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Nice & Courteous PBEM Challenge Thread: Post Here

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Hmm, doubt this will work, but I keep seeing individuals posting looking for a PBEM, and obviously it would be an advantage to have there always be a thread for them to check for games, without constant, individual new threads. So, for those who are not scum, and therefore do not choose to look for games in the Peng Challenge Thread (aka Cesspool), maybe a very nice, up-to-date thread to find games on would be of value? If it was kept on the main page?

For this to work (properly), anyone accepting a challenge here needs to check out the time and date of a poster's request for a PBEM. This info is readily apparent. It might not be worthwhile sending a setup or file to someone who posted 6 weeks ago looking for an all night opponent on that specific evening.

This is an experiment, let people who want a PBEM post here for it. And I, someone who has no life (other than the Peng Challenge Thread™, and that's not life, laddie) will attempt to keep this topic bumped up and visible, and current.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Let me be the first to issue a nice courteous PBEM challenge. I like to play scenarios I've never seen before, which applies to most that are posted on the Internet and half those on the disk. I'll play either side really, I'm not that fussy. I have moderate experience and moderate skill level, in that I've played about eight PBEMs and won about as many as I've lost.

Send me an email at michael.urquhart@dowjones.com (this is not the same as my profile, which is my home address) with a scenario idea and a side you want to play, and then I can send a setup when I get home this evening.

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Good idea, Shannahey. You'll also have to make sure that no-one escapes from the Peng thread and starts to rip up the daisies. I think they've been breeding in there... about 50 pages have sprung up since the last time I posted anything interesting.

Now then, chaps. All nice, friendly, courteous fellows seeking PBEMs this way. All drooling, embittered, vitriolic wretches proceed downstairs immediately.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Now then, chaps. All nice, friendly, courteous fellows seeking PBEMs this way. All drooling, embittered, vitriolic wretches proceed downstairs immediately.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'll go the courteous route, and will be honoured to accept challenges from those gentlemen present.

Send your courier to me with your terms. Oops! Wrong period. I mean, send me your runner with the setup scratched on the back of a fag packet.

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Berlichtingen wrote:

> Die, daisy, die!

Move along, Berli, move along... Seanachai, got any spare bricks?


They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Good idea Seanachai. I’m starting a couple of PBEMs and would be happy to join this thread with some friendly banter between turns.

I have room for a few more games, preferably through the Tournament House website at http://www.tournamenthouse.com/. It has a ladder system.

I prefer quick battles to scenarios. 35 turn games, 1250 to 1500 points, probe attack. I prefer playing as Americans, but will play either side, attack or defense. E-mail me at rick7171@hotmail.com.


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Rat testicles!!! You see what the whupping I've put on you has done, you can't just take it like a man, can ya! You think you can just walk away and create some kinda cutesy, dainty, little-Polly-teapot thread that has kind, warm-hearted PBEM challenges?!! EH!?!?!? Well you've got another think coming, laddie!

That's right! See this game ain't about no hugging and kissing and Momma's-gonna-make-it-all-better, noooo! This is about killing and penetrating and destroying your pathetic opponent! It's about making the poor sap do what you want despite his pathetic desires! It's about taking a company of Frenchies and shoving it right up your enemy's proverbial arse!

So turn right around and get back to the Cesspool you lily-livered, chastity-belt wearing, frilly topped bastard, and the rest of you, who in their right minds would post anything but the preceding to such a sappy thread? Hunh!?!


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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Most other game companies with forums and online multiplayer usually have a seperate forum for such things, which usually works out very well. BTS should just add another forum for people looking for PBEM (and later TCP/IP)


Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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There isn't much need for a devoted meeting place for online players, because a 'multiplayer' game of CM only involves two people. This thread is simply for the purpose of letting people know you're looking for a game, so they can e-mail you. A thread is just as good as a forum for this purpose.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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I disagree , with a forum you know immediately if a certain challenge is still valid or if someone has already accepted. For example in this thread I could say: "Email me, QB, 500 pts, meeting engagement".. now 5 other people may post there own QB's and not accept mine because of different paramters and on the 6 message someone responds to me saying they accept. you would be constantly searching back and forth to make sure you aren't trying to get a PBEM with someone who is already has their plate full.

In the forum on the other hand, I would post that same message, someone would respond, and the thread would die. It would be quick, fast, and painless. And if I wanted multiple games I just post multiple threads. Only people who want PBEM games would be in the forum so it wouldn't annoy anyone, and a forum becomes even more useful when TCP/IP is released since that is very time sensitive. I think another cesspool thread (meaning endless) is a bad idea for the general forum thread.

just mho.


Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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Sure Seanachi, trying to get a thread with your name on it over 2000 posts again aren't you? Well, in that case, you cesspooler you, er, uh, let me help you.

I have room for a few more PBEM opponents. I am registered at tournament house, but it doesn't matter whether my opponents are or not.

No cesspoolers though, the quality of my last cess pooler opponent's play has made a marked decline since he started posting in that hive of filth.

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M. Bates wrote:

> It wouldn't take much work from BTS to create a PBEM or TCP players forum

You know this for a fact?

Wilhammer wrote:

> I second M. Bates motion for a forum devoted to Opponent Hunting.

I believe the idea was Banshee's.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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