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The first result is in... dont know about you guys but that map is a bugger to play on... LOL

The map is easier for the American's than the Germans imo and it has some design faults also.

I would have to dig out thread where designer was mentioned, but some I hope constructive comments follow.

1. There are numerous fields with no gates for wagons / vehicles to get through. IRL any field tended by humans would by this period have access to field for wagons or cattle, these IMO would be wide enough for vehicle access. Either way as this is for gaming all fields should have some form of access back to a road.

2. The designed has decided to show some access via wooden fences between fields which they have then made impassable to vehicles. Poor choice IMO and again makes map unrealistic IMO. 

The map and force composition does provide an interesting asymmetrical challenge which is good for a tourney. I think it will all revolve around how well the German side does for the dominant player. Anyone who can win as the Germans will IMO get through to next round. Just my guess at it...

In my game we have about 9 mins left of the final game. Then I should be able to send both results together.

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I am in 100% agreement with @Holien on his map comments. Having access to each field is important and realistic but that does not mean it is much easier for tanks because that access would not be across the map but into on and off  or tracks.

I am liking the scenario though nice and challenging dispute having one tank trapped in a hotel California field.

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I also noticed something odd which I'm not sure if it falls under

...it has some design faults also.

Myself playing as the Americans, there is a place where the bocage goes up to the map edge, so cannot be passed through. Accordingly, I did not attack that way.

However, playing the German side on the (supposedly) same map, there is a vehicle-sized gap in the same place which can be passed through ( and my opponent has ).
Not sure if it's a visual glitch since I can't see how the same map would have / not have some bocage.

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Are you sure he didn't just use a Rhino to push through? That would make a gap in the bocage...

I'm fairly certain I checked in the first turn before any movement, but will recheck.

I must admit that playing the same game from both sides simultaneously just feels downright weird to me. :blink:
I don't think it's likely that I'll progress, so wont be doing this again. Each to their own.

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I've finished my match (Bootie's not publishing scores, so I won't tell you the result right now), but I did enjoy this - playing back to back is weird, but it's the easiest way to ensure balance in a scenario based game. The imbalance of forces therefore doesn't matter all that much. I'm not entirely sure I like the specific scenario criteria (points only for objectives), but since everyone is playing by the same rules, that's probably okay.

Tournament games (in any medium) are a different breed automatically - you're playing with a different set of expectations. I'm not sure that CM is really all that suited to formal tournament play, but it works well enough for the occasional punt.

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I think it's probably the most Starcraft-like battle I've played in CM. It feels very gamey, BUT it's been really fun and challenging, and my battles are still sort of up in the air. I've certainly made my fair share of sloppy mistakes (too much movement without fire is very bad). There's a certain wackiness to it that I enjoy, although at the same time I'm immensely glad that CM offers a vast range of well-designed scenarios.

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As for tournament play. Another way to handle this so you do not need to play both sides is. they could have just taken the top four players from each side.  4 American players, four german players.

Personnally I like playing both sides and find no issue with it.

I also find no issue with the forces not being equal, So yes the Germans have a disadvantage. thus they should at least start out playing defensively.

So far I feel good about both battles. Pushing as the American and as the German, I just dealt my first major blow to him. He just lost a good amount of his front line infantry on the main push he is making.

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I like others have found it a bit odd playing both sides at the same time. If you spot a sweet spot in one game your oppo then knows about it for their use. So I guess it makes it important to try and keep both games in step with each other.

Just finished the last game and result went down the wire to the last turn and last 15 seconds of that turn, pretty intense action.... So win or lose the tourney has created a bit of a buzz and some good game play. 

I can't wait to hear and see how other players tackled the games, it will be interesting to see how others tackle the maps...

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As for tournament play. Another way to handle this so you do not need to play both sides is. they could have just taken the top four players from each side.  4 American players, four german players.

Personnally I like playing both sides and find no issue with it.

I also find no issue with the forces not being equal, So yes the Germans have a disadvantage. thus they should at least start out playing defensively.

So far I feel good about both battles. Pushing as the American and as the German, I just dealt my first major blow to him. He just lost a good amount of his front line infantry on the main push he is making.

It will be interesting to see if the top four is the same players as the top scores...

Sounds like your oppo is going to miss those men. With less Arty it is harder for the Germans to inflict those losses...

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Playing both sides does let you get a great understanding and perspective as to what each side is facing.

I find if I have a area that is a problem to protect in the one game, then of course I will attack that exact spot from the other side.

So its perfect intel that is for sure.

Also, if my opponent makes a good move, then I might do the same in my other battle also. So yes , you can play much different than you would in a normal set up.

No, its sure is not blind play by far and no it does not give you a natural feel.


I guess I have no problem with it because I have done it a few times and know what to expect. it is what it is.

I would prefer another format but that is not my decision On the plus side, it does work as a good training technic in that it helps you to think about it from the other sides perspective which you should do in every battle. This method just makes it automatic, but it should show you it is worth looking at it from the enemies point of view before you make your plans in any battle  :) 

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