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New trees and bases for Gunslinger mod...

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I thought I'd jump into this mod thing. I love Magua's buildings and the toned down Gunslinger mod. The tall pines looked great, but the woods didn't please me too much. They all appeared too similar in shade and color.

I took the liberty of modifying the trees again, especially the "fall" trees. Here is a shot of an October overcast day. Note the trees have been darkened and have been given different color balances to give variety. The gold and reddish brown of fall also came out well.


If folks are interested, I'll make these mods available to Eric "McAuliffe" for posting. I've updated the tree bases as well so its easier to see the edge of woods and scattered woods using Gunslinger's mod. I've also taken the liberty of using other folk's improved terrain and tonned them down to the Gunslinger style.

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Kump, hi,

truly great stuff.

It has long been my view that the one "gap" in the market regarding mods was the autumn tree cover. I was too polite to post making a request but it has always been my view that the autumn tree colours available, before your mods, were just not realistic.

You have hit the nail on the head, can not thank you enough for your efforts.

All the best,


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Well, I'll have to admit. And I don't usually do this, but those trees look AWESOME.

Honestly, I thought Gunslinger's trees were a bit TOO toned down. But your's look about right.


"Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take

part.(doh!)" - Rob/1

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've also taken the liberty of using other folk's improved terrain and tonned them down to the Gunslinger style.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Would probably be more courteous to ask before altering others'work.

Gunslinger did it when he did his "realistic" mod of alot of different peoples' mods, after he was asked to. My own preference is that I'd rather not see my mods toned down, as if it was going to be done I'd rather do it myself. My own opinion (and it's just an opinion) of the reduced-hue bmps is that the real world is not really quite that gray and dreary, except on overcast mornings. There's a way the sun hits things and really brings out the colors.


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I'd have to agree with Tiger on the dull tones on the grass and bushes. I posted a picture on a previous thread showing an area around Les Douries in Normandy from my visit there. Grass is usually a lot brighter except, like he said, on overcast days. So far, I've stuck with the original grass. Hope this doesn't put anyone off as the mods for this game have been awesome! Thanks guys!

MSCANO: Those buildings are the work of Magua. There is another thread with McAuliffe's website that you can get them there. Man do I love the buildings....



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

[This message has been edited by Teamski (edited 10-24-2000).]

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Nice trees kump! Nice screenshot!

My favorite part of Gunslinger's Mod were the pine trees also. He toned them down just right and they look very real.

Anyway goodwork!

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"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

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I've sent the updates to a couple of places for downloading. I'm sure links will be posted soon.

On a couple of issues:

1) Yes, things are toned down and may appear too dark in Gunslinger's mod for reality. However, most old guys like me don't like the "too bright" colors, we play CM too much! It can lead to eye strain and I like duller colors so the real graphics that are important to me stand out, the units on the map. I don't dull these out. Its only a matter of preference.

2) Tiger's mods. Yes, I have used some of your mods, basically the marsh and summer wheat, since they are the best in town. I did include a readme file that credited them to Tiger. I considered them free for toning down for others who like the toned down look, did not consider it rude to do otherwise, since they are out on the net. My appologies if I crossed the line. Consider me educated. I'll avoid such in the future.

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Here you go......

Kump has officially blessed these mods and they are posted here, these mods are mods of mods Tiger created or moded and Gunslinger's mods were further moded, the whole thing is getting muddy but everyone including Tiger and Gunslinger deserves credit for their very inspired artisic contributions.

in your web browser:


or in an FTP program

user name: cm

password: cmbo


I.E 4.0 apperently does not work

Don't know why

not going to figure it out

just work around it

Enter at your own risk....

the server is only available in non business hours in the EST.

Business hours are approx 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST or more like I turn it off when I come in and turn on when I leave, to save bandwidth during our peak business hours.

help your self....

-tom w

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I told you IE4.0 didn't work for me last time and I used FTP by command line. I just tried it with IE4.0 and it worked for me this time around. Guess I was drinking too much last time?

IE4.0 will work just fine, sorry about the misinformation Tom..

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

Worked fine for me as well with IE4. Got two downloaded and half way thru the third.


Thanks Mike, its up and running and there are more than a few folks logged in a downloading without any difficulty now.

-tom w

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For you guys having difficulty with FTP and Windows MS Internet Explorer....

Try the old command line method.

Open a DOS command window. Change to the directory where you want the file to be downloaded to. Do a "dir" to see your directories and a "cd <directory name>" to get into the directory you want to be in.

Now, proceed with the following...

1) ping

(yes, its good idea to make sure you have connectivity)

2) > ftp

3) User: cm

4) Password: cmbo

5) ftp> bin

Type "bin" to insure in binary mode...

6) ftp> dir

See the directories.

7) ftp> cd kump's

8) ftp> dir

Again, see the three zip files.

9) ftp> get <filename>

After getting all you want...

10) ftp> bye

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