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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:


Ignore it,... true-blue grogs do not taunt, they play...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Couldn't let this go by....I'd argue my dear thread that the Cesspool and it's denizens represent in a very real sense, the true "soul" of CM. The taunts are not the pool, but the playing, ahh that's the thing. We drap the verbiage and silliness around a "hardcore fact" We have been [playing this game since the demo and continue to play. 10+ (just to be conservative) pbem's going at a time, along w/ CMMC and other game set ups is more the rule than the exception. In addition, some of us have more grog ability than you might suppose.

What the pool is about is playing, with like minded folks, who understand it is a game, but also love history, a finely crafted phrase and the camadraderie of people you can trust.

We don't disintegrate into anger and insults (true insults as we see on the main board) nor do we take ourselves too seriously as so many seem to do from time to time. We behave responsibly and foster "passion" for the game. So, it's truly too bad that you and some others fail to understand. That's ok. But we are here amongest you, but you have to be willing to look beyound the surface and see what is really going on.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Poolers are def not the 'elite' of CM fans, and they should live with it; when it all started (you saw my number?), there was no PENG pool, there were just 'boring' grogs that commented on the game...and it worked. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are unnaturally obsessed with your member number, sirrah. This is the second time, in as many anti-Pengathons, that you have cited it. It confers legitimacy on neither your arguments, nor on gerontocracy as a concept, especially since the science of member-numbering has been shown to be inexact, as a good grog should know.

Would you defend your "extra inch of armor" opinion, based on your member number? No.

Anti-pengers, take heart. You are required to overlook one line of text per visit, no more. But click not, lest ye also shall be clicked.

If you gaze too long into the Peng Thread, it shall also gaze... into thee.

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Well, in an attempt to answer the specific question first asked (the view from an outsider), Peng is the name of a member of this community and someone (I believe it was Seanichi or someone - forgive any misspelling) made a public challenge to him on the general forum. These two individuals have a .. off the wall sort of humor and had a great deal of knowledge about strange and arcane philosophy (beyond me anyway). The original "Peng challenge" thread then spiralled into a strange philosophical debate / taunting thread which apparently grew in popularity and has now morphed into this sort of 'super challenge' thread involving teams or something. I have to admit that I have never read so much as one post in the Peng thread (or any of its offspring) after the first few posts in the original thread. I've never had any heated arguments with any member of the cesspool (that I know of) with perhaps one exception - although I've come to the conclusion that the general consensus among "Poolers" is that the game is just fine the way it is. The majority of the "defenders of the faith" are probably "Poolers" (just my opinion).

The "Peng" threads have no effect on me since I just don't read them, nor do I have any interest in reading them. Personally, if some people are into that sort of thing, then let them have at it. There are many threads on this message board that I don't read and that is just one of many. About the only thing I would be (mildly) curious about is whether either Peng or Seanichi are even still posting in the "Peng" threads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>About the only thing I would be (mildly) curious about is whether either Peng or Seanichi are even still posting in the "Peng" threads.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Peng wanders in on occassion, mostly to complain that HIS thread had deteriorated (i.e. It wasn't like this in the OLD Board"). He has been immortalized, however, in the listing of wins and losses which is completely ignored by us, through having any loss TO him branded on the record of the loser as having LOST TO PENG!. Seanachai, on the other hand, posts regularly and at GREAT length ... we're still not sure what his posts are ABOUT mind you ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ASL Veteran:

About the only thing I would be (mildly) curious about is whether either Peng or Seanichi are even still posting in the "Peng" threads.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They are indeed still posting to the threads. And the name is spelled Seanachai.

Also, though I just signed up for a non-pool team game (involving one other pooler and two normal people), the Pool does not typically involve team play. There is a strange hierarchy that we mostly ignore, but sometimes appeal to when it serves to irritate.

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Now I've had the Peng challenge thoroughly well explained to me, I'll go back to ignoring it. But thanks for clearing up the mystery one and all.

And as for critics of peng, how about a bit of live and let live - I thought that was what our older folks were fighting for back then?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumbo:

The 'Peng' threads artificially boost the number of posts to the discussion board and waste bandwidth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay, I know going to regret this, but exactly whose bandwidth is a Peng Thread allegedly wasting, and how, and how much?????

I may not know anything about 88mm muzzle velocities on rainy Mondays, nor might I care about accurate unlimbering times of bastardized 17lbr gun/25lbr chassis in hypothetical Desert scenarios, but as it happens, I do know a teensy bit about this wonderful hyper-porn-delivery system we call 'the internet'.

So educate me, Peng-haters.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

Peng away. If I don't want to look I don't have to.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh sure, like we don't know you are a future Peng newbie. Hah, tell us another one!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh sure, like we don't know you are a future Peng newbie. Hah, tell us another one! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flattery will not get you anywhere. I have only glanced at a Peng thread once, and I went blind and grew hair on my palms. No more, thanks.

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The great Peng ocassionally pops in. He apparently has generally moved on to other things. I, for one, have been a lurker here for a long time, and it was this very thread that got me interested in CM. This thread is not intended to be understood by casual CM players. However, many of us consider it quite amusing. It is also a place to keep most of the off topic and off color humor from invading the general forums, where it could be misconstrued. As BTS has stated, it is their forum, do manage as they see fit. If CM is any indication, they DO know what they are doing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

So why doesn't he post anymore? Unless I've missed his musings I'm assuming the legendary Peng has moved on. Is that the case?


Peng still posts. He posts long rambling diatribes that make about as much sense as Seanachai's. He just does it rarely of late. BTW I've never played him, but from what I understand it is something of a dishonor to lose to him, (for more than one reason).

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Don't tell me, I've stumble across a Peng thread in disguise of a relevant thread. Darn the first time since these peng thingys have been going I read one, darn, darn (spit spit spit). It's all your fault Caralampio, I'm diseased. I'll never read one of your threads again. :mad: :eek: ;)

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: goodwood ]

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posted 05-05-2001 10:02 PM                  




Originally posted by Dunnee:

Do I have what it takes to be a Peng? more importantly, does a peng have what it takes to be me?


Phillies Phan:

I met Peng and you sir, are no Peng.

(snicker)are you kidding me?(snicker)

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Dunnee ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet:

The great Peng ocassionally pops in. He apparently has generally moved on to other things. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhh... so he behaves much like another legend whose reputation has grown worldwide... the great BOB NEIL of "Bob Neil drinks West End beer" fame (refer Berlin Wall and other famous places).

Will be interesting to see if any CM posters know of the legendary Bob Neil. :cool:


Jim R.

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OK OK seems like I ruffled some feathers here

I just wanted to know. I've been "wading" through the Peng thread and I don't find it particularly funny, but this may well because I don't know what the joke is about. To each his own. However, back to my original question, and rephrasing it, is or was there a forum member known as Peng? If yes, what did he do to become so famous? Is he similar to the "Wolf" character in the ASL mailing list?

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Not to be rude with some of my fellow Poolers but you might indeed wade through dozens of posts without so much as a smile.

It comes with the fact that some are just NOT funny and mostly because you can't be terrific for 10000 Posts.

The Peng Threads are a folklore and as such have Hi & Lo.

And YES Peng did exist.

At the time of the Conquistadores, Peng was a famous Peruvian Partisan.

Maybe you've heard those famous lines:

Friends don't you hear the muffled cries

Of our country who's being raped

By the ones upon which Peng

Is about to unleash Death, Pestilence, French and Groglessness...

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There IS a MrPeng.

He did not start this thread. Seanachai did. He challenged Peng, then Took Their Challenge Public. The rest is history.

Peng is not human. He is a Pod. Pods fear sunlight, smiley-faces, and Elvis. They enjoy recreational pharmaceuticals. Their roots are in obscure Pythonology, where they have no armor school. Their spawning grounds are in the Philadelphia area.

MrPeng was noted for world-class invective and taunting long before there was a Peng thread. He is an unwilling celebrity, but profits handsomely from the lucrative apparel and souvenier concessions associated with the thread.

Hope this helps.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:


Poolers are def not the 'elite' of CM fans, and they should live with it; when it all started (you saw my number?), ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>blah blah blah...

Wow! Is THAT pretentious, with an unhealthy dose of generality thrown in for good measure.

Fred, I have never posted in a Peng thread, but occasionally lurk a bit just for a good laugh. The Peng thread is all about humor - if you don't like that style of humor, then simply stay out of it. However, to brand someone's abilities based upon their sense of humor is ludicrous. Especially when elitism enters the equation - what does member # have to do with anything? You're #176 - big deal, have a cookie, just for having heard of the game before many others.

Get a grip, man.

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Anybody notice....this thread started with the question "What's the Peng?" and rapidly mutated into.....something resembling the Peng! That seems to happen quite a bit.

Here's what I think: notices rumblings....who cares what you think, newbie.....whatever.....who are you?.....shut up, rookie. I, veteran poster, have something brilliant to say.....etc

Woah, maybe I better not. I'm afraid! What if I don't measure up?

Seriously....the Peng is interesting to me. I'm interested in social behavior of all kinds, and internet message boards/communities are a unique study all their own. The Peng Challenge (and other pools) is a phenomenon within a phenomenon. It's a group of similar individuals that naturally come together for a particular purpose. What their true purpose is, I'm never sure. It's clear that part of the purpose is to impress others with intelligence, cleverness, knowledge, etc., which provides the individuals with self-satisfaction. That's a little sad, but hey, we all want that, right? There's also the sense of "belonging", which is a valuable commodity offered by any group. I've been (mostly) lurking for some time now--I even participate sometimes, but usually only regarding CM itself--and I keep coming back because they're interesting. As an observer, I find The Peng itself riciculous, entertaining, funny (for awhile), intelligent (in a particular way), and mostly worthless. Is it "valid"? Yes. Is it "productive"? Probably not at all. But, like all the other parts of the CM community, it obviously serves the purpose of those involved, or it wouldn't be here. It doesn't hurt anyone (who doesn't ask for it, i.e., participants), and even though I pay relatively little attention to it (I'm more interested in more game-related stuff), I like that it's there. Why? I guess because it's unique, and I like that.

Are you done yet, doofus?......what are you, Freud?......shaddup already......nice stream-of-consciousness (snore) do you have a point?!....Hi mom!.....

Um...no, not really. I'm just searching for some personal validation. Sorry.

Here's one for ya: I was nearly goaded into a flame war on my fantasy baseball league message board recently! I almost couldn't stand leaving it alone! Being one-upped by someone that (and I say this with a heart-full-o-love) was clearly an utter moron. I said....HI MOM! Actually, it was the thought of him believing that he'd one-upped me that I couldn't leave alone. It was tough, but I suddenly realized that the whole thing was over a fantasy baseball league! Yikes!

God, I hope nobody reads this.....

Viva Peng! Viva CM Forum! Viva CM!

Ok, now I'm done. thank GOD!

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