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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've nothing to say at this time ... thank you for your attention.


Then why not send me a file? Or are you too busy with your Mormon Wives?




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze: I'll be sending your turn when I get damned good and ready to send it. In the meantime I'm at work ... not to be confused with working, mind you. And in any case after your latest encounter with the Panther of Death I'd think you'd be dreading getting turns from me.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Ok you lot!

The Tyler Durden in me is sick to death about the sheer volume of opiate schmaltzy pretty in pink supportive mails you fags spammed me with.

What is it with you?!

Where is your Peng spirit?

I never had that feeling of having joined a friggin Weight Watchers support group before.

Well! Thank you then!!

I'm not overweight!

And since you were playing hardball, I had a Bordeaux St Emilion 1945 for Xmas.

In your face...



Listen up DieSoon, er, Pawbroon, er frog-boy.

The only thing that will be Pretty and Pink will be your arse after we turn PeterNZ and Bauhaus loose on you now that you are back!

Don't mistake our postings wanting you back and *shudder* wishing you well or somefink like that as actual caring about you one whit! For the truth is I don't care about you personally at all. You are insignificant. In Borg terms, irrelevant technology.

Were you to be trampled into the soft soil of Normandy by a herd of crazed sheep being chased by that horned ruminant mammal molester Mace, I would not care.

Were you to be staked out on the rocky shores of the Mediterranean coast of France, only to have your dangly bits eaten off by tidal crustaceans, leaving you screaming "Au secours!! Help me!! Do somefink!!" so loudly and so shrilly that the nearly-deaf 95 year-old codger that lives half a mile from the coast on his truffle farm takes a full month to walk, wheezing and coughing up foul phlegm that he spits and drools into the road causing a massive traffic accident claiming the life of a nun hit by a speeding car carrying three whores from Bayonne... er, where was I... oh yes, as this old codger shuffles remorselessly down to the coast in arthritic agony mumbling incoherently suffering tremendously just for the brief release, that delerious happy instant, that delicious moment when he can smite you with his rusty old hoe and silence you once and for all.

No, I would not care at all.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

I will deign to notice or care only when you resume our scuffle, held in waiting, truffle boy.

In anticipaition of some grenouille, I remain.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What's up Matt Murdock?

Tired of your old handle?


I just told a Cesspooler to do a search.

I feel like Jeff H...

Hiram Sedai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Tired of your old handle?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought a proper cachet, a manly nom de guerre was needed. Something that pushed the envelope and was edgy. Like it? Had our adverising people run it through a focus group.

So are you Monsieur, ready to resume our game? Or are truffles really your avocation? By the way, I would not go snuffling for them with either PNZ or Mace around. The position is too suggestive and risque.


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Hmmm, seems to be a bit of case confusion going on here. So tell us Mr. JayDee, Esq. is it JD or is it jd ????? Thought we wouldn't notice I suppose, but you can't put something like that over us ... well you probably could if it was Mace. Note, fellow 'poolers, that his sig is JD but his nick is jd !!!! Now I'm not a caseophobic but this kind of bicase nonsense has to stop ... MAKE UP YOUR MIND MAN! We won't think less of you ... trust me ... there's NO WAY we could think less of you.


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Is Mr Morse dodging his creditors again, or is it those multiple forthcoming paternity suits that has led him to again change his nickname?


btw, Sorry about the turn delay JD esq, but a certain female fluttered her eyes at me the other day, and that was it - the blood rushed from my brain and went to other regions where thinking should not be attempted from!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmm, seems to be a bit of case confusion going on here. So tell us Mr. JayDee, Esq. is it JD or is it jd ????? Thought we wouldn't notice I suppose, but you can't put something like that over us ... well you probably could if it was Mace. Note, fellow 'poolers, that his sig is JD but his nick is jd !!!! Now I'm not a caseophobic but this kind of bicase nonsense has to stop ... MAKE UP YOUR MIND MAN! We won't think less of you ... trust me ... there's NO WAY we could think less of you.


IMHO AFIK IIRC AWOL jd is a much more profound moniker than Joe Shmoe. With jd on your nameplate, you need not use the dreaded mormon wife to get your point accross. You might even get discounts at the nearest Briar and Bean.

Plus having Shaw as a last name is just gamey. Try something spunky, like...Sedai.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Plus having Shaw as a last name is just gamey. Try something spunky, like...Sedai.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> SPUNKY? Something SPUNKY? Ohmigawd I think I'm gonna puke. Looky here pal, with a first name like {gag} HIRAM {gaaaacckkkkk} ... I wouldn't be going around making fun of the names of others ... especially not others who are clearly older and wiser and who have names that are of distinquished Irish descent. As for SPUNKY ... that sounds like something that Andy Hardy would use. Say Gang, I know, we can put on a show! Then we can use the money to save Widow Johnson's home from the evil mortgage banker! That would be ... SPUNKY! Spunky ... sheesh!


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I attempted this post earlier in the week but my lap top here at work refused to post to this horrible little thread and therefore it ceremoniously puked it up. Being a lazy bastard that I am I didn't try and repost.



Cruuud-da: I barely won that little messy battle. In fact I would have preferred a draw since I would rather forget about it. But regardless...

I summon the great LORAK! Oh, great Lorak. Please note:

Croda: LOSS


Score was like 40 to 20. Really ugly.. Yuck.

Our BIG battle is starting to get interesting. Now that you have bored me into pulling my armor forward we are actually starting to see some engagements. Actually it has been quite fun to watch so far... turrets spinning...shells flying. I actually had a Panther taking some shots at one of you Chaffees from 2400 meters. Wow...

So far you are keeping me entertained. Keep it up.

Marlow: You suck so much your mere presence could suck start a Harley. Damn you.

Hiram: Start your groveling and mewling now else you run out of time. I am rolling over you like a fat woman in pastry shop. I am just unstoppable.

Herr-butt: My god! I actually got a turn last night! I almost fainted when I saw it. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Anyway, our battles moves forward slowly only because you possess the turnaround speed of 86 year old hooker. Get with it man and lets get this over with.

Boriarty: Idle threat man shall be your new title. I promise you this: Your men will die slowly and methodically. This is not a threat it is well.. you know what I am trying to say you worthless baboon.

Dalem: Yes, my men can hide real good. Especially when you aren't even close enough to possibly spot them. Isn't that just amaaaazing?

Chup-pa-dup: I am closing the noose. Soon all your men will die. You have the battlefield skills of a toad directing lilly pads. In other words: Ineffectual. In fact I am sure that is what all the girls say. Hmmm...

Mace: I crush you. Crush. Crush. Crush. Cut. Cut. Cut. Maaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

Did I miss anyone? Nope don't think so.

Seancahi, if you ever come back from the land of the drooling, gibbering, sods I would like to play you again. Send me a setup where you attack this time, and you can take your revenge with all the Heavy artillery you can muster. Ha!


I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 01-03-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

...a certain female fluttered her eyes at me the other day, and that was it - the blood rushed from my brain and went to other regions where thinking should not be attempted from!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, Lord. It's when he gets like that, that I really hate having a name like "Baaa-bra"


Is "patheti-sad" a word?

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Tomb updates:



Game updates for myself:

Germanboy... not much to say. We will start shooting and he will continue dying soon.

OGSF... His men are hiding and shaking as my valient doughboys surround and eliminate him.

Berli... taking a break, Fine by me... He is kicking my Arse.


Sadly it still pains me to see that you heathens are still not grasping the teaching that I offer. So once again I step down from my place on high to offer unto you knowledge.

When you are truly one with Lorak, your every act will be wise and true and you will have no need to prove yourself in the eyes of others.

'The wise person embraces the Lorak

and sets an example for all.

Not putting on a show,

He shines;

not justifying himself,

he is distinguished;

not boasting,

he is acknowledged.

The Lorak does not quarrel,

so no one quarrels with him.'

Lorak the loathed

omnipresent authority figure


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jdmorse-win, Croda-big mutha of a LOSS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Ahhh Lorak while I appreciate the effort I can beat Crudboy by myself as I have already done and am in the process of doing so again. If we are going to throw the fix in it needs to be a bit more subtle. However, I shall see that a little something "extra" is in the envelope this month for your attempt.

I believe that jshandorfffff was the one pontificating and beating his breast as a decrepit silverback would for Jane Goodall, and claiming the most recent humbling of a cesspool doormat, my erstwhile, apparently never to be, esp since Hiram beat him to it, Kniggit, Croda.


[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-03-2001).]

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Ah yes.. So it twas indeed.

Tomb correction then.



Now for more teachings from the Lorak.

In my vast collection of knowledge I remember offering you menbers of the pool some teachings requarding "THE TUATHA DE DANANN" or "FIONN AND THE FIAN". I have decided on the latter for now. Since knowing from whince the great Fionn came from, you might actualy read it.

**editors note** the following was not written by Lorak. It should be easy to tell because the words are spelled right.

**also in the case that Fionn still reads the Forum and the cesspool(laughing), I didn't just pick this because of his name, Irish history is one of my things. If he would like this removed, by all means I will do so.**


'The man Fionn lived and died in the third century of the Christian Era. It was in the reign of Conn, at the very end of the second century, that was founded the Fian - a great standing army of picked and specially trained, daring warriors, whose duty was to carry out the mandates of the high kin - "To uphold justice and put down injustice, on the part of the kings and lords of Ireland - and to guard the harbors from foreign invaders". From this latter we might conjecture that an expected Roman invasion first called the Fian into existence. They prevented robberies, exacted fines and tributes, put down public enemies and every kind of evil that might afflict the country. Moreover they moved about from place to place all over the island. Fionn, being a chieftain himself in his own right, had a residence on the hill of Allen in Kildare. The Fianna (bodies of the Fian) recruited at Tara, Uisnech and Taillte fairs. The greatest discrimination was used in choosing the eligible ones from amongst the candidate throng - which throng included in plenty sons of chieftains and princes. Many and hard were the tests for him who sought to be one of this noble body. One of the first tests was literary for no candidate was possible who had not mastered the twelve books of poetry. So skilful must he be in wood running, and so agile, that in the flight no single braid of his hair is losed by a hanging branch. His step must be so light that underfoot he breaks no withered branch. In facing the greatest odds the weapon must not shake in his hand . When a candidate had passed these tests and was approved as fit for his heroic band, there were also vows to be taken as the final condition of his admission. There were three cathas (battalions) of the Fian - three thousand in each catha. This was in time of peace. In time of war the quota was seven cathas. Although the Fianna were supposed to uphold the power of the Ard Righ, their oath of fealty was not to him, but to their own chief, Fionn. '

I would have posted the author, but no name was found.

As an obair a thagann an fhoghlaim.

Learning comes through work.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-03-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables:

Do IP games count in the world of Cess, because I spanked Elvis pretty badly in one a month ago. Yes I'm really sad and mortified by my loss to OGSF aka Old Gimp Snorting Fairy. Give me some props people!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well Mace was nae backward ain comin' forwarrrd tae pronounce his tooplement o' mah heroic sailf in a TCP match.....an' it were recorded....sae Ah believe tha answer is "aye".

Lorak has me surroonded, he may as well surrender noo.

Stuka Wi' his extroadinary cunning an' guile, has brought mah tae tha brink o' topplement. Ah've fared better attackin' him in tha rain than he did agin ma, boot Ah think the writin' ais on tha wall here...

Seanachai has discovered the bedevilment tha' is a gam agin SirOGSF. A wee advance by his poor soldiers wi' armoured support has bin smashed, stopped, gunned doon an' generally savaged aboot a bit.

Speedy as aboot tae be reminded why Ah am a foe tae be feared when Ah'm nae stumblin' through the mud on a rainy night intae his guns.

Mace as runnin' jeeps around mah rear lak a couple o' schoolboys ain the girls toilets. Ah couldnae stop them wi' a sharpshooter, panzerschreck or machine gun nest. The cursed things are cursed.

Hiram Sedai as playin' peek-aboo wi' his stupid Panthers. Mah TDs' lay shot tae hell in their hidey holes. Ah kin noo mak oot his tactics....they're certainly novel, and seem tae be based largely on lucky shots from far away.... Oh aye, his boys'll die....at's just curious tae observe his antics.

Bastables has arranged his revenge on a rainy night time map. Ah am attackin' his village, an' there is one road runnin' in tae it. Mah glory will be great when Ah smash mah way intae his stankin' toon an' kick his spotty arrrse aboot tha map agin!

Meeks as still awah, but noo fergotten. Ah was aboot tae finish his off, an' Ah need the score.....

Tht's it fer noo.....Ah'll be back when Ah have some positive noos. Oh, which reminds mah, yer all a pack o' stankin' snot gobblers.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra, the sheep substitute:

Oh, Lord. It's when he gets like that, that I really hate having a name like "Baaa-bra"


Mmmmmmmmmm.....[eyes glaze over]

Mace (as if you didn't know)

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Death to You All:

I have various complaints, interferences, and complications at the moment, which disallow my regular expectoration in this most deserving of receptacles.

Do not despair. I will be saving the intellectual sputum in 35mm film canisters for a giant heaping when time and technology permit. As proof, I submit the return of Pawbroom as an example of what I am capable of flushing down the old 'pool when I've a mind to.

It is likely that this unfortunate state of affairs (which is to say, continued intermittency by me, and regular visits by French) will continue through mid-February.

For those already bound to death at my hands, your laughable turns will be dealt with, though not, perhaps, in my usual very timely manner.

Croda will be inexorably ground into paste.

Hakko Ichiu, in the game without beginning or end, will continue to be shot and exploded.

PeterNZer will have paid off his back dues to the ISP, or whatever his problem is, by the time I get back to my usual total war status, and we can resume as though nothing happened, which indeed it hasn't.

I've whittled me c'pool PBEMs down to this laughable confederacy of dunces, and would be free and clear of obligation if the dullards would only return once per bathing cycle.

As an aside, who would like to see Lorak and Hiram bound together at one wrist, with a knife in the other hand, up to their waists in an alligator pit? I know I wouldn't, but I would relish the account in the Times the morning after.

That's all for now! Wish you were here!

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oooOOOgah ... oooOOOgah ... oooOOOgah ... Attention ... attention Cesspoolers ...a little more bass please ... not TROUT damnit, bass. Hello! {pop} {pop} {pop} Is this thing on? Okay.

I regret to announce (not really, I've been giggling ever since I saw this but it SOUNDS better if I say I regret it) that JDjdJdjD (whatever) has ALREADY resorted to form and is attempting typical attorney tricks in our game only just begun! Many of you will undoubtedly be aware of the practice of attornies known as "billable hours" in which they charge their clients for every single second during which the case even pops into their mind! Some have even gone so far as to "pad" their hours with ficticious hours {gasp!}. So what, you ask? So this ... I sent sequential file #03 to JD ... I got back ... file #34! ... that's right, the swine (sit Down Blousehouse ... opps sorry, I meant Mace ... yeah, pretty much any semi large mammal will do for him) tried to skip through 30 turns! And this after I granted him the boon of lining up along the edge of the board like a flaming target gallery. And to think that I'd once considered Law School ... but they looked at my transcripts and saw that I'd taken an Ethics class so ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> by Mark IV

As an aside, who would like to see Lorak and Hiram bound together at one wrist, with a knife in the other hand, up to their waists in an alligator pit? I know I wouldn't, but I would relish the account in the Times the morning after.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL, That is too funny. Not to belittle Hiram.. But in this contest I would simply use my elven dexterity to not only carve out Hiram's liver..but make my wife some nice luggage at the same time.

Yes Mark, It has been a long time since one of these has been seen. But when you are able, I wonder if you are man enough to face up to my falshimgerbils !?


Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-03-2001).]

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

Tired of your old handle?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

I'm having a midlife crisis. I recently bought a sporty little red car that doesn't actually go very fast and I've been trying unsuccessfully to pick up 17 year old girls with fake ID's in the local bars. Next I'm going to order a Harley that I won't actually ride farther than the bar on the corner, and wear a leather jacket that's way too new. I'm also wearing my thinning hair in a combover until the Rogaine™ starts to take effect. My jeans are also too tight, since I bought them in the 70's. I thought "jd" would be a much more fitting moniker for this new persona.


Uh, yeah, jd. Thanks for sharing that with us all. Why don't you just buy a fast PC and play Quake with the teenage boys?


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 01-03-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Many of you will undoubtedly be aware of the practice of attornies known as "billable hours" in which they charge their clients for every single second during which the case even pops into their mind!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Joe, Joe, Joe. Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black. After all in the Mortgage Banking industry you have your equivalent "pads" Do the terms points, origination fees, appraiser fees, mortgage insurance, credit report fee, flood dertermination fee, Aggregate Accounting adjustment, 442 final inspection fee, courier fee, and the like ring a bell? Hmmmm.

Actually Joe I was also charging for time in the can thinking about my moves in our game.


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