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Is it only me?


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Is it only me, or has somebody else also played CM EVERY SINGLE DAY since he first got it?

I have played literally hundreds of computer games before this one, and not one has come close to holding my attention like CM has. Note: I preordered the game, and play it since july...

Borg - you have any words for me?


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Guest barrold713

Played at least part of a scenario each day....checked madmatt for mods and updates every day and followed the discussion boards. I was playing Shogun: Total War a lot before I received my copy...but I can't seem to get interested in it lately.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Yes I hear what you're saying and totally agree.

But does anyone else almost NEVER play the AI and only concentrate 100% on Pbem games?

Its wierd, I can spend 20 minutes plotting a move against a human opponent but I lose patience instantly against the computer. My guess is because I know I'm only gonna get 1 or 2 turns a day from a pbem whereas with the computer the whole battle is there for the taking.

Comments from the forum? (nice ones )

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Guest KwazyDog

Epee, nah, your not the only one, there is another smile.gif

In fact Im pretty confident to say that finding CM on the web last year has pretty much altered the course of my life. wink.gif

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Does anyone else also fantasize about being wealthy enough to just spend all day everyday playing CM on the fastest computer available against pbemers all over the globe? From the most comfortable chair money can buy? With a fridge stocked with the best of food and drink? And a bevy of supermodels to mop your brow as the strain of battle takes its toll?

Ahhhh Dreams..........

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Not every day. frown.gif

I visited my parents about a month ago, that was 2 days without

the dose. Also, one friday it was straight to party from work.

Too drunk to play afterwards.

Ummm.. that's about it for the breaks.

6 PBEM's going right now and that's not enough, so I still

play AI about once a day. smile.gif


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Does anyone else also fantasize about being wealthy enough to just spend all day everyday playing CM on the fastest computer available against pbemers all over the globe? From the most comfortable chair money can buy? With a fridge stocked with the best of food and drink? And a bevy of supermodels to mop your brow as the strain of battle takes its toll?

Ahhhh Dreams..........<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dreams or Fancies, they are noble still. Perhaps I could write a grant proposal, taken up by the Pentagon (that's where all the money is), and then play CM all day? No, I wouldn't have hardware to show at the end, nor any corporation for 'retired' Pentagon Generals to have a six figure income from, sitting on the Board of Directors. Ah, well.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Stuka, I know where your coming from.

I play the game many hours a day. and have yet to play on scenario that came on the CD.

go figure...



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

Once I actually managed to stay away from playing for three days straight! eek.gif

(Not that I didn't think about CM in those days though...)



You sick puppy... smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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The only time I haven't played (either against the AI or a Pbem game) is when we spent a week moving into our new home....and I know why.

Somehow BTS knew what the Bush camp was doing months before the "RATS" political add came out. Subliminal advertising! With the refresh rate so fast on TVs and computer monitors, they decided to incorporate "PLAY CM, PLAY CM" with some last minute coding. No one would know but it would be effective!






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I also have moved almost exclusively to PBEM.

Quite frankly, the AI sucks. It is better than mos tother AIs out there, but that is saying very little. It almost NEVER surprsies me.

Human, however, surprise me almsot every single frigging time. CM against a person is great at reinforcing the "no plan survives first contact..." adage.

What is even better is those rare occasions were things actually do go according to plan...

At the moment I am not-so-patiently waiting for the rest of my dream system to arrive. I want to see what CM looks like on a 1.05 GHz Thunderbird with a GeForce 2 GTS 64MB and a high-quality 19" monitor running at some ridiculous resolution.

Can't wait...


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I used to have fun playing the AI. I joined a tournament here on the forum and started PBEM. Now the only time I play the AI is giving out a few orders while waiting for my modem to connect to the net so I can send out my turn files.

Right now I’m playing 3 different PBEM’s and I’m finding that might not be enough.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

I also have moved almost exclusively to PBEM.

Quite frankly, the AI sucks....


IMHO, I disagree with that. I find playing against the AI very enjoyable. I usually win, of course, but it still gives me a run for my money- certainly more than any previous game has. It may well be that you are simply a better tactical strategist than I am. Be that as it may... you gotta do what works for you.

The other thing I like about the AI is the QB generator. Frankly, I am often amazed at the complexity it demonstrates when creating a fresh and random battlefield. It often comes up with terrain combinations I would not have thought of. This game is brilliant.

Good Hunting!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

[ I want to see what CM looks like on a 1.05 GHz Thunderbird with a GeForce 2 GTS 64MB and a high-quality 19" monitor running at some ridiculous resolution.

Can't wait...


Droooooool !!

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I gotta join your swelling ranks and admit that I too became totally hooked from day 1. I`d just bought Shogun 2-3 days before and played it once..once! What a waste of money that was. I can honestly say that I have not fired up any other game since receiving CM. I get my thrills from primarily email games, although playing the AI now and again to brush up on new tactical ideas etc.

The early retirement option is looking good :)


"Any man who judges a nation is a peewit"

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If not playing, at least checking this forum for some good ideas, stimulating military history buff stuff, or a laugh. CMHQ gets some of my time for MOD searches most days also.


"Then we shall fight in the shade." (Greek general's comment upon being told that the Persian archers could blot-out the sun with their arrows.)

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