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Just Received CM....Woooo Hooooo

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Just received CM from USPS this afternoon and thought I would post. Didn't recieve the poster however so am wondering if it will be under separate cover.

When you recieve USPS mail that has:

Distribution Center

Williston, Vt.

on the return address, you'll know it's Xmas in June.

Thanks BTS..... :)

Off to play.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just received CM from USPS this afternoon<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Congratulations GhostOne, we're so happy for you. grits teeth

Really, that's just great, hope you're enjoying it. bites knuckle

Glad that you were the first one to post. sob

Let us know how you like it, we're SOB all SNORT all very interested in ...













So again, please accept my hearty congratulations and have a fun weekend.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GhostOne:

Just received CM from USPS this afternoon and thought I would post. Didn't recieve the poster however so am wondering if it will be under separate cover.

When you recieve USPS mail that has:

Distribution Center

Williston, Vt.

on the return address, you'll know it's Xmas in June.

Thanks BTS..... :)

Off to play.



Can you give us your ipression of the Manual?

What does the manual look like?

What does it cover?

Questions Questions

He's probaly so busy playing we won't hear from him again for a week by which time we'll all have our own copies smile.gif

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Thanks for the congrats and I hope all of you receive your copy soon.

BTW it comes with a very well done 171 page manual (unlike many other games out there) and there are actually more features to the sim than I was aware of. Kudos as well to the parties involved in writing the manual as they did a great job.

Will post more info later with "Spoiler" preface if indicated.

BTS Rocks


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aka_tom_w the manual has the image of US troops and tanks moving up that is the opening image on the Gold demo except is't in black and white.

Upon a cursory review of the manual, it appears to cover everything in detail and is very informative. More later when I've actually had time to read it.

One thing I noticed which was contrary to someone's post is that the manual states that another squad member may pick up and use squad and AT weapons (Bar, Mg's) if the gunner gets hit. I didn't think this feature was in there so am glad to see it.


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Clearly GhostOne is nothing more than a sadist. He posted that bit of news knowing full well the rest of us are sitting in lawn chairs on the front porch, swetting profusely and biting our nails while he sits in comfort enjoying his copy of CM.

Shame on you!!

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GhostOne, that feature means that the SQUAD MG or AT weapon could be remanned, that is BAR, LMGs or Panzerfaust in the Squad. That is represented as a probability to maintain the weapon in the squad if the gunner is killed. Nothing in common with the asked feature of remanning CREWED Weapons, as Mortars, Guns and the like.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Hell, Ghost, you're next door in New Hampshire. California must still be a few days out.

Damn, bloody damn. And no, I'm not British.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, no joy here in Houston. The mailman has come and gone and no CM. Maybe Monday for me and Tuesday for the West coast? It is a perfect day for CM too....raining so I can't do my usual outside stuff like mowing the lawn. Today is my 13th wedding anniversary and my wife is expecting a night on the town. If CM would have arrived today she might have gotten pizza and a rental movie while I played CM. Of course if this occured, this might have been my last anniversary.


[This message has been edited by Allan (edited 06-17-2000).]

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg

Hi everyone

To GhostOne: Please tell us about the different operations in the game. How many operations are there?

You are a lucky guy GhostOne. Please just give me my little "fix" for today!




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Heinz 25th PzReg:

There are seven Operations included: 3 medium

3 large and 1 huge and they look real interesting.

Just finished a hellaciuos tank battle from one of the battle scenarios. Wouldn't be fair of me to provide any detail on the battles or Ops as you'll have more fun when you see what they're about and it's a surprise.


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Yeah, I'm in central NJ. I bet the game arrived at the distribution point for my town (that point would probably be Ridgefield Park, NJ) right about now, and it's just going to SIT, SIT SIT SIT SIT in the USPS depot for almost 48 HOURS.

I think the USPS should have depots open on Sunday (not deliver, or even transport) for people who KNOW their packages are in that building. I could just DRIVE out there tomorrow at 8 a.m. and play CM ALL FRIGGIN DAY.

But NO. I'm going to have to stumble through yet ANOTHER day at the office w/o this game. Plus which I work until 6:30, which means I have that much less time after work before I'm so totally exhausted that I can't help but fall asleep.

The only good news is that I've already notified people that I'm going to be late to work Monday because I have to go to the DMV (true) so I'll just swing by the house when I'm done. If it's here, then "I was at the triple-damn DMV until noon, so then I figured I'd just eat lunch at home and come to work at 1."


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You guys should all think yourself lucky (Americans that is) At least the game is in sight for you, people like me, in Australia, and Europeans have very little idea as to when our game will show up, if ever eek.gif Touch wood! I know we'll probably be waiting until at least June 26th, and I ordered in July last year.

Congrats Ghost One, you lucky bastard!

P.S not flaming!!


I'm always in the ****, it's only the depth that varies.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just received CM<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gloating detected, grid 102450. Regiment TOT, 10 rounds per gun, 50% HE and WP, 50% VT.



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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