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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Meeks, I have the scenario for you and PawBroon, but won't be able to do a setup and return it to you for a day or so, but that shouldn't be a problem as PawBroon informed me that he will be celebrating being French until Sunday. You will have the setup before he finishes reaffirming himself.


Hmmmmmmm celebrating being French until Sunday?

And to think I have been sitting around moping awaiting his return, Sean, If I get around to it you'll receive your turn tonight, otherwise it will be Sun as tomorrow I will be celebrating being Scottish. Whats good for the goose......



"That's Mizz Chihuahua to you, buddy."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

I will be celebrating being Scottish. Whats good for the goose......


Hmmm... Probably consists of eating loads of that garbage called Haggis and then stomping around in the mud for a bit and finally the burning and looting of a small English town.

Damn, barbarians.


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YK2 wrote:

> And to think I have been sitting around moping awaiting his return [...] tomorrow I will be celebrating being Scottish.

Aha! Resounds and exclamation from the dark recesses of the ceiling. Through the gloom, a figure drops, announcing Now it all becomes– ::SPLASH:: The figure disappears beneath the murky water. ::sploosh:: ::splush:: ::SPLOOSH:: The figure resurfaces ::GLURP:: ::ptthh:: ::ack:: ::cough:: ::ahem:: Now it all becomes clear! . . . Hang on – where'd she go?? You cannot hide! The Caped Aikvenger shall expose your evil conspiracy with the Frenchman!

[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

... And your faux attempt of casting yourself as adult ended once you began to post here so spare me effort.


Smack-down??? Battledome??? Pleeeeaasse, spare me the rubbish. You have already placed yourself in your prefered venue. The lowest of low entertainments, not even fit for someone who would be classified in the genus homo sapiens.

You (no, I will not say Sir) are an impudent, insolent, ignorant, ill-educated little brat!

I was playing wargames while you were still swimming around in your father's shorts, wondering whether anything would come of you, or whether you would be spilled out in the back seat of a rusting old Ford Fairlane after your father had one too many warm PBR's and was turned down by the local harlot.



To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Enough hot air to fill even his own arse.


Oh my! What big words Herr Uber-scheisse. I hope you didn't have to exercise your arm too much flipping through your thesaurus which I am sure is within reach where ever your fat butt resides.

Such a pompous, stuffed, aloof, elitist you come off as. Pray tell you have NEVER lingered on Battledrome when the Dahm twins were about? Hmmm? You lie! How else would you know of their fame and fortune? Hmmm? Unless...Yes...Yeeeeees. I see someone has a subscription to Playboy. Does your wife/sig other allow this magazine of the "commoner" within your gaudy abode? Hmmmm? Or do you steal away to the woodshed for some of that personal "quality" time I bet you crave? Either that or little boys right? Just you and your vigorous thoughts I bet, that is unless you DON'T watch Battledome. Come now.. which is it?


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...out of a long forgotten corridor of the cesspool walks Lorak...

"well, It was a long and boring duty, but at least another opening to the outside has been shut off."

..he proceeds along a twisted and broken path in utter darkness headed to his Lair...

"what is this? Ahh a note."

Please Sir Lorak. If it pleases you. Post our battles in the holy book, so as to give our pitiful lives meaning.

" the pitiful souls, Have they not yet learned that battle results mean nothing? The path to become fully enlighted in the pool of darkness, has nothing to do with battles, wins, losses, or even if you have sex with hamsters. Truly this sorry lot has much to learn. Yes we are shadows, but even darkness can blind the unaware. This they must learn...and they will... I swear it!"

...Lorak sits down and places his hand upon the orb... and mentally scribes the results in to the book of the pool...

Elijah: win

Berli: Loss

Croda: loss

Shandorff: win

Chupa: win

Moriarty: loss

Germanboy: win

Peng: loss

one other loser posting a win against caprifellator... Since I have been long away from this board, and am way above the mindless drool of screwing up peoples names as an insult, I have no clue who the hell this is.

Lorak the Loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times

7 times he was alone, 3 times he was alone except for drunken vagrants who were too inebriated to avoid witnessing it, and 1 time he held a pet rabbit in the other hand and talked dirty to it during the act. The rabbit later threw itself under a city bus.


Hey stuka, perhaps we should hire out the sheep?


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Hate to say it, old chap, but Berli beat me, not vice verse. Thanks for the sentiment, though.

Oh, and there's one thing I neglected to address, you people have a demented definition of sex. I mean, seriously, not everything in life is done in a sitting position in front of a computer. But you can be assured, Jefe, that I will be copulating with a gorgeous Cantonese girl the next time I send you a turn. Oh yes, we will be in flagrante delicto while I am planning and watching the destruction of your forces. Merry Christmas early.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

...out of a long forgotten corridor of the cesspool walks Lorak...

"well, It was a long and boring duty, but at least another opening to the outside has been shut off."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lorak, I think it is time to quote my colleagues, with the line I get to hear when I buy them a Bitter:

Good man!

Pleasure to see you back here.

Anyone knows what happened to the thread accountant, what's his name? He would not by any chance be the thing that is floating face down in the muck over there?

Now, Kumbaya still tries to deny that he lost another turn in south of sword, and that if he goes on like that, he will have to have a word with Rommel, about losing Caen on D-Day.

Grego and I are locked in mortal combat playtesting a monstrous scenario. How monstrous you might ask... Panzer *snip* kills Sherman at 1,826m monstrous I would say. His recon assets die a little bit faster than the average redshirt, and I am sure that Bullethead would give them a designation involving a 100 somewhere. Fun.

Ethan has finally crossed the bridge in Ham & Jam. Just in time for me to welcome him, and then annihilate him.

Lorak the loathed is blowing up my recon assets in Hell's Highway, proving that the old adage 'Being point sucks' still holds true. My men long for a teabreak, alas...

Elvis hides like the girl he is behind some bocage, as does Geier.

Goriarty is drving down the woods to meet me.

Blousehouse continues dying.

Peng and Berli despatched.

My life is empty.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-03-2000).]

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I swear I don't which is worse, consistently taking you dolts to school in each game I have going (except maybe Meeks) or not having any of you scum mention the pounding you're taking from me in your "what's happening in the games I'm playing" posts. Hell Lorak doesn't even posts my wins to his site anymore. Have I been beating up on you guys too much? Should I tank a game or two to get myself back to a point that the mere mention of my name doesn't fill you all with terror anymore?

Oh yeah Slappy...get lost vermin. Your kind makes me sick.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Damn...I walked away from my desk before clicking the "submit reply" button on that last post..then after I did I see that Germangirl isn't the coward that I pegged him as.

He is a guy that I am going to slaughter one soldier at a time. It will be a slow painful death.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Thourght we had a PBEM going just to find out we had nothing but a unfinished game - why?

Howardb left this forum on the 06/16/2000

Howardb left our PBEM on the 09/19/2000

Pavlos Poulopatis left this forum on the ..?

Pavlos Poulopatis left our game on the 13/9/2000

I thourght we had something in common - our game!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


one other loser posting a win against caprifellator... Since I have been long away from this board, and am way above the mindless drool of screwing up peoples names as an insult, I have no clue who the hell this is.

Lorak the Loathsome


Loathsome and textually inept, you are. I did say up-coming, although it's really guaranteed, isn't it, assuming I can ever get my &(*)(& ISP to start sending files larger than a blob of hamster spit. And Caprifellator is the proper Latin name of the creature known in the male brothels of Tijuana as Chupacabra or "goat-sucker".




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Percentages pulled from your arse? I thought we had full FOW, Mr. Spankey. What gives? Being duplicitous? I'm still waiting for the polka party you promised. I have plent of folks ready to do the chicken dance. oh yeah


Oops! Correction - 33% v 8%. There, much better. Full FOW means we can't see units not in line of sight. It doesn't relate to the Morale and Victory stats on the console - you twittering hairless mole.

And the polka party will arrive, if you manage to exchange another few turns. And while your green Frenchies (eeuuww!) might be ready for the chicken dance now, there may be a drastic reduction in their numbers before they find partners to dance with. BTW, my boys have been pacticing to "Psycho Chicken",so be afraid....be very afraid.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Hey stuka, perhaps we should hire out the sheep?


Don't try and drag me down to your nether-world of dark alleys, steaming pavements and flickering neons, where scantily clad ewes beckon and tease the passersby, buddy.

Rent out your own damn sheep you woolly pimp, I'm of sterner stuff than that...

Who's into shaved and polished voles then?


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Oops! Correction - 33% v 8%. There, much better. Full FOW means we can't see units not in line of sight. It doesn't relate to the Morale and Victory stats on the console - you twittering hairless mole.

And the polka party will arrive, if you manage to exchange another few turns. And while your green Frenchies (eeuuww!) might be ready for the chicken dance now, there may be a drastic reduction in their numbers before they find partners to dance with. BTW, my boys have been pacticing to "Psycho Chicken",so be afraid....be very afraid.



OGSF, I hate to say it but victory is covered by FOW. You could both think you hold the position and, in reality, it's contested.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, qoute that you rat bastards.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Ok Dark prince. The mistake has been reversed. I guess it is easy to make mistakes reading other peoples post when I loath them even more than myself.

Lorak the loathed..


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

OGSF, I hate to say it but victory is covered by FOW. You could both think you hold the position and, in reality, it's contested.


Well strap me to an ant hill and smear my ears with jam! Fat lot of good those stats are on the console then!

"Okay, your morale is really high, but it might not be. And your victory so far, is probably this, or not, as the case my be. Whoops, game over and the winner is the one with the highest bogus victory stats! Yay!!"

Putchaw! I'll leave it to the body bag count then.

Anyway, doom is impending on Stenchies hand-maiden and the only thing he can do about it is to run his green Frenchies (ugh!) off the map before it's too late.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

OGSF, I hate to say it but victory is covered by FOW. You could both think you hold the position and, in reality, it's contested.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, qoute that you rat bastards.


Sir Meeks is absolutely correct. Morale and vic stats on your console at best give you a snapshot of how your side is doing but is only a guess at how the other side is doing ... and usually a bad guess at that.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

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This just in from the Meeks/Elvis game. He wanted me to pass this on. He insisted I post this.

He said to me: "I am a boob." (the I being Meeks of course)

He has also hinted to the fact that he will soon surrender.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

This just in from the Meeks/Elvis game. He wanted me to pass this on. He insisted I post this.

He said to me: "I am a boob." (the I being Meeks of course)

He has also hinted to the fact that he will soon surrender.


This is true. Jitbag Goebbels, as I like to call him, twisted my words and cut and pasted until he managed to pick those words out of it. I will post about my victory once I have enough of Jitbag's command, as it will be such a massive victory as to require lots and lots of blood, ground German intestines and brain matter to write about the whole thing.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Just because your own interests are limited to those two particular media (Battledome & Playboy), don't assume that everyone else fits your particular bill.

Those bimbos, er women, have made "cameos" on other television shows, and if you are such a huge fan of theirs the least you could do is speak of them properly, and not butcher their name, unless it is your desire to appear as a drooling, slavering git that would make any decent woman want to wear a full Tyvek HazMat body suit when she was within a hundred yards of you.

I shall grant you leave on this issue, because it is obvious that you are still full of impetuous youth (among other things)...

Now send that setup.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Elijah Meeks wrote:

> But you can be assured, Jefe, that I will be copulating with a gorgeous Cantonese girl the next time I send you a turn. Oh yes, we will be in flagrante delicto while I am planning and watching the destruction of your forces. Merry Christmas early.

Combat Mission as foreplay? Hmmm...

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