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The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr4:

The most remarkable thing of all is that this is the most turns PawBroon has managed in a calendar year.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course that one was gamey as Hell.

First it was over TCP/IP and I never play those since you are quite required to send turns back.

That was low even for you Mr4!

Then there was that BETA status thingie.

He had scores of yelling Krauts when I fielded a single Green Seanachai.

It was hard enough to play that, being fired on while trying to make sense of what the guys said was too high a challenge.

And lastly was Fair Emma who told me before I hosted a game:

Of course you could play with the guy, I'll go play with myself on Netmeeting.

How could you concentrate?

I ask you?

Rune that scenario was ARGHHHH!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Blah Blah Blah...

Rune that scenario was ARGHHHH!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why thank you PawBroon. I hope it kept you up late at night, a loss of hair, foul body odors, and the loss of connection to netmeeting. [being french, most of these things already are happening] It is so satisfying to know how much pain my scenarios can cause.

It has been modified slightly and is ready for the Seniletea drubbing. Peng, are you up to the challenge of beating him with him using the [gasp] Dudley Dorights of the North?


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Greetings dwellers of the deep

I have no doubt that you all have missed my presence enormously and, not to disappoint, I have returned for the merest moment to update you all on the house purchase phase of my development.

Sadly, we were outbid. We put in a low offer for, although the house itself was cavernous, the garden was the size of a paving slab. We discussed and discussed this issue, burning many a candle and finally decided to run with it. Who the hell likes gardening anyway?

Well, just as we decided this, the estate agent (realtor?) called and told us of a counter offer! Excitement at last. The chase was on...

They had put in an offer £5k above ours, so we raised to £7k and they, the bastards, rose to £10k! This was more than we could take. There was quiet disappointment between us. None of us spoke for several minutes. Then, in unison; "Ah bollocks. The garden was **** anyway."

We fell out of the race contented that we had driven the pice up by nearly 10%. That'll teach the buggers that play with us!

Similarly, my opponents in CM are facing a similar conundrum. Take Ibskonder. After building his five battalions up for a massive assault on my firmly held objectives, the plan was halted by a single platoon. In the history of warfare there has never been a result so fantastic, so against the odds, so embarrassing for the foe. My position is littered with Yankee corpes, rotting and bloating in the most beautiful of European landscapes.

This time, however, I'm not pulling out. Whatever the cost.


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Whatever Peter...piss off now.

I am feeling like I am back in a zone again. I may have something to do with my involvement with CMMC. It has sharpened my focus again.

Because of that I am once again unbeatable.

Peng has fallen more times than I care to list anymore, Lawyerboy is on the wrong end of an ass kickin in a "winning against all odds" type of scenario that he seems to be saying he is under maned with his 15-20 Panthers almost complete lack of armor...He's right..he is undermaned because he is playing me.

JD...I haven't seen a fil from you in ages..I believe you have it and you were the one going away for a few days. I know I wasn't. Just send the surrender file and be done with it.

Hiram has all the time in the world to post here with his silly Phillie Phan name but no time (or stomach) to return turns.

Lorak my love has just drug out a game we were in the middle of that is a real pisser and the only one I won't care about ifI lose.

Stuka set me up with French. Of course they are blowing themselves up Stuka..they're French for Christsake. You will still lose so sit back and watch the master.

This is like men playing with boys (sit down bauhaus).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

This is like men playing with boys<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Send me the setup, O Master. Challenge yourself. I seek vengeance. Since you apparently killed Peng for good, I will allocate the time reserved for his turns to you, and slap you like the silly child you are.

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At the request of Ol' Flubbernuts, Seanachai (unbolded until he comes to his senses, such as they were) ... I have been asked to inform those of his opponents who do not yet know that he will not be sending turns until Tuesday (as if a 4-day delay is a surprise, sheesh) as he is communing with nature at some Joan Baezin', dandelion-wine drinkin', folk-song singin' wootenanny in Win-a-keg, Canerda.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I may finish games with those i'm playing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Woot. You have one (1, eine, uh, en, yksi) week to get your retarded ass in gear and send me a fecking file. Next time you go wondering (spelt korektly) let us fragging know OK?

Mark IV with skirts: I'm playing him in a mother-beautiful scenario by Mr Satan and I'm having the time of my life. Mr Schuerzen is already planning for the rematch I believe. Take it from me: Let Mr Satan create your battles.

mensch: You bloody loony. You are losing against me too. Even if that moronic "let's drive all our non-burning tanks through the trees right next to the edge" order is a bit intriguing. I can't wait for the moment you realise that there isn´t a way out.

The French: We are possibly playing each other but since I can´t see him I can only figure out exactly where he is. And if he isn't there then there you are.

Mr S. Morningstar: We are playing an op by Moon. Right now it's great fun as I can see him and have mortars and he moves infantry through bocage. Did I mention I had mortars?

The Pengster: We're playing one of those "Wouldn't it be cool to set up forces that were exactly the same except one side was jurman and the other was merkin and they bla bla bla" type scenarios. I have just started handing him his butt. There will be no asterisks here.

Hakko Ichiu: I know you still live so why not crawl out of your ... and send me a file.

Joe Shaw: I'm not playing him but since he seems agitated I thought I'd make him come to his senses. You fear that some hideous plot against the Thread is underway involving Seanachai, grogs and several cases of wine. Correct?

Three words. And a consonant:





Yep. I toldja we shudda blown his head and paper bag to smithereens (isn't that in Boston somewhere). Now it is too late.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Three words. And a consonant:





AAAAAaaarrrrGGGGGHHHHhhhhhh of course! That's the answer. Damn ... we had a hell of a time getting Hakko Ichiu back ... come to think of it ... did we ever?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

This time, however, I'm not pulling out.


Such an obvious opportunity for smut.

And no SSN has picked up on it yet?

Are you learning the ways of light?, or are you all still hung over from the half empty Bud light you found in the dumpster behind the 7-11 after the fireworks yesterday?

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Too obvious - although of course I shouldn't be surprised that the resident Wombat doesn't realise it.

In Australia a subtlety is something that's too small to fill you and doesn't have enough meat on it to be worth throwing on the barbie.

Come on Cranky - I've made it easy, even for a flat-billed egg-laying evolutionary throwback.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

In Australia a subtlety is something that's too small to fill you and doesn't have enough meat on it to be worth throwing on the barbie.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ho Ho Ho He He He.

I'm glad that you've had time to pull your head out of Sheep-dip weekly and pick up a copy then quote from whatever passes for a New Zealand dictionary.

I'm also happy to note that since you post here, you must be in the 5% percentile of Kiwi's who can actually read and write.

Well since you enjoy reading so much, here's another educational book that you may enjoy:

101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Cesspool


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Who are you directing your angst towards Macey old kniiiiget?

All I've heard is the wind whistling through Dalem's moustache and far off in the distance, a dog barking. Probably a dachshund.

"Colin! Colinnnnn! Here boy! Leave the SSN entrails alone, I've got Schmakos for youuu!"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Not worth mentioning.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm sitting here looking at my watch, wondering when will you shut the hell up? We share the same first name and I understand that we can have moments of idiocy. Mine involves Moosehead and Cheetos. But, thats another subject.

All of us yanks just adore you guys over there and find it amusing that you never paid us back for the lend-lease thing. We also chuckle at the fact that your cooking hasn't improved yet and you are no longer an empire. I watch BBC news sometimes because its quite informative but the accent does make me giggle.

Oh, I forgot.

Shut Up Shut up Shut up Shut up

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And here I am sitting here waiting for lunch time so I can go home & play a few turns, and wondering what the bloody hell Horse's Arse is on about.

I'm sure you could be more obscure if you wanted to, but let's just get one thing straight - myself and all the Aussie dorks on here do not take lightly to being called poms - not even in passing vague implication by a pig-ignorant 'merkin redneck yankee canadian twerp like you!

You guys may well be wishing the Poms would take you back, but we waited long enough, grew up long enough, and had enough of our brave boys shot by pommie courts martial not to want that any more than you very much goodnight!

Oh, and I believe the Poms did pay y'all back what they owed you - they swapped it for an empire. Not sure who got the best deal. It's the Russians who still owe a heap!

Edited 'cos Horse's Arse seems so much more appropriate

[ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I just saw some footage of Angelina Jolie playing with automatic weapons.


I saw the whole film the other night.

he he heeee ummm num num num.

Fit women with guns... ohhh yes pleeease.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

or are you all still hung over from the half empty Bud light you found in the dumpster behind the 7-11 after the fireworks yesterday?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


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At least you are honest Lars.

BTW, does anyone know any aircraft engineers skilful enough to convert the rear cockpit area of my little JU-87 into a twin seat?

I've decided to recruit both Angelina Jolie and Denise Richards as my tail gunners.

(I just couldn't bear the thought of having those two ladies fighting each other for the priviledge of flying off into the sunset with me)

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Hey Mace, Phillies Phan, c'mere.

I have a brand new batch of my favorite home brew available.

I call it "Keg o' Ignore".

You should both have a few -- on the house.

Joe Shaw --

Professor Doktor Hamster X, eh?

Hmmmmmmmmm . . .

Stuka -

Rather than modify the back seat, I think you should strongly consider eliminating the back seat and expanding the front seat to 2.5 times it's current width. Sure, the plane will fly like a hog, but that's okay.

You will be a little squished between the girls, but, isn't that the point?

[ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe Shaw --

Professor Doktor Hamster X, eh?

Hmmmmmmmmm . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> shhhhhh!!! not so loud MrSpkr. PDHX (you'll understand that I don't want to use the ACTUAL name) was ... IS ... an evil personification that represented an offshoot group of hamsters that were bent on world domination (damn it Bauhaus this is SERIOUS). They began by using PDHX to "take over" the persona of Hakko Ichiu, an early Knight of the CessPool who, regrettably, hasn't been seen much recently ... for obvious reasons. I'm sure that someone can provide the URL for the dialog that explains this further but the point is that we fear that Seanachai has now been taken by PDHX and is posing as Seanachai. Let us hope that our fears are unfounded, for PDHX is an able CM commander, unlike ... well you get point.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

BTW, does anyone know any aircraft engineers skilful enough to convert the rear cockpit area of my little JU-87 into a twin seat?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've got news for you, me little Northen neighbour....your JU-87 is a twin seater, always has been!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Rather than modify the back seat, I think you should strongly consider eliminating the back seat and expanding the front seat to 2.5 times it's current width. Sure, the plane will fly like a hog, but that's okay.

You will be a little squished between the girls, but, isn't that the point?


Thank you for your insight, flawed as it may be.

A tail gunner (or two) is necessary for the defense of my fragile little tush.

'Rear' protection is de riguer considering the inhabitants of this pit. {Yes Bauhaus, I'm keeping my eye on you.}

You'll all know my Stuka when you see it. Its the one with the huge siren attached to its undercarraige.

Oh, and the steamed up canopy a la "Titanic' style.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I've decided to recruit both Angelina Jolie and Denise Richards as my tail


An admirable ambition, but I think you wait until you're at least a teenager!

Give me a call when you're old enough to become spotty and I'll happily do the conversion for you. Of course you realise I'll need the two ladies to be present for custom fitment, but there's no extra charge for my services during that time.

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