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    Boston, MA

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  1. Thanks Maximus, this game keeps getting better, around every turn. CMHQ has just what the doctor ordered, you guys making the mods, "I could kiss ya", pure talent. Well, thanks again, I have to get back to my corner, handing out CM pamphlets.
  2. I feel fortunate, that I found out about this game. Can you imagine the people, that would buy this game but don't even know of its existence. I was one of those poor bastards. I found out about this game, through The Wargamer, and I found The Wargamer by chance. It was completely by mistake, "if you will" finding CM, and that just is not right. I was just curious, how you CM vets, found this game.
  3. Hey, thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm proud to say, I have ordered CM. I just got my 1st credit card, and I wanted my first purchase to be something worthy, it was a toss up between, CM or a night of drinking, I hope I made the right choice. Wagon? I didn't see a wagon!
  4. I heard something about CM, quite awhile ago, I believe at The Wargamer. I remember saying, I got to get that game, one of these days. Then today, after flipping through CG magazine, I see this great article about, CMBO. After reading the article, and looking at the 6 screen shots, I asked myself the question, why the hell didn't I get CM a long time ago? My questions are, is CMBO an expansion or a standalone, and is it only available through battlefront.com, if so I didn't notice anywhere on the site where I could purchase a copy of CMBO, but I'll sure get CM to start off with. Any help would be appreciated...thnx
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