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SP:W@W anyone????

Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I think Wild Bill's gonna be a bit disappointed in our support for that game.

Personally, I downloaded the mosterous 265 MB file and installed it and played it. I found it to be awefully "gamey" in its gameplay, namely in its LOS rules.

The game as a whole just doesn't come out with the immersion factor or sense of "real" strategy that CM does. Basically, what it comes down to is that Matrix Games tried to revitalize old code, of which they did their best, but it just doesn't meassure up to CM's breakthru in computer wargaming. It's like bringing out a new revitalized version of DOOM when you have Unreal Tourney or Quake III Arena out there.

Again, I gave Wild Bill and Matrix Games the benefit of the doubt and tried it, but it falls way short of CM game engine. I loved the SPs series when they first came out, but that game system is way out of date. I went to Talonsoft's Campaign series after that for my wargaming pleasure, then I found CM. biggrin.gif


"Why don't we say that we took this one chance, and fought!"

"Stupid humans. Hahahahahahaha!"

--from the film Battlefield Earth

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I think a lot of the problem is people trying to group the two games together. I haven't downloaded SP:W@W (56k modem, hoping for cd release in a game mag). But I have played it against a friend here who dl'd it. I found it a fun and interesting game.

I think Bill and Matrix did a fine job. There is room for both on my HD and in my play time.

Mirior invictus


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I agree with Lorak. One thing I was looking for in the game (SP W@W) and haven't been able to find is TCP/IP. I asumed it would be in there but it doesn't seem to be. Peng and I had planned on playing it TCP/IP tomorrow night...


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well yes I agree that they are two totally different games. But they do both simulate WWII land combat. DOOM and Quake III both are FPS dealing with demons and such, but the game engine difference is huge. I tried giving SP:W@W its due but just became frustrated with its "gaminess". frown.gif

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The SPW@W game may not be as advanced as CM but hey..it's FREE! Just more good feelings to cruise through my heart smile.gif War game wise, with SPW@W, CM , WWiionline, DarkReign2, RedAlert2, year 2000 ranks as one of the best. <salute>


"Don't tickle with the fingers, hit with the fist"

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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, it is unfair to compare the two games to some degree. I think a game should be judged in relation to what it claims to be. SPWAW set out to be a better SP, not something totally new and cutting edge.

But OB&G does have a point. It is hard not to compare the two just like you would any two games simulating roughly the same thing. I mean, would it be fair to compare the two if CM were 2D and hex based? Sure. So just because the mechanism of CM is so radically differnet doesn't mean they can't be compared against each other at all.

If you never were a big fan of SP (and as many of you know, I am not), then SPWAW is not likely to knock your sox off. It would be very unfair to expect that either. So far as I know Matrix did not pitch the game as something that would draw in throngs of people who never really got into the original.

In the end, I think the folks at Matrix did a great service to the wargaming community. I think they should be thanked. And even though I probably will not play SPWAW in the near future (too busy and I am on a slow connection), I thank them in any case.


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Didnt that come out a year ago?

I downloaded something that sounds ALOT like it and ended up having to play it on an older machine I had.

I bought my first windows machine because of SP and bought alot of the games. It got so I would only play a scenario maybe a couple of times only.

Then the thrill is gone. Its predictable like Talonsoft games. I knew what I wanted and worst of all KNEW it could be done. The software wasnt keeping up with the hardware.

BTS knows too. CM is my vision realized. Lets see what the rest of the gaming world thinks.


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username:

Didnt that come out a year ago?

I downloaded something that sounds ALOT like it and ended up having to play it on an older machine I had.


No, you're thinking of SP:WWII, by Camoflauge Workshop (or something like that).

SP:W@W (World at War) is a Windows version of Steel Panthers done my Matrix Games that is apparently a total revamp of the SPIII code. It's got all new sounds and graphics. Well sort of, but it still is the same ol' "gamey" game it used to be with silly LOS restrictions. I guess it's like that due to the scale being 50 meters per Hex.

But what I really think that kills the SP series for us, the CM community, is that CM is a game that we've all been waiting for for years even before 3D accelerators. Before the first Steel Panthers game came out, my buddy and I said I wish someone would make a game of squad-level WWII tactical combat, kinda like a virtual squad leader. Ring any bells?? Well, SSI released SP and our wishes were made true for a while. But by the time SPII came out, my buddy lost interest. I stuck with it for a while, but lost interest by the time SPIII came out, because that's when Talonsoft's Campaign Series came out. I loved the Campaign Series engine for some time, but then I stumbled upon CM's Beta Demo in early January and haven't looked back for my wargaming fix since.

In fact the only retail game I have bought since I found Battlefront.com was Force Commander. Although I'm going to pick up Interplay's Klingon Academy sometime soon when it comes out in late May or early June. I've been playing its Demos for the past couple of months. Looking to get Diablo II also.


"Why don't we say that we took this one chance, and fought!"

"Stupid humans. Hahahahahahaha!"

--from the film Battlefield Earth

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Steve has hit the nail on the head. SpWaW is designed to be a better SP. If you're not a big fan of SP you may not understand what the fuss is all about. If you are a fan of SP you know your in hog heaven. The kind of long term attraction, interest, and loyalty generated around SP is hard to come by.

CM is new and offers the promise of a deeper immersion into tactics, combat resolution, and terrain. I fully expect CM to blaze a new and exciting trail for all of us who love to wargame.

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I liked SP, but, I also like CM. When my brother gets his highspeed connection going I am going to get him to download SPW@W and burn it on a CD. I would not pass up a good wargame, especially one good AND free. From what I have seen and heard, it is a great product. Indeed, I am looking forward to EVERY game updated or created my Matrix games. They appear to be heavily dedicated in coming out with a quality product. Doing it for free is amazing. But, BTS doing CM at such a low cost is as, if not even more amazing!

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The SP engine could be improved with 3D too. That would give the game a completely different look. I wonder if a mod can do that. The advantage of the ugo igo is the extreme control that it offers. Don't forget, it's a game so some people find that extra control fun.

I got used to CM's 3D view. That's why SPW@W feels disorientating. No panning or zooming. The turn system is just another play style. Both games are made by dedicated designers and I salute them both. *salute* and thanks smile.gif

[This message has been edited by iggi (edited 05-11-2000).]

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Yes Lewis, I tried. It was an 41 hr. est...I stopped at 35%. The thing kept trying to resume and disconnect. Then CM Gold came out. BTW, Im sorry about the other thread. It wasnt fair of me to reply like i did. Please accept my appologies.

I did want to play W@W too. Ill just have to wait for the cd on a mag though.

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Download time with a 56k and Download Accelerator Plus (a nice little program that breaks big files into four simultaneous downloads, and allows resuming of interupts) was 15hrs.

As somebody has already pointed out, this is basically Steel Panthers Deluxe. Nothing new technology wise, but a fun play if you want something on a larger scale than CM.

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I have been an avid fan of the SP series, and I found SPWAW to be an enjoyable experience. I don't play if for it's realsim, I play it because I like it, and enjoy doing a battle there from time to time. It's not going to be played a lot, but it will stay on my HD for a long time.

I either likes or dislikes a game. It doesn't matter how realistic it is, how much eyecandy there are or what other people think of it. If I like it I play it. As simple as that! smile.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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I am not a "die hard" wargamer by a long shot, but I personally like SPW@W for the fact that was already stated. I think at this time it is the best game where you can play in any theatre of the war. From the steppes of Russia to Guadalcanal, you can play or make a scenerio. I think that is pretty cool to me. Just my worthless opinion. smile.gif

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I like SP WAW. Its a different kind of wargame compared to CM. CM is great but I will still play different types of wargames. My #1 is still Tigers on the Prowl 2 and Panthers in the Shadows. There are other tactial wargames like Close Combat 1 that I still play.


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I look at SP W@W as computer ASL. It brings SP one step closer that long sought translation of ASL to the computer. While some people look at that as the holy grail, I look at ASL as a good game that had to make compromises to be playable (although some people would argue "not many"). There the SP series has some inherent limitations. The SP series was a great transition and I think SP W@W will get a lot of play time from me. I look at CM as the next step and a system that really sheds the legacy from board games like ASL.

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