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A Peng Challenge Too Far

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Edited because I don't think the mad Scot wannabe OGSF has yet mentioned that he auto surrendered to me in our last game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

At wasnae fer mae tae bae stailin' ye thunder, laddie. Ah haid a brrrilliant plan which were gutted bah a massive ainjection o' mah ain cretinous stupidity fraim tha starrt. Ye're a snot gobblin' toad jumper an' Ah'll bae saindin' a vengeful setoop along ain a wee while.

Sae while ye wait, ye kin tak' a wee dump an' fall back ain at, Jimmy.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I too shave in the shower. It's much more efficient and easier on the back.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why not just let your back grow?

And sneak about on all fours grunting and pawing the earth? It's gotta be killing you playing the biped game every day, man. Be yourself, find your inner quad... it's almost hunting season, too.

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Bugger all. I take it from the name of our new home that this thread will be brought up short of the 300th post by a punishing margin and thousands of Englishman will go into captivity as a result.

I find the concept intriguing, and shall be watching the latter half of this incarnation of the Thread of threads with great interest.

Sadly, the opening half, other than some generally interesting stuff, introduced only two new SSNs, one of whom was as uninteresting as his fecal humour, and the other, though showing a faint glimmer of ability, was so easily scared away by Peng that he has doubtless since taken a job as a dog-walker, but only of very small dogs.

I think that last lad was thrown by the whole concept of 'the Peng Challenge'. I think the poor tyke actually thought he had to come in here and challenge Peng. If the Europeans among us wish to deride the deterioration of public education in America, then how much greater the failure of education on the Outer Boards. SSNs arrive here these days with only the vaguest bloody notion of what's going on, read perhaps a page or two, and then have a go at it.

The results are predictable. After making the attempt, and being treated exactly and as even-handedly as the very nature of the group they are attempting to join requires, they assume that they have been horribly and unfairly rebuffed, and flee the Thread either sneering or weeping, depending on their natures.

Oh, and in a quick aside, I must add that those of our foreign chums who do dismiss public education in America are grossly misinformed and short-sighted. I doubt many of you lot could turn in the same level of academic excellence under combat conditions. To my certain knowledge, most European children are not even sent to school armed (my understanding is that Australian children are issued weapons, but without any instruction, and never sort them out on their own until somewhere around college age, at which point they are eligible for National Service, and, delighted with their new found understanding of armaments, have always guaranteed Australia an extraordinarily enthusiastic and all volunteer armed forces. Mind, the whole point of basic training in Australia is convincing them who they are actually allowed to shoot).

Now, it's all very easy to curl the lip and parade an 'education' gained under conditions of relative safety, where students are actually encouraged to achieve without the distractions of learning escape routes, impediments to unfriendly fire, and a wary, heads-up approach to education. This does no more than prove that the education of the average 'foreigner' is nothing more than dilettantism. A showy 'say, look at me, I've posted high levels, I'm almost guaranteed a job and compensation commensurate with my level of learning and achievement combined with and dependent upon my societal and economic class standing prior to enrollment, and I won't have to know f-all about tactics until I take AF training.'

Your average American student, on the other hand, has already worked their way through an arena of threat and response, alliance and betrayal, that most souls do not encounter unless they go into the foreign service.

How, then, you ask yourself, is it that America is not currently the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth? The answer, quite simply, is our Entertainment Industry. Through the proper counter application of mind-numbingly insignificant, puerile, and half-witted 'entertainment' offerings, even the keenest wits, honed to a razor-sharp edge of self-preservation and analysis, can be reduced to so much over-sugared and overcooked oatmeal.

Now, that aside, my apologies to my many opponents, sadly and disgracefully abandoned these last few days. I was (very) unexpectedly called out of town for a day or so, and returned with the most hellish fever and lung-rot. I was sweating, palsied, coughing, cursing God and Berli and trying to cut deals with all the spirits in between to return me to health. I wanted to get some turns out this evening, but after attempting to play out my game with Shaw, and spending several minutes cursing and growing increasingly frantic about my inability to target one of my own infantry squads with one of my own tanks, I decided that I would allow another day of healing before taking on the complex mental task of dismissing you all as the unworthy tactical by-products that you are, and concentrate instead on getting caught up with the sublime Peng Challenge Thread.

Mind, had I been present earlier, I would, like a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save others (demonstrably less worthy and valuable than the man who made that noble choice; but there, I love you not for what you could be, but for what you are), done everything in my power to spare this Band of Brothers (none of who's fathers actually married their mothers, or, in many cases, even proceeded to inquiring into surnames before the act of procreation), the images slashed upon the minds (such as they are) of all here, of Peng, Elvis, and Lawyer unclothed, wet, covered with lather, and doing some sort of neo-Scots sword dance involving facial hair (Lawyer's further impositions on the imagination will remain uncommented upon, except to murmur 'god stuff a cat').

Oh, and if the righteous Hiram lad and that likely swine Croda swing by, know that I will be going off to that other place for more discussion, I just haven't been up to it.

Finally, the knowledge that Peng might arrive in the Twin Cities (heir to Rome and Athens, upon which they were modeled) of Minneapolis and St. Paul, fills me with both dread and elation. Dread in terms of the savage hit my wallet will take filling the empty keg that he is with alcohol, and elation that I will then be able to put him in a cab, and have him deposited in the Philips neighbourhood wearing an incredibly cheesy war-bonnet and carrying a huge Atlanta Braves foam tomahawk wearing a sign that says 'I'm from Pennsylvania, Give Us a Kiss'.

[ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Well, first Maximus, now Losername.

Now if we can just get Lawyer to follow suit . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The one, lad, is merely a pillock who seems to be quite simply congenitally incapable of withholding his opinion no matter how stupid it might be, while the other seems to be working through some curious form of self-loathing in which he makes every effort to alienate and belittle a community that he then insists on belonging to (and I agree with other posters in that thread that he might have gone right over the top into an even more disturbed world).

They are, of course, Outer Boarders.

Lawyer, whatever else you might say of him (personally, I've only filled up two notebooks, and one of those is barely legible after symbolically flinging it into the toilet with a curse), is one of ours.

Shaw, discipline your henchman! I will not see a Knight of the Cesspool's name linked with those others, even in jest.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Shaw, discipline your henchman! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Which leads me to another, wanderingly and ever more loosely gripped reality.

Which is better, henchmen or minions?

Often, while sitting in meetings at work where the importance of employee productivity and the need for people to not spend time on websites that IT has identified as 'not consistent with our fair use policy' (which policy is defined to the last detail, if that detail can be described as 'and anything else that suddenly enters our heads to decide isn't appropriate'; the gods know I can't get to Battlefront on my lunch break, but none of the country's innumerable golf (the Sport of Evil) websites has been disabled), I find myself contemplating at length what is the best way of describing those in one's employ, and dedicated solely to the goals and agendas as determined by one's self.

Now, 'henchmen' of course, has a certain looming aura of threat associated with it, but to me implies a certain level of thuggery. Minions, well, 'minions' just cries out for the appellation 'evil'. 'Evil Mininons' not only says it all, it has the right Berli-esque quality to it.

On the whole, I'd have to say I prefer 'minions' to 'henchmen', but I like to think that my grasp is complex enough to know when either is the mot juste.

And now, now perhaps, it's time

The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

'tis but Seanachai, going off to bed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Well, first Maximus, now Losername.

Now if we can just get Lawyer to follow suit . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, Lawyer is just my Cesspool handle. I moonlight on the main forum as Cauldron, Lord Fluffers MB, Gunny Bunny, JasonC, David Aitken, and several other aliases. I do it just to piss off Marked 4 Bor(ing).

Oh, and Sooners Suck Red Muck!

Ya Okie Git.

[ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Finally, the knowledge that Peng might arrive in the Twin Cities (heir to Rome and Athens, upon which they were modeled) of Minneapolis and St. Paul, fills me with both dread and elation. Dread in terms of the savage hit my wallet will take filling the empty keg that he is with alcohol, and elation that I will then be able to put him in a cab, and have him deposited in the Philips neighbourhood wearing an incredibly cheesy war-bonnet and carrying a huge Atlanta Braves foam tomahawk wearing a sign that says 'I'm from Pennsylvania, Give Us a Kiss'.

[ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wonder if the effort of replying to such a long winded post is worth the effort. MRPeng much like myself, is an ardent and oh so avid Phillies Phan. I could explain the intricacies of such a life choice but I'm sure that baseball is foreign to to a bard such as yourself. It has nothing to do with Poetry or the transliteration of the Canterbery Tales. The Phanaticism would keep me and people like myself from ever wearing something that even remotely resembled the outfit of the evil, commie, godless Atlanta Braves.

I'm sure that it's been snowing since August in the land of the Twin Cities and the Singular Wit. So, I admonish the Pod to wear his galoshes. (Almost said "rubbers" but then I would have to request a sitting down from Sir Bauhaus).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

...Now, that aside, my apologies to my many opponents, sadly and disgracefully abandoned these last few days. I was (very) unexpectedly called out of town for a day or so, and returned with the most hellish fever and lung-rot. I was sweating, palsied, coughing, cursing God and Berli and trying to cut deals with all the spirits in between to return me to health... et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

[ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that I know who you are Such.a.nice.guy, or your 'sort' anyway. You and your comrade in arms (I mean arm in arm, not side by side) Pong have both on numerous occassions been 'layed up' as it were, on your sick beds at the slightest whiff of a germ.

When I was in school, there was always a small group of sickly spods that stayed as far away from PE as is physically possible. Note in hand, they crawled and limped dragged themselves to the teacher and, when given the nod, sat their spindly bodies down on a convenient bench and dealt out their Top Trumps. This is you, Sir.

And one more thing. Henchmen are the best, you nerd!

Minions are only in it for the food, cash and maybe the odd maiden still warm after a vicious pillage. They fight for themselves - selfish to the core, while providing an aura of commitment. Take away the binding threat and they're off to the hills.

Henchmen, on the other hand, are loyal and decent, ready to come to your aid and stand by your side, come hell or high water. They ask for nothing but association and give all that they have.

Trump that geek!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

...Do you Brits enjoy a good American classic such as Airplane or Animal House?

von shrad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seinfled and Larry Sanders are the best thing to have come out of your country, Mr Shrad. On a par, just, with Blackadder.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ruin wrote:

Do not use the name of Krazydog in vain...the boy has got to do the 3D models BEFORE he starts on the skins.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Am I the only person on the forum who can spell Kwazydawg? I wouldn't go so far as to call Dan a Crazy Dog. Dirty Rotten Slacker is quite enough. No Dan! Pleease!! Don't set Matt on me! I'll buy two copies of CM2 when it comes out... even though I won't have time to play it... although I might, considering that ETA is 2005... SORRY!! It was a JOKE!! Nice Matt... good boy... have a biscuit.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>shaun vrad wrote:

Red Dwarf is on tonight on BBC America. I hope it meets my expectations<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Series VII saw the departure of one of the writers and temporarily the best character. Therefore it abandoned all the conventions which made the show all the funnier for those familiar with its origins. I would recommend anything up to series VI (6).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do you Brits enjoy a good American classic such as Airplane or Animal House? Sonds like they could be along the same genre, without those great accents and bad teeth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, those are about the closest US equivalents. Leslie Nielsen and John Vernon could almost be British actors.

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Some time ago MrSpkr sent me an abomination that was apparently created by the evil Berli, in which the entire German army set off to take a bridge defended by a squad of green american engineers. Now, after much pain and bloodshed, the outcome has been decided. Please get out your hammer and chisel and etch into Peng's skull, er...the tome:

chrisl: major victory

MrSpkr: sucks

morse has sent me another vile thing created by rune. It looks even more bizarre than the creation that I sent to Peng and Seanachai, and is so huge that I may well have to buy a new computer if I get any reinforcements, otherwise the turns won't compile.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I wanted to get some turns out this evening, but after attempting to play out my game with Shaw, and spending several minutes cursing and growing increasingly frantic about my inability to target one of my own infantry squads with one of my own tanks, ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Never let it be said, Seanachai, (say, now THAT'S a good idea, never let Seanachai be said, by George {you know George, that outerboarder who prattles on and on about whether it's an 81mm mortar or just an 80.8mm mortar and why can't it run anyway} I think I'm on to something ... or perhaps I'm just ON something) ... where was I? Oh yeah, Seanachai, do what I do when faced with that conundrum ... I throw a towel over my head so that since I can't see IT, IT, being of about the same intelligence as Stuka (though NOT as gamey, I can't see {get it, TWO "see" references in one} a Conundrum playing a non-double blind game) thinks IT can't see ME and wanders away ... hah, hah, just kidding, that's the bugblatter beast ... I think. Anyway I just target a piece of ground as close to my own unit as possible and fire area fire. Go ahead, I'll wait for you, you might want to try several times so you're sure you have it right.

Oh ...

hope you're felling better ... opps, my bad, I CLEARY meant FEELING better, can't imagine what I was thinking.


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chrisl, in his gloating, fails to mention one tiny detail --

this was a PLAYTEST of Berli's evil little brew called the Kall Trail.

chrisl entire strategy appears to have been setting up 90% of his forces (who began entrenched) in a forest twenty meters from the lone victory flag, which sat astride a bridge whose only approaches from the German side of the map were 60+ meters of ground balder than the Mad One's head.

We both suffered relatively equal casualties. chrisl (is there a problem with capitalization here) won because of his last minute gamey flag rush (which resulted in his having one squad panicking and preparing to beat feet when the game ended and the other HQ unit wondering what the heck they were doing out there). Considering the fact that the Germans and Amis had less than 1500 points worth of units combined, it is not surprising that a gamey flag rush worked for him.

To balance this one, I would suggest the forest on the American side be eliminated, and parameters set to 'meeting engagement', reducing the American foxhole advantage.

I will give credit where credit is due, however; in the first twenty nine turns, chrisl did actually move three squads and a headquarters unit from their starting positions. He managed to get 75% of that particular platoon killed, panicked, or routed. THAT takes talent.

Now, on to other business.

Seanachai -- you are, perhaps, correct in regards to Lawyer; however, he was a convenient choice since I have chosen to ignore the existence of a much more appropriate knight who shall remain nameless.

By the way, how does it feel sharing your home state with the likes of dalem? I imagine the insect infestations have grown, and the generally fetid atmosphere of Minnesota has plummeted to new depths of noxiousness.

On the bright side, however, his move from Michigan to Minnesota appears to have raised the mean intelligence levels of both states.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

It's gotta be killing you playing the biped game every day, man. Be yourself, find your inner quad... it's almost hunting season, too.


Do we need a license to hunt lawyers? Or can shoot them on sight like a pest species? And what's the best load for a lawyer? I prefer to bag them at a distance, as they are often dangerous at close range -- not to mention the smell.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

[QBBy the way, how does it feel sharing your home state with the likes of dalem? I imagine the insect infestations have grown, and the generally fetid atmosphere of Minnesota has plummeted to new depths of noxiousness.

On the bright side, however, his move from Michigan to Minnesota appears to have raised the mean intelligence levels of both states.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like Minnesota. The people are very nice and expect me to be the same. Like last night, where some fratboy steakhead threw his football into the street and expected me to stop my car so he could get it.

That was a precious look on his face as he jumped back to the curb.

I have also seen I494 and I694 clogged more than Lou Grant's arteries as I went to go get my new driver's license. Need to find a way to avoid those babies.

I have also, due to the many short tempers evidenced in the Outerboards, and the somewhat scary self extraction of The Hated One from the boards en toto, decided to fill myself with love and joy and tenderness and spray it around. I think I'll slosh over to the middle of the pool and just crank this turntable up....

Okay guys, in what order do you want me to stack the albums on the spindle dropper? James Taylor and then Dan Fogleberg? Or should I reverse that? I have plenty of both for all, so maybe I should alternate?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

I have also seen I494 and I694 clogged more than Lou Grant's arteries as I went to go get my new driver's license. Need to find a way to avoid those babies.


Don’t worry, we’re getting a new choo-choo train. Your tax dollar at play. No need to take the freeway. Of course, light rail won’t go anywhere you’d want to go, so I suggest you try it.

And regarding Maxipad and Losername, you ever watch a drunk pick a fight with the bouncer? Always entertaining when the bouncer opens the bar door with their heads.

So in closing, dalem. the James Taylor please, and MrSpkr, the insects froze to death last week.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

...and the other, though showing a faint glimmer of ability, was so easily scared away by Peng that he has doubtless since taken a job as a dog-walker, but only of very small dogs.]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You sir, are quite quick to underestimate your enemy. I would suggest refraining from the process in order to prevent any further embarassment to yourself in the future, but the matter is, of course, in your hands. In regards to my earlier post, I gladly challenge you rubes to do better, as it would be a great strike against your honor to be out-written by a SSN on his first post.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think that last lad was thrown by the whole concept of 'the Peng Challenge'. I think the poor tyke actually thought he had to come in here and challenge Peng.

SSNs arrive here these days with only the vaguest bloody notion of what's going on, read perhaps a page or two, and then have a go at it.

The results are predictable. After making the attempt, and being treated exactly and as even-handedly as the very nature of the group they are attempting to join requires, they assume that they have been horribly and unfairly rebuffed, and flee the Thread either sneering or weeping, depending on their natures.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Once again you have fallen victim to the steeming, black morass of your own inflated hubris, which I think will soon come crashing down in similar fashion to a certain well-known derigible. Of course I am aware of the fact that I do not have to challenge Peng. You sir, have brazenly insluted my intellect, and I believe we shall soon be rectifying the objection in an efficient manner through ritualized electronic combat. It just so happened that MrPeng's high-pitched and rather girlish voice was the first to pipe up (in a rather unbecoming manner of a member of this strange little cult, IMHO) in regards to my aforementioned post.

In regards to my seemingly hasty exit from this thread, I can only assure you that I was merely paying homage to the hideous bitch-goddess of real life. Now that she is through with me for the moment I fully intend to return where I left off.

Now to attend to matters here *ahem*: You sir (if you are even worth of that title), Mr. Seanachai, have inflicted a grevious and wanton blow against my gentlemanly manner. You may therefore consider yourself challenged to a duel. I believe pistols at dawn is the traditional manner of dealing with such dastardly acts, no? I would advise acceptance of my reasonable offer, lest the yellow stripe growing down your back begin to present itself in the midst of your peers. Upon your confirmation a file will arrive at your doorstop in expediency.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

Of course I am aware of the fact that I do not have to challenge Peng. You sir, have brazenly insluted my intellect, and I believe we shall soon be rectifying the objection in an efficient manner through ritualized electronic combat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm. Seanachai in-sluted him, but he will rectify it.

Foul-mouthed newby SSN git (yes, redundant, but hey, its a been a long week).

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ooOOGahhh, ooOOGahhh, ooOOGahhh

Lars: All be upstanding for the Semi-Regular and almost previously scheduled GAME UPDATE of Sir Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain ... uh ...

Joe Shaw: Commissioner you FOOL ***BOOT***.

Lars: ouch CessPool Drain Commissioner You Fool ... sorry Sire.

{grumble} Squires these days ...

I have WAY too many games going so if I miss one or two or seem to give some short shrift ... tough.

Berli: After his "triumph" in the Peng-Conceived (which is analogous to "ill-Conceived" only worse) abortion he is now fitfully attacking in a blitz battle by Mensch ... so far he's managed to find JUST the right avenues of approach that allow my artillery to hit him ... way to go Berli.

jd: He's winning, hooray for him. The GOOD news is that it's about over and I may not have to play him for a while. Not because he's any GOOD mind you, just because he's ... well ... jd.

Agua Perdido: My former loyal and trustworthy squire is sneaking around the bocage and setting up ambushes and hitting and running and ... you get the idea. He's also sending turns at a GLACIAL pace, maybe he knows something, hmmmm? Delaying the ineveitable are we?

Mace: I HATE Goanna ... now one might wonder why, in a report on a game with Mace, I take the time to complain about Goanna. First, it's NEVER a bad time to complain about Goanna, but second, HE created this snow-bound ... THING ... that we're fighting. Mace is taking FOREVER to move anywhere but the good news is that I finally got some reinforcments so I might actually have a chance ... hey ... it COULD happen.

Mark IV: This is a really strange game , again by Mensch, you'd think I'd learn. So far it's not looking good for the good guys (ME) and Mensch is a sneaky swine for creating it in the first place ... I mean, come on ... POLISH? And frankly he'd have been more honest just to label half the setup zones as "suicide zones". Thanks for the fighting chance there pal!

Mensch: Speaking of gamey swine, how's about coming out in the open and FIGHTING like a MAN! Sheesh, he sneaks around in the forest, setting up ambushes and, GET THIS, my Panthers can't support my infantry that deep into the woods ... IS THAT FAIR?

Moriarty: Why, oh why do I get stuck with all the winter scenarios? Is it because I spent so much time in northern Montana? Is it because I said so MANY bad words about the winters there? I THINK this was a MrSpkr masterpiece, you know, fourteen gazillion square miles of front and 500 points to attack with. So far it's been INCREDIBLY boring ... like I said ... MrSpkr created it.

MrSpkr: And for something COMPLETELY different we have THIS little gem created by Berli in which MrSpkr is attacking with his French, I'm defending with my Germans and we're both REQUIRED to pound the snot out of the same town we're attacking/defending with massive artillery. Needless to say, there are more than a FEW rounds that are going astray.

Peng: The highlight of the game SO FAR came about when Peng drove his HT AND towed gun right past my flamethrower ... it was lovely. His first attempt at an attack was aborted VERY quickly and he promptly changed his plan ... at least ... I'm ASSUMING he has a plan.

Bauhaus: He has begged more time due to real life issues.

Seanachai: He stands off with his bloody tanks and shells the snot out of my town ... AND ... he doesn't even have the nerve to drive into the LOS of my ATGs ... talk about gamey.

Stuka: Have I mentioned that he has played this scenario from MY side and so this ISN'T a double blind game? Amazingly he seems to know EXACTLY what I have and EXACTLY what avenues of approach would work best, but then the really GOOD commanders always did have that sixth sense didn't they.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr in the CMBO Glorifying War thread:

I wonder if his girlfriend thinks my kids are glorifying obesity when they play Candyland?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LMAO. 6 months, 1300 posts, and you've finally said something funny. I'm almost glad we didn't kill you when we should have.

Private Wackov (with a soft "v") is back, which in itself is not important enough to constitute a real annoyance. However, the dekefentlian style IS, although to that other minor individual's minor credit he has at least mastered spell check.

Perhaps this one is dangerous, packing that "derigible", the small double-barreled balloon favored by riverboat gamblers. The notion of a morass crashing down on anything is a metaphor so badly mixed that even Iskander would send it back to the bar.

His insluted intelligence had best quit leaning on the lamppost of verbosity, wipe off the mascara of rhetoric, and devote itself to simple concepts like respect for one's betters, a remarkably broad spectrum of plant and animal life in this case.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...Now to attend to matters here *ahem*: You sir (if you are even worth of that title), Mr. Seanachai, have inflicted a grevious and wanton blow against my gentlemanly manner. You may therefore consider yourself challenged to a duel. ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now, now, don't jostle boys, there's still plenty of good seats available. Don't forget to visit our snack bar and get your refreshments early ... wouldn't want to miss Seanachai's response to this SSN now would you?

I blame David Aitken for his hideously incomplete rules.

Look Capstain Whacker, SSNs (Scum Sucking Newbies ... YOU if it's necessary to explain further) should not embarrass themselves by challenging Knights of the CessPool, you'll be lucky to get the notice of the back of their hand. You, in your ignorance, managed to not only choose Seniour Knights BUT TWO of the Olde Ones! Rookie mistake lad, rookie mistake.

It's NOT to late to just SOD OFF you know ... save yourself the time and trouble, beat the rush, get out of the parking lot early.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Wack:

...steeming, black morass ...brazenly insluted ...MrPeng's ...rather girlish ...post....hideous bitch-goddess ...wanton ...acts...expediency.


Indeed. You can hardly even mis-edit anything anything entertaining out of that noise. At least DekeFentle alliterates. Time for a round of


Joe Shaw and I are continuing to slog through Berli's aggravating A Long and Bloody Mile. Thankfully, that git MrSpkr has saved us from any suspense. Joe is complaining that I play too slowly. He is welcome to SOD OFF!

I have decided to send a turn to Terence, who has been long absent from the 'Pool, but wrote me to complain that I play too slowly. He is welcome to SOD OFF!

stevetherat, when not complaining that I play too slowly or send him the wrong files when I'm drunk, is busy dying-a-lot and running his tanks around the edges of the map. He is always welcome to SOD OFF!

Goanna has not been complaining that I play too slowly lately, mainly because he is dying-a-whole-feckin'-lot in the snowy hell he created. He is still welcome to SOD OFF! however.

jdmorse has sent over a rune-created abomination with a surprisingly-normal-looking map. I squinted at the avenues of approach my doughty defenders would have to guard against the crack hordes of Central Valley Legaltruppen, when I realized I had been given Canadians. CANADIANS! I am so appalled I shall hold the setup file hostage for six weeks instead of my usual three, or until jd complains that I play too slowly (whichever comes later). He is, of course, welcome to SOD OFF!

As for Seanachai, he should spend less time pontificating and more time sending me a setup that I can ignore. Actually, he can forget the setup, so long as he spends less time pontificating. And SODS OFF!

As for the rest of you lot, SOD OFF!

Agua Perdido

PS: No lawn tractors were harmed in the production of this post, although some prime Scott's Turf Builder was freebased while huffing Round Up.

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