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CM....How did you 1st hear about it?

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I feel fortunate, that I found out about this game. Can you imagine the people, that would buy this game but don't even know of its existence. I was one of those poor bastards. I found out about this game, through The Wargamer, and I found The Wargamer by chance. It was completely by mistake, "if you will" finding CM, and that just is not right. I was just curious, how you CM vets, found this game.

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Same here(by mistake).

Was looking up info on West Front using dejanews.com and kept reading mentions of something called CM in peoples Usenet posts. I then searched for CM, and after some misses, finally found an address for this two letter game everyone was raving about(this was pre-beta, and it already was getting great feedback on what they were attempting, at least, as well as great tester comments). The address was battlefront.com, and the rest is history.

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This is my first post, but it's truly a great question, I haven't played a war game since Panzer General 2, I looked at a co-workers CG mag and read the review, I was like DAMN, where did this thing come from??? I work in the game industry and never even heard of it!!! So I ordered it last Friday...hasn't showed up yet...I have played the demo till I'm blue in the face and still play it. Anyway, it was a Game mag review that turn me on to it, problem is not many guys I know play war games, think of it, I got a team of 20 gamers and not ONE plays war games! O well, I'm sure one of you all would love to give me a lessen in hard knocks...or perhaps learn one? hehe


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Well in finding this game, it does help if you have been into wargames before. Most of us have been waiting for a game like this for a LONG time.

The unique thing about CM is that it never gets old like ALL other games. You can quit playing for a while like if you buy a new game, but then you come back to CM and it's like, it's so COOL!

The graetest thing about CM is all the mods out there for it. One of the first things you'll wanna do is to go to CMHQ and check out all of the mods available to the game. You'll wanna start with the Mad-Dog Mod Packs and then build from there since the Mod Packs really improve the overall look of the game.

Then you'll wanna start grabing all the scenarios at the Gamers Net Scenario Depot. Don't worry, scenario files can be as small as 4K up to ~25K, because all the files are is just the editor map information and units involved with just a "marker", the game engine renders the map information.

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Thanks for the info, I've been a hard core flight sim guy for a long time, between sims I got into war games for the historical education and god factor smile.gif It just makes me warm and fuzzy to see that a tiny company can still make a massive showing in the gaming arena without a damn publisher with there marketing machine smashing and rushing all the creativity out of it. I can't stress enough that I'm proud of these guys and I plan on using this as an example in my future concept pitch's.

Thanks for turning me onto the mods, with nothing but the demo and waiting for my full version (Damn US postal, hurry up!)I think I scoured all the mods and tested them in the demo, damn nice stuff, gotta love games with huge player support. In fact I'm thinking of maybe unloading a few since it looks so darn real that the colors all blend and I can't find my units! hehe (don't care much for bases)Thanks again! Gotta get the scenario's when I get the game still


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I first heard of CM on the web a while ago. Wasn't very interested but after the release the flood of rave reviews at simhq.com and elsewhere made me visit BTS and try the demo .... been hooked ever since biggrin.gif

All previous PC wargames had left me cold. I think that links to other game sites, even if non-wargame are important to spread the word.

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Guest Shatter50

Shatter here

I was bored one night and decided to look threw different game sites and Battlefront.com was one of the search topics. As I am faithful wargamer I picked this one out of all the rest and downloaded demo. Was shocked at the best wargame I had ever seen and ordered CM the next day.

Then waited in anticipation of CM delivery, luckily it only took about 7 days.

If CM was put into the public eye I bet the sales would be HUGE

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Thanks Maximus, this game keeps getting better, around every turn. CMHQ has just what the doctor ordered, you guys making the mods, "I could kiss ya", pure talent. Well, thanks again, I have to get back to my corner, handing out CM pamphlets.

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I was trying to keep up to date with TacOps and found that Tacops now "belonged" to Battlefront.com. This was about 1.5 years ago.

CM won't run on my home computer (PowerMac 6500 from 1993). However, I do get to play very slow games using an "newer" laptop I have from work (Pentium 166).

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In 1998 or so, I was working at ABCNEWS.com, but I spent most of my time at home playing CC2 (much to my wife's dismay) and much of my time at work looking at the CC2 forums.

Someone there mentioned Combat Mission, and I immediately went to check out the site.

The rest is history...


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Guest Lord General MB


Ahh... I enjoy a post that brings out so many new recruits for the first army. And Shatter 50, I'm glad to see that you've been promoted to a full member, and have came out of your cave..(note sarcasam on the word "Cave"). Now then... I found CM when I was over at happy-puppy doing my weekly game search, when it popped up. I downloaded the demo. BOMB I bought it 2 days later. Best 80 buck I ever spent!

(Soldiers, SALUTE).



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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Guest AggroMann

I was browsing the Gamespot website looking for a new game to buy with my new computer. I always used to buy entirely Wargames like Panzer general, PG2, campaign series etc... so i had fallen into a sort of facination with WWII. That day the only new game that caught my eye was Shogun: total war... I did not buy it though, and a few days later i went back onto Gamespot and saw a new suspicous looking WWII game, it had a great rating and better looking graphics than Shogun. I went to Battlefronts website and browsed it's CM section drooling with the anticipation of buying it. What a great idea! A 3D WWII tactical level computer game! Look at the graphics! Look at the attention to detail! I immediatly purchased it and spent everyday while waiting for it drooling over MadMatts website... best decision of my life thus far, now i'm constantly survaying the land, looking at it from a defensive point of view...

among other things...



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I didn't post in the last thread on this topic so I shall here. It was about a year ago I guess, I was checking out all the Steel Panthers stuff Wild Bill and his Boys were doing. I'd read an article in PC gamer or CGW about them doing a revision of SP WWII. I came across a link that lead me to Battle Front. I downloaded the demo, I guess an early beta test? and tried it for a while.

I thought hmm interesting and that was it. It didn't do much for me then.

Last month I went searching for some games for my brother and I came across BattleFront again. I started reading and looking, digging here and there and flipping the hell out! It really got me the second time around. I joined this forum sold most of my PC Games to buy CM and have been enamored and spreading the word ever since. My brother BTW can barely stand to talk to me any more. 'Cause all I talk about is CM. Very very soon that will be all he talks about. wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-09-2000).]

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A burning bush told me.

Seriously, though, I heard about it on sharkyextreme.com on a column called, well something, I can't remember now.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Meeks, you can't be all bad if you're a SharkyExtremer wink.gif

Heard about CM at the old CC2/CC3 mod'ers site. Started lurking on CM back before the Alpha came out, watched Fionn and Moon's Beta AAR series and went "Damn, gotta have it!". Pre-ordered something like 6 months before Gold Demo came out.

This is what I have been waiting for since I first looked at my Squad Leader chits and IBM PC in the same room.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Guest Pershing Predator

I happened to trip across the review of CM in one of my favorite CG Mags (Can everyone say Will Trotter?)and orignally passed off the game as another boring, slow paced wargame. Of course, at the time I was still under the influence of RTS games like Ground Control and Starcraft. But, one bored evening, I downloaded the demo. Next thing I knew, I was telling everyone for miles how good this game was. Now i'm addicted and it's ruined any more RTS's for me.


"When did this valley get here?"

"Toldja we were firing the 14-Inch guns."

-Pershing Predator

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I was looking up info on Panzer Elite and the multi player WW2 web sim and saw a reference to Big Time's CM site. At the time, I think it was June 1999. I went back a few times and the graphics seemed to be getting better (certainly a relative term if you go and look at the old graphics on the site...) along with the general gameplay. I went back a few times and preordered the first week they offered the Panther print with the game. I lurked the board from then until the beta demo came out and have been playing nothing else since. smile.gif

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I first heard of it as previews in the major gaming mags, but wasn't impressed. Then, when it came out, and virtually EVERY mag gave it 5-star reviews, I couldn't stand it anymore, and visited Battlefront.com. Still was undecided. Came back to the site a few days later, and finally ordered it. Got the game a few weeks later, and was bowled over.

Been playing ever since..


"Follow me, and I'll show you where the iron crosses grow"

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I was looking up info on Panzer Elite and the multi player WW2 web sim and saw a reference to Big Time's CM site. At the time, I think it was June 1999. I went back a few times and the graphics seemed to be getting better (certainly a relative term if you go and look at the old graphics on the site...) along with the general gameplay. I went back a few times and preordered the first week they offered the Panther print with the game. I lurked the board from then until the beta demo came out and have been playing nothing else since. smile.gif

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I've posted to threads on this topic before but I still love to hear how people getting the game now heard about it.

I found it, I am guessing, in the spring of '98 when there was a link to BigTime Softwares web site from Avalon Hills site. Just bored on the web one day and said "hey why don't you see if Avalon Hill is doing a computer version of Squad Leader". Sure enough they were (CM was originally called Computer Squad Leader). Then they slpit with Avalon Hill and soon after moved from their own site to Battlefront.com.

The Alpha AAR really got me hooked. I waited each day to see if the results of another turn were posted.

Peng was my old Squad Leader buddy and he wouldn't check the game out. Finally the beta demo was released and he checked it out and now we don't have any conversations anymore that do not center around CM. I also came out of lurking status at the time the beta demo was released (my user name had to be reset after the board crash with the release of the gold demo....but that night is a whole nother story).


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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