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Where did you the first time heard about CM? (poll)

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Thanks to Phil the Dill we now know where we all come from cool.gif

Now - When and where did you learned of the existence of CM? - I learned from a friend whom I was playing Pbem in WestFront against. He draged me over to his place to take a view on a new game that he wanted to be our next pbem target. When he showed me how good the AI was - I mailed my order smile.gif

We are now in the middle of our first cmpbem of many to come (I hope) biggrin.gif

Henrik Malmvig

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Sometime in June 2000, I stumbled upon it while browsing the "War" forums at: www.cdmag-online.com.

The posters in the forum had some good things to say about it (the gold demo was out at the time I discovered it, but not the game).

So I popped over to the CM website, downloaded the demo, and have been hooked ever since! biggrin.gif

Edited to include "time of discovery" for Mr. Malmvig smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Purple4Ever (edited 08-10-2000).]

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It's been so long ago I don't recall exactly where I first saw it. Somehow I was directed to a web page that featured some screen shots and explanations of how it would work. I joined a mailing list and then pretty much forgot about it until the mailing list reminded me about the game. I read some of the AAR between Fionn and Moon, the next thing you know the demo came out and I was dead meat.


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I heard of it a few years ago off a link on the Avalon Hill site. Of course then it was going to be squad leader. At first I was dissapointed that it wasn't going to be just like the board game but now I am much happier with this format.



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Thanks gentlemen - but this thread would not be of any value if you are not including the time when you had your experince confused.gif

Not the exact time but the year and the month would do just fine.

Sorry for the interruption cool.gif

Carring on - and thank you!

Henrik Malmvig

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I think it was a mention on CombatSim about a year ago. It mentioned being able to view the battlefield from multiple angles and advanced hit and penetration algorithms. I remember thinking it sounded like a good gimmick, but would probably be awful. I think I was fed up at the time having given up on Battleground Waterloo due to a couple of real howlers in the game engine having thought at first sight it was brilliant.

I forgot all about CM (including the name) until I saw a screenshot that looked familiar and saw that it had been finally released. There followed such a flurry of link-clicking and review-searching that I forget where I saw that. Probably CombatSim again.

I'm overjoyed at how wrong my initial reaction was smile.gif

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I have always been interested in two things when it comes to wargames: tactical level and realism. After falling for the Close Combat siren song four times, I finally started looking around the internet to see what was in the works. Somewhere, I saw a paragraph about CM and it contained two magic words: Squad Leader. I just about wet my pants with excitement. I never thought I play anything like that game again.

After finding my way to Battlefront, I took a look at the demos and was thoroughly impressed. I felt obligated to tell everybody I could about this gem, so they could share the experience. The rest, as they say, is history.

By the way, CM has now completely taken over my wargame time. That, to me, says a lot.



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kford wrote:

"I heard of it a few years ago off a link on the Avalon Hill site. Of course then it was going to be squad leader. At first I was dissapointed that it wasn't going to be just like the board game but now I am much happier with this format."

kford - could it be that many in the CM society is originally ASL players? Is it a fact that CM was meant to be a PC version of ASL? and is it a fact that when Avalon Hill was purchased by Hasbro - BTS was formed?

Still learning

Henrik Malmvig

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I heard from it in early July from the Steel Panthers World at War BBN. Its good to see Wild Bill and the Raiders working on scenarios for CM. Unfortunately I haven't been back to playing SPWAW since my copy arrived !

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In late '99 (October?) someone posted an Off-Topic message in the ACW Game Club (Talonsoft Battleground series specific) message board. He said Hey I know this ain't ACW but if you like wargames you gotta see this, or words to that effect, and gave the Battlefront URL. And he was right. (Still play my civ war games tho).

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*scratches haid*

welp, ah remembuhs seein' a bit about it in a Trotter column in PC Gamer this past winter....

and then noticed a demo of it at pcgameworld.com, tried it and got hooked.

That would have been back in April/May this year.


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 08-10-2000).]

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It was when I heard that John F. Kennedy had been asassinated... uh no, different question.

I heard about the game on a SuddenStrike forum which I had heard about on an Age of Kings forum. Both of which I have not returned to since I got hooked here.

It was about January of February of this year, after which I lurked here for quite a while getting a feel for the game and the community and playing my way through both demos.

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May be it was on Spring '98 at wargamer.com

reading this interview: http://www.wargamer.com/articles/combat_mission_interview.asp

(Hey look the textures, a big job was done!)

Next there was another interview always at wargamer.com: http://www.wargamer.com/articles/battlefront_interview.asp

(Are Steve and Charles those guys on the carrier?)


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You said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malmvig:

kford wrote:

kford - could it be that many in the CM society is originally ASL players? Is it a fact that CM was meant to be a PC version of ASL? and is it a fact that when Avalon Hill was purchased by Hasbro - BTS was formed?

Still learning

Henrik Malmvig


I say:

I would guess that would be true. If you loved Squad Leader, you will probably love CM. I clearly remember CM originally being a computerized version of Squad Leader. There was even a link on the Avalon Hill site to it as I recall, though the game was being made through a license agreement (not by Avalon Hill). I believe that Big Time discusses this in their CM FAQ, but I do remember seeing it at least two years ago and salivating over the description. Many of the screen shots were very similar to the final game (of course that was a while ago and my memory could be faulty, but I do remember the ‘three man squads.’)



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Guest Michael emrys

Two or more years ago (can't remember the date more closely than that off the top of my head, though it might be possible to track it down). BTS had done some tactical air war games, two of which I had purchased and played, Over the Reich and Achtung, Spitfire! As a consequence of that, I was regularly logging on to their bulletin board (before this one was formed). A couple months or so later, Avalon Hill and BTS jointly announced the beginning of the Computer Squad Leader (as it was then tentatively christened) project.

BTS would come on the board and describe to us what their ideas were and we gamers would ask questions and make suggestions. There has always been a tradition of that kind of designer/user interaction. A lot of people have invested time and thought and research into this game, but the lion's share of the credit goes to Steve and Charles who pulled it all together and made it real.


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(taps cane to get attention).... let's see now, must've been the summer of... hmmm '96? mebe '97... no must've been '96... no I was dating that red head, had to be '97... but I digress, at that time BigTime was but one fella, a young buck named Moylan... he'd upended the wargame market with a little title named Over the Reich, then turned it upside down again with Achtung Spitfire. Yep, those were heady days to be sure... Avalon Hill was still a boardgame empire, but struggling to adapt to the 'net and 'puters... anyhow, I was writing freelance, for a now defunct web 'zine, an interview with this programming upstart... I got him to come clean that he was having thoughts about a Pacific version of the, at the time, remarkable OTR engine... but it would have to wait 'til after he did a game patterned after Squad Leader... well course, I was skeptical... hell I'd been an SL player from way back, so I knew this fella had his work cut out fer himself! Unlike the rest of y'all who followed forum and mag links, I followed the old links from www.bigtimesoftware.com a coupla years later seeing if'n there was any info on OTR's Pacific brother... an lo' and behold if BTS hasn't gone and pulled off another gaming coup!! A fully functional tactical game!! Yep, these're heady times we surf in...


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