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On ‎18‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:11 PM, BTR said:

I always leave the command team inside the vehicle they are in so at least one is fully operational. I sometimes also split a scout team from squads to man a second vehicle. 

Likewise and it definitely seems to make a difference in CM:A.....Not so sure about CM:BS as I don't play it much and CM:SF as I tend to use UnCons for Opfor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This time I will talk about massive attack. But before we go there I will remind you about rates you need to keep in order to attack with minimum losses. 

You should attack squad with a platoon, platoon with a company, company with a battalion. And even then massive casualties possible. Some strategists saying that there should be 7 to 1 some are saying that there should be 10 to 1. Obviusly you can also attack with small forces but today we will talk about mechanized battalion supported by 2 platoons of 2S1 arty. 

This topic will take some time to expolore so I will be posting as much as I can when I can. 

So let us begin - Mech Battalion (mountain) vs mixed company btr/bmp doesnt matter - what matters is fire superiority and ability to control large numbers of units while different stages of your battle are taking place. 

In this scenario I will show one of the ways (and yes there are more than one way to do things right) of how to destroy localized and isolated company by the use of entire battalion. 

NOTE: That doesnt means that you need to copy all that or play scenarios like that but here i will open on many aspects what can be usefull for some newbies or those people who never used massive force at once. 

Stage 1 - prephase. 


Usually battalion is attacking on a frontline up to 2 km and +- 1-2km in depth (depending on the type of your forces and forces of your enemies). But realistically speaking you can push forward for quite a while if your forces are bigger than forces of your opponent in 3 to 4 times. Although experienced enemy can cause some troubles even there. 


So on these two slides as you can see you have your starting position. Companies are placed tight to one another (that can be done only if you sure that your enemy cant ask for massive arty strike). If your enemy is capable of asking for massive arty support, if he is concentrated, if he is well prepared then there are no space for massive attacking. 


Massive attack is not a simple rush forward, it is organized and well planned movement. While starting with your units being placed tight you will be spreading them while progressing towards your goals. For symmetrical placement (what will allow you to control massive numbers of units with comfort) place each mortar platoon behind those forces in which interest those mortars will work. So if platoon N1 will be supporting companies 1 and 2 - place those mortars behind them. Remember you have nothing to be affraid of - your enemy is weaker than you, your enemy has no heavy arty, your enemy is isolated and waiting for you to finish it relatively fast. 


Little hint - try to put your sappers into armored vehicles. If those are wheeled place them on roads if possible. Hint - advancing using main roads as a direction got its good and bad sides. Good is that you can keep your wheeled units close to your tracked units. Bad - you will be predictable, you will likely face some mines placed on those roads and you should be prepared for ambushes. Note: while using massive force ambushes are not that effective against you. Even ATGM's will not do a lot of harm to you when you are advancing in large numbers - they will be spotted and wiped out by multiple units at the same time. 


Always remember that even if you have UAV's, even if you have certain understanding of where you might face your enemy (assault operations) it is still good to have some extra good old reconnaissance going on a side. 


Try to use special tools for special tasks. Some units are made to call out for arty - arty being guided by those units will do more accurate work (even from closed positions). 

End of Part 1. 

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Part 2. Arty Orders Part 1. 2S1 Platoons.

For better understanding of what arty system does what damage I suggest you to give orders to different arty systems from different units. Also always take in consideration what type of arty you are using and for what. In the battle im showing you now Im attacking russian mech infantry company with my mech infantry battalion supported by 2 platoons of 2S1 self-propelled howitzer. When approaching your arty support always use same principal as what you use when setting up a deffence - hardcore things are placed first and then smaller things are placed to support those hardcore things. Same with artillery. 


Now what targets should you engage with heavy arty while preparing massive attack. The answer is very simple - those targets what are located on a side of your frontline. Meaning hit those targets what can put some fire from the side. 


In my particular case I was concerned with enemy forces on a right from my 2 km frontline. I was seriously concerned that there would be 1,2 or even 3 BMP or BTR's what could destroy one or two BMP's of mine. That would totally messed up my statistics so I've decided to take care about that right away (because this operation is about pure dominance).  So how to set up those arty strikes? 


Removing those trees for few moments and looking on those icons. In this particular case our enemy is sitting down on a road - and that tells us 2 things: 1st we are not using area strike, 2nd - are using 2 platoons separatly. Why? 


Well because as you can see there are some trees around that road. Always remember that that information - those icons what you have in assault battles isnt accurate. It just a hint. That means that some units can be in those treelines, some units can be on a left and on the right. Each arty system behave differently in this game but in 2S1 122 mm do have some decent spread. So if you would draw a long line (longer than 50 meters each) you would have huge spread on a sides. If you would pick Area target mark - chances are that none of those shels would hit anything right? so the solution to this problem would be to draw 2 separate lines of fire for 2 platoons (3 guns per each) aroun 40-45 meters long. Put "Heavy" and "Medium" while setting up the stricke and pick "immediate." When setting up your strikes that way you will get a nice group of shells landing close to the spot you want. It even might screw some units what might run from that strike. Using separate platoons will give you a little more result than using solid battery. 

This concludes PART 2.

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Part 3. Arty Orders Part 3. Mortars.



Now let us look on mortars - pretty much each battalion got a mortar battery in its structure. Those mortars what are smaller than 120mm are not very effective against vehicles. Yet, smaller mortars can still do the do. In a way... Let us look at this slide:


As you can see orders givent to each icon are slightly different. Do not be lazy always check on that info you've got in the begining of each assault. Take away those trees. 


Now as you can see there are certain hints for you. Each mortar battery got 6 mortars in it. So on each infantry mark we order firemission from a single mortar. Yet, for the icon what says that there is a vehicle we order 2 mortars to work on target. For infantry we call "infantry strike" "heavy" "maximum" for vehicle we put two area orders with "general" "heavy" "maximum." Why are we doing so? Because the thing is - you will not damage that vehicle but what you will do - you will make it move. By putting two arty missions areas (like shown in blue square) you will prevent that vehicle from moving into depth of those trees. Instead of moving back it will go right on the open where around 20 vehicles or so will engage it at the same time during our assault. Now with infantry its easier - even if those units will hide - the spread of those shells will do good on them, even if something will survive (and trust me some units will always survive) their moral will be damaged, if those are ATGM teams they might lose their big and dangerous guns and overall supressing them later on will be easier. And dont forget our goal in massive attack - is to wipe out our enemy with 0 or close to 0 casualties. So we dominating in this particular case and our task to isolate all possible irregular warfare tactics of our enemies. 

End of part 3. 

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Part 4. Arty Impacts. 2S1.

As you can see in Part 2 we were trying to affect our enemy positions as much as possible by the use of 2 platoons (3x 122mm per platoon) of 2S1.

Lets see what we've got shall we? 


At this first screen it is hard to understand if our fire mission was awesome or terrible. Let us take down some trees.


Here we go - eventhough we used 45 meters fire line, eventhough, we used separate platoons, eventhough we were operating with veteran arty units - in first minutes of our medium long arty strike only one shell got into the tranch. Is it good or bad? It is amazing. Every single bad guy in that trench is now dead. If there was any heavy wepon there it is destroyed, and if there are any survivors their moral isnt high at all. 

Now lets look on why you should not call for area strike when your enemy sets his positions in line. 


Do you see how those trees are located? You see how big is that shell spread? Now think how it would look like if you would call an area strike? I guess you got the point. 

Now lets see how our arty gets better with each minute of its work. 

Just for comparisson - first few minutes: 


and now last few minutes: 


Now one of another huge benefits of using line strike is your ability to use it close to your units. But that I will show when I will be talking about defending positions. 

Now lets look on that one shell we were waiting for: 


Oh yes baby - that was the only shell we wanted - the thing is that enemy infantry is already layng down dead or dying there but those are those IFV's and APC's what we wanted to took out. That treeline (you will see the bigger picture later) was a danger to our forces (well i mean it wasnt but for our statistics - why any of our men should die right?). 

End of Part 4. 

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Part 5. Arty Strike Results. 2S1.

Now lets see what happened after our strike was about and then finally over. 


If you were lucky you will see this thing going on - smoke. That means you destroyed something big time. There are cases when destroyed armor doesnt smoke but seing this means you did everything right. 


Few last shells before we will be able to push forward without thinking about that side position. 


As you can see even with short line order the spread is real. 


The good thing is that those shells did hell of a job falling down in those feilds - if anything was runing from those tranches its dead now. 


Some trees are no longer there its a good sign. Later on we will use that position for ourselves and we will check out if there were any "shaken" or "broke" folks waiting to be killed. 

End of Part 5. 

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Part 6. Arty Strike Results. Mortars.

With mortars everything is a little different. 


While using mortarts use this rure - when setting up a combined strike - use all of the mortars shells on a target while using only half from other guns. Why? It will be a mark for you to start advancing. Meaning that when your heavy arty will end its thing your mortars will still be shelling those bad guys and you will charge in that direction constantly keeping your enemy under fire from the above.


From that rule comes another rule - advance on a long distances in the direction of your mortar strike. So keep that thing in mind while planing your assault. 


This screen isnt very informative huh? Lets see it without those trees. 


Aha! Everything goes as planned - regular shells are harasing those vehicles on a left, and infantry shells are breaking hearts of those foot mobiles. 


Most of the shelling spread goes into that forest only one or two fell away - that gives us probability that those vehicles will reposition outside of the forest and we will simply burn it down. 


Overall do not expect too much from those mortars - their main task in this operation is to destabilize those defenders. 

End of Part 6. To be continued...

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Very useful, Olek.

The use of Red arty has always been a challenge for me as it's so easy to make the mistake of using it like NATO's - ie economically and precisely with plenty in reserve for unexpected targets or situations.  But because Red arty is usually much slower to arrive than NATO's one has to have the "courage" to commit each Red arty battery in one big fireworks show and don't bother keeping any shells in reserve - it will usually take too long to retarget and to arrive.   One wants to smash a sector of the front completely quickly and early and use Direct Fire for anything else.

Some other comments and questions:

1)  You seem to have quite a lot of intel at the start represented by enemy icons.  A bigger challenge is how to plan arty strikes when there is no obvious targets.  Based on my point above, you usually only get one barrage per battery and it is heartbreaking to waste it all on nothing.

2)  In CMSF I did some tests years ago and found that a LONG or MAX length of fire along with HARASS or LOW rate of fire seemed to create more enemy casualties than a high rate of fire for a shorter period.  Not sure if that is the same in CMBS.



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Part 7. Why its better to wait sometimes, what your enemy can tell you about himself?

Before pushing forward with all those nice things you've got stay where you are for few minutes. Why? Well because in training missions like this where you are discovering how each element works nobody will shell your spawn location. Another reason to wait is to give some time to your arty to do its do. And the last but not least is to understand if you guessed right about location of your enemys arty positions. By the way knowing what and where he will shell will also help you out. 


If he shells you in the begining its not a bad thing - he made few shots before your shells got his positions. 


But if he keeps on shelling after 2-3 minutes that means that his battery is alive and that it will cause troubles later on. 


Try to wait untill shelling in front of your forces will stop and then start your movement. It will save your forces, it will give your arty some time to kill his forces and it will let you know if his arty remains in the game or not. 

End of Part 7. To be continued...

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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

Very useful, Olek.

The use of Red arty has always been a challenge for me as it's so easy to make the mistake of using it like NATO's - ie economically and precisely with plenty in reserve for unexpected targets or situations.  But because Red arty is usually much slower to arrive than NATO's one has to have the "courage" to commit each Red arty battery in one big fireworks show and don't bother keeping any shells in reserve - it will usually take too long to retarget and to arrive.   One wants to smash a sector of the front completely quickly and early and use Direct Fire for anything else.

Some other comments and questions:

1)  You seem to have quite a lot of intel at the start represented by enemy icons.  A bigger challenge is how to plan arty strikes when there is no obvious targets.  Based on my point above, you usually only get one barrage per battery and it is heartbreaking to waste it all on nothing.

2)  In CMSF I did some tests years ago and found that a LONG or MAX length of fire along with HARASS or LOW rate of fire seemed to create more enemy casualties than a high rate of fire for a shorter period.  Not sure if that is the same in CMBS.



I will write about how to use arty when there are no intel whatsoever. But the quick response to that will be - tactical usage of arty in Eastern countries is very different. It is not about laser type (eventhough systems like that are there) of operations. Its about blocking entire units from moving forward, from taking sites, its about massive impact, its about making your opponent to go in a different direction, its about creating space for manuver and so on. So within time (and I think it will take years for me to talk about everything - its already been almost a year lol) I will open on everything in detail. Plus there are tons of things to add to this game so I mean arty might change for all of these sides. 

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Part N8. How to plan movement and when to get off your vehicles. 

In order to let your infantry effectively operate and support/be supported by  its ifv/apc it should be placed out of that apc/ifv at a certain range. 

Anotherwords your infantry and your vehicles can work together only starting from certain distances. 

You should always keep that in mind. The distance when infantry starts making sense in terms of advancing is 400-600 meters. 

This is how it looks like - >

Distance to first objective: 


Distance where you should consider to disembark: 


Again total distance towards your first objective: 


Place where you should consider to disembark:


Situation and terrain obviusly dictates - when you are advancing with more than lets say 30 vehicles with infantry in it - you moving a frontline of 2 km in few steps you should keep in mind that such a big attack can easily turn into chaos. In order to prevent that you should devide your forces according to their sectors, targets, short term goals, long term goals - if you see that there is some sort of a cover infront of your unit order you can get closer, if you see that it is all open and it is dangerous to close in while keeping your infantry inside - disembark at the closest somewhat effective range (meaning range in what your infantry will be capable of engaging and moving towards your enemy). 

This concept will save you a lot of time - you will always have an idea when you should put your infantry inside and when to make them walk. Obviusly if you would try to repeat that with a single platoon on the open feild - you will be doomed. There are things you can do when you use massive power, and there are things what you should not do while using small forces. 

End of Part 8. 


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18 minutes ago, Oleksandr said:

I will write about how to use arty when there are no intel whatsoever. But the quick response to that will be - tactical usage of arty in Eastern countries is very different. It is not about laser type (eventhough systems like that are there) of operations. Its about blocking entire units from moving forward, from taking sites, its about massive impact, its about making your opponent to go in a different direction, its about creating space for manuver and so on. So within time (and I think it will take years for me to talk about everything - its already been almost a year lol) I will open on everything in detail. Plus there are tons of things to add to this game so I mean arty might change for all of these sides. 

Most of your advice is basically "shell enemy units you've spotted" which is obvious and "Its about blocking entire units from moving forward, from taking sites" is bad.  Blocking units from advancing with artillery is very situational and has to be used in some sort of larger plan.  While QB AI will run into your artillery barrages actual players won't barring big mistakes.  An example is the match we played.  You dropped the entirety of Ukraine's artillery supply on empty objectives for 30 minutes of the match.  I didn't move forward until the last 4 or so minutes of the match and only took 1-3 casualties from stray shell fragments.  Certainly not a "massive Impact" and it didn't make me change direction just wait (time in which you didn't try to do anything).  Give advice for fighting human players if you want to give useful advice.  QB AI is beaten by anyone and forming advice based off fighting them is a waste of time.

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I would highly caution any of you from taking advice from this thread.

The scenarios presented are clearly highly orchestrated. They are against QB AI, and all the advantages have been given to the player side. Perfect conditions, best case scenario force loadouts, maxed out intel on the enemy, etc. 

Aside from some painfully obvious points (such as fire superiority is important, duh) everything else is essentially rigged. Olek himself refuses to play multiplayer battles to add insult to injury on this. 

If you would actually like to get a better understanding on general tactics and how they can be applied to Combat Mission, I would highly recommend these now famous Armchair General video's: 


This is a link to the first of 6 episodes. 

There are also a lot of good AAR videos made by multiple forum members here that I would highly recommend:

Rinaldi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZubvVhkpSkqvrtKKr0rngQ

Josey Wales: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Y5U7EYn4HO9dCSJsQH0Pg

Panzer Pajama's: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpw3PY_ysTKdV8kj9Qd7qLg

Ithikial: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ithikial

There are others, but this is more than a good start. These are much better sources, with people who actually know what they are talking about, usually playing against other people, in organically developing tactical situations. These are much better resources for learning tactics and their applications to CM. 

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Part 9. Placing heavy weapon systems on the battlefield while massive forces advancing. 

It is important to understand that while massive force is advancing you should keep it organized and provide control over it. 

Your units what are pushing forward should always getting support to keep your enemy supressed and thats why placing heavy weapon systems like AGS in a right place at the right moment can be super important. First and foremost you need to place those things in a place where it will be passed and protected by waves of your other forces. 



Then you should be concerned about placing it into position where it will be able to work on multiple targets when needed (without relocation).

For example from this position your single AGS will be able to engage enemies in following areas:





So as you can see - single position but multiple places can be engaged. 

End of Part 9. 

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Part 10. Keeping those special units close.

While assaulting certain areas people oftenly making mistake - they move ceertain units forward, and then wait for special units (sappers, RPO operators, etc.) coz the left them bhind. 

In order to avoid that and in order to keep those units safe - scan some area around your objective for cover for those units what you will need to use later on. Like these RPOs what will come in handy when you will need to smoke enemy from their buildings. 


Place close to that area where you will need them after main enemy forces will be down:


As you can see it is somewhat safe, and it isnt that far from the place you will need it. 

End of Part 10. 

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To add on to Miller's post I actually had the joy of fighting Oleksandr in a pbem.  Olek is not good at Combat Mission and this became extremely obvious when he fought me.  He took an incredibly unbalanced forced, in a medium battle he took 3 Tunguska's, 2 strelas, 3 sams, with over a 100 less infantry and two less MBTs than I had.  He used what forces he had very poorly.  Virtually all his artillery missed and had zero impact while he drove Tunguskas up which got killed.  He made very little maneuver after his opening and never attacked me.  Olek doesn't know how to play the game when it's not versus idiotic QB AI.  Attached image is the results of my match with him.


Edited by Sulomon
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Part 11. Last preparation before making that move. 

So lets say we planned all of our companies movements. We did our arty thing, we prepared positions for heavy weapons. We already did a lot of damage to a defending company. We are ready to advance with an entire battalion on a bleeding company (military math: platoon against squad, company against platoon, battalion against company, regiment against battalion and so on). Everything seems right? Well yes and no. Before making that massive push forward I would still reccomend you to use good old scout teams. 


Just in case - just to make sure that your enemy is ready to be smashed. 


Those moments will pay off trust me - sometimes a well trained scout team can give you some intell what will change your general plan. Be careful while sending those men forward. 


Its all will pay off when this is going to start happening: 


So take your time while preparing hell. 

End of Part 11. 

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Part 12 - 1st stage. 

So you've made it - you've made a move. All of your companies got primary orders, secondary orders and areas for regrouping are prepared. 

Your secondary units, units of support are moving a little backwards in a secondary wave. Your reserves are making their way to areas from which they will be ready to quickly support your main forces.  


First shots were made, in this particular case activity of your enemys arty was explained by the fulishnes of an AI what put its mortars infront - but dont mind that - the goal of this operation and operation like that is to learn how to control massive force. How to keep in organized and how to make bold moves right. Further on there will be assault of BTG with tanks, with usage of aviation, with irregular warfare methods - right now just try to keep massive power under control. For the most of us it is easy to make company level battles but very few players I've met were familiar with operating with large force. And this is why I share my personal experience with you guys. 


So here we are - moving forward. Each platoon got its place in this process, each unit is doing something for the greater good of comrades. 


In the first stage of assault - speed decides a lot. If you set all those path lines to each unit right your units will support eachother with fire and they will not cross eachother - there will be no one left behind and everything will go smooth. 


On a bigger picture we see that one company is rushing towards that road line on the left (the one we shelled good), one company supported by heavy weapons is close to a point where it will be creating positive environment for further attack on the factory. Special unit or support unit company (call it as you want) is also getting ready for action - while third company stays around 400 meters behind in order to make a push in a right moment take over that forest far ahead. 

So what our battalion is doing here? We are cutting main road with one company. We are preparing one company for storming that factory and hopefully taking it without any casualties, and we are keeping one company in reserve (yet, it is not a static reserve - it is moving behind slowly in order to then become an attacking unit). So there you have it - macro and micro working all together. 


One more thing - at this moment our battalion is in its macro level operation - meaning it is tightly concentrating but as our forces will push forward it will be spreading out and this is where micro level tactics will be important again.


End of the part 12. To be continued...  

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1 hour ago, IICptMillerII said:

I would highly caution any of you from taking advice from this thread.

The scenarios presented are clearly highly orchestrated. They are against QB AI, and all the advantages have been given to the player side. Perfect conditions, best case scenario force loadouts, maxed out intel on the enemy, etc. 

The above is fine, but then things go a bit off the rails...

1 hour ago, IICptMillerII said:

Aside from some painfully obvious points (such as fire superiority is important, duh) everything else is essentially rigged. Olek himself refuses to play multiplayer battles to add insult to injury on this.

This is not necessary.  If you wish to take on the role of Advice Police, please keep in mind that you don't need to be nasty about it.  Your first comment was fine, so you do know how to do it the right way.

1 hour ago, Sulomon said:

To add on to Miller's post I actually had the joy of fighting Oleksandr in a pbem.  Olek is not good at Combat Mission and this became extremely obvious when he fought me.  He took an incredibly unbalanced forced, in a medium battle he took 3 Tunguska's, 2 strelas, 3 sams, with over a 100 less infantry and two less MBTs than I had.  He used what forces he had very poorly.  Virtually all his artillery missed and had zero impact while he drove Tunguskas up which got killed.  He made very little maneuver after his opening and never attacked me.  Olek doesn't know how to play the game when it's not versus idiotic QB AI.  Attached image is the results of my match with him.

While I do think offering constructive criticism of someone's efforts, I don't feel that an attempt at humiliation isn't really all that constructive.  You could have made the same point for those reading this thread in a different way.  For example:

"I appreciate that Olek is interested in sharing knowledge of how to play CM, based on my PBEM game I've concluded that his advice is based suited to single player QB mode rather than playing against a Human Player.  I observed numerous deficiencies in how he handled his forces and was able to repeatedly get the better of him in tactical engagements resulting in me achieving a Total Victory over him".

If your mission is to advise people, what I wrote did that and didn't go about calling him names in the process.

Just something to ponder.


P.S.  the results of that game don't look like you wiped the floor with him, even if he didn't achieve his objectives.  Since I don't care, I don't really care... just saying :D

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15 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

The above is fine, but then things go a bit off the rails...

This is not necessary.  If you wish to take on the role of Advice Police, please keep in mind that you don't need to be nasty about it.  Your first comment was fine, so you do know how to do it the right way.

While I do think offering constructive criticism of someone's efforts, I don't feel that an attempt at humiliation isn't really all that constructive.  You could have made the same point for those reading this thread in a different way.  For example:

"I appreciate that Olek is interested in sharing knowledge of how to play CM, based on my PBEM game I've concluded that his advice is based suited to single player QB mode rather than playing against a Human Player.  I observed numerous deficiencies in how he handled his forces and was able to repeatedly get the better of him in tactical engagements resulting in me achieving a Total Victory over him".

If your mission is to advise people, what I wrote did that and didn't go about calling him names in the process.

Just something to ponder.


P.S.  the results of that game don't look like you wiped the floor with him, even if he didn't achieve his objectives.  Since I don't care, I don't really care... just saying :D

I didn't call him names.  I called him not good at the game and said that his advice is bad which is to the point.  No reason to beat around the bush.  

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28 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

The above is fine, but then things go a bit off the rails...

This is not necessary.  If you wish to take on the role of Advice Police, please keep in mind that you don't need to be nasty about it.  Your first comment was fine, so you do know how to do it the right way.

While I do think offering constructive criticism of someone's efforts, I don't feel that an attempt at humiliation isn't really all that constructive.  You could have made the same point for those reading this thread in a different way.  For example:

"I appreciate that Olek is interested in sharing knowledge of how to play CM, based on my PBEM game I've concluded that his advice is based suited to single player QB mode rather than playing against a Human Player.  I observed numerous deficiencies in how he handled his forces and was able to repeatedly get the better of him in tactical engagements resulting in me achieving a Total Victory over him".

If your mission is to advise people, what I wrote did that and didn't go about calling him names in the process.

Just something to ponder.


P.S.  the results of that game don't look like you wiped the floor with him, even if he didn't achieve his objectives.  Since I don't care, I don't really care... just saying :D

Thank you Sir. 

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28 minutes ago, Sulomon said:

I didn't call him names.  I called him not good at the game and said that his advice is bad which is to the point.  No reason to beat around the bush.  

You did not call him names, neither did Cpt Miller.  But I got the sense you were trying to get your point home by humiliating him.  I "rewrote" what you said to show that you can be direct and not beat-around-the-bush without going down that path.

I should have been a bit more clear in my response to both you and Cpt Miller.  Neither of you have crossed a solid line, but you're drifting towards doing that.  Too many times I've seen advice police decide it's their task to save the world from someone's postings and it often gets very nasty.  I am simply trying to head that off before it goes down that route.  There's no need for it to go there even if you choose to take a critical position.  I appreciate your help with keeping things from going downhill.


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Gentlemen - none of you should follow my advices. It is all optional and if you guys dont feel like following what I am saying. 

About online games - I've lost only one game in my life and it was my first online via email game. I dint knew what to expect and thats why I picked units as I picked them. And I never said that I was undefeatable. 

I did lost a battle because I picked wrong units. But loss can happen to anyone. And what I like about losses in general is that they teach us more than our victories. The purpose of this topic is to share ideas and approaches, experiences and tricks. In my latest screens Im talking about controling large force on macro and micro level. That can be useful or usless depends on your views and approaches. It is optional to take what I'm saying into consideration. Im not a 100 dollar bill to make everyone like me. Yet, I will keep on posting because there are many people who texting me and telling me "thank you" for what I do. Besides those who disagree I've met those who asked me for more content like that. I have my pleasure to see that some players are using my mods, asking me questions and sharing their emotions and knowlage with me. All I can do in return is to keep on doing what I'm doing. 

Now this thing what im showing here has only one goal in its core - to show variety of things what people can take and adopt to their games, battles, etc. 

I've decided to go from small to big - first I was talking about how I place tranches and stuff, then I was talking about certain small things - and now I've decided to make a post series about Mechanized Battalion attacking mechanized company just to show how I see it should be controlled. Then I was planing to make a series of those posts about deffense, then about different types and ways of using artillery as a stopping factor, as a tool of a direct hit and then as a trick for switching attention. Besides that I would like to talk about raiding operations, recconissance and so on. 

I like this game and I enjoy making statements supported by screenshots from my own battles. Moreover, this topic wasnt created for me only - many people shared their thoughts here and I was hoping that it would be a place where new players will be able see different ways to do things in CMBS. Ive actually recived few thankful letters few days ago from new players who recently bought the game. So all i do and post here is to make it look as simple as possible so that in the future in way more difficult battles players who viewed this topic would have a thing or two adopted from me or from other players what were sharing their ways of doing things. 

Once again gentlemen - you should not follow my posts if you dont like them. The amount of views of this topic and positive comments+msgs on other topics of mine made me think that some people do like what im doing here. So am I the greatest strategist of all times? No I'm not. Have I lost a battle? Yes once I've lost one battle (it was my first one via email battle). But I'm not about victories Im about the spirit. It is a wonderful game and I love it. Ill show you what I do in it - you guys please show what you do in it and how. Let this community grow. 

Last but not least - its not about my ego - there are many ways to do things right and there are many ways to do things wrong.

Everyone can be defeated here and there, but it is about keeping our heads up and learning from our mistakes so that one day you will enjoy your victory as a deserved one. 

And this is what I wish to all of you - be strong and keep on going even if you've lost once.




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17 minutes ago, Oleksandr said:

Gentlemen - none of you should follow my advices...




That was very well said @Oleksandr, Slava Ukraine!

@Battlefront.com hopefully all this time spent dealing with these unruly children isn’t delaying the release of shock force 2. ;)

Edited by sid_burn
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