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Ass Kicker of the Month!

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This very well may be the hardest game I have ever played. I never once, sarting from turn 1, ever felt in control, or safe.

Bombers may do alot of damage, but they don't provide a protective fire or cover that your infantry needs to advance. And I needed that in this game (map).

It is by no means finished. There is no way to determine who the winner will be until the last turn, which is oddley enough, only one turn away.

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Well nothing to say so far we are starting to lose vehicles I had a hetzer with a damaged gun(hate that) acting as a scout didn't live long enough though.

Brent has the Vl in control I don't know if I am able to occupie it.

I should have bought some artilleryspotters in stead of tanks.

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there is an unconfirmed report that Joeski's Axis Juggernaut threw a war but no-one came! smile.gif


Jack Hughes may have dropped out of the running due to personal issues but I have yet to hear from HIM. (Maybe Joeski is trying to pull a fast one... wink.gif) j/k

Anyway, how are the rest of you guys doing?


One shot...One Kill

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Hey, I didn't wanna win that way. So I can be the Sissy pants of the tournament. Iron Duke maybe we could play a game to see if I move on. smile.gif Although since you made the maps it would have to be a QB. Let me know I'll send you a set up.


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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Last turn of the game.

Def has a stinking heavy AC parked in the middle of a little valley, firing down into the Pit where all the infantry are duking it out.

After his damn Luftwaffe has destroyed 4 of my 6 AFVs, I decide that I am going to get this damn AC if its the last thing I do. Turn prior my one remaining mobile Comet has approached the depression where his 234 is sitting. This turn, I am going to crest the rise protecting it and blow it away. Its pidly short 75 has little chance of a frontal penetration on my Comet, so I am willing to give up that first shot at close range.

I target the 234, and give a HUNT order right at him. Start of the turn, my stinking Comet decides to target this meaningless MG a few hundred meters away! But, luckily, once the tank starts moving, he un-aquires it. Great.

Then, a moment before I crest the hill to face the 234, the tank re-aquires the MG, swings the turret around to take a shot, and the rest is history. Right as I crest the hill his 234 parks a 75mm round through the side turret, scratch the last mobile tank. I damn near beat my monitor to death. So much for "crack" armor crews.

Def knew his AC was toast, because the next thing I see is that thing reverse out of its position. Reverses right up the side of the hill, giving my immobile Comet a nice shot at him, resulting in a burning AC.

I hate this game.

Jeff Heidman

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Rejoice Brothers, the Honorable Bil Hardenberger will be joining us in our little tournament and fighting in Jack Hughes stead. You may all know Bil as a long time Beta Tester and valiant foe to the murderous Fionn Kelly...Joeski has a fight on his hands!

Everyone else...if you could please report in, so that I can get an estimate as to how far along the Second Round is, I would appreciate it.

That is all.


One shot...One Kill

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AAAAHHHH!!! Is he handicapped? If I knew how to spell shenanigans. I'd declare Shenanigans. Well the spell checker knew how so I DECLARE Shenanigans!!!!

Oh forget it. (pulls out shovel) I'll play. (start's digging own grave)


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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of course you are correct, but, I personally like bringing in "fresh meat", besides, Bil contacted me right away and he and Jack are friends, so no harm, no fowl? LoL Foul.

I will keep you first on my mind if anyone else drops out. Thank you again for participating rwwald, I look forward to seeing you in the next AKOTM tournament scheduled to begin on or around March 1st.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stoffel:

We are halfway but I think I loose this battle . frown.gif

Lucky for you though Duke.

Saves you the trouble to get the award to the Netherlands.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't worry Stoff, if I make it he has to send it to Australia biggrin.gif


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Well Speedy,

in that case you are disqualified! biggrin.gif

Let it be known that Speedy lives too damn far away to win the AKOTM trophy. wink.gif For the rest of you...where is your pride damnit! Are you going to let some Aussie take the Trophy out of the USofA? smile.gif Hehe

May the closest person to me win! biggrin.gif

(Disengage sarcasm mode: End message)


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They say Old Soldiers never die...

I am pleased to announce that Sergeant DEF BUNGIS, through aggressive maneuvering, crafty unit purchases, and solid leadership skills, has triumphed on the Field of Battle once again. Sergeant BUNGIS's attention to detail, competence on the field, and never say die attitude bring great credit upon himself, and the Ass Kicker of the Month tournament. Congratulations DEF! The Semi-finals are next for you.

Please see updated bracket for details.

Second Round Bracket: Tyrannic 12





Def Bungis

vs.-----------------Def Bungis

Jeff Heidman






Bil Hardenberger












Please keep the fights moving!


One shot...One Kill

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Jeff really played a fine game.

Although my bombers did some serious damage, I think the deciding factor in the game were my Crack Sturmgroupe platoons. They took a serious beating and continued to advance without even flinching. I felt out numbered 2 to 1 in the infantry battle, yet some how my men pulled it out.

Thanks for a very tough fight Jeff.

You are a worthy apponent.


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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I actually think I was out-numbered (or even at best) infantry-wise, but I gotta agree with Def as to the afficiency of the Sturmgruppes.

Those damn Sturmtroopers just kept advancing under a murderous fire. There was a few turns there where it seemed like you couldn't see the terrain for the number of tracers flying at them.

But they just kept advancing.

I think just one less tank destroyed could have made the difference in a very close game. I needed some heavy direct fire to hold them off, and I didn't have it.

An outstanding game though. One of the best I have ever played. Def made some outstanding unit purchases, followed by almost throwing the game with the mistake in deployment, and then was able to close the gap and win by knowing when to attack and having great patience.

Jeff Heidman

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I lost my game with Superslug.

I choose many tanks and some MG's with an infantry company to occupie the objective on the hill.

The tanks had the infantry loaded to race towards the VL.

I had a simple plan 3 groups tanks together with the Hetzers should assault.

One would race to the Vl the other two would attack from the flanks under cover of smoke.

I made some mistakes though,the first one was the spotters.

A green spotter was very cheap but came with a FFE time of 7 to 8 minutes so one of my plans (smokecover)was not executed.

The second part advance under smokecover to the flanks allso was not possible since I lost some of my to Superslug's tankdestroyers.

Finally he gets his infantry on the VL faster than I could.

By trying to kill them my tanks got to near his elite bazooka teams and I lost several of them.

In the last turn I managed to kill all his armor but in a last gamble to reach the VL I lost my last ones to zooks as well.

Another disadvantage to me was his heavy artillery 2 hetzers had gun damage because of that and one of my Panthers got immobilized.

Conclusion,due to a combination of badly choosen force and the wrong tactics I lost.

Superslug ,well done!

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Well done SuperSlug...your Infantry heavy force managed to hold on to that lone patch of tall pines. Prepare your men for the Semi-Finals.

Please see updated bracket for details.

Second Round Bracket: Tyrannic 12





Def Bungis

vs.-----------------Def Bungis

Jeff Heidman






Bil Hardenberger












Please keep the fights moving!


One shot...One Kill

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its getting close to that time again where we attempt to wrap up another phase of the AKOTM.

I need updates from the following:







I want to try and wrap up the Second Round by the end of the weekend...end of day Sunday the 30th. Of course if you guys need more time I can accommodate, but lets try and speed things up if at all possible.


One shot...One Kill

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You probally already know that me and Bil Hardenberger are not to far along. Turn 3 move orders to be exact. Same place I was 2 weeks ago with Jack Huges. If jack would have stuck with it we'd probally be wrapping it up by now. Me and Bil are going to try and play TCP/IP to speed things up a bit.


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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