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Can't tell if I'm being too cautious or not cautious enoug


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Playing through the Interdiction mission.


Lots of bad guys hiding in woods and perched on hills raining death down on me, and I can't seem to do a thing about them.  Disembark infantry from their BMP2 (except leaders who stay in for protection)  and I move them at a snail's pace. Sometimes going 5, 6 turns not moving and just having them spotting. Nothing. Not a thing. Not even a sound contact. Then I'll inch em forward and they spring an ambush or get shredded from a few men on the ridge.

I'll have my various spotters (mtn infantry with binocs and sniper rifles, american FOs and JTACs in the mission) perched on top of a high ridge, tucked away into some woods for concealment with excellent vantage of the surrounding ridge- and they'll be there for 10+ turns and don't spot a thing. 


Now I know spotting gets complained about a lot and the usual reply is "You're doing it wrong", but I just can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've dedicated whole groups to spotting, in good vantage points and they turn up nothing so I move at a snail's pace. The mission is half over and I'm not even 1/4 across the map. I try to blitz with my bmps and they quickly get reduced to burning wrecks from invisible RPG locations while my skilled US FOs look right at them. My BMPs weapons' are nearly depleted from firing blindly into suspected enemy locations.  My attack has blunted solely from my inability to see anything.

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Sometimes going 5, 6 turns not moving and just having them spotting. Nothing. Not a thing. Not even a sound contact. 

Six minutes is nothing. Something to keep in mind: compared to an actual engagement a battle in any CM game proceeds at supersonic speed. Spotting is much faster and more efficient, troops are not detached to POW herding and rattled soldiers recover from suppression rapidly unlike RL. BF has admitted as such.

Edited by Childress
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This is a very difficult mission imo. Do not get disappointed.

whew. good to know. I dunno how I'm supposed to push over this ridge without getting shredded from reverse slope fires. If I had something more effective than some lousy mortars (I can't even see beyond the ridge anyway due to the valley) It might be easier.


Looking forward to leaving work tonight and fighting through it

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<Snip>  My attack has blunted solely from my inability to see anything.

Are you playing against the AI or a human?  If it is the AI recon by fire might help.  Pop a BMP out for 15 seconds and fire at a suspected OpFor position and then move the BMP back to cover.  Your dismounts, if positioned in good observation locations, may spot at least a sound contact when the OpFor reacts.  You can also do a forum search on woodland fighting/ forest combat etc...  Many posts have been made about moving and fighting in the woods.  Good luck.    

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There are couple different strategies. Yes the tungkuskas are positioned hull down. Once you take out  even two of them this should leave  blind spots in their defences. a gaping hole to filter through. Bmp tow missiles should be able to mass on one at a time. There also is some dead ground on the map. Recon to find the safe locations. That will only get you closer and the tunguskas bite up close too.  Simultaneous bmp cannon fire on one enemy vehicle, so coordination, you have a lot of bmp's so this is possible at the medium and close ranges. Air support can help only when most of the enemy AA threat has been eliminated. But can get rid of that last hold out. Finding the vantage point for your FO's to take out the bridge is important too without needing to expose them. Good luck?

Edited by nik mond
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You are a cruel man

Edit: or woman, whatever the case may be. Lets go with ice cold boss

Lets just say that, if  it's a choice between risking  fire team or a squad instead of an entire platoon or company i will risk the smaller unit. Maybe tht sounds cruel but, if it minimises casualties ...

~Unfortunate for whoever draws the short straw though. Like the unfortunate GI replacements during the Hurthen Fores who veterans always forced to go first

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yes, a interesting battle and the AI is even a challenge in this one.

For you, it sounds like the AI is giving you hell in this one. (Well "war is Hell, you know)

No suggestions since I cannot tell by your description what might be wrong. Posting images or movies help when asking for this type of help.

But as others mention, don't feel bad, its a good challenge. As I recall, this is the battle I posted where one tungkuska managed to kill 6 of my bmp's that all tried to crest a ridge and take him out with overwhelming fire.  yes, 6 just because they managed not to crest all at the same time.

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The never ending debate between Utilitarianism vs Kantian ethics

It is harsh but in this case i go for the utilitarian side. I would rather losa a fire team (or just the couple of guys n a scout team than a whole platoon.  Which might well be the case if you send them into that unscouted terrain. A couple of casualties or a couple of dozen because you did something stupid? And don't forget modern firepower in BS can be pretty devestating

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It is a fine dance sometimes between being slow and cautious vs being bold and aggressive. It is something I think one must feel with intuition similar to a poker player knowing when to fold em, or hold em. There is no formula, you just have to "feel" it. I can say that if one method is not working, then tying the opposite may be just what is needed. "Be like water" to adapt to the situation as it unfolds and changes.

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Played it last night, decided to advance hard. Rushed most of my BMPs around the middle hill which allowed me to put considerably fire on the infantry waiting to the left flank.  Was able to sneak a spotter team up the hill and cover the area in airburst rounds and managed a spot on 2 of the tunguskas. Wasn't a able to PID them with a bmp despite sitting right next to my spotter and being in 2 levels of communication, So i spent 2 or 3 turns just area firing on the area and managed to take them out. 


By this point though there were only about 40 mins left, the left flank hadn't fallen yet and there was still a lot of infantry that needed to be rooted out so I didn't bother continuing.  If I had another 20 turns or so I probably would have been more easily been able to advance on the bunker and airstrip. Oh well, a good lesson. I lost a few bmps and a bunch of infantry but managed to inflict fairly heavy infantry casualties and destroyed 2 tunguskas whilst maintaining a good strategic position along the wood line. 

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Nice. Keep at it.

The balance: if you fall short of the objective, and run out of time, you were too cautious. If you run out of men, you were too bold. Anywhere in between and you are victorious. ;)

The benefit of replaying the same scenario is you learn nuances which can only be learned by doing. I'm in a pbem in a built-zone. I've got several demo teams blowing gaps near-simultaneously while assault elements leap through the just-blown holes at the same moment support fires are lifted. Kind of proud of that coordination. It sure didn't happen by accident, nor could it have happened until I'd played a whole l lot of urban battles. And lost a lot of men.

Once you get the lessons down with this one, go to the next one... You'll get a feel for when to push and when to wait.


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On the flip side, I just played that battle (it's the final one on the list) where you're an American recon element holding off a Russian thrust. I got too confident. Hit the town and treeline with arty, had a good spot on some tank locations with my UAV so I started to roll forward. Got pretty ballsy and fast moved my bradleys and abrams right on through the fields ignoring laser warnings feeling really confident I was about to steam roll the town when two separate thrusts of T90s came out of the tree line and completely overran me. 30 vehicles all furiously charging towards each other and firing like mad at all of 80 yards... whoah.... I got shredded of course as they had 2 t90s for every vehicle I had.

Looking forward to replaying that one. I still can't seem to wrap my head around this spotting thing. I'm not sure why two whole columns of armour moving speedily across an open field weren't noticed by the spotters I had positioned in the bushes


I think some of my problem with spotting is due to bushes and not being able to get a good low angle with the camera. It hovers at about above-head-height. I can't force it right down to the ground and spotting crews like to lie down a lot making their spotting effect just about null.

Edited by rooibos
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Been a while. Seem to recall I took a malling and still acheived a lesser victory because I was able to get my last oberserver team on top of that goose egg hill. I couldn't get the tungies on the right flank and left them. Had 3 bmp left, a fair bit of ground troops reformed tho. I distracted one AA with a couple squads just as the airstrike was making its run. And I was down 2 or 3 aircraft by then. It was rewarding to hear that bridge crash and crumble. Still had a bit a fight with the ground troops after that. I think I'll play this one again sometime.

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Real world you'd probably see one of two things happen. Either your mission would drag on for hours and hours, perhaps for days and days before its finally resolved. Or the clash would be so short, sharp and lethal that it would be over in minutes with the loser fleeing for their lives. I'm a notoriously slow scenario player, myself. During Beta testing of scenarios I'm constantly advising "Add another fifteen minutes! Add another fifteen minutes!"

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