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Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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... If you'll notice, the red cross continues to track along the road. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the truck is continuing down the road. There really isn't much more it can do, given the terrain, other than reverse. If I were Bil, I would unload that truck post haste. 



Do you have a mortar that can drop a little love where the truck might be unloading ?

Just 3-4 rounds that might pay off ;)

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Just checking your force pick, is it just the two 81mm onboard Mortars you have? From memory is that a 48 round load out for each?


Ref gamey comment re wtaching from your oppo side, yes IRL that would not be possible, but this is thank god (or what ever you belive in) not the real world and just a game... So I do that all the time, it helps with situational awarness and you get to see what your troops are doing...


Hmmm he drove it forward so he must see a spot where he think he can get it to without you being able to see it...


Your videos are good as it gives us a better idea on the map and as I have not loaded it up, very uesfule to see what the actual apporach down that valley is....

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Those ATG are a lonnng way down the hill already! Struggling to know why Bil brought 'em...


Yea, I really don't understand why he thought those would be a good choice. I'm at work now, but IIRC they are the small bore ATGs and they don't have a hope in hell of penetrating the Panther's frontal armor. Perhaps Bil was going for a more historical force pick and not just cherry picking his forces like I did. :-)

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I don't, personally, think it's particularly historical to lead* with hand-pushed dismounted ATGs... or even have them present in the lead elements of a Battalion** that bumps into an enemy formation while on the move, as ME tend to try and show. I'm sure Bil has/has a purpose in mind for them when he picked 'em. In a larger game, I'd consider taking a couple for holding any VLs I managed to take early, but they'd stay way back, limbered to jeeps (cos jeeps can shift a 57mm***) until I'd got a good foothold.


Anyway I've asked Bil what he's up to in his thread, and I'll be sure and not tell you, if he enlightens us :)


* Or maybe they're not the lead, and he has a cordon of infantry out front of them that you've not seen; I make no assertion either way, but they're the first leg-powered things you've seen, pretty much, and that's still not quite how I'd see a historical battleplan being developed...

** Note I'm not commenting on what Bil has on-map; his forces must be part of a Battalion, just cos of the way the QB force picker works, and you don't "bump into things" with trailing elements :)

*** At least that's what it looks like in your vid. 

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@womble  Good points. I don't believe Bil is actually leading with his AT guns. Here is a short video showing my left Panther hitting an HQ unit that is forward of the ATGs:




I doubt he is leading with HQ units either, so I conclude that there are infantry units that are not visible to my forces forward of even that HQ unit that was eliminated. I don't know how he managed that, but I'm not gonna sweat it.


Sent him my next file a few minutes ago. After going over the replay again, I noticed that he is already dropping onboard mortar fire on my side of the map, in the trees behind the VL that is on my left flank.




This is a good move on Bil's part, because he rightly saw that is one of the few choices I have on my left flank that make sense to move some infantry into. By peppering that area with area mortar fire, he is making me hold off on moving troops there. Nice.


After further analysis, I believe that my left Panther probably eliminated one of Bil's ATGs. I took a video with the camera hovering a small distance perpendicular to the direction they are moving. You can see the tank HE round explode just short of the single visible troop. I infer from this that the round actually struck the AT Gun, and it is likely disabled and there were probably more casualties from that round than the single red cross that I can see. This is using my knowledge of the metagame to glean information that probably would not be available to my forces IRL. :)



Edited by Doug Williams
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Just checking your force pick, is it just the two 81mm onboard Mortars you have? From memory is that a 48 round load out for each?


Ref gamey comment re wtaching from your oppo side, yes IRL that would not be possible, but this is thank god (or what ever you belive in) not the real world and just a game... So I do that all the time, it helps with situational awarness and you get to see what your troops are doing...


Hmmm he drove it forward so he must see a spot where he think he can get it to without you being able to see it...


Your videos are good as it gives us a better idea on the map and as I have not loaded it up, very uesfule to see what the actual apporach down that valley is....


Yes, I just bought two 81mm mortars. I think the load out is only 32 rounds each.


Thanks for the comments. Glad you guys are enjoying this.

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I was waiting in that Godzilla clip for the red cross to appear when he killed the other creatures.  It didn't.  I am sooo disappointed.


LOL!  I'll try to keep the Hollywood film clips to a minimum (even though I love them). This is, after all, supposed to be an AAR thread.

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Waiting on Bil's next file. He is no doubt lurking somewhere in his lab of doom and pepsi cola doing separate LoS checks on every unit for every action square on the map. ;-)


Don't kid yourself, he did that during the setup phase! I wouldn't be surprised if he has a complete LOS map printed out and hanging on his wall.

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Received Bil's turn about an hour ago. Here is a video of the action, with the trees removed (there are many trees):




It seems that I was a bit premature in my belief that Bil's ATG was KO'd in the last turn. That turns out not to be true!


My left Panther takes a nice HE shot at some of Bil's infantry that are running along the hillside. No red crosses are visible, but I'm sure they are just hidden by the game engine.


What worries me the most right now is the long range duel that seems to be developing between the HMG team on the highest terrain on my left flank and one of Bil's mortar teams.




The HMG team has yet to manage to fully deploy. I have my own mortar team deployed not far from the HMG team, but they don't have eyes on Bil's mortar team. Damn.





I'll probably duke it out with Bil's mortar team, and try to involve my mortar team at least in some indirect fire.


Going to move my right Panther up a bit further.


Continue moving infantry elements forward utilizing cover as much as possible.





Where is Bil's armor?

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Received Bil's latest file late last night, and I just now had a chance to take a look. Here is a full video of the turn with the tree limbs turned off, from my side of the map.

This was not a good turn for me. I should have known my HMG team was going to lose the duel with Bil's mortar team, and, yep, it happened. Lost the entire team.

As I suspected he would, Bil bought an M10, and it made it's presence known this turn. It scored a partial penetration on my left Panther, and took out the TC. The Panther then reversed. Fortunately, it should still be functional. My right Panther moved forward a bit, but neither of my tanks actually spotted anything this turn. Damn.

I had given my left mortar team an area target right on top of where I know Bil's troublesome mortar team is located, and they fired a few sighting in rounds this turn. I'm now tempted to have them shift fire to Bil's M10. It would be a long shot, but I would love to drop a mortar round right into that open turret. I'll have to carefully consider what I tell them to do next.

My other mortar team is heading to some high ground on my right flank and has been given deploy orders.

Infantry elements continue to move forward.

Bil's M10 changes things considerably, and it's partial penetration of my left Panther (and loss of the TC) was a significant blow. I know Bil has at least one Sherman (or was it two?). If I were him, I would move them forward right now and try to take out both my Panthers in one devastating turn. That may not be the way he rolls, however. His M10 somehow got turned sideways at the end of the turn. That makes it a bigger target.

Here's hoping my tanks can manage to spot Bil's M10 next turn, otherwise things could get nasty.

Edit: Somehow, that video actually embedded properly, but you can get a bigger and more useful version of it by clicking on the title of the video.

Edited by Doug Williams
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That reversing Panther is also showing a bigger slice of top armour to that sniping TD and any ordinary Shermans popping back up... It's still under your control though, so you might be able to get it on a more level footing.


Thanks, already sent Bil my next file. I ordered the wounded Panther to halt. Considered sending the other Panther on a semi circular path around my right flank, but nah, I ordered it to reverse a bit to some higher ground and remain open, in the hope of tagging Bil's TD or Sherm(s). This battle isn't going to be won by being sneaky or cautious, IMO. 

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