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Black Sea or older CM game

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Absolutely we should support the paid engine Updates. That is what keeps the older titles on par with the newer ones.


What I would support is lowering the "bundle" prices for new players on the older titles, thus reducing their initial expense for buying a "Family".


I will never begrudge $10 for updating an older title to a newer engine.

As i said i would happily pay for them if you just had to update some kind of CORE version and get the new engine version applied to all your already purchased CMx2 games (excluding SF maybe).

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I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure BFC said that the CM games for sale would always be in the latest configuration. Consequently, if Milesb11 were to hypothetically buy CMBN and CMFI, then he'd be getting them with not merely 3.0 installed, but with the most recent patches, too. Even if he buys just one, he'd still be avoiding a $10 outlay by being, if you will, a late adopter. I say this as someone who has shelled out for both the 2.0 and 3.0 upgrades to CMBN. $20 to bring a single game up to the current tech level, if you will. I'm absolutely convinced this was money well spent. I believe we are singularly fortunate BFC has firmly committed to giving us the option, not the requirement, to keep all of our games current. Why? I've been here long enough to vividly recall the angst as new features became successively incorporated in every CMx1 game post CMBO, and great were the lamentations from those whose earlier games not only didn't have the features the next one did, but couldn't, for the code was pretty much hard wired, and so great was the strain on Charles that boil overs from his brain jar necessitated constant watch and ever increasing supplies of Acme Nutrient Bath for Brains. There is a cure for feature envy, and BFC makes it available for a very reasonable cost. I get that you wish to buy any given upgrade only once and then have it apply to all the games needing it, but I don't know whether that's feasible. Nor do I know what that might do to BFC, either. It might be significant. If BFC has, say, 10,000 CMx2 games out there, all of which need even one upgrade, that's $100,000 right there. To a tiny firm, that's serious money.




John Kettler

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Good choice on Red Thunder. You have a very large selection of additional user made content (mods, maps, scenarios etc.). Moreover, I personally believe that CMRT will be the first game of those actual on the bench receiving its first module. So by the time you have finished CMRT and all its goodies you might see the first module coming out.

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@Wiggum15  Well, I will say that I agree with you there. The $75 CMFI + GL bundle should already be 3.0, IMO. Needing to purchase an upgrade immediately after buying a game could be off putting for new customers.


Its already putting me of from buying the CMFI+GL bundle.

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Wholly smokes.  Sounds like I need to call you guys a whambulance :D  I am pretty sure they stated their intention to move all the games to the single always updated installer.  But this stuff takes time.  They started with CMBN because it had a totally insane install procedure there for a while.  BFC have their priorities right and they will get there. In the mean time go play whatever game you got.

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So guys, I got a chance to purchase CM:RT today! I played a quick mission for 2 hours, in which I commanded a battalion of German infantry against an onslaught of Russian soldiers who were attacking a town. It seemed kinda like the quick battle was defender sided, maybe it was the map. Is there anyway to have the attacker get more troops than the defender?


Anyways, I am very happy with my choice, but I feel as if I could have played a WW2 demo with the 3.0 engine, i would have gotten the CM:BN big bundle. I now see why all of you encouraged me to get it in the first place. I'm already thinking about the next game I get in the series, I guess it depends on how much $$$ I have after I complete most of Red Thunder, either CM:BN big bundle (If i have a lot of cash) or Black Sea (If I am looking for modern game play, or stiff on money).


If i had one thing to ask the developers, to help newer players get into the series.Update the demos with the newest engine, your game is amazing, show it off in full force! The CM:BN demo was a terrible way of getting me into the WW2 scene, CM:FI's demo wasn't that bad, and I loved that one mission from CM:BS. And like others suggested, I hope they lower the bundles by a little more which would make buying older games more common for newbies like me, but hey, developers have to live somewhere too. 


Overall, I am very graceful of this community's support. Some people mentioned i should join a group to get into multiplayer, which I will, after i get more used to the game. If anyone has some tips, or wants to challenge a noob to a match, send me a PM or post a comment in this thread i guess. Thanks for all your help

Best regards,


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Congratulations on your new game!


Yeah, not having fully-updated demos is a real bummer. Probably, they've had to keep them that way to avoid demoing features that you'd have to add an upgrade purchase to actually get.


In the QB screen, you can adjust the Attacker's forces up or down with the Force Adjustment setting at the bottom left. Once you get your feet wet, playing as the Attacker against the QB AI gives you the most challenge. Unless you give the AI overwhelming odds, it does not generally provide much of a challenge as the Attacker once the player has become comfortable with the CM system and core tactics.


Since you are a CMRT owner now, you should use that Forum to get caught up on tactics, tips, etc.


Here are some links for you though:





Map Making


Map Making Tutorials:





Some of the  tutorials are for older versions/other families, but the core principles still apply.


Have fun and I look very forward to hearing more feedback from you!

Edited by Macisle
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I guess it depends on how much $$$ I have after I complete most of Red Thunder, either CM:BN big bundle (If i have a lot of cash) or Black Sea (If I am looking for modern game play, or stiff on money).



Congrats on taking the leap and buying Red Thunder. BTW, you will never "complete" Red Thunder, or any other CM game. There is literally no end to the entertainment you will receive from each title, because there are always new scenarios being released and new Quick Battles to try, not to mention the sandbox of designing your own maps and battles. Also, once you step into the multiplayer arena, you have entered a brave new world of CMing, as you will be able actually crush a human opponent beneath the bootheel of your brilliant strategy, and hear the lamentations of his women (or suffer ignominious defeat be carried home on your shield).


Seriously, playing the AI is fun, but multiplayer takes it to a whole new level.


For now though, you should start off playing the smaller scenarios VS the AI until you get a grasp on how the engine works. Trying a battalion size battle as your first game must have been rather daunting.

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Congratulations on your CMRT purchase! I don't have the game--am lucky, frankly, to have full CMBN--, but it looks like loads of fun. It has some of my favorite AFVs, most Russian, designated SU and ISU, and tankodesantniki! We haven't been able to put soldiers on tanks, sad to say, since CMx1. And it's been a pain. One even worse now that we have much larger maps. Great have been the grousing and lamentations in consequence. You've also got working AA, again, something not seen since CMx1.




Were the ATRs modeled properly, with their historical ability to point target cupolas, driver ports, sights and similar, I believe people wouldn't find them so easily dismissible. Tiger 1 platoon and company commander Otto Carius certainly found them a real pain, and I've many times related the story of a Tiger company which came out of Kursk with not a single fightable tank because of so many shattered vision blocks that unit and battalion stocks were exhausted. Not only did it take two weeks to get them from Regiment, but that Tiger company also sustained numerous crew casualties from debris driven into TCs' eyes and even vision block brackets torn loose and smashed into TCs' faces, causing several weeks in the hospital. Until BFC figures out a way to do this, the in-game combat utility of the Russian ATRs will bear little resemblance to what they could really do, particularly the way the Russians used them. Center of mass aiming totally screws the Russians, because hits on the cupola and such are pretty rare. Contrast that with the aimpoints ATR teams actually used, as seen here in post # 7. The smaller red target crosshairs are what the ATR crews were trained to shoot at: cupolas, vision ports, gunsights, MG ball mounts. The site is grog central, with many great pics, some color and various types of drawings and renderings. Post # 30 has gobs of great ATR pics. Including one from inside a bunker! Ordnance drawings and photos. Combat art. Commo gear and radio net diagrams, Optics. Mines, fuzes, even IEDs made from upended artillery shells!




John Kettler 

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So guys, I got a chance to purchase CM:RT today! I played a quick mission for 2 hours, in which I commanded a battalion of German infantry against an onslaught of Russian soldiers who were attacking a town. It seemed kinda like the quick battle was defender sided, maybe it was the map. Is there anyway to have the attacker get more troops than the defender?

There is an option when you create the quick battle, I can't remember the name but you can make one side +30% -30%, etc.
Quick battles are fun to smash IA, jump to normal battles to get full fun and loads of your soldiers killed : )



I hope they lower the bundles by a little more which would make buying older games more common for newbies like me, but hey, developers have to live somewhere too. 



Listen to him, he's totally right.

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