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Sublime Attack! DAR Sublime vs John Kettler

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Putin has pulled out all the stops, and Sublime, now Polpovnik (LT COL) I.P. Sublimovitch, but an embittered junior lieutenant in GSFG when the Wall came down, is positively gleeful to do his part in Putin's plan to forcibly reincorporate Ukraine into the Rodina. He is attacking, in great strength, while I, as Major Kettler, defend in sector a key road junction which is the sole VL. This is the biggest battle, in terms of force size, I've ever fought in CMx2, and there are lots and lots of moving parts and things to do. Marshal Foch famously observed: "No plan survives contact with the enemy." Based on what's happened so far, I'd say he's an optimist.


There was no lull before the battle, for my men , with the help of some combat engineers who didn't stick around, had registered fires, dug foxholes, erected barbed wire barriers, planted AT mines (Americans have only AT mines) and worked out, on the fly, an intricate series of defensive fire keyholes. Just as well, for barely had they dashed into their holes when...


Artillery began to fall on the village (the VL) on the wooded areas to the front of the village and in the gaps among the various woods. The village got hit with HE in Fuze SQ mode. Painful. Smoke blossomed all over the place to my front. I've left off the usual all caps from the body text of the message traffic.




Confirm est. platoon of Romeo dismounted infantry attacking Sector Alpha (my left) with apparent Bravo Mike Papa Tango Two platoon in support. Out.




Confirm est. platoon of Romeo dismounted infantry attacking in Sector Bravo (my center) with India Foxtrot Victor platoon in support. Dust clouds suggest possible tank support as well. Arty smoke is beginning to obscure Point 2 (primary gap between woods).




Confirm presence in Sector Charlie (my right) of One Bravo Mike Papa Two and Tango Seven Two tank near house Zero Zero One in Sector Charlie. Wait One. Correction. Tank is not. Repeat. Not a Tango Seven Two. Tank is a Tango Niner Zero Alpha Mike. Repeat. Tango Niner Zero Alpha Mike! Out.


My remarks


While at first it looked like a most unwelcome dismounted attack with IFV support, I now know I'm facing a full blown combined arms attack. Artillery is raining down, and the telltale signs of an est. 120 mm mortar firing have been noted. And where there's one... It appears my gut reaction to trucks appearing at map rear as carriers (and towers) of heavy weapons is correct. Must do something about that. Meanwhile...


Battle was joined from the start, with an unholy chorus of Bushmaster and Woodpecker firing. What at first I thought was first blood to Sublimovitch when I observed a Bradley burning fiercely on the ridge in Sector Alpha turned out not to be alone, for on the other side of the map a BMP-2 spectacularly ceased to be (cause unknown) and two others came to unplanned abrupt halts. It was about this time...




Urgent. Be advised previously reported Bravo Mike Papa Two platoon is mixed force of est. tank destroyer and Bravo Mike Papa Two with Kilo Oscar Romeo November Echo Tango. Repeat. Tank destroyer and Bravo Mike Papa Two with Kilo Oscar Romeo November Echo Tango. Out.


My remarks


T-90AM, TDs and Kornet armed BMP-2? It's going to be a very long day. Or maybe a very short one! Remember all that careful DF fire planning? Let's see if it really works!


"On my command. Fire!"


Across my front Javelins take enthusiastic wing, Bushmasters hammer away and MGs begin to chatter. Some broken transmission comes in on the higher command link. "Air Threat Condition Red! Repeat. Condition Red!" At which point the sky fell on my head. So abrupt was this and so busy was I that I couldn't tell you whether or not I was able to say "Weapons free!" before the Frogfoot brace jumped all over me. Nor were my Stingers quick off the mark.


"Air raid!" "Air Raid!" As the very sky tore asunder and the village exploded.


My remarks


Fortunately for my ears, with my rig's sound levels still set for online program watching, I was on I.S. Sublimovitch's end when that airstrike hit. This pointed reminder on protecting one's hearing resulted in a crash volume reduction. Screenshots to follow. Have some doozies!




John Kettler

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Did someone ask for screenies?! Recommend having fresh underwear available. There'd be more pics, but I had to put aside doing Combat Camera and send Sublime a turn. So demanding! But if my separately titled game save worked, there'll be a plethora and soon. You won't believe the ferocity of the action! I don't, and I've seen only a small portion of a turn in which the map pretty much exploded on both ends. Mega carnage! I know you all want visible pics, not DB links, but if so, someone is going to have to step up and insert them, for it's all I can do to play the two games (currently one live while I sort out PW issues) and do the DAR--on a computer which is badly lagging on even text entry here. I don't type fast, so you're looking at a lot of work in my OP. 


I hope Sublime participates in this DAR, too, for he writes really immersive stuff, has the proper Russian bloody minded approach to war and with Nidan1, has come up with some truly novel ways to play CMBS. As for the rank of I.S. Sublimovitch, I screwed it up. "c)" is the correct answer, but there's some sort of diacritical mark (however did I remember that term?) over the third "O." My apologies to those who know all the proper message formats and cringe over my abuse thereof. I could certainly go dig them up, but it'd take much longer to compose them and do the turn write-ups, while not, as the saying goes, really advancing the story. As noted in my OP, you guys wouldn't enjoy the usual all caps military message format, either.


Note  US force deployment screens are CLASSIFIED and are undergoing security review by the Pentagon. They will be presented later. Let's begin, shall we?


Thanks to Russian social media, which as long as it's pro-Putin gets away with much, we have this very atmospheric shot of I.S. Sublimovitch's lead elements attacking at dawn on my left. 


While I wasn't thrilled to see the above BMP-2 with its AT-4 SPIGOT/9K 111 Fagot on the turret roof, this one commanded my immediate attention.




Why I'm not happy with the Air Force! FROGFOOT may be a funny name, but there's nothing funny about what the Su-25 Grach (Rook) does to you on the receiving end.






As if the first pass wasn't enough... this "rockets' red glare" I can well do without.




REDFOR is in fine fettle this morning. The Kriz has just launched, and the BMP-2's 2A42 30 mm"woodpecker" is hammering away in short bursts.




Good new, bad news, I'm afraid. That last word has several levels of meaning. This image provides clear proof that my pyrophoric communications are reaching their intended audience and that my morning MRE is going to give me major indigestion. Note well the tank which just came trundling up.




Naturally, someone decided to shoot at it. Worse, hit it. Several times (one hit shown).






Note to BFC and Mods. The "won't fire TOW" bug is very much alive, and I've got the dead armor to prove it. Despite absolutely ferocious combat, not one Bradley has fired a TOW. Believe you'd all agree that would've been far more useful than annoying the T-90AM from direct front, right?




Too late! The T-90AM shoots back, the incandescent gases lighting up the tank and surrounds!








The shot is aimed where? At the Fool on the Ridge, seen here hammering fruitlessly away!




This was wholly unexpected, but may indicate the Russians have some weapon selection issues, too. CLGM (hate "GLATGM") en route.




Will the ERA work, or did that defense contractor just screw my guys?






What happened to that 9M123 the Kriz let fly? This. It is irrefutable proof of the combat debut of a previously unknown, even to me, US antimissile system employing a hard kill mechanism. It took many replays, but I ultimately concluded this was a fatal case of airborne snakebite. 




There wasn't time for another launch. Snake in the grass.




That was but prelude.





Somehow, this one got uploaded (and was duly grabbed by NSA before the FSB could remove it). The title? "Farewell, tovarischi, but we've a just war to win!" 




It was at this point my phone blew up as an about to collapse from exhaustion Sublime got over his fascination with my Combat Camera doings for the forthcoming DAR and texted a demand I send him a turn. What could I do? He outranks me! Sure hope that replay saved properly, for this is but a smidgeon of the most furious CM action I've ever seen. And I go back over 15.5 years in CM!




John Kettler




















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<Snip> Sublime, now Polpovnik (LT COL) I.P. Sublimovitch, <Snip>  


Sublime has the tactics for a Warsaw Pact / Russian attack refined pretty well.  He could pbobably command the OpFor at the NTC. :)  




Confirm presence in Sector Charlie (my right) of One Bravo Mike Papa Two and Tango Seven Two tank near house Zero Zero One in Sector Charlie. Wait One. Correction. Tank is not. Repeat. Not a Tango Seven Two. Tank is a Tango Niner Zero Alpha Mike. Repeat. Tango Niner Zero Alpha Mike! Out.


I like how you use the SPOTREP to tell the story.  Nice touch.  Higher HQ requests you use the SALUTE format for SPOTREPs.    ;)


Putin has pulled out all the stops, and Sublime, now Polpovnik (LT COL) I.P. Sublimovitch, but an embittered junior lieutenant in GSFG when the Wall came down, is positively gleeful to do his part in Putin's plan to forcibly reincorporate Ukraine into the Rodina. He is attacking, in great strength, while I, as Major Kettler, defend in sector a key road junction which is the sole VL. 


John, you should write novels.  Your opening SPOTREPs remind me of the book Third World War.  Looking forward to this. 

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Thanks! I haven't been quite the same since reading the SPOTREP in Hackett's marvel. Would also add I had a brother, sitting in a Bradley M3 CFVpractically on the IGB in the Fulda Gap until the Berlin Wall fell, so that passage hit me where I lived when I finally got my hands on the book . To save me from cyber agony (almost didn't work even to type this), would you please put SALUTE here, together with SITREP, CASREP, CASEVAC and any other immersiveness adding formats and other goodies you deem useful. And I see I screwed up REDFOR's CO's name twice. It should read "I.S. Sublimovitch" not "I.P. Sublimovitch," with the former having a direct connection with a large powerful tank. In any event, the guy's hardcore and considers the works of Rotmistrov and Rokossovsky to be light reading. Ogarkov is a god to him, for it was Ogarkov who made the Red Army high tech and smaller to make that possible. I'm paying right now for Ogarkov's innovation.




John Kettler

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A frog may not weigh much, but to be where a FROGFOOT jumps is something else altogether. While JasonC is indeed correct regarding insane overclaiming by tacair in attacking AFVs, there is no gainsaying what that airstrike did to me in the first minute of battle. The Bradley was hidden behind a house, but that turned out not to be hidden from the air. Results? Obliterated 2-story house and dead Bradley. Weapon appears to have been a bomb of appreciable size. Pics to follow.


ASA (Army Security Agency) radio intercept transcript  Intercept target: COMINT between REDFOR CO and CAS


"Berkut One (call sign for Su-25 element lead) to Comrade Sudoplatov (call sign REDFOR CO I.S. Sublimovitch). Over."


"Comrade Sublimovitch. Report. Over"


"Berkut One advises good strike. Repeat. Good strike on center of Objective Zapad. Hits observed on imperialist infantry positions. Personally destroyed Bradley and dismounted fighting position next to house at (gives grid)."


"Comrade Supoplatov to Berkut One. Excellent work! Repeat. Excellent Work! There's a medal in this for you."


(abrupt strong Russian oaths, followed by garbled message)


"...zenith rockets! Zenith rockets in air! Break left! Break left!"


(explosion, gurgling sound, then silence)


In his ACRV (NATO nomenclature) the formerly exuberant I.S. Sublimovitch's mood first crashes like his downed Grach, then turns to apoplectic rage. In one of those famous Russian COMSEC gaffes going back to WW I, one of the radio operators had inadvertently switched from presumed secure data link to a detected too late poorly protected frequency. ASA intercept operators (and later, Higher) found what came next most entertaining.


"Berkut One? Berkut One? Report. Report now!"


(timorous agitated voice comes up on CAS command net)


"Berkut One. Berkut One. This is Berkut Two. Advise Berkut One is down. Hard. No chute. Repeat. No chute. (Russian epithet regarding zenith rockets "Stinger"). Drawing ground fire but am continuing attack! Out."


In his ACRV, with his hapless staff trapped with him in the very close hot confines of the command track, Podpolkovnik Sublimovitch went through a whole series of emotional states in rapid succession, all expressed aloud, before regrouping internally and regaining his sang froid.


"They shot down my "flying tank" ? They shot down my "flying tank" ? How is that possible? I know for a fact that in the Georgia Operation, an Su-25 survived a Buk hit and made it back on one engine. A Buk hit! Compared to a Buk, the zenith rocket "Stinger" is a gnat! 


(rustling is heard, then gentle calm voice IDed before as Y.A. Nidanovitch, ops officer and close friend of the Komandir)


"I'm sorry, Iosef Sublimovitch, but we have three separate reports of seeing the plane hit by zenith rockets then falling out of the sky ablaze."


(Russian oaths follow involving autoerotic sexual event, rape of "Americanskiy," bitter denunciation of "traitor Ukrainians," etc.)


(Komandir is heard )


"Do you have any idea how many strings I had to pull to get those Grachs? And now one's down?! I'll be lucky if those Air Force cowards don't pull the other one, too!"


(net goes silent briefly)


In the command track, it's now been discovered the RTO screwed up on his commo settings. I.S. Sublimovitch, already in volcanic temper mode, abruptly stills the incessant buzz of his command team in action with the resounding crack of his instantly unholstered and aimed Makarov. The incompetent RTO collapses over his console, a 9 mmm bullet lodged in his brain as bits of the back of his head, blood and gray matter spray through the sealed battle compartment. The shocked staff is brought back to the realities of war with a terse "Have someone clean up that mess. And get me someone not in league with the Americanskiy!" Then, equilibrium restored, he says "We'll bury that pilot with honors later--after we seize Objective Zapad and kill every imperialist there!" "Put me on the CAS freq!" His ALO jumps to comply.


"Berkut Two. Berkut Two. This is Comrade Sudoplatov. You are now Berkut One. Continue to attack! Repeat. Continue to attack! Out."


I think I did a reasonable job of describing events above, for Sublime informed me by text he was (ambiguous reference referring either to micturition related emotion or royally inebriated) over my shooting down his "flying tank."




John Kettler 













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would you please put SALUTE here, together with SITREP, CASREP, CASEVAC and any other immersiveness adding formats and other goodies you deem useful. 


LOL John, I was just joking.  (That's what I get for being a wise guy.)  I am a little rusty but below is what I think you were looking for.  I double checked my memory by googling them.  One of them, CASREP, does not ring a bell at all.  Now get those SPOTREPs in from the OPs! 


SPOTREP - Spot Report: Use to send information to provide timely intelligence or status regarding events that could have an immediate and significant effect on current planning and operations. Reference: FM 17-15, FM 17-98, and FM 7-7.


SITREP - Situation Report: Use to keep the commander's higher and lower staff updated and advised on the reporting commander's critical situation. Reference: FM 100-15, FM 71-3, and FM 71-2.


CASREP - Casualty Report: This, I think is a navy acronym.  It is a format for reporting casualties but I am not familiar with it. 


CASEVAC - Casualty Evacuation: Evacuation of casualties from the battlefield.  In Combat Mission terms Buddy Aid.


SALUTE - acronym used to remember and report OpFor sightings in an orderly format.  Submit your observations in a spot report, using the SALUTE format to your chain of command within 5 minutes of observing the enemy activity.


S size

A activity

L location

U unit

T time

E equipment

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Unfortunately John and I are having trouble getting my BS to see his turns.  No doubt an imperialist lackey trick of some sort.  Shame, I was going to beat him like a student late to a Comsomol mtg in my youth...

I hacked your PC so you can get back to my game.  :D

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Since when did BS have eyes? Would imagine gastroenterologists everywhere would find that fascinating. Also, impressive trash talk from the man whose end of the field is a practically map width charnel house of blazing, exploding or simply dead AFVs, as well as obliterated trucks with heavy mortars. You also left some titanium and aluminum confetti on my end of the map after your "flying tank" suffered an abrupt 100% M-Kill while airborne.  So far, another glorious victory for the Rodina. May you have many more like it!




How dare you save him from righteous American fury in defense of freedom!




John Kettler

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Unfortunately for me, that confounded T-90AM got off a second shot. Further review indicates there might've been a third. One kill with a missile and two with KE, I believe.




See that pinpoint of light in the distance just over the Bradley's turret. It's as ill an omen as there is!




As seen here.




and here




and here




I stripped out the trees so I could show you my reconstruction of "Smiling tankers"




Before my track got hit and died, it spewed forth something I noticed because it was sluggish compared to Bushmaster fire. Behold proof of a TOW launch from a Bradley!






After watching the entire top of the ridge erupt in an explosion when my Bradley was hot, I figured the missile en route to the target was lost. But it got there first. Hot on final!




The results. When I saw this tank blow up the first time and in several other replays, I thought a Javelin did the job.






Bradley discovers there was another keyhole shot to be had. Unfortunately, the Russians found it first! T-90AM with mere seconds left in its combat life sent this.



After many tries, I finally got the pic I wanted. Bradley explodes and brings down the house!  While Berkut One may be credited with the kill, once again JasonC is right. A kill by the high tech tankisti.




Meeting of Major Kettler's WHM (We Hate Mortars) club , showing ongoing mortar extermination report pics. Judging from the one man 120 mm mortar crews, this unit was  some sort of cadre formation flung into battle with not even a skeleton crew. I have to say I'm impressed these guys singlehandedly unloaded the mortars, set them up, aimed and fired them. I got to mess around a bit (no firing, just handling the projectile on one in a threat display outside) with a Russian 120 on a visit to NTC, and if those guys actually did all that, they must've had one round each, with the rest on the trucks. 










Concerning above, I love secondaries!




Silencing a mortar. By lots of trials, I finally captured the gunner toppling after being hit by MG fire.




Tunguska abatement! I suspect the only reason the thing didn't go up like a volcano is that the hit was in the hull, not the turret. Note through and through in first pic.






The results of furious combat vs I.S. Sublimovitch. Visual doesn't reflect his full combat losses in AFVs, for some are dead but didn't burn or explode. He hurt me, but I believe it fair to say I hurt him much worse.






John Kettler

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Combat Camera has been called away to another battle, having been denied further photo ops for want of new material in this one. Am afraid it'll be that way until some solution can be found which will decloak the turn I've now sent him thrice and allow his game to at last see the blasted (or is it blasting?) thing. Right now, a Time Stop has slammed down upon our entire battlefield, and neither of us is at all happy about it. Please stand by.




John Kettler

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We interrupt the dead silence to bring you breaking news!


After Sublime and I finally got on the same page as to which game we were talking about (started a smaller QB to replace the subject of this thread), I got him to dump the turn he couldn't open and wait for me to send a new version created after the geomagnetic upheaval stopped (M Class solar flare still rages). That newest one he could open! IMO, this lends credence to my suspicions the upheaval was causing my computer to screw up turns. On another level, neither Sublime nor I care. We're thrilled to be able to take up the fight where we left off. And while I've got your attention, would someone/s please take pity on us all and start posting the Combat Camera pics in this thread. We all would be grateful.




John Kettler

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however id also like to note that kettler picked a postage stamp sized map where he had LOS to even the extreme rear of my setup zone which is... not really a fair fight for someone on the attack in a qb. i could see in a scenario if you were told this

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on further relfection im gonna tell kettler to nix this battle n start the new setuo i started its hard enough to attacck US vs Russians but when US can see your entire deoloyment zone which i wouldve cancelled game immediately but didnt know until trucks behind trees down as far bak as i cud get them behind a slope blew up... well im not continuibg it. it shuda been nixedd right away but kettler doesnt havea lot of pbem experience thats recent tho frm now on kettler if u can see ur ooppos complete map edge of deployment zone somethings wrong and u shud immediately twll him.

Also as a rule of thimb whatever force sizr the battle is i pick a map one size bigger if you see the screenies i dnt have alot of room to maneuver *at all* it basicay has to be a frontal assault.

I mean im not trying to sound like oh im losing rage quit but loook at the screens i have no optiom but a frontal assaukt and if he cant see my setupzone entirely he can see at least four fifths of it. 75% of his kills are either still in my deployment zone or within 25 m of it.

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or maybe you should FINISH your other battle... not so subtle hint there.  :D


My Panzer Grenadiers are getting really bored hanging out in the hedgerows waiting for your boys to finish brewing tea or whatever the hell it is they have been doing.


Seriously either send me a turn or resign the game.

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yea honestly i apologize. i got so turned off after half an hr of orders then the game crashing. and now im workibg sixty hrs a week. turn tonite tho or u can consider it a win. i sincerely apologize tho and will have a turn for u around 11pm-12am est

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yea honestly i apologize. i got so turned off after half an hr of orders then the game crashing. and now im workibg sixty hrs a week. turn tonite tho or u can consider it a win. i sincerely apologize tho and will have a turn for u around 11pm-12am est

im also seriously reconsidering tutoring kettler. i dont want to sound mean but he seems not to be able to get things that are obvious brings things into conversation that have nothing to do with anything( when i said he could see my whole setup zone he said well not all of it. i said you should have said sometbjng when u were killing vehicles on the very edge of my part of the map and hadnt even moved yet, i then said he had picked a map so small he could p ut a rifle company shouldwr to shoulder. his response? some bs about infantry companyfrontages in THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR which hass absolutely nothinh to do with US vs Russia in a game set in 2017. Id add that i gave him abt five pages of advice on use of stryker units if he had to use them, and i planned tostart making posts on pbems on how to use red forces so ppl stop whining theyre nerfed and realize theyre using them wrong. so after sending the stryker stuff i asked him to as a favor for me spending hrs on fone calls and tutoring him to just credit me and post my stryker usage stuff here to pay it forward so to speak. he complained and said he hadnt slept at all. i work two jobs and got a fourbyr old im low on sympathy also bfc is nothing without the community and i found that very selfish. he also completely ignored my rresponse to open and cease fire his turn on this game so he could see what i had i said just hit enter on one of my files i dnt use a password and sent an email. i explaibed i work 60 hrs a wk and have a kid and im not gonna waste time (bs takes like 10 min a battle to load) on a dead game to load after a twelve hr shift to let him see my forces wen he cud just open one of my saves. his response was to basically say the same exact question two hrs later. sigh. so sburke im sry i shuda just been focussibg on current pbems Nd ur turns. no good deed goes unpunished. he also pulled the infamous brain problem card to which i said yes ive heard u go on for years about it and ive od.d qith hospitalization 24 times in my sordid past that i fjnally got away from ( on heroin) 3 times i was doa and brain dead with no oxygen or pulse for a few minutes. everytime id demand to leave sign my against medical advice papers and be warned those three times i mentioned i probably had brain damage. ive also had numerous concussions work or violence related and once was stabbed. so i really dont wanna hear it.sorry for the diatribe guys. i really just was doagusted that me and so many ppl hace patiently tried help coach him into playing and how anf i gove him advice that would help dozens of ppl and he basically was like meh i mayvpost it wen i feel like it i wanna take a nap waaa. he seems to have no problem disseminating hundreds of google searches though. im done. does anyone want to do a DAR who wants to learn either how to use red for on defense with BTR tax unit with tanks ( wat i use on defense abundance of atgms) or attack with bmp2s and tanks infantry too on both obv. as well? or a learn about using US forces or Ukr vs Russian? Someone who wont whine when i ask one favor which is to share the advice to the community even though they hace time to make two page reports on nazi nuke vbieds at the battle of kursk?

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