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Howling Wind

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For about a year I did other stuff and held off playing.  I have added the most recent versions and updates. 

I used to hate the howling wind and in years past you guys helped me get to the sounds of silence.  Now, coming back again, whether as a result of the new version or an update, the wind has returned. 

Would appreciate any help in locating the best Wav. file that gets rid of the wind and also quick advice as to exactly where the "Z" file now needs to be placed.  Thanks a bunch guys.

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"User data" is where you want to put your mods folder. You can actually just name it "mods" if you want. Doesn't have to be called Z Folder. The rules changed a bit during one of the titles, not sure when, but "user data" works for CMFB.

There are a all kinds of sound mods, so your best bet is to check at CMMODs and find the background that pleases you.


Here's one titled "Quiet Background". You can start with that.




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Thank you very much, Mord.  Very helpful.

Love the game but having the wind howling in my ears is not great - reminds me too much of what used to be the background noise at work.  Too many office designers think that "white noise" is the solution for no walls.

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Have a collection of alternative BG sounds as the default distant shooting and explosions can become irksome.  Have birdsong or quiet for day, crickets for night, + separate windy, rainy, and foggy BG sounds - all with no combat sounds.

Have a question though - not sure if all those BG sounds are linked to appear with the correct weather.  Also, not sure if a BG sound in one game family will work in another family

Eg: Currently I have every BG sound mod I can find in my CMBS "BG SOUNDS" folder with lots of ZZZ's in front of the folder name so they should load last and appear.  They work in the WW2 games.  But, I still hear the default BG battle sounds in CMBS.  :( 


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Sorry to extend this but I still have a Howling Wind/White Noise problem and hope someone can help. 

I took an old "silent" wav file that I found buried in my old files and put it into the User Data file with a Mods subfile but I still get the same old howling wind.  One note - I am working with a saved QB game - does pulling up a saved game (even after fully leaving the Program) somehow also pull up the old sounds that were in the saved game? (I would not have thought so!).

Erwin - you mentioned "having birdsong" and "quiet" and I remember having those in the past.  Can anyone direct me to those specific Wav files, the ones that I have been able to pull up so far do not seem to work that way?

Any help, much appreciated.  I am semi-retired now and enjoy playing the game but the background sound periodically give me the deja vu feeling that I am reviewing a 60 page contract and wishing that the g--dda-n place were quiet.



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You could try a Google for BG sounds - I have had em for years and don't have any links.  If you can't find em, PM me and I can e-mail you some files.

As mention b4 - am wondering if some BF sound mods are not compatible with all CM2 games.  If you have a mod in a folder with Z's in front of its name (I have mod subfolders like ZZZ BG SOUNDS) and it still doesn't appear in the game, then...?

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11 hours ago, John S said:

Sorry to extend this but I still have a Howling Wind/White Noise problem and hope someone can help

Go into the editor,  go to Mission, scroll down to wind strength and set it on light/gentle/or none. Go back to the map and find 3D Preview in the drop down menu. Click that and see if you are still hearing it. If not it means whatever scenario you were playing had a wind strength of medium or heavy. There should be no wind sound for the first three. Fog also has a wind type sound.

Also, make sure your sub file folder has a couple zs on the front of the name (z z z Background) just to be sure. You didn't rename the file did you? Only the folder should be named/renmaed anything. The file should say "background day combat".

Did you DL Kendar's mod? His is day background is pretty mellow.



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9 hours ago, Mord said:

You didn't rename the file did you? Only the folder should be named/renmaed anything. The file should say "background day combat".

Re naming protocols, my mods when originally downloaded were labeled "background day combat", "background night combat", but also "background fog", "background rain", "background wind" etc.  Had assumed that the game recognizes all these names.  You are certain that only "background day" and "background night" are recognized??

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I am trying to figure out why John is hearing wind sounds all the time. I was giving him ideas on how to check in the editor. I never said anything about only having two background files for the whole game.

However, there is an extremely easy way for you to answer your own question.



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Well, some people who love playing around in the guts of the system know the answers.  So asking seems to be the best place to start.  I wouldn't tell JohnS or anyone else to go figure out issues by himself if I knew the answer to their questions.  Isn't disseminating info the main purpose of these forums?

When some folks wanted an comprehensive list of all known CM2 scenarios and campaigns I had all that and was happy to provide.  Wouldn't it be rude to tell em to go Google or go thru the entire Repository and CMMODS etc and compile the list by themselves?   Don't understand your POV.  If you don't know the answer, fine...

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You fabricated a problem out of something I never even said. Your answer is there. No one stated, or ever stated, there are only two background sounds. So, what do you think? Are there only two, and modders made up the other three? Or are there really five?

You over complicate things, man. This thread (like all the others) isn't about the half million mods (and their thousand sub folders), you have crammed into your mod folder, it's about John's issue with his background sounds.



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Mord - I really appreciate your tips.  Will not be able to test them out until tomorrow...but...you probably should be a doctor re diagnosing things.  

Like an idiot I DID rename the file - put a “1” into the file name to distinguish it from the other similar files that I was working with.  

I suspect that I have learned a lesson here.  Many thanks.

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No problem, glad to help. In the future if you want to test a mod, have a main folder with lots of zs at the beginning of the name, and anything going in it will over write your other mods when you start the game. I have all my folders setup with the stuff I use continuously, and will make a folder titled "Z Z Z Z TEST" for anything new I want to check out. If I like it better than the old mod, I remove the old and replace. Keeps it clean and easy.

Check out this post.



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