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The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Mace!, you BeeGee's wannabee<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There is no nead for namecalling!

I have you know I like my music loud and heavy, not soft and limp-wristed!!!!!


During a lull in my busy day I have checked my home e-mail and find that, at 1.20 pm on a tuesday afternoon, you are e-mailing turns from home.

What is the name of your supervisor young man? I have a report to make.

(Edited to spell "stupid, useless, good for nothing, hopeless, lazy bastige" correctly)


Err, does recreational leave mean anything to you?

However, Steve (State's premier) did ring me up saying "Mace, mate! We need you back. Victoria is just not performing at it's best without you!" so I report back to duty tomorrow! I love a short working week!!!


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It's not yet time for an ÜberLizard Update seeing that some of you are failing to roll over on command as you previously were wont to do and some of you, including the posterboy for the tactically inept, Moriarty, have apparently had synthetic tactical implants installed during your holidays. No matter, as I have the ability to modify my game playing style in an almost chameleon-like manner (although only the most insipid SSN would confuse a goanna for a chameleon - but I digress) and will begin to zig where you expected me to zag. Then, in green scaly blur, I will be upon you and will teach you the meaning of true pain.

Now, let me just take a moment to say that JoePshaw is a low-down, game-hacking, multiple-hyphenated piece of gutter trash. How could a M4A1(76)W possibly miss three shots on a piece of Teutonic crap before being taken out by the same without a serious bit of coding tomfoolery? I ask you.

Contrary to his reported reason for absence above, Mace confided in e-mail with me that he is home for the week on a combination stress/repetitive strain leave from the Victorian Department of Oxymorons.

We may actually be witness to the very first mental breakdown here in the pool soon once OGSF views our next movie. I haven't seen it yet, but predict it will throw him into a sputtering, dribbling even more incomprehensible rage. Who needs tanks when you have a 251/9, Jimmy?

Finally, for all you lurkers out there, I should soon be finished humiliating a certain big-girls blouse and will be ready to chuck him to Satan which may leave room on my dance card for that prophylacsis I have been putting off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Finally, for all you lurkers out there, I should soon be finished humiliating a certain big-girls blouse and will be ready to chuck him to Satan which may leave room on my dance card for that prophylacsis I have been putting off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are your, by chance, refering to HoldyourDK?

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I am indeed referring to him, but prefer to use the moniker we stuck him with at dinner since he is a slow-turn-returning wussy lurker. Plus he doesn't understand it. Hence, I shall call him big-girls blouse. He only has a M4(76) left in our game that also appears to be out of HE, so he should have surrendered ages ago. But then again, you guys never accused him of being smart.

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well since the peng thread is once more near its end (I can hear it coughing up pflem)


why? cuz I hate you all and this is my only way of anoying the bloody crap out of you all.

so, not to waste my time BITE ME


email starts here


This cracked me up. First, the poem, then someone else's response. Pass

the pie!

The following is a poem made up entirely of quotations from George W.

Bush. The quotes have been arranged, for aesthetic reasons only, by

Washington Post writer Richard Thompson.


by George W. Bush

I think we all agree, the past is over.

This is still a dangerous world.

It's a world of madmen and uncertainty

and potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked

Is our children learning?

Will the highways of the internet

become more few?

How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me.

I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being

and the fish can coexist.

Families is where our nation finds hope,

where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!

Knock down the tollbooth!

Vulcanize Society!

Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

... and the response:

I think it's terrible to make fun of Our President by twisting his words

in this manner. Make the Pie Higher in deed!

It's perfectly clear to everyone who doesn't subscribe to those left wing

conspiracy papers like the NY Times and Washington Post that our President

was issuing an Executive Order that legalizes Pies containing Medical


Of course, this was only after extensive scientific research proved that

second hand marijuana smoke was hazardous to others, but pie crumbs were not

dangerous at all!

So in a kinder/gentler/healthier/scientificer way - Our President has

found a way to ease the pain of those poor souls with seriousfull medical

conditions without endangermenting the health of others. Praise God.

AND he's been able to do this in a patriouticfull way that will ALSO help

to simulate the looming economy! After all, besides brotherhood...what

could be more Americana than Cannabis Pie?!

The Oakland Cannabis Club will soon be rolling in dough - - AND THAT, my


friend - - is what OUR PRESIDENT is all about: Making Money AND Helping


Sure some of those people are often very close to Our President - but

don't you want to help people that you know and love? Why should Our

President be any different from you?

I think it's high time that we all start acting growed up and stop poking

fun at Our President. Rarely do people stop and ask yourselfs - "Are that

really necessary?" I don't think sow.

Sincerefully yours,



email ends here


now was that so rough? if so.. GOOD!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Speaking of idiots from the deep south of Wisconsin, when's bauhaus going to send us that map for our next clash of the tactically superior and heavy in the "got a pair"?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How the Hell should I know? Most of the time we have to remind him what his name is. Definitely not the brightest bulb in the chandelier

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In the words of Goanna: Now, let me just take a moment to say that JoePshaw is a low-down, game-hacking, multiple-hyphenated piece of gutter trash. How could a M4A1(76)W possibly miss three shots on a piece of Teutonic crap before being taken out by the same without a serious bit of coding tomfoolery? I ask you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And I'LL answer you. First, I deny that I have ever been in a gutter ... well while sober anyway. Second as to your "coding" question, I refer you to that cavalry genius of the South (we'll ignore his political and moral ... and ethical ... and racial ... and, well you get the idea, I'm just talking MILITARY genius) Nathan Bedford Forrest who said "Get there first with the most" ... or some variant of that. He did NOT say, "Get thar firstest with the mostest." The point, dear Goanna is that my lad was in place with engine idling away while your Sherman managed to MOVE into his line of fire with it's turret aimed elsewhere. What's surprising is that my lads allowed you to get ANY rounds off, but my lads were no doubt stunned that any allied tank would do something that dumb! In short, I don't NEED to hack any code when my opponent creates the same result all by himself.


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Decisions, decisions, decisions, here we are at page 11 and nearing the Magic 300 number and we need to decide what to do next. The last time it worked pretty well with Lorak blessing a thread title, but MadMatt is back and we DON'T want to annoy him. OTOH, what do we care if he likes the thread title or not? So ... I'll get the ball rolling with my suggestion which is a follow-on to my previous thread title:

What is the Sound of One Peng Challenging?

Now remember lads (yes, yes and lasses too) the thread must be started by a Knight and it must contain a GOOD version of the rules ... modesty forbids my suggesting that MY version was the best but ...

Lorak can bless the title or MadMatt can jump in with both feet and tell us we're all doing it wrong and he will, BY GAWD, bless ALL thread titles ... in which case he shouldn't have gone on vacation even if he DID enjoy the hell out of it and so there.

Speaking of which, I surely hope that some 'poolers are involved in CMBB by THIS time. How can BTS have a new version without OUR input? I can see it now:

Steve: Charles, did you find the correct slope on the hull armor for the T-34 76B-13a/verdad with fuzzy dice?

Charles: Yes Steve, I've verified that it was face hardened to a bertinelli of ...

PENGER: {bursts into room with a round wooden lid that has a noticable ... ambiance): HEY GUYS, check out what I found, a geniune Russian cesspool cover from 1942. Can we use it, huh, huh huh?


[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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If we'd like to pursue Seanachai's (note the lack of boldernity) heresy of attracting losers, then how about:

Sex Secrets of the Peng Challenge Thread Revealed!

Then again, that might just keep everyone away.... hmmm.....

[edited 'cause even I find the notion distressing]

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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"50 Ways To Leave The Whitehouse"

The problem is the Republicans she said to me

The answer is easy if you have Strategery

I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free

There must be fifty ways to leave the Whitehouse

She said it's really not my habit to intrude

Furthermore, I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued

But I'll repeat myself at the risk of being crude

There must be fifty ways to leave the Whitehouse

Fifty ways to leave the Whitehouse

Just slip out the door, George

Make a dead run, Son

Just don't forget Dick, Slick

And get yourself gone

Hop on the bus, Lush

You don't need to discuss much

Just drop off the key, please

And set us all free

She said it grieves me so to see you in such pain

Maybe someday the Supreme Court will make you smile again

I said I appreciate that and would you please explain

About the fifty ways

She said why don't we both just sleep on it tonight

But if you pack now you could be on the road at first light

And then she kissed me and I realized she probably was right

There must be fifty ways to leave the Whitehouse

Fifty ways to leave the Whitehouse

Just slip out the door, George

Make a dead run, Son

Just don't forget Dick, Slick

And get yourself gone

Hop on the bus, Lush

You don't need to discuss much

Just drop off the key, please

And set us all free.

George W. Bush: Don't blame me, I voted with the majority!

Actually I voted Harry Brown...Beer for anyone who actually knows who he is.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>George W. Bush: Don't blame me, I voted with the majority!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, so did the majority, but let's leave the politics for some other thread.

Reminds me of my favorite WW2 book "Somebody's Stepping on my Cloak and Dagger" about the "exploits" of an OSS man. At one point the OSS instructors were trying to see how the trainees would deal with liquor so they got them well lubricated and started a discussion. One of the questions asked was "What shall we do with hard core Nazi's after the war." Heaven knows what they were trying to discover with it but one of the trainees blurted out, "I don't wanna talk about large bore Nazis, I wanna SING!"

The point of that long and rambling story? Not much more than my usual except ... (1) Mr. Johnson is a large bore and (2) The CessPool is for drunks, not for politicians. Luckily Lawyer qualifies on BOTH counts so he can stay.


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H. Browne is the perinneal Libertoid candidate... you own me a beer. Now lets move off this subject (sorry for dragging it out, but I did want that beer).

Any other Thread starters ready? I'd hate for Pshaw to host again...he's collecting these things like his Mormon Wives .

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Ahhhh, Sir Achin', although my hatred of your gibbering corpus knows no bounds in this (or indeed any other) plane of existance, I must thank you for letting me relive the Circus Stupiditus that was CPT STRANSKY of old. I am sitting in my cubicle chuckling to myself whilst rereading that fine stewpot of babbling dementia. Thank you, you great twit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

H. Browne is the perinneal Libertoid candidate... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought he was that magician in those kids books. Both have about the same shot to reach the Whitehouse.

A small update.

Dalem has fallen to my victorious defenders of the Fatherland. This really was never at issue, because unbeknownst to my unesteemed opponent, I have his dog's ears. These ears are a powerful mojo, which basically means that I own Dalai Lama. The ears were first taken from dalem by a former member of the 'Pool, whose name remains now only as a legend to scare small children. Yes, I speak of Croda. You assorted dippers and pissboys may think that Croda never really existed; however, he once posted here with a frequency to rival Panty Liner. His posts were true works of vicious, blue collar art. His game, unfortunately, could not match the hype. It was in the glory days of the MBT that one formerly known as JDmorse let slip the Croda of war, and I found myself locked in mortal combat. But this was no ordinary combat, it was a battle sent from on high by the Knight of the Pool/Betagod rune (genuflect to my former liege lord). The name of this battle:

Croda Marlow

Yes, fellow 'Pooligans, look in awe. I alone among the resident Knights of the 'Pool have a scenario from the master named after me. Part of the "A Matter of Honor" Scenario Pack in fact. Others may be older, wiser, or better at CM, but I alone have been so honored.

In any event, after a glorious victory over Croda, I took possession of the grisly trophy, dalem's dog's ears.

The bottom line:

Marlow Win

Dale Evans Lose

Also Sir Lorak, in a review of the Tome, I noticed that you appear to have missed my victory over Speedy that occurred during your hiatus.

So, I'll add:

Marlow Win

Sir Speed-a-lot Lose

In other news, I will be away until next Tuesday. I may or may not get turns out tonight.

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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What's all this c**p?

After a wonderful restful night's sleep in which I dream of my enemies' tanks blowing up all over the place and hear the wails and lamentations of his dying troops I wake up to a nightmare of POLITICS on the Peng Thread?

And it's not as if they even rhyme!

It's truely pathetic and disgucting how far some people have sunk - they've made it to the bottom of the pool, tunneld throught the nutrient rich muck they found there and continued on downwards!

You know you might have found the secret weapon to chase all us Uber-unbeatable SSN conquerers out of here after all........

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PBEM Update

Fieldmarshall continues to amaze with his tactics, which can only be described as... unusual.

After my upsetting a few of his troops with the 4.2 mortars, he moved them back a bit towards the map corner, as though this would protect them. This has enabled me to spot another of his vehicles, a Wespe. His infantry is now gazing towards Berlin.

I then felt compelled to use the mortars to counter his imminent 150mm rocket barrage, even though I suspect he has as much chance of hurting himself as of hurting me. The enemy FO is now cowering in a nearby building.

Meanwhile, he has gamily send his weapons platoon HQ forward into my small barbed wire emplacement to get killed whilst exposing my positions. He's not far away from tripping a couple of ambush markers, but I shall cancel them and see if a 2in mortar can put him off.

On his right flank, he rolled his Panther and three 251/9's forward with his other two platoons in case I shelled them... and then turned them around and rolled them back. I may be able to get a rear penetration on the Panther, assuming he returns the file.

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I'll go with Goanna here, even if he's a cold-blooded scaly life-form with large gnashing teeth.

It's time this thread was highjacked back to Australia, so how about:

Throw another PENG CHALLENGE on the barby.

I also expect the other aussies here to submit a title choice, so Speedy, Stuka, Goanna, OGBF, put your thinking caps on and come up with something will ya?


[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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