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For CM2...which side you gonna play the most?

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A lot of people dog out those early war tanks but I for one am looking forward to actions without Tigers, and Pantehrs and Peshings and JS2s etc. And if the T34 is a headache, well somehow the Germans muddled through the early years with their 37mm pop gun, so will I.

Oh by the way, Finns baby!


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Can you picture rolling down a rubble strewn street headed for the Berlin Bahnhof with a platoon of IS-2's and infantry support looking for Hitler Youth squads with panzerfausts and satchel charges? Gee... we will have rubble strewn streets, won't we??


"Then we shall fight in the shade." (Greek general's comment upon being told that the Persian archers could blot-out the sun with their arrows.)

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A tough call, Tiger.

I like the idea of the well-ordered German war machine slicing through the Eastern barbaric hordes.

I also like the idea of the brave defenders of Rodina fighting off the evil invaders against all odds.

That is, I'll play both sides with great enthusiasm. As for which I'll play the most? Probably the Germans in 41-43 and the Soviets 42-45. Yeah, there's a little contradiction in the dates, but there's even more in liking both sides.

Now, others have brought up the "minor" powers. I look forward to exploring them, and even having ahistorical fun with them - the Finns or Rumanians capturing Red Square/the Kremlin; the Poles capturing downtown Berlin! In other words, I'll love it all. But for me, the meat of CM2 will be the National Socialists vs. the Communists. Two "evil empires" (as seen in the US) fighting it out with no remorse on either side - chilling, but fascinating...

Bring it on, Kamerad/Tovarich BTS!

[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 09-06-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Besides, after watching Winter War, I wanna re-create some of those mass wave assualts...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good movie huh?

Oh yeah, the Germans is what I want to play first and foremost. Kharkov, Prokhorovka and other nice places.

And the Finns. And any side with ski troops.

I wonder if cavalry will be in? Probably not.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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I for one am looking forward to the vast open tundra where my Elephant and Nashorn can really shine.

Fire! *pause* *pause* *pause* Kaboom!

And the poor Russian commander...

"Where in the hell did that come from!?!"

On the other hand, give me two early war KV-series and the Germans with their MkIII and MkIV's, and I'll stop them in their tracks...


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I'm with Mace and others, if you only play one side, you're only getting half the game.

Besides, the temptations of the Ostfront.

Ahh, the challenge of fighting off the panzers in a "plywood coffin" (BT series) in the early period, or the wonders of a KT or JT being able to use it's full range in the later period, who'd want to deny themselves those experiences? I mean come now,I play the Germans,Americans,Brits,French,Poles,Canadians now, why would I give it up for just one side 'cause the other one is Russian?

Grognards play both sides, and usually condemn the other(winning) side for not being "historical" cool.gif



"Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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WendellM wrote:

I look forward to exploring them, and even having ahistorical fun with them - the Finns or Rumanians capturing Red Square/the Kremlin;

Well, that's not so ahistoric if you broaden the scope of CMII somewhat. There was a quite big number of Finns along with Jacob de la Gardie (who was a Swede with French ancestry) who took his army to Kreml in the early 17th century (1611?). Though, I can't remember for certain whether he fought against Russians or Poles; the Russia was in quite a big confusion after the death of Ivan the Terrible.

- Tommi

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tss wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well, that's not so ahistoric if you broaden the scope of CMII somewhat. [...] Finns along with Jacob de la Gardie (who was a Swede with French ancestry) who took his army to Kreml in the early 17th century (1611?)."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks for the input. While my second-favorite century after the 20th is the 18th, I'm sadly ignorant of the 17th. However, an article from http://www.britannica.com/seo/j/jacob-pontusson-de-la-gardie-count/ states: "De la Gardie captured Moscow (1610) and large areas in northwestern Russia but was disastrously defeated at Klushino in 1610" so that's that. Thus I stand corrected and am richer for the learning. I thank you as another pre-20C aficionado (though I still look forward to CM2 smile.gif).

[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 09-06-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout:

Depends... what year? :) Not going to be fun taking IIIs and IVs against those mean 34s...


And therein lies the challenge. You could argue that it's not much fun taking on Tigers with Shermans in CM1, but you can do it AND live to tell about it if you're good enough. To answer the original question, I'm neutral. I'll play whichever side gives me the most challenge/fun. Politics don't play a role in my decision. I'm a professional cyber-soldier after all smile.gif.


Jeff Abbott

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

And therein lies the challenge. You could argue that it's not much fun taking on Tigers with Shermans in CM1, but you can do it AND live to tell about it if you're good enough.


Which is all I have played so far, as Americans, except in my first PBEM, and only so far, which I am Polish airborne... biggrin.gif


To answer the original question, I'm neutral. I'll play whichever side gives me the most challenge/fun. Politics don't play a role in my decision. I'm a professional cyber-soldier after all smile.gif.


But war IS politics... just by a different means, as someone once said.


"The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars."

-William Westmoreland

[This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 09-06-2000).]

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Hmm, I will play either side without prejudice in CM1, but usually end up playing the Allies. In CM2 I think I will again play either side, but for choice will probably usually go German.

Actually, what I've realized I'm really kind of anxious to see would be CM4, of all things, the Early War. After seeing and playing with all the killer equipment of the late war, a period that I was most familiar with before I got CM, I think it would be extraordinarily different and challenging to come to grips with the equipment of the early war years. I think Pzkw Is & IIs and such, against Renaults and other, unfamiliar equipment would be extremely challenging.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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I think there will be a distinct pleasure when you overrun a well-equipped German position with masses of poorly equipped Russian troops. And, of course vice verse, overrunning a poorly equipped German position with masses of well equipped Russian troops.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

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