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Guest BillWood

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Part time, uh contruction worker I guess, i work for my friend's dad doing decks, gazeebos, cement, digging(lots and lots of digging). I also set up punk and hardcore shows every now and then, I get a few dollars from that. I also do photography when I can afford the film, but that doesn't pay, just a hobby, oh and I'm a full-time ww2 reenacter smile.gif although that only happens once every 2 months.

lucero1148, I've thought about becoming a photojournalist, but I just can't seem to find the ambition. smile.gif

I've considered becoming a history teacher too, but I assume you need a high school dimploma for that smile.gif and some college time.. pfft, hehe smile.gif


Formally Tom punkrawk

"Tomorrows killed by yesterday..." -Link80

Go to my soldiers at war page~!! http://www.geocities.com/soldiersat_war or I'll sick a goat on you!

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History student at Arizona State. I am between possible futures right now. Professor? Private investigator? Should I learn C and JAVA? Should I become an Imam (Muslim minister)? As a recent convert, I have a great deal of interest, but is it the right thing? Spent 3 years in the Army as a grunt, but I also worked at battalion staff. I knew a Bill Wood as a kid. Probably not the same one on this post. He was an Air Force officer.


Allahu Ackbar!

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Editor of an English-language newspaper in Egypt/specialist in stagnant military dictatorships and hopelessly divided and coopted opposition movements. Hence, the attraction to WW2 and other periods of history where Great and Momentous S**t Happened.

Ta'alla sharafna fi ard Al Azhar, ya Chris.

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Now I'm sure there is someplace worse in the US but I have trekked across a lot of land here and yeah, Ft. LW is a real hell. Before I experienced that place I didn't know what a temperate jungle was. In the winters that place wasn't all that bad but the summers, Oh My! Some of the vegetation in the creek valleys, lowlands and flood plains is literally impassable. I have heard so many ticks falling from trees trying to get a piece of me that it sounded like rain as they bounced off leaves on the way down. I saw poor souls stumble into tick nests. Those guys were still pulling ticks from their bodies nearly a week later. In the summer, a good day was when at the end of the day during the simian -like grooming session we called "tick shake downs" only 10 or less ticks were found on you. You were lucky if you were infested by "Lone Star" ticks. They are larger and therefore much easier to spot than their mini cousins. I'm not sure how they manage but those damn things are nearly indestructable! I grew to actually prefer ticks to chiggers though. The chiggers, in my experience, were much worse at Ft Riley than at Ft. LW. When you get chigger bites (or whatever exactly they do to you), you get a TON of them concentrated around your sock line and around your waist and there is nothing you can do but try not to scratch and wait till they go away. The first time I encountered them I ended the day with about 150 bites! Copperheads were as common as squirrels in a old lady's suburban back yard. Not fun. Hell, I haven't talked about the heat and humidity. It wasn't that much worse than where I grew up (Chicagoland, Illinois) but you always clothed from head to toe in somekind of tucked in, chemical soaked, textile. Oh, I almost forgot going up and down those steep foothills (avoiding stepping on poisonous snakes when you could) getting tangled up in skin slicing wire (I'm not sure if it was trip wire or some of that guide wire from missiles from the A10's that would occasionally fart their way around). A couple of weeks after digging up some unexeploded mortar rounds at Ft. Riley ( I got to watch the demo. guys "remove" them smile.gif ) I was "killed" by some troops training in the woods of Ft. LW by their "claymore" (I was walking and felt a tug on my leg, which was not unusual, but this time a firecracker-like device went off a couple of feet to my right---it scared the absolute **** out of me) Then there was the town of St. Roberts. Prostitutes, cheap hotels, strip bars (all "I'm going to try and hold back the vomit" BAD), and drunken teenagers. That place is the asshole of Missouraahhh. Enough complaining... I'm going to give myself nightmares.

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I thought you were being nice. What about those snakes in the creeks that chase you? Water Moccasins or something? They absolutely will come right after you!


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Guest Germanboy

So stop beating around the bush, did you like it there or not?



It is amazing what you can learn from a good book...

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The topless dancers had to wear pasties (which is funny cause missouri is the "show me" state!)and they were a ALL a bunch of crazy trailer park speed freaks. One I really liked, her stage name was roadkill.


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I am a CPA turned VB/SQL 7 consultant for the financial services industry by day, and father and dad to 4 great kids at night. Been playing computer games since they came in little baggies for the Apple IIc, and have always longed for something like CM.


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Guest Gunnerdream

Singer/songwriter. Just finished recording what may be the "Big One". LOL, I say that about all of 'em! Sigh...someday.

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...

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By day, I fly black helicopters out of Area 51 on the orders of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs, or the Small Green Aliens -- whichever comes first. By night, I am an Initiate in the Ancient Order of Bavarian Illuminati. Fnord.

This is all fnord top secret, of course.

Damn, I guess I shouldn't have told you this. Damn, fnord, damn, damn!!!! Now I'm going to have to fnord shoot you all.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Not in the league of many of the computer guru's. I am a Detective for a suburban police department. Fairly new to the computerized war games.. but lover of the strategy board games. I am currently trying to make up for lost time by playing this game every free moment!!!

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Fort Lost-In-The Woods . . . you guys bring back bad memories. Not only basic training (Alpha-Four-Three to the DMZ, first to fight, last to run Drill Sergeant!) and AIT (Delta-One-Five, but no stupid thing to yell at the Drill Sergeant because the DI was too cool to care), but also spent two summer camps and one weekend there running around in the woods with my ARNG unit (Headquarters Detachment, 880th Engr Bn). Our Command Sgt. Major, old pro that he was, made us wear dog tick collars around our ankles at the bootline. Never got a tick at Leonard Wood.

Fort Riley was the worst of the three Army posts I had the misfortune of living in (the other was Fort McCoy, Wisc.). Riley is in the middle of nowhere. Was there when Tricky Dicky Nixon announced his resignation, and none of the NCO or enlisted men's clubs had a TV! So I couldn't watch Dick sweat and squirm!

And to get back on topic, former sportswriter for the late great St. Louis Globe-Democrat (got to cover the Whitey Herzog Cardinals — now there was a great baseball manager). Now we've got an American League team masquerading as the Cardinals. Instead of speed, defense and pitching, we've got 24 guys trying to be Mark McGwire. One power-hitter does not a team make.

Now working in PR for the makers of Budweiser.

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I'm a lazy bum who had potential, but wasted it frown.gif

I can also draw and write music. Partime audio mastering. Making a move into networks and IT.


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Don't post much, but have been following CM since the beginning. Recently moved to S.Fl. to start Investor Relations and marketing depts. for an aviation company. Spent previous 7 years improving stock markets so you guys can make a lot of money on the Nasdaq.


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I'm currently working as IT Manager in Tavistock, UK. Really looking forward to the release of CM, 'spose I'd better get some sleep now to make up for the release :)

I've got to say that this dicussion group has the most pleasant and knowledgeable bunch of people i've come across !!!!

Keep up the good work Steve and Charles and roll on the release...

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