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Ass Kicker of the Month!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>DEF vrs Jeff UPDATE. Turn 6.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL, sounds like you two are having some fun out there! Good. I wanted this to be more than just, "Ok, move my men foward as fast as I can until I make contact. Call in Arty, Rinse, Repeat."

Anyone else out there? Hey, you with the face! I need some freak'n news ova here...see what I'm say'n...capise?



One shot...One Kill

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Me and Kunzler are fighting on the "Web" map. On this map vehicles can only drive on bridges to the objective area smile.gif In addition you can only see 180 meters (fog) and the setup zones are touching eathoter eek.gif

So far only the setup has taken place...no movements have been issued yet. C'mon Kunzler...I'm on vacation right now smile.gif


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you may want to send him an email, he may be waiting on you thinking you owe him a turn?

I figure/would like to get the Second Round over by the end of the month, Quarter finals over by mid Jan., finals over-with by end of Jan, and the Championship over by mid February.

So I guess the next Asskicker of the Month will be for the month of May or so. (Maybe April)

The trophy I bought is sweet! It says:

Combat Mission

Asskicker of the Month

December, 2000

Nice black marble base and a electroplated metal cup makes it a worthy prize. Up for grabs to whomever really wants it most. cool.gif


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well in that case I'll just have to make sure you don't win eh? LOLOLOLOLOL

Just Kidd'n! wink.gif

If you win it, I will mail it to you via UPS. The cost won't be that bad and I am more than happy to do so.

(C'mon SuperSlug...I'm counting on ya now!!!)




One shot...One Kill

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Kain and I are well underway (turn 5?) in The Swamp - we have gotten the initial truck/jeep exchange out of the way, and now I estimate there is 500-1000 points of artillery raining down on my side of the map. I'm hoping that the three guys I have left will be enough to hold out in the end, with the help of my immobilized vehicles of course. smile.gif

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Well I must say CM replicates the Air force extremely well.

NOW WHERE THE HELL IS MY GOD DAMN AIR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two, count them....... one, two....veteran pilots, are off jacking around somewhere on a sunday joy flight while my troops are getting pounded with artillery!

If those two fighter bombers fail to make contact with Jeff's force, there is no way in hell I can take that objective.

Oh man, C"MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! their sitting there out in the open like bugs waiting to be squashed!!!!!!

It's getting midway into the game now. I will have to make a move soon. Regaurdless if my air support shows or not.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

So thats what you spent all your points on...

That, and dead artillery...


Ha Ha Ha......

Don't rub it in Jeffy Boy.

I got a few more shells to rain down on your parade.

And if those planes ever show up, YOUR GONNA BE TOAST.

Am I taking this game to serious?

[This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 12-15-2000).]

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Ah we finally made contact Superslugs infantry is at the objective and my tanks are pounding them.

Meanwhile his artillery is firing and my man starting to panic.

Hoowever the first tankkill was done by my Kingtiger. I hope it survives

The map is a little to big I think but I have a good los

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Turn 15

Oh ya...

Those bombers are really pounding Jeff hard.

Thay have knocked out 3 of his tanks.

Despite, it's still a dead even match.

We are both moving to the objective.

I have never seen so much artillery fall as this. No where is safe to stay over 1 turn.

This is going to be a very close game.

If my planes wouldn't have shown up, Jeff would have walked away with it easy.

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Well time for my first and final Round 2 update (had to many pissups of late, {well it is the season to be merry}) smile.gif

Allright then the map, a fiery hellhole going by te name of Hallowed Ground, was a cityscape that looked like Los Angeles after the Rodney King riots. After first seeing it I sent the Duke a note commenting on his twisted mind.

My next decision was to chose an entirely infantry force consisting of a crack US rifle battalion minus the individual company weapons platoons. What I really loved about this force was the 15 crack bazooka teams that came with it smile.gif. Next I selected some support for this battalion, this consisted of 2 veteran snipers and one veteran 14" Artillery observer (1000 odd points alone).

From the best I was able to work out Chairman7w selected an elite Sturmkompanie or part thereof, 2? companies of veteran riflemen, 5 Pumas from memory were mostly elite with at least 1 regular. Not sure how much that adds up too, but he probably had a few other odds and ends as well, But not the 7 Tigers he kept alluding too!!!!!

The game began slowly, I took my time advancing my battalion forward in a broad line. Chairman seems to have been moving most (if not all) of his infantry towards the solitary VL in the middle of the map.

He now proceeded to scout out my positions with 3 of his Pumas, in a matter of a few turns those 3 were turned into scrap by my crack bazooka teams. These initial encounters prompted Chairman to ask the question of how many bloody bazookas do you have? wink.gif

The next major event was the one that won the game. On turns 7,8 and 9 (or there abouts) 10 14" arty shells dropped just behind (from my perspective) the VL. Although I did not find out till after the game this arty killed or incapacitated a conservative figure of 100 men, it fact it was probably closer to 200.

Following this artillery barrage the game pretty much consisted of Chairmen defending the flag with his remaining infantry and Pumas and myself moving my 3 companies at the flag from the front and both flanks.

In the end numbers told, the one incident towards the end that really stood out to me was the action of Cpl Upham.

Cpl Upham was a crack bazooka man who happens to have killed one of the first 3 Pumas with a single shot. On the second last turn he was 38 metres away from a Puma that never targetted him, he was rested and in command of a platoon hq with a double combat bonus. This Cpl Upham proceeded to fire and reload his bazooka 6, YES THAT'S RIGHT 6, times not hitting the Puma even once in that turn! He made partial amends by destroying it with his last round at the beginning of the next turn, Pvt Uphams' duties now consist of being company spud barber.

Now for those statisticians out there (and so I can gloat abit) the final results.


389 Casualties(84KIA)

68 Captured

4 Mortars Destroyed

5 Vehicles KO'ed

Men Ok 0

Score 7


64 Casualties (13KIA)

Men Ok 397

Score 93

Battle ended with an autosurrender on either turn 17 or 18 can't quite recall.



P.S.- If I've made any minor spelling or grammatical errors, I'm buggered if I am going to edit them so don't bother pointing them out.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Me and jack are only on turn 2. Not much happening yet. But file exchange is going slow.


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

[This message has been edited by joeski (edited 12-19-2000).]

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Anytime you get to call in shells the size of Volkswagons on your enemy...tis a good thing! smile.gif

For the rest of you, try and learn from the unfortunate Chairman7w's demise...if you think your enemy has access to HUGE arty, fake him out! Do NOT go right for the victory flag...attack from multiple directions...pray. wink.gif

Let it be known that the blood-stained Speedy smashes into the Semi-finals, and he awaits you all with murder in his eyes.

Please see the updated bracket for details.

Second Round Bracket: Tyrannic 12





Def Bungis


Jeff Heidman






Jack Hughes












Please keep the fights moving!


One shot...One Kill

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I haven't heard at all from a few of you and I am beginning to wonder if there is something wrong? I do not want this be end-up like the First Round...a few battles not even started...or just barely underway...please let me know if you need some assistance.

Otherwise keep the posts coming.


One shot...One Kill

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The road slashes the swamp into quadrants with the bridge sitting on the crosshairs of the intersection.The rotting vegatation of the swamp is pockmarked from arty like the face of an adolescent with too much chocolate.Kains axis juggernaut is still holding the VL.Texastoast is flanking with light armor and driving his heavies right into the maelstrom of Kains defense.

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Update on jeff v def:

Not looking good for the noble Allies in their effort to stamp out oppression, repression, recesssion, and hamsters abuse of all kinds.

After the excellent start where Def was kind enough to place all his arty observers under my nose, the much previously maligned Deftwaffe has shown up and done mucho damage. 2 M-18s, one Comet, and an M36B1 later, the game is coming down to its last few turns. The never ending supply of German Sturmgruppe squads has overrun the valiant and noble defenders of the Pit, and taken the VL away, surely in order to perform horific and dishonorable acts with hamsters there.

Barring a lucky tie, it is looking like Def will steal another victory through luck, fortune, and an almost complete lack of tactical sense.

Jeff Heidman

P.S. For the sarcasm impaired, the slams on Def were a joke. He has played a very good game.

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