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Battlefront products on Amazon ?


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Has BFC considered selling their recent games as boxed versions on Amazon ?  If you search now, it's all old stuff from strategy first, I'm talking all the current stuff including the upgrades.


Now the obvious benefit is reaching more consumers.  The benefit for me personally is that you can use cash back rewards to purchase wargames.  Martix / Slitherine has done this and it directly led to me purchasing CMNAO and SOG Waterloo with AMEX reward points on Amazon.


I would have passed on those games, but jumped at getting them with reward points.  Did I mention I got them as boxed copies with free shipping.


So Battlefront, if your not going to give us Steam style sales, how about throwing us a bone and allow us a purchasing alternative that might save us some money.

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So Battlefront, if your not going to give us Steam style sales, how about throwing us a bone and allow us a purchasing alternative that might save us some money.


Umm...because they would lose money that way?

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I'll admit I don't know the best or worst way to market nothin' (despite having spend some time in advertising). But there are precious few of BFC's old 1999 compatriots/competitors around sixteen years on. Their longevity must imply their doing something right. :)


I'm reminded of the infamous story of Vlasic pickles. A popular brand. Then they got into a marketing deal with Walmart that was so burdensome that it very nearly broke the company. Sometimes when you reach for the brass ring you fall off the merry-go-round.

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If your going to quote my post then quote the whole post like you read it properly.  I wasn't suggesting BF just give the games away for five bucks.... you just tunneled into the steam part and didn't read the rest.


The point is, If BF put CMBS boxed version on amazon at full price, I can buy it with AMEX cash back reward points.  It's a win win scenario for consumers and BF.

Umm...because they would lose money that way?

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If your going to quote my post then quote the whole post like you read it properly.  I wasn't suggesting BF just give the games away for five bucks.... you just tunneled into the steam part and didn't read the rest.


The point is, If BF put CMBS boxed version on amazon at full price, I can buy it with AMEX cash back reward points.  It's a win win scenario for consumers and BF.


I understood your entire post quite well and no, it still does not change what I originally said. If BFC felt there was a way to increase their sales without decreasing their profit margin, I am sure they would pursue such opportunities. 

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If your going to quote my post then quote the whole post like you read it properly.  I wasn't suggesting BF just give the games away for five bucks.... you just tunneled into the steam part and didn't read the rest.


The point is, If BF put CMBS boxed version on amazon at full price, I can buy it with AMEX cash back reward points.  It's a win win scenario for consumers and BF.

It was an admittedly abrupt response tdogg, but the intended point is that Amazon would take a cut, so from BF's position unless there is some increase in sales expected, it becomes a net loss in profit. As it stands BF seems quite comfortable with their current model from the perspective of being able to maximize what they get to keep and from forecasting sales. Combined it allows BF to comfortably build their business. Any models that assume a different sales risk paradigm are going to have little appeal to them.

So in short it is a win win for you and Amazon, and a percentage profit loss for BF.

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I have stuff on Amazon, and I think it is very over rated with the worst user friendly selling site design ever. Lots of red tape just to sell an item. In essence I hate dealing with them, and yes they get a cut and paypal, credit card companies do too. Perhaps it may be a more positive story with a game product, but that has been my experience with them.

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^ I doubt there is that significant a cut, and I bet it's negotiable with Amazon.

Like I said it worked for matrix / slitherine who are indie wargame developers that were long time hold outs on discounting products so the cut must not have been that much. Come on Steve can't part with two bucks to Amazon on a sixty dollar purchase to increase the consumer buying options ?

I have yet to buy Black Sea and I can live with out it, but if BF puts cmbs on Amazon with the option of using cash back rewards, well that's an offer I can refuse. Don't be surprised if there's more consumers just like me waiting for the opportunity.

I would not have bought CMNAO or SOG Waterloo with out it this, so hey why shouldn't BF tap into this ?

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^ I doubt there is that significant a cut, and I bet it's negotiable with Amazon.

Like I said it worked for matrix / slitherine who are indie wargame developers that were long time hold outs on discounting products so the cut must not have been that much. Come on Steve can't part with two bucks to Amazon on a sixty dollar purchase to increase the consumer buying options ?

I have yet to buy Black Sea and I can live with out it, but if BF puts cmbs on Amazon with the option of using cash back rewards, well that's an offer I can refuse. Don't be surprised if there's more consumers just like me waiting for the opportunity.

I would not have bought CMNAO or SOG Waterloo with out it this, so hey why shouldn't BF tap into this ?

It seems kind of unfair that you find it easy to suggest Steve part with two bucks so you can use your Amazon points. How come it is "easy" to suggest that Steve and BF suffer a loss for your convenience? Where has any business model succeeded long term that puts convenience of a few over profitability?

Anyway this is a thread doomed to being locked. BF has over and over and over stated their unwillingness to change their distribution model. Whether one likes it or not, it is their business and unless we can come up with a verifiable proof that an alternative is really better at no risk, this is not going to change. It is what it is.

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^ Because it's just not me, there's several hundred potential customers that would that would use this purchase avenue.

I thought I just showed you viable proof in that it could work as an alternative with out BF loosing money.

Also the comment on BF adding the cost difference of buying from Amazon onto the final price is still better because again.... I'm not using hard currency to buy the game....so if BF want to sell it for 5bucks more on Amazon, I will still buy it because I'm not using hard currency so I will gladly absorbs the extended price.

Another thing to think about is that the recent matrix transactions didn't charge tax or shipping, so I wonder if the logistics of operation inside Amazon and them getting their cut makes the no shipping and tax charge a wash so all three parties involved are happy without any change in price point.

So as we debate this topic, I'm sure Steve is watching and looking at Amazon if he hasn't already.

Personally I don't care either way I have cmrt, I can play arma3, DCS or CMNAO to simulate crisis in the Ukarine modern warfare. It's up to battlefront if they want to explore new markets or don't and just continue to live in 1999.

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Well they could add Amazon's cut to the price on Amazon. But that would further reduce the incentive of going through the trouble since most would probably buy it cheaper directly from Battlefront anyway.


I think the point here is advertisement. BFC is s*** at advertisement. fact.


On a site as publicly viewed as Amazon, the player base would increase markedly.

Edited by Stagler
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Ahh here we go again. . . . Countdown to lock in 4, 3

Lol, so count down we are going flame war or locked or both...?

Ok, I take it down a notch.....

The intent here is just a little conversation on a purchase alternative that might work for some people. Steve can chime in, explore Amazon, or disregard this thread and let it fade away into obscurity. It was just and idea...that's all.

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I think with packaging and shipping costs plus extra overhead required for such a sales strategy you would probably end up paying much for for any Battlefront product on Amazon than you would just purchasing it through their online store.

You can wish for it all you want but I would put my paycheck on the line that it will never happen, and if Steve was even tempted I'd personally drive up and slap some sense into him.

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Bill I think your missing my point here. Ya if your paying hard currency then by all means directly buy through BF. Now if you want to use cash back rewards buy from Amazon whatever price that might be.

I guess BF could honor cash back rewards and eliminate the middle man, but that's more far fetch than getting cm on Amazon.

As Stagler pointed out the exposure of being on Amazon and steam for that matter is a huge gain over the risk of expanding there.

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So, to be clear these threads do *not* get locked because of the discussion they get locked because people start insulting each other.  Once people start calling other names and now that one of the usual suspects has shown up it might start so @sburke is predicting it will get locked.  And it might but it does not have to.  You made your point others have made theirs.  Here is a link to the last summary Steve provided: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117381-sell-on-steam/page-20#entry1569873


If you read the rest of that thread (and ignore the insults that got it locked) you can see that the link between greater exposure on Steam or in this case Amazon and more sales is not proven at all (hint more eye balls does not necessarily equal more sales) and that would be the only driver for BFC wanting to spend the extra profit and extra effort to sell on other platforms.


As long as people can stop the name calling then this thread can quite down and move down the list without getting locked.  Hey, I can hope.

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Like I said, I recently purchased matrixs games on Amazon so what ever moving parts of the deal matrix did with them moving to steam and Amazon, I have no idea. But as a consumer, I can say that having the option of purchasing their products using cash back rewards lead to purchases that I would have passed on other wise.

I brought it up because that angle I don't think was covered in that thread you posted. This isn't a "why doesn't BF sell on steam so I can get the game for 5 bucks" request. Believe me I want BF to remain solvent just like all of you. I brought is up because I don't think people are aware that if you buy a product on Amazon you can use cash back rewards. This might be a new insentive for BF taking another look at Amazon.

As far as being locked, come on that was pretty tame, I've seen way worse here. I just didn't appreciate the dismissive tone that initially seemed to be expressed.

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