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Operation Hercules: The Invasion of Malta [WIP]

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You just threw me for a loop. Was under the impression you'd brought the entire T-34 over from CMRT, not just its appearance files. Am reasonably sure that was the trick I recall someone else pulled to get something wanted in one CM game into another. Your camouflaged captured T-34 looks very nice, but the turret rear looked odd until I realized that I wasn't only looking at a rear quarter view of it, but with the turret also somewhat traversed left, further shrinking its apparent size and distorting its shape. Though the "tanks are raspy looking" purist in me rebels at the thought, I believe an excellent case can be made for a pristine or close tank appearance, what with the custom paint job needed for the op.


Your #83 threw me a bit.  I though I was looking at a fortified mole in Valletta, causing visions of twin 6-pdr mounts to dance in my head. It was about then, after noticing 88s, that I realized I was looking at ferroconcrete warship stand-in! 


Wish I could help you in your other areas, but I think it'd probably set you back months were I to do so. 




John Kettler

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The entire thing? AFAIK, I brought over all there is to bring over from CMRT: The T-34's mdr skeleton files (5 of them) and bmp files (4 or 5)... Anything else is part of some internal program data base on the T-34's armor thickness, turret rotation speed, etc. Stuff I can't pick up to take with me. Then I best selected a slot to occupy. PzIV is what I used. Seems to be working okay. 

Then I went about redrawing the T-34 bmps which is photoshop work trial and error.

By posting the shots here I can better see how it is shaping up and where I need to make some adjustments.

Edited by kohlenklau
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Maybe I misunderstood what I read that someone else had written about his own AFV port from one CM game to another; maybe I misremembered what I read, or maybe even both. Regardless, I thought it was feasible to bring over the entire AFV as a complete usable weapon in the game, but it appears I'm wrong. I do recall reading where someone wanted to bring a CMSF vehicle into CMBS but was told it wouldn't work because the polygon count's gone up considerably since then.


I think it's wonderful and generous to all who play your Op Hercules campaign that you'd take the time and expend the additional effort to include captured T-34s. In effect, my suggestion has created a considerable amount of an additional work for you, since you had no plans to do anything like this to begin with in an already quite ambitious and unique project, the likes of which I haven't seen since patboy did his Sea Lion mod in CMx1. I think, though, without any sense at all how much you had to do, that the net impact on the players is going to be considerable, both in initial visual shock and in terms of appreciating the in-depth research underlying your work, reflecting in greater player immersion.




John Kettler

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You gotta go collect up aluminum cans on the sides of the highways and scrape up the money to buy CMFI...

You and Kieme both suggested/asked for the Panzer Kompanie 66 to be in the Malta Invasion.

Kieme doesn't have CMFI either I am pretty sure, so maybe both of you can work opposite sides of the same highway. :D

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How does the CM program determine which mdr skeleton files to use for 3D display and also how does it then select the BMP skins to wrap around the skeleton?


<Grabs laser pointer and tries to write on white board...> Must be out of ink?


In the code when you purchase a unit type it must have some type of flag to designate the mdr files to utilize for that type unit.

Then within that purchase you MAY also select a different appearance. If available, this option can call up a different mdr from the default mdr as with greatcoats or shorts. 

But other times this branches off at the bmp level with a modtag such as [armored engineer] or [101st].


Sometimes they have written it in the BMP file name as with Italians "bersa".

I am not sure why they do it differently. Maybe 2 different people were involved or it was an experiment and then they left it as is. 


Some appearance differences are time/location modtagged [holland] and [mainland]


To have a mod appear on the screen with no "goofy stuff" (trademarked term!  :angry: ) takes some testing and then still you might have an instance where some unit has a very odd greatcoat that looks like something from "The Thing".


One particularly fun and challenging modding project was getting my vision of CMFI GL bulge 44 Fallschirmjager Divisions. I think I pulled it off. Now, most of this is not your straight out of the gate purchase a company only force. You might have to purchase an FJ Company and then sprinkle in Luftwaffe Infantry Specialized Teams under the platoons. It got me the FJ helmets and smocks on some guys and the "supply issues" meant some guys had the normal coal skuttle helmet and Luftwaffe greatcoats. As per period photographs. Now I am trying the same thing with Hungarians over in CMRT. Which reminds me of the implications of selecting "mixed camo" in the appearance dropdown menu for German troops. You get some guys in M43 tunics and some in smocks. 2 different mdr's. So I can rename one as greatcoat from CMFI and mod the tunic bmp's to look Hungarian.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you waclaw! I will listen to it right away and see how it sets the mood for the axis parachute forces making their drop on Malta...   :D


I forgot to write - fauna is characteristic of the regions of the Mediterranean - if you have any suggestions, I can all change / improve ;)

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OK, long story short, no new Malta foliage is needed beyond the CMSF cacti I already brought in courtesy of mjkerner.

AND as long as we carefully utilize the existing foliage from CMFI. Only use certain stuff for Malta maps to match the "garrigue" ecosystem <holds pinky out>

  1. Garrigue or phrygana is a type of low, soft-leaved scrubland ecoregion and plant community in the Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub biome. It is found on limestone soils around the Mediterranean Basin, generally near the seacoast, where the climate is moderated but with annual summer drought.
I dorked around a tad more with the beutepanzer T-34. I fixed a camo spot mismatch on the turret, added some grease and grime, sponge desaturated the camo spots  and so I am calling it done but if any budding vehicle modder wanted to continue any embellishments on her, PM me and I can provide the photoshop files.
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Your mode of expressing yourself is singular to you alone and cracks me up. The <pinky out> bit before your eco discourse would've been disastrous to encounter while eating. Fortunately, breakfast was long over when I did encounter your unique variety of wit.


I think the sum total of the additional work you've done on your beutepanzer has been most useful and visually effective. The net effect is of an overall dialing back of the visual volume. The result looks great, and I see you've now got tactical markings on the tank, too. Very nice. Was going to say it's a pity you can't do tank descents, too, but I realized that since your tank is really another tank as seen by the game engine, were tank descents doable, you would've likely wound up with guys sticking out of the hull sides, fuel tanks and engine area. Not good!




John Kettler

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Hi Kohlenklau, are you sure about the simple Balkenkreuz as aircraft marking?

At least in the early days of the war (Poland, France,...) the red and white flag with Swastika was used as aircraft marking.

If you want to change it ( would look nicer), better use a political correct Balkenkreuz instead of a Swastika.

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Hi Stieli! :D


I did a little research and my conclusions are that for this unit, this timeframe, most likely we have this type of aerial recognition marking.

Captured T-34 taken at leisure to a depot for repaint and then operating in an area with NO actual enemy T-34's to be mistaken for.

Though you have inspired me to do the research which shows I should shift it to the turret top and enlarge it. and add a small one between the mufflers. Thanks!


kieme!!?? Do you concur from your modelling research? Come in kieme--do you read me?-- over.....<radio static..>


***New topic***


I commissioned a scenario to be made to show some special operazione stuff with Italian MAS units going in at night to do their pre-invasion stuff. Heirloom Tomato is hard at work. Standby for Matt's scenario as a teaser battle at GaJ

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This may be of assistance to your war effort. It concerns German armor operated by the Italians. Grog goodness.




Here are some examples of roof markings for captured Russian tanks operated by the Germans.






Some that won't play well in Germany!




Very interesting GD T-34/76 (great modeling project) showing Nazi flag on engine deck for air recognition.




StieliAlpha (not to be confused with Steely Dan),


As long, that is, as Dilbert's boss isn't involved!




John Kettler

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