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The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

That's applied to Wisconsinites, you cloth-headed berk.


I know that you idjit. It does appear to be more one of the more offensive things you can call a minnesotan, though. And you seem to be quite sensitive to it. You clearly have the memory of something similar to a doorknob or a piece of toast, as most of my early abuse of you related to your heritage as a cheesehead pretending to be minnesotan pretending to be canuck etc. It looks like old doc Freeman has gotten to you, and your fingers run amok on the keyboard without input from more complicated assemblages of neurons somewhere in the forward parts of your head.

(edit because I occasionally leave out some of the letters)

[ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]

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A point or three:

X. chrisl is not to be trusted with a pail of pig offal let alone the rule book. He has an obvious fake and probably spent a lot of money on it as well. I got too sodding drunk to find the book and then when I sobered up enough to find it got too drunk to read. (no really I actually can read a bit), so an actual ruling on the double secret probation blood hamster exorcism will have to wait for a bit longer. Today being the day we declared our independance from the Bastard Pommie King I will once again be rendered incoherent (shush now, I am speaking of incoherency above and beyond the baseline state) and unable to focus on the printed word it looks like friday will be the day of the ruling. Monday latest. I can prolly get it all worked out by July 13th or 17th. I can't see the whole process going much farther than half way into August, but with cost overruns and work stoppages we may be looking at day after Labor day for the real work on this thing to get done so I'd say on the very outside would be a late October completion with all I's crossed and T's dotted.

47. Mace indeed lost to Peng. His Sig is mine and what it is too ahem. I crushed him quite thoroughly and with malice aforethought, although he did give me a bit of a scare with his ubergreyhound and big sploady things that killed a substantial number of the first wave troops. However, since the terrain was on his side ( reverse slopes galore, plenty of trees in which to hide and high places from which to spot) he really should have done much better. In fact his was one of the most pathetic excuses for a defense I have ever seen, and I have defended plenty. Oh sure he'll trot out the usual excuses "Peng hacked the files, cheated and gave himself extra points" and so what if I did? EVERYONE does it. Show of hands How many 'poolers don't know how to brute force an opponent's password? none? right. just as I thought. And how many can't hack the actual file itself and turn a conscript platoon that is panicing into an elite fanatic bunch? I rest my case. If I was cheating so was he, I just cheated better than him. nyah!

So, I have sent Ol Macey his new sig. I find it entertaining. I hope none of you Gentleworms do.


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Mensch ye're a jabberin' fool, mon! Ye didnae knoo who wull win? Ye've go' 17 burnin' Hetzers, eleveny-three wee guns wi' celery sprout barrels, ye troops are lyin' swollen and rotting ain tha sun, an' Ah'm roamin' freely aboot the feild o' combat wi' mah tanks an' laddies. Ye're a daft bugger.

Mace, Ah hate yoo, Jimmy. Ye're a gamey artillery droppin', bicycle seat sniffin', tea drinker - thas rrright - a tea drinker. An' didnae bother sendin' ye troops oot tae fit lak real men....at saims mah laddies are noo match fer em anyhoo.

Stuka as rollin' over mah brave laddies wi his hordes. Remember thas, ye snufflin' floaters, a "crack" rating as noo substitute fer ammunition....

Speedy as playin' as tha French - HA!

Nijis, de ye remember haim? - as just whupped mah boys wi a gamey defence o' rubble an' co-ordinated artillery an' manhooverin'. Ah'm sure hai'll be along shortly...

Goanna as havin' second thoughts aboot tha morality o' defendin' against tha Brits ain a Rune bocage map...oh, nae mistake, he's slaughterin' mah laddies lak tha proberbial bucket frogs. But htey're dyin' waill. Ah'm sae proud.

Seanachai as another gamey artillery droppin, bastarrrrd. There'll be noo prisoners ain thus game.

Dalem as racin' around tae the fords ain "All or Nothin" cos tha bridges fell doon - Ah wonder hoo tha' happened?? Anyhoo, he's got more artillery than Napoleon a' Waterloo, an' hais' nae afraid tae use at. Baaastaarrrd!

Moriarty as gettin' jellified. Ah didnae need tae sae more, Ah think.

Marlow an' AH ha' reached a stand-off, two flags each, but he has tha remanin' armour. Ooooooh!

As if ye bloody care!

Ah am filled wi' a seethin' loathin fer each an' aivery wu no' ye. Just remember tha'.


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And what did I predict then? Did I not suggest that Seanachai (as I shall call him, though without the BOLDing due to the old Seanachai) would sound like the old Seanachai and would even play like the old Seanachai? And so he did, but the inconsistencies are too great and the pitiful "logic" he used is too feeble.

The REAL Seanachai would NEVER have communed with grogs and he would NEVER have fallen to the depths required to actually INVITE them into the CessPool and he would have NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have offerred the {shudder} winner of a tourney free entre into the ranks of the Seniour Knight of the CessPool! And based upon what? Not their ability to taunt, nor their wit, nor their community spirit, no, it was to be based solely upon ... their ability to play CM!

Seanachai's excuse, that the Pool was becoming stale and boring, is a lie ... it was ALWAYS stale and boring, and Seanachai would have known that. And to suggest that bringing in GROGS to liven it up is like suggesting that you should bring the members of a retirement community Bingo club to a Stamp Collecting meeting to "liven" it up.

Seanachai you may call yourself Seanachai but you are not. Seanachai would NEVER have taken it upon himself to do what was done by Seanachai, for Seanachai would understand, as Seanachai does not, that the CessPool is a community and NOT a dictatorship ruled by any one person. But Seanachai is too smart for you Seanachai, he knows, as you do not, that we would KNOW the real Seanachai from the false. Release him foul fiend, you shall not prevail over the will of The One The True CessPool.


[ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Spineless toads (there's an image) fools, buffoons and poltroons, and you know who you are. It is with considerable lethergy I rise to address this compendium of parthogenic cess. Far too long have I dwelt in the nether realms, observing and indulging my ennui. I had dropped to only a few games, but now I have found that I have returned to more than ten, being a requsite quorum of vile and disgusting proles, to even catch my eye.

I do find myself experiencing a bit of unease at entering a thread started by a mere "law student' While perhaps prolix and pontificating , the youg chap does try. So earnest, so sure of the nobility of the law, hmmm can't wait to take him on on his first motion docket with the presiding judge.

As we await The Eternal Pod's ruling in the case of ex rel Seanachai a few updates and comments:

Elvii has left the building. I think I remember him saying he was to be gone for awhile. In this our first clash, my experienced legaltruppen await the opening briefs in a rainy black forest. My esteemed opponenet (when a lawyer calls you that, check for the knife between your ribs) I think he is off on a snipe hunt, or somefink. No signs or spoor are to be seen.

Iskander the not so great a former squire of much ingratitude has started an armored/infantry clash. Mr not so Great has indicated that he is terrible at handling tanks. So far I have seen nothing to dispel this, as I have seen nothing of his steel chariots. Come boy, Darius awaits, but this time the outcome will be different

Jefe has, I am afraid the upper hand here. Damn it all to hell, the insufferable fool. A British band of brave men has responded to the whistle shrill call and gone over the top into the ravening maw of the maxim guns. Sheesh how many DID you buy? The bloody Field of Flanders may soon have silent company. A tactical choice of split forces has not paid off.

Poltroon Ldr in a mirror image of Shandoofus also decided that buying Mg's and guns would be fun and proftable. Those damnable 20mm are annoying and ultimately irksome and foremeost tiresome. The game is hanging in the balance as my brave lads affix their bayonets. Morale is high, Victory % is low. We shall redress that balance or die trying.

JoseyS and I are playing a canned scenario, Smokey Mountain. Fear in the fog? Loathing on the heath? No it's two old men stumbling around in the mist wondering where the hell everyone is.

chyrsalis is being ground down and forced to kowtow in order to expurgate his previous ascendant achievement. We are reduced to throwing sticks, branches and rocks at his retreating troops.

Hiram Phan has decided that sceanrios like Custer's last stand II aren't much of a challenge. We shall discover how much the boy has learned shortly, although I sense much fear in him.

Martoady the Heart of Darkness poster child sent me "Pattons Ghosts" I have a dumptruck full of tanks and men, but most are green. He sneezes and they run for cover. Other than causing the laundry to have to work overtime to clean the feldgrau stains, my brave lads have struck the first blows. 3 Panthers knocked out his clown jeep. Take that Mr Smarmy and you owe me 50 for that bet.

Leeo-nardoDipoof has cast me as the freckn french in "Le Camp Crossroads" He is takling the role of the attrionistii and I the manooouverist.

Mildman has decided that "Move it or lose it" would be a jolly good time. One river, two bridges. He's there, I'm here (duh!) artillery falls gently on his fair upturned countenence, as dew doth drip from his pointy nose. Things blow up, others die. It is not pretty. It is the 4th of July gone psychotic.

Pawbroom is, well, French. A new pax de duex has been undertaken and I await his return setup.

Finally we have the sad case of Seanachai (bolded until convicted, presumption of stupidty is afterall, a pool right). He holds 2 VL, I hold 2. Can a stalemate and a third (or is it 4th?) draw be far off? There is a sickness at work here. A foul pestilence of ineptitude that permeates our beings like some arthritic crepitius.

[ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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It is with scorn and distaste that I address once again the weak kneed, poorest excuses for a grog that has ever been seen.

Since the crime of Seniletea has not been determined...I have created a battle to test even his lack of tactics. Yes, a battle of Canucks! A historical offering, featuring Canucks, Gerbiljagers, a canal, a bridge, a farm, stir in a little night, and voila [a term that Pawbroon uses, I think it means Frenchmen bugger snails] an evil Rune Scenario created to test him with. It is being tested even as I lower myself [down bauhaus, I am an elder of the pool, not a SSN] to type to you. Who shall play the twirp? I leave it to the Elder members of the pool to decide. { My vote is for Peng to play him. Imagine losing with the Canucks AND losing to Peng in the same battle} I leave it for you to decide.

With scorn and displeasure to you all...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Berli: I would not place this as a official cess game but we be beta testing still I will like to make fun of his burning stuff he keeps throwing on the field of battle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mensch, if you hadn't guessed, is a bit of an idiot. This is a sceanrio of his design, so he does have very detailed knowledge of my forces (which includes an impressive array of artillery). He is now wooting about like he has achieved some great victory. His armor and towed guns have opened fire (exposing their positions) and inflicted grievous lose upon me... a (denoting the singular) jeep. I wail at the lose of this... jeep (note, this jeep did not include a MG), and will avenge its (the jeep) death with a rain of fire the like of which have not been seen since Egypt of old. Mensch! Enjoy your victory over... my jeep

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Enjoy your victory over... my jeep<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Heeey! got to take every victory however minor. Beside Mr.Egypt guy, isn't it you who surrendered to me last time in a failed attemt to crush my awsome Berli eating German forces? I'm not going to wine you have 6 Jabbos at your disposal or the fact you are Berli the great pest since cockroaches roamed the earth.. eat hot lead buddy! come a crawling to me heck Mace made better distance then you did on the first round of "menschy's" tanks and towed stuff openening fire!!.. and he's from NEW STRALIA!

Happy American thing day, choke on a hotdog for me will you.

[ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ha! Nipped that one in the bud! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And not a moment too soon either, from the sounds of it. We did have a minor incursion from ak47_Tommy Boy but turned him back with minimal losses. Let the CessPool note that it's Seniour Knights are ever vigilant and shall not allow the CessPool to become a social club for Grogs and ladder climbing neer-do-wells.

Needless to say, Berli I still find you as utterly disgusting as ever and would spit on your shadow ... if you had one, but of course as the agent of evil ...

Mensch is, as you've pointed out so correctly, a flaming idiot. I know this for a fact since the building occupied by his infantry just went up in flames AFTER he moved another squad there. Oh I'll no doubt lose to him in this one, I have my record to consider after all and felt it necessary to take ... steps ... to preserve it after my recent disreputable victory over Dalem.


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I have celebrated the Glorious Fourth as one should, in a TCP/IP victory over the French AND the Canadians.


Everyone's favorite frog, PawBroon: 20

Me and the good guys in the fetching steel hats: 80

Now prepare those asterisks, lads, as this was a beta thingie (as in test scenario, not as in CM2/BB, you idiots) as described by your evil local rune above. The most remarkable thing of all is that this is the most turns Pb has managed in a calendar year.

It is the ideal vehicle for the evisceration, defenestration, and therapeutical lobotomization of the once-(pointlessly but touchingly) proud Seanachai, by Peng or his designated disciplinary disciple, albeit with tweaks I shall recommend, seconded no doubt by the froggische-canadische consortium of the horribly defeated, bleeding, and burning part.

I don't intend this as a spoiler, but there were GUNS of all sorts, and some VEHICLES, and EXPLOSIVES. Also, some TREES.


Do not read the last bit if you want to be surprised.

Actually, the best part was begging Emma in chat for Poobie's time. I had to promise her a very big fish.

Happy Fourth of July. Let's snip those fuses short and REALLY scare the girls.

[ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

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Just a quick gloat here before I get home tonight, have a little drinky or three and give a full blown chest thumping description.

Seanoochy has been pummelled, caned, flogged and generally quartered and drawn by my goodself.

*Blah Blah* He sucked...I was great..etc, etc.

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I have invited to Tourney members to partake of the Pool... with the understanding that the rules apply to them and winning the tourney will garner them exactly nothing here. Now, Peng, have you determined what is required for the excorcism? Dost thou require a scenario from the hand of Lucifer himself?

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Och...noo good wull come o' at, marrrk mah worrrds......unlaiss Ah get tae personally eviscerate (there's tha ' worrd agin) one o' tha tourney SSNs'.

*shakes head and wanders off*

Nae good at all....


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OFGS, why are you not out carousing with all your fellow Murkins?

Have you no friends? Or are the good people of Boulder simply adverse to funny looking gentlemen in tartan skirts?

BTW, is that your sporron or did your cat die?


Edited because I bloody well felt like it OK?

[ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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And a particularly nasty way for a cat to die it is too!

Now then Jimmi - what's this nonsense about eviscerating SSN's?

How could a skirt-wearing cat-loving foreign language speaking twerp like you legally get hold of a knife in the first place?

Or were you going to use a blunt spoon? Well whatever - remember to wipe on your bib first so as to reduce the chances of infection!

Now get back to your apple puree and have 3 more spoonfuls before you're allowed to go play with the dead ferrets!

[ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Oh dear!

I've been out on a Corporate luncheon, and that glass of wine (and the several bottles afterwards) has made me a wee bit merry!

Regardless, I'd like the take the opportunity to thank -*SOB*- Peng for my nice new signature! -*SCAW*-

It certainly is impressive! I will wear it with pride -*GACK*- for the next 7 days. I am so happy -*CHOKE*-, I will celibrate by keeping an eye out for a suitable large mass with high momentum (eg train,tram or bus) so that I may stand in front of it and interact!

I would also like to thank Kitty (where ever she is) for being the inspiration for the signature!

Now excuse me...I think I see the 2:50pm tram from Preston coming, and I need to be under it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I'd like the take the opportunity to thank -*SOB*- Peng for my nice new signature! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My god, what a badge of scorn, with oak leaves. How can you go on posting with that THING under your name?

Peng, and the auld kannigget formerly known as Seanachai, the runische one has completed his tweaks to "Cut Off!" and I think it appropriate. I do recommend TCP/IP, otherwise we'll have to hear about the bloody thing until Christmas.

And may I add, if you're not a little drunk by now, you're a piss-poor kind of American. Especially Aitken, one of the worst sort of Americans I can think of.

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Hey Mace!

Nice Sig.

Not to worry, I just lost (2) two in a row to that rat bastard peanut butter and banana sammich eating drug addled bloated swine elvis. That's right 2 (Two) in a row. both machine picks both surrenders and both pathetic scores. 77 - 23 and 78 - 22. He is a filthy peckerheaded scum and now his head is gettin all swollen and large again because he beat me like a cheap plastic drum a coupla times. big deal. Mace and Iskander know how easy it is to thrash me... oh wait! NO THEY DONT. har har hardy har har har.

I reccomend that someone invoke blood hamster on Elvis and teach him a lesson or some humility or something.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

I reccomend that someone invoke blood hamster on Elvis and teach him a lesson or some humility or something.


I have already taken up your cause good Sir

Peng of pod.

Elvira and I are at turn 5 or so of a little stoush and one of his first attacking moves has been to drop a ferk'in great french rocket on his own stoopid head.

Curious tactics to say the least, but then he is a curious life form. Not to me of course but perhaps to a botanist of some description.

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