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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Stuka: He comes on in the same old way, I will disembowel his deadthingsinacan the same old way.


Hehe, just keep believing that Herr Over Grubby Telly Tubby, I have a plan so cunning I could pin a tail on it and call it a fox.

It will of course involve lots of dead grey pixels clogging the tracks of my heroic khaki coloured tin thingys..

Die horribly


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Letter from Chosroes II, Emperor of Persia, to Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium, AD 622:

Is this not a fine bit of taunting? Do the headwaters of the Cesspool ooze this deep into the past? Is Chosroes II really Peng in a previous incarnation?


Bullethead, that was indeed a wonderfully classical taunting. Nice to see a literate grasp of the purpose of this thread. You are welcome here, you unclean, cast-off grognard dropping. Brave of you to have a go at Geier, he's messed several people here about big-time. Smack him around, he beat me like a gong. On the other hand, your hints on artillery use that were posted somewhere helped Mark IV slap me around Cambes, so Geier, rip him up. I guess I hate you both, but that's about par for this thread.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Ahh.. Seanachai you worthless Pseudo-celt.

Just wondering if you are about ready to surrender or not? You may have bashed my little chinchillas Eye-teeth out... But damnit they will knaw on your bones with thier molars if they have too! This Game has been a lot of fun and educational... T'would be a shame if it has become time for me to unleash my reserves. So rare that I can't make it a whole game without using them. smile.gif

LOL!!! Bleed a lot now you... you... Pict!

Lorak the loathed.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I'll wager that the current incarnation of Peng is a balding man with a paunch. He enjoys the Grease re-mix and sipping bourbon by the fire. Just a guess, of course.


Good lord, is that from my estranged squire?! Come to my arms, my beamish boy!!!


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Oberst, you sorry excuse for a scurvy-riddled, lilly-livered, squint-eyed, pre-pubescent, half-pint, proto-homonid! You dare challenge Croda The Great! Croda The Mighty! Croda The Magnificent! Croda The Loquacious! Croda The Effervescent! I will not only send you the most vile and tormentuous setup ever seen by human civilization, but I will use said setup to denounce, destroy, and otherwise defile and de-kidney you! You have only a few hours to repent...once the sacred setup is sent, there is no quarter given!

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-16-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Croda The Gaffer! Croda The Miniscule! Croda The Malformed! Croda The Lackey! Croda The Effluent!

I am still waiting for my setup you misbegotten whelp born of a three-legged mongrel dog and a poor wino's pants leg!


I have challenged the QA team to a Bat-Leth contest. They shall not trouble us again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Honey, I must admit that I usually fall in love with my opponents when they've won over me.

Now surrender or be my pet...



Thank you very much, PawBroon, you evil French lunatic. My sinuses are now aching and I'm still mopping up the monitor and keyboard from where all the fluid that come out both the mouth and nose splashed about.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phatbovine:

Seanachai, I though chrisl had already sponsored me, how many sponsors do I need to have. I only need one, I don't want to be pestered by everyone who wants to be associated with me. I do have a life.


I would do no such thing!!! And certainly not to someone who defends bunnies. The edible dormouse is certainly the most undervalued creature of the war in France. Puts bunnies ot shame any day.

Oh, and don't go posting here such absurd a claim as having a life. Your mere presence here is indication to the contrary. Now get out there and insult someone.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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LORAK,you are insane aren't you?

You must be mad as a march hare thats been staked out in the sun, beaten senseless, forced to listen to Bryan Adams records until its ears bleed while watching a continous loop of Oprah Winfrey's anti-cellulite exercise video.

How, and I'll repeat this in case your ears are still ringing, HOW have you managed to credit that heathen Mensch with Kniggetthood?

He couldn't manage a double figure score against his own wife for ****'s sake.

I smell a rat and thats pretty amazing considering the company we keep in here.

Two of the bravest squires ever to bang coconut shells together (myself and Croda)are about to meet in bloody and merciless combat for the mere pleasure of the knighthood and here is a pansy_assed ex patriot Canuck enjoying the priveledges of membership of the 'hood. And with a game record of 0/0/0 to boot!

You two have to be related.

Explain yourself young man, or send me a set up, whichever is the least taxing upon your grey matter.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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There is no conspiracy... and if there was. So what? Actualy Mensch was overlooked when the site was started.. He was one of the original posters here.

As for playing you in a game? wasn't your "veteran" SS troops losing to my "green" amis enough of a thrashing for you?

Besides If he got the nick Mensch from a series of books.. then he is even more deserving.

LOL "SQUIRE" stuka.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rainpoet:

After reviewing the excess of bile that emits from you all I say this:

I may've been too nice in my intial response...


Poetic, schmoetic. Where are your TEETH?!? Did you forget to put them in today due to one of your frequent fits of senility? Or have the termites eaten your wooden teeth and left you gumming your food and your words all day?

Mayhap I have misjudged you, and 'tis not senility nor lack of teeth that is your bane, but rather the expansive void betwixt your ears...

Come back when you are adequately armed as a warrior. First you must be judged worthy of ridicule (and you have passed this test mightily). Second, you must be judged worthy of reply. Perhaps then we will consider you for a contest of arms.


I have challenged the QA team to a Bat-Leth contest. They shall not trouble us again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Well.. After my darling wife decided that we needed a vaction in the mountains to engage in some hard core sex. We both managed to strike out and spend the night in the hotel with each other.

Lorak loathed by all (even himself).


Awwh, that's nice, isn't it? Yes, of course it is. I remember when Lorak ran his car into somefink, and wasn't available for PBEM, and his lovely wife got online to say he wasn't available, as the doctors were trying to determine what creature could actually provide donor organs, and she was so very nice, and everyone was so worried about the mad elf king. Posted in concern myself, I did. It's just lovely to think of them off in the mountains together, isn't it? Lovely, just lovely. Mind, I'm still going to do my best to drive iron railroad spikes up the bum of every one of his remaining troopers, but I just get a wonderful feeling over these two going off to the mountains together. Who's for a bit of a sing-song, then?

You can look into her eyes, and live forever

she's as restless as the sea

she's as calm, as a summer dawn

she's that kind of mystery.

And you can write the song that wins her heart

A song will take you half the way

For you've known, from the start

You'll never write the song to make her stay

Love comes, in the sound of a dream

in the whisper of a prayer, and the promise of a sigh

and love comes, from the corner of a smile

-Bill Morrissey


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


As for playing you in a game? wasn't your "veteran" SS troops losing to my "green" amis enough of a thrashing for you?



Hahahahaha! Hoohoohoohoohoo! Lorak, stop! Whahahahaha! *wipes tears of merriment away*

Green Amis! Heeheeheehee!


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Seanachai said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bullethead, that was indeed a wonderfully classical taunting. Nice to see a literate grasp of the purpose of this thread. You are welcome here, you unclean, cast-off grognard dropping.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let PawBoon, the Anal Annalist (Analist?), record this missive in the archives, so that if in the future some fool dares question the value of the Cesspool, we can offer proof that it is carrying on an ancient and traditional part of military affairs.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Oberst, you sorry excuse for a scurvy-riddled, lilly-livered, squint-eyed, pre-pubescent, half-pint, proto-homonid! You dare challenge Croda The Great! Croda The Mighty! Croda The Magnificent! Croda The Loquacious! Croda The Effervescent! I will not only send you the most vile and tormentuous setup ever seen by human civilization, but I will use said setup to denounce, destroy, and otherwise defile and de-kidney you! You have only a few hours to repent...once the sacred setup is sent, there is no quarter given!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This....this is something that warms the cockles of an ole kniggnets heart ( eg if he had one) So many squire wannabees have presented themselves, we scan the crop of fresh shavetails, looking, looking. Could he be the one? Or him? Trying to find a bit of ourselves in an age gone past.

We have truly nice people come here, polite, poetic, even people who "taunt" us ever so ...well so. But, every now and again something rises to the top( much like our gorge after over imbibing) , so full of biliousness, vicious and cruel, whose parentage is so in question and whose training shows...then we experience a sublime moment, to know that we have achieved a greatness that transcends ourselves and we shall live through the ages as the sponsor of the ultimate evil...true Croda ain't it, but he'll do.He's a cur, but my cur. And he'll whip everymanchild of you too.

Lord knows the times I've had to use use the belt (you remember Croda, don't you, the one with the bright silver fittings, of course you do) to teach proper respect, the sticks in the cage the denial of food, light, water human contact, until he springs forth able to stand upon the stage...in just ...7... days, I can make you a man....ahh that dynamic tension!

So Croda my squire, have at them, no quarter [of course he WILL turn on me, then I shall have to destroy a magnificant specimen, and a shame it will be]


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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It was horrible I tell you, Loraks men were everywhere, there were millions of them! My barrels were red hot and still they came...

THe minor flag changed hands 4 times and the major flag I recovered but only to put ownership in doubt...

Not quite the ass whipping described by my learned colleague but a minor victory to the chinchilla jager nonetheless...

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OK put me down for another game against Hamsters/Meeks(!) we have started a QB.

Small map 900 pts village, small hills, modest trees, night clear, (good visibility for a night game...)I have a bunch of Veteran Heer, and Hamsters/Meeks(!) have, in their perversity chosen to be the French.

It is just like them (Hamsters/Meeks(!)) to do something so contrary to good sense, good sportsmanship and good hygiene (wow! two posts in one day with hygiene in 'em, what is going on with me?). I mean, its bad enough to have Frenchness thrust upon one by being born in that loathesome country, or the nastier (i.e. French speaking) bits of the quite already nasty enough place to the north of the US, known as Quebec {shudders and spasmodic motion of the esophogus and colon at the very mention of the place} (pah! feh! foo! )BUT TO ACTUALLY CHOOSE to be French is really quite beyond the pale, even for Hamsters/Meeks(!) and his typically impossible antics.

Bricks are no longer adequate attitude adjustment tools for him. He is too much to bear anymore. Senility had better put him out of everyone's misery in the upcoming (just what the HELL is taking so long getting this battle going?) fight o' the century for the right to have the One True Peng Thread.

Updates -

Elvis: Oh he is the most vile of underhanded creatures - the SANDBAGGER. He was crying a whinging about how the game we were playing (downloaded from somewhere, who knows where, by him, the scum)was "unbalanced" and he didn't have anything and blah blah blah. The worst part of this is I BOUGHT IT! OH MY GOD I BOUGHT EVERY DAMN WORD OF IT AND NOW I HAVE GONE AND LOST A PANTHER TO A STINKING 57mm AT GUN!!! Not only that but an entire platoon of HTs filled with some lovely pzgrenadiers is hopelessly fouled up and will not do me a lick of good for the remainder of the game. What a gulli-bull. damn him.


He has exacted his revenge for the loss of the 251/9 (75mm?) by having several squads beat up one of my squads in the woods. There were no witnesses and the DA can't make a case agianst the offending gang memebers unless one or more of them come forward and confess to the crime...oh wait...that's an episode of Law and Order...

anyway. he is going to get a nasty surprise in the next turn when the same AC that killed the 251/9 takes out the lynx that is now tring to frighten a rifle squad out of its scattered trees...

the others...chrisl is still moving about in an inane and unmanly way...

germanboy: what can I say about him? not much. he is evil and a spawn of satan. but who didn't know that?

Ack! it is well past my bedtime and the spousal unit bellows yet again for me to retire...Think I'll hit the couch for some TV and a snack instead.

Pleasant dreams, Gentleworms (and Shaw),



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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Hey, Crud-da.

You appeared to be chomping at the bit to play me so I expedited that PBEM. I must say I have gotten eye strain tonight waiting for your reply.

You seem to have ample time to wallow in this filth so quit typing with one hand and send me your turn!!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>or will be, on a truly hideous map that I had assumed Berli put together to be cruel to us specifically, but apparently it was a product of his normal, day to day cruelty that just happened to work for us<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite true... if I loathed either of you less I might have considered creating a new map, but for pond scum such as yourself, I figured an old map would do

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Uh, I'm not sure. Are you man, woman or beast?


Ok, let me see, now what time of the day are we exactly talking about?



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sean@Shy:

Thank you very much, PawBroon, you evil French lunatic. My sinuses are now aching and I'm still mopping up the monitor and keyboard from where all the fluid that come out both the mouth and nose splashed about.


Now you've got to promise me that you will NEVER EVER mention again here or anywhere the mere fact that you are able to emit fluids when thinking of me.

That's very much European style decadent, but still a wee bit too much for that Thread before it reaches P1K...



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Best viewed in Peng-O-Rama:

It is just like them (Hamsters/Meeks(!)) to do something so contrary to good sense, good sportsmanship and good hygiene (wow! two posts in one day with hygiene in 'em, what is going on with me?). I mean, its bad enough to have Frenchness thrust upon one by being born in that loathesome country, or the nastier (i.e. French speaking) bits of the quite already nasty enough place to the north of the US, known as Quebec {shudders and spasmodic motion of the esophogus and colon at the very mention of the place} (pah! feh! foo! )BUT TO ACTUALLY CHOOSE to be French is really quite beyond the pale, even for Hamsters/Meeks(!) and his typically impossible antics.


Well, thank you.

Yes we ARE loathsome, yes, yes yes!!!

That's the key to your Riddle you unaware American.

Because of all that Frenchness being upon to be cast on you (beats the bucket of nails any time of the day that) and since the Pool have that wonderous tendency to wrap the time around itself, HENCE your mention of hygiene twice in a same evening.

May the dirt be with you Peng.


Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

…the spousal unit bellows yet again for me to retire…


aahh at least I have something in commen with Peng.. no its not the smell germanboy you sit down.

Early NEWS update:

Peng: It appears to be a cold Autum night my fuzzy critters are poised to pounce on Pengs forces but first a few straight shots of schnapps before battle.. more to come.

Germanboy: I finaly have sound contact although its is the sound of the horrible drunken singing of his troops, move any faster Gerbilboy and my troops will have to extend thier life insurance policies.. *ZZZZZZ*

Stuka: well even though its a Not So Superbowl Turney I must add my Kitty is on the prowl giving Glenn a beed of sweat … yes my small peanut brained friend you cannot hide the whole battle from me! I'm taking it to you like a real man would.

Croda: Burning tanks; screaming in paniced crews running for thier lives... seems to be about much croda can do in pbem's anyone else having this problem with him.. more like a circus and my troops enjoying the show... btw muffin head where is the return file?


"wanna trade my germanboy pbem for your Peng pbem?"

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