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Do you really want to demand from others, to show respect to provocateurs? Where was the respect torwards my suggestions, when the answers were: you need help, we can help you.

Do you really believe, people do not recognize the false friendliness in this forum and how you support mobbing of critical voices? Customers may not know how the mod tags work, but I believe they recognize very quickly what is going on here.


This forum is the proove that you like mobbers. Therefore I find it a bit funny, that you cricize me about being rude or showing no respect to mobbers.


Interesting, but the most important aspect you seem to have forgotten: user friendliness.

In the past there have been corrections because the initial plan or design didn't work out. The less than stellar success of modded scenarios could also be an encouragement to improve it. But it's definately not a high priority thing, there are many other things that need to be improved.


Is it really 0.0000000000%? Not 0.0000%? Or maybe even 0%? ;)


Every person in this thread has been a critic of CM at some point or another, including myself. By being critics we are all trying to suggest improvements to the game. However, every now and again a newcomer comes along and thinks they know better than others, including the BF development team, and they aggressively incite or antagonize others on the forum with their attitude and demeanor. Then they claim to be the ones being attacked, when in fact they have started the flames. This seems to be exactly what you're doing.


If you're truly trying to improve the game then we welcome you. It's simple to use friendly language and get your points across without sounding like your way is the only way it should be done and without insulting anyone. Also, I suggest you actually take the time to compose and proofread your posts. It's hard to take anyone seriously that has so many grammatical and spelling errors. Normally I don't dwell on such issues because I know there are a lot of people that don't have English as a primary language, but if you're really trying to impress or make a serious point to others, especially the developers, then take the extra 10 seconds to proof read your posts. Quite honestly, it's embarrassing reading your post above, especially knowing that spell check is build into the forums.

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Do you really want to demand from others, to show respect to provocateurs? Where was the respect torwards my suggestions, when the answers were: you need help, we can help you.

Do you really believe, people do not recognize the false friendliness in this forum and how you support mobbing of critical voices? Customers may not know how the mod tags work, but I believe they recognize very quickly what is going on here.

Sigh... yes I did recognize very quickly what is going on here. A supposed newbie is coming here with a HUGE chip on his shoulder, loudly proclaiming something as truth which is really opinion, then acting aggressively and rudely to anybody who dares to disagree. That's because, obviously, you're the only one who knows what is best. And when called on it then it's "help! help! I'm being repressed!" by all us nasty people who aren't at all interested in criticism or alternative suggestions, when in fact it is the opposite.

I've seen it many times before, and so have the long term forum members here. Pak40 described it quite well.


This forum is the proove that you like mobbers. Therefore I find it a bit funny, that you cricize me about being rude or showing no respect to mobbers.

Being a modder doesn't get you a free pass for abusing others. To receive respect you must first show it. You are not doing that.


Interesting, but the most important aspect you seem to have forgotten: user friendliness.

Nope, we did not forget this at all. In fact, user friendliness is exactly why we rejected the concept that you are proposing. I know you don't think it is, but others have said so as well. To which you called them fanboys. As I said, this shows you're not interested in an honest discussion.

Now, by all rights I should give you a 2 week vacation from the Forum because I warned you about your behavior and you are, apparently, not getting the message. But because I am so disinterested in criticism or different opinions I always give people a couple of chances to prove to me that they deserve to be here after getting off to a poor start. I know, it's just my repressive nature to be so forgiving.

Though I really would not recommend going on the offensive again with your next post. You made your case, you attacked other members for disagreeing with you, you ignored my calling out on it, and now you are a hair's width from being banned. If you want to retain posting privileges I advise you take into consideration that I'm not going to go through with you again.


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ASL Veteran,

although it's moot because the current system is purrrfect and has 0.0000000000% chance to be changed, I want to clarify to you that my suggestion should be understood like an optional very last mod folder (higher priority of the mods in the z-folder).

Just to be clear, we do not think the system is perfect. NOTHING in CM is perfect. I also did not say that it would never be changed/tweaked. NOTHING in CM is beyond the chance of change. What I said is that your specific idea is not going to happen because we already considered it and found it to be a very unwise direction to go in. And we're not the only ones to think that.


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Being a modder doesn't get you a free pass for abusing others. To receive respect you must first show it. You are not doing that.



slight correction Steve.  He said mobbers.  That wasn't a typo.  He meant the pile on effect.  fanboy is so yesterday.  mobbers is the new thing.  Man you are sooo unhip.


Maybe you should get a doody hat.

Edited by sburke
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The players are brought along a conveyor in extreme comfort with murals depicting peaceful Mediterranean scenery.

The rotating knives are located here, here and here. The last 30 feet are heavily soundproofed. 

Troughs and a series of pipes carry away the...

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If you're truly trying to improve the game then we welcome you. It's simple to use friendly language and get your points across without sounding like your way is the only way it should be done and without insulting anyone. Also, I suggest you actually take the time to compose and proofread your posts. It's hard to take anyone seriously that has so many grammatical and spelling errors. Normally I don't dwell on such issues because I know there are a lot of people that don't have English as a primary language, but if you're really trying to impress or make a serious point to others, especially the developers, then take the extra 10 seconds to proof read your posts. Quite honestly, it's embarrassing reading your post above, especially knowing that spell check is build into the forums.


Sorry to be pedantic but the word is "built".

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...And when called on it then it's "help! help! I'm being repressed!" by all us nasty people who aren't at all interested in criticism or alternative suggestions, when in fact it is the opposite.



Looks like we've got another Python fan.


"And now for something completely different."

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slight correction Steve.  He said mobbers.  That wasn't a typo.  He meant the pile on effect.  fanboy is so yesterday.  mobbers is the new thing.  Man you are sooo unhip.

Heh. I thought that is what he meant, but then I thought "nah, that's too wrong to be what he meant". I really should learn not to give people as much credit as I do ;)

As for pile on effect, if someone is deliberately seeking that sort of reaction (as was the case here), then of course there's going to be a pile on effect. How can there not be? As long as the pile on is not exceeding the Forum's basic rules, I have no problem with it. But at some point it becomes beating a dead horse and so should be closed down to get people to move on.

I think we're at that point so I'm locking this thread.


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