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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


Guest BillWood

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Guest BillWood

Customer service being what it is, I have been seething about a blurb over at Shrapnel Games in the "Developer's Comments" section. Apparently the holier than though designer (Tim Brooks) considers the Producer who told him "I was in the construction industry" a dolt. (Despite my request to remove it, he is still convinced those in the Construction Business are not qualified Project Managers/Producers in the software industry, and thus dolts. Project Management is a science created and honed by the construction industry.)

I am not being overly sensitive, but the essence of sales means you DON'T burn bridges BEFORE or AFTER a sale.

I will remind those of a less condescending and of open mind that construction is THE NUMBER ONE occupation of a soldier.

History provides Julius Ceasar his donut at Alesia, Vaughban his fortresses, the Allies the Bailey bridge, the Cullin Hedgerow device by Steel workers, the clever factory relocations by the Soviets, the brilliance of Speer, the Manhattan Project by General Groves (Project Manager extraordinaire, he also built the Pentagon in very short time), the Seabees, and the list goes on.

Which leads me to why I am pissed, as I am a Construction Manager for a rather large company (Web site by yours truly at www.jsclark.com).

If I am venting in the wrong place, I apologize, but I must say, that except for a few, a very few, this forum is full of participants of great integrity and fairness.

One should never go into anything with pre-conceived notions and prejudices, an attitude that must be at the core of this great effort we call Combat Mission, for BTS and BF have been very open to suggestion and closed their eyes to convention and prejudice to both produce a revolutionary game and distributuion system. They have also been unafraid to call a spade a spade, but to my knowledge have not called a spade that which is not a spade. My kind of guys.

And now to my point, what do us wargamers do for a living?

Bill Wood

Project Manager

John S. Clark Company, Inc.

"I came here to build a bridge."

Lt. John Rouse Merriott Chard, Royal Engineers.

After the heroic defense of Roarke's Drift.

He got a VC for his actions.

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Guest Scott Clinton


I can tell you are upset...

But I have been both a Project Manager in construction AND I a Project Manager in Software development. There is a WORLD of difference. Being good at one does not make someone automatically qualified for the other.

I will have to side with Tim on this one, sorry.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Guest Germanboy

Marie Curie Research Fellow and PhD student in Management, environmental management and regulation, to be specific.



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I sell cars on the Internet by day and drink beer, make out with my wife and bad mouth people (whenever I have interviwed someone for a job and they tell "I'm a real people person" I tell them that they must never have worked with the public and I don't hire them. People are horrible nasty things and should be taxed severely) by night.

Whew....Elvis must have had a bad day at the office.


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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I am also a construction manager. In addition, I am also an architect, and have been a facilities director, "program" manager, funds manager, project manager and BBS lurker.

That being said, I do not believe that I could even begin to comprehend the massive amounts of specialized energy that must go into computer game design and marketing. But I will go as far as to say that Battlefront.com has brought a unique perspective and strategy to its design and distribution of the game Combat Mission. I wish it, and them, all the best.


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Software PM at Seattle company that does multiple-monitor graphics cards. I write tech specs, shepard projects, oversee anything that "slips through the cracks", design UI, test whatever feels week, and so forth.

BTW, we're hiring app engineers with a background in DirectDraw. Charles? :=)


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Guest Captain Foobar

Gee, I am not even a Construction Manager...

I am a lowly Electrical Foreman. I don't have any concept of how to manage a Software Design project, but apparently my current social status would prohibit me from ever achieving that level of mental aptitude.

But I try not to fret. I will be brave, and take solace in the fact that my menial services to society might, in some little way, give comfort and leisure to the beautiful people. It helps me bolster my sagging self-image to serve, and I try not to look the well-dressed, and sophisticated in the eye, as not to incur their wrath.


LOL, the guy he was talking might have been a dolt, who knows. There are dolts everywhere, but surprisingly not all of them are layman.

[This message has been edited by Captain Foobar (edited 05-18-2000).]

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Guest tom w

hey this is interesting

what a way to make connections smile.gif

I'm a Mac Tech Geek

New Media Design & Info Lab Mac Systems Admin at

a Community College near Toronto

(I only do a little teaching for now)

(I don't think I need to be too specific here because lately I have been spending more time at work on this BBS than actually working and thats not good, maybe I should get another handle instead of using my real name, oh well, already changed it once for Major Tom)


you are probably the closest

one I've seen here so far.

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest GriffinCheng

Lowly "web developer" who works on java/javascript/html/oracle projects for a living. Usually sneak to this forum during day work and become a lazy paste sticked on Internet and CM after work.

Griffin @ work

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Real-time software engineer in the Air Traffic industry in the frozen wastelands of Canada. Wannabe Perl/Java/html/web developer and musician/guitarist/songwriter by night, and just damn if Im not the worst wargamer on this board!! "So you're saying with 150% extra resource I should win ALL the scenarios?? Aaaaaaaaah!"

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Guest Babra

Ha! All you pansy-asses and your cushie sinecured positions! (Except Matt who is probably not a prostitute, but is surely a whore wink.gif)

Minimum wage warehouse sweat-hog by day, reader of Livy and Plutarch by night (and Homer and Froissart and Max Born and Richard Feynman and....)

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