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Pleased to me you, won't you guess my name...

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Talk about O/T, but anyways here goes...

The reason i started this thread was based in part on another thread i read a while back. In it i saw that someone chose a username that had a direct relation to what i do at work. That got me thinking "how did he come up with that name"? Well, naturally that led to me wondering how anyone here chose their name, so i decided to ask smile.gif

How did you chose your user name? Some of these are easy to figure out, others i'm not so sure. So if you have the time drop me a line and post it here smile.gif

Let me start off with my name (Black Sabot) it is a mix between one of my favorite rock bands of the 70's and 80's, Black Sabbath and the AT round shot out of Tank cannons, a Sabot. Back when i thought it up i thought it sounded cool, now i'm thinking it sounds a bit corny but i'll stick with it smile.gif

So anyways, i'll pass this thread on to you all and see what becomes of it.

your time starts....now.

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My handle, PoisonKitchen, comes from what Hitler and the Nazis called the Munich Times. They kept printing the truth about the Nazis and their atroicities when other newspapers bowed to the Nazi pressure. They kept it up until Hitler had Fritz Gerlich, the lead editor, killed.

Just my way to honor their courage even though their story has been largely forgotten.



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well mine might be one of those that is easy to figure out. "Ol' Blood & Guts" was of course, General George S. Patton's nickname among the grunts and, I think, the homefront. Since his tactics were like "We're gonna run through them like crap through a goose" (nevermind about the casualties, just let's go out there and kick some ass) the grunts and fellow officers gave hime the nickname "Ol' Blood & Guts".

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Miyamoto Musashi (or, in the American name order, Musashi Miyamoto) was Japan's greatest samurai. He penned several volumes of work on the bushido code and is one of Japan's greatest heroes to this day. The life of Musashi inspired a film trilogy, with the part of the samurai played by the magnificent Toshiro Mifune. Definitely a must-see if you haven't already wink.gif Anyways, nothing overly cool or in line with WWII topics, but as good a name as any...

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I'm an audio-visual technician, and we use a heck of a lot of the shiny black tape that many refer to erroneously as 'duct tape'(that's the grey stuff dammit). Actually it recently made a starring apperance at the oscars on Robin Williams' mouth.

It has no military application that I know of, although it is holding the roof onto my friends' old VW cabriolet.

I also quite like the fact that the short form 'Gaff' can also be taken as a reference from the film Blade Runner, a personal favorite of mine.

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I first had the name SEVERE DEATH, and like to play UT with a clan,but also like to tweak my brain now an then and I do this with games like CM, I shortened it to SEVERE and all my friends say it sounded much better

so it stayed. I like the intensity and critical nature of the name which relates to the intensity and critical nature of WAR.

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umm... no it's not Dr. Suess smile.gif

Lorak was an elven king in the dragonlance novels. He tried to use magic that was way to powerful and it made him mad. He suffered major nightmares that warped his kingdom until they became real and all his people had to live in them.

Yes.. I Role-play alot... so sue me smile.gif




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E. Nesbit, a Socialist and a member of the Fabian society, wrote children’s books. One of these books debut Oswald Bastable, a Capt in the Victorian military. I enjoyed the books not only because I considered them a glimpse into the world that my English/Scottish father was a part of. But also due to the nature of Capt Bastable, a forerunner of the Richard Hannay, Bastable unlike Hannay was an uncertain narrator an uncertain Victorian. Bastables increasingly questioned the right of British rule over half the world, unfortunately for Bastable this pathos in many ways’s destroyed him.

‘My God! You’ll not mesmerize me! I’m an English officer-not one of your ignorant followers!’

Capt Bastable reactions during discussion’s of a deal with a Raja when he begins exhibiting signs of opium ingestion

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DEF = Not deaf. As in cool,awsome,the bomb,

whack, the ****!

BUNGIS = a Family tradition.

SO know your Role and Shut your Mouth!

If ya dont like, it I got 2 words for ya!


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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Darwin started as sort of a joke "helping to weed out the coc gene pool" and it stuck.

I had gone under Lokesa for years (an incarnation of the hindu god of death, conqueror of worlds) but for one it's too obscure and another it sounds kind of feminine. Darwin's better smile.gif

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Guest hunt52


"hunt" as in hunt(er).

"52" as in the number of playing cards in a deck.

And it sound cool if you say it aloud. biggrin.gif

- Bill

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Well, I post here under my name (obviously wink.gif) but I usually use Beamup. People kept saying to me, "Beam me up, Scotty!" and I bowed to the inevitable.


Questions, comments, arguments, refutations, criticisms, and/or sea stories?

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Guest Captain Foobar

well, back in '94 (IIRC), I got banned from a Doom2 BBS, under the name Sgt. Snafu.

At that time, my obnoxious online behavior warranted a promotion. So Captain Fubar it was.

Unfortunately, as Captain Fubar, I managed to get banned within 3 days.

Grasping to mainain my persona, I evolved into Captain Foobar. And under this handle, I finally learned my lesson , and stopped acting like a *complete* ass online.

And this mis-spelling has remained with me; as a reminder of how far a I can fall...

Captain Foobar....reformed troll...sigining off. smile.gif

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