgotten about that one but it should do nicely especially since we never really got good, solid DARs and AARs out of it.

Your analysis of FlossyJeff's chances against Hanns may be just a TAD overambitious for the lad ... I frankly doubt that he EVER removes his finger.

We DO expect frequent, WITTY, and descriptive DARs out of this Hanns ... FlossyJeff will no doubt post SOMETHING but we can hope that he won't can't we.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>And be careful around the GrandLiege (that whole "bad touch" thing, ya know).<hr></blockquote> Here, pull my finger ...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Joe... uh, I think you may... owe him a turn. For the first time, I am in complete agreement with you... and I'll check the manual on this... but I think that means someone turned the furnace off (if ya get my drift)<hr></blockquote>Damn! Am I to be frustrated in my honorable course by a mere stuck thermostat? AArrrgghghhhh ... there is NO justice in this world.

Very well, since I've given my word a turn shall follow, BUT IT'S NOT RIGHT!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juardis:

I wish to request that Shaw start every MBT. All else is but a cheap imitation.

[ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]<hr></blockquote>

Are you nuts? I remember when I had my first beer too. Hopefully your hangover will subside.

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