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Bug Report - Seeking Cover Bug

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I think this is related to a previous report - namely soldiers running to the wrong side of cover when engaged with Direct Fire.

Ive seen it in two differant CMBN games.

Both sides as the Brits (though I think it may be happening to my opponents as well - though not sure)

I know previously their where issues with Mtr / Artillery fire but this seems to be with direct fire and bocage / hedgerows.

If a gap is near by in the hedge row - if they receive a burst of MG fire their suppression seems to go up to full (seemingly on the first burst regardless if they take casualties) and then they start running to the enemy side of the hedge - where typically they are then cut down.

Its totally crazy behavior that makes no sense at all.

This is happening with the latest .02 patch as well.








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7 minutes ago, Captain_Rehab said:

Could you elaborate please ?

"Brit" is roughly equivalent to calling an American a "Yank".

As in, you can do it, it's not offensive, and you'd understand what the other person is saying, but it's neither accurate nor particularly polite.

(Worth pointing out or getting upset about? Shrug, I don't know.)

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52 minutes ago, Captain_Rehab said:

Could you elaborate please ?

It's a long running joke.

Put simply, since the Dictatorship of the Semi-literate was established in May 1979 by President Murdoch of the Antipodes, and his puppets Lord and Lady Insidertraders of Burmah, it has become a crime to think for oneself, or to speak English well in this country. People who use words like "British" are regularly burnt at the stake on a pyre made from copies of The Grauniad, with a sign reading "I used a long word" around their necks. Even historians are forced to use the phrase "Romano-Brits", failure to comply lands them a one way ticket to Tyburn.

And "Brit" isn't the same as calling a Septic Tank a "Yank". Limey is.

Exits stage right singing Tony Bennet's "I left my heart in Newport Pagnell"     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

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3 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

What is the proper, polite thing to call them? :)

If you play WW2 titles call 'em British, Commonwealth, or Limeys. If you play modern titles then call 'em Brits if you must. 

In the meantime I'm off to help the rozzers track down the scum who stole my napper from outside the London Bridge Museum last night.

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Ill stick with Brits - I lived their for 10yrs its a mutual understanding type of thing.....


On 8/26/2019 at 12:59 AM, Warts 'n' all said:

And secondly, this behaviour has been reported frequently. And although 4.02 dealt with the problem of "fleeing" towards the enemy in the other titles, the specific problem regarding hedgerow gap charging will need it's own fix in due course.


Ok cool, thanks for clarifying that - Id thought it had been fixed in the 4.02 patch but if its known its still an issue for cmbn then all good.

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21 hours ago, Gazmaps said:

Ill stick with Brits....

Don't worry. Elizabeth tells me that Mr and Mrs Axeman have gone off to Allhallows-on-mud, for their holidays, so you are safe for the time being. In the meantime I have more important things to attend to. As if the "Short Parliament" wasn't bad enough, I have the "Idiot Parliament" to worry about.

Opens my window out on to St.Jame's to catch the strains of John  E. Lenin and the Toronto Beat Boy's singing "All we are saying, is string Johnson up". Not that I am one to advocate Regicide, in any way shape or form.


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9 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:


Opens my window out on to St.Jame's to catch the strains of John  E. Lenin and the Toronto Beat Boy's singing "All we are saying, is string Johnson up". Not that I am one to advocate Regicide, in any way shape or form.


Regicide is the killing of kings and queens I believe - you promoting Boris???

Usually I dont really care what the Brits do - but bailing on the EU is one of the smartest things that Majority have done in a long time.

In terms of stringing up - Id reserve that for the Politicians who are behaving like......"Traitors"....I dont use that word lightly

Some interesting Clips that I hope all Brits watch;


If your really interested the full version of the Documentary this guy references is here;

Some key parts here if you want to hear the views of senior EU Technocrats, quite unashamedly blunt about how they are planning on screwing the "Brits" and Brit Politicians have been complicit in it....

1:37:20 - If nothing else watch this bit youll hear all you need to






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1 hour ago, Gazmaps said:

In terms of stringing up - Id reserve that for the Politicians who are behaving like......"Traitors"....I dont use that word lightly

BJ - Die-hard eurosceptic or opportunist?

"Writing for The Daily Telegraph, he (BJ) says that if Britain left the EU, “we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused” by Brussels.


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Im not sure yet of where Boris stands - I suspect he is acting in his own self interest and trying to preserve as much of the status quo as possible.

It could be said his desire to see thru Brexit, is because he believes in severe consequences for the prosperity of his party and himself if he fails (or fails to be seen) delivering brexit.

his latest actions I think may lead to concessions from the EU. How far he goes in sticking to his apparent path will be interesting to see.

And yes I absolutely think that if the Brits can break totally from the EU then they will have to face up to their failings and at the same time hold their leaders accountable, who at the moment have an easy get out clause - "the EU made us do it". I suspect that's why so many British MPs are reluctant to fully leave the EU - despite a majority mandate from the public - they will actually have to start doing their jobs....and make hard decisions and be held accountable for them....imagine that....



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  • 2 weeks later...

Did some testing on this;

- Issue seems to happen to German and allied troops

- Is caused by troops up against a bocage hedge row being fired on by LMGs and HMGs

- I tested on Fanatic and High Morale Troops and they all run to the enemy side after minimal fire (area targeted fire by enemy squads who cant see the hidden troops)

- Rifle and SMG fire do not have this effect


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Did some more testing - and realised I cannot consistently replicate the results.

From what Im seeing;

- Potentially not weapon system specific - Im guessing it has more to do with the squads suppression maybe instead - although cant really say for sure

- I tried changing the map direction for the test map as well - but this does not seem to make a difference either

- Morale and Troop quality may have an effect - but if it is Im guessing its more to do with suppression. What I did find suprising was that even Fanatical Troops will exhibit the behavior if the other "unknown" conditions exist....

strange - seems really hard to pin point whats going on....


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