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Free Copy AAR: DMS vs c3k.


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c3k did it! Abrams is coming through smoke. And my spotters are on the move. I will make a video tommorow. My BTR with ATGM platoon is destroyed, Krizantema is under fire!




Hm... I am not sure.

Does he love cavalry style rushes on full speed by his IFVs? :) (I like them too, but they finish badly usually)


Too bad about your ATGM Boys as they will be missed dearly dealing with those Abrams MBTs.

You need to keep your Krizantema alive if you want to kill those thick-armoured trolling machines.


About my hints:

You figured it out on your own already, no need to help.

If there was jurisdiction for Combat Mission, c3k would be fined for reckless commanding. ;)


This leads to my next point:

c3k should have played the Russians - it is more fitting his playstyle.






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Too bad about your ATGM Boys as they will be missed dearly dealing with those Abrams MBTs.

You need to keep your Krizantema alive if you want to kill those thick-armoured trolling machines.


About my hints:

You figured it out on your own already, no need to help.

If there was jurisdiction for Combat Mission, c3k would be fined for reckless commanding. ;)


Krizantema was shelled by Abrams already! I saw round flying over it. And crew didn't see Abrams. I ordered to go back. May be "Kornet" crew that I set at the setup zone will be more effective.


Actually, Bradleys were exposed for few seconds, while they were driving between trees and smoke clouds. Thanks to T-90AM veterean crew and good enough optics! If there were ATGM or older T-72 - Bradleys wouldn't be hit. In CM:SF such maneuver would be safe.


Well you felt some pain that turn, but your T90 dished some pain back - that's for sure.

Congratulations on getting a bridge head. One squad and a BTR over is a start.

Where are you currently located? Have you called in an air strike yet?


I am in setup zone, in low ground. Hiding from Abrams. :)

Yes, preplanned airstrike will come soon. Not sure about efficiency - APS will ruin the attack.


A very solid start DMS, rootin' for ya! Love the videos as well!


What type of air support did you get - ground attack or anti-tank? While it'd be fun to see an Abrams catch a Kh-25 missile up its exhaust, I'm hoping to see some areal bombs drop :P

Thanks! :)

Anti-tank, 4 x Kh-25. May be 500kg bomb would be better, if Abrams has APS?

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Anti-tank, 4 x Kh-25. May be 500kg bomb would be better, if Abrams has APS?


Unfortunately the APS on the Abrams does seem to be brutally effective at defeating the Kh-25, or any other ATGM for that matter, making bombs the munition of choice. Or rather would have, if not for the Frogfoot's is brutal inaccuracy at delivering its unguided munition - can't seem to hit the broad side of an apartment complex.


The other two air frames - the Su-24 and -34 - certainly do a fantastic job of dropping two bombs into the same crater, even annoyingly so, but their cost is hard to justify esp for a battle of this size.


Presuming those Abrams even have APS, one can hope your Sukhois will go pick on easier targets first, before wasting the precious missiles ;)

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Unfortunately the APS on the Abrams does seem to be brutally effective at defeating the Kh-25, or any other ATGM for that matter, making bombs the munition of choice. Or rather would have, if not for the Frogfoot's is brutal inaccuracy at delivering its unguided munition - can't seem to hit the broad side of an apartment complex.


The other two air frames - the Su-24 and -34 - certainly do a fantastic job of dropping two bombs into the same crater, even annoyingly so, but their cost is hard to justify esp for a battle of this size.


Presuming those Abrams even have APS, one can hope your Sukhois will go pick on easier targets first, before wasting the precious missiles ;)


Well, I should try - what if APS have not all M1s?

I will try to destroy external equipment - APS, optics, e.t.c by artillery strikes. As much as I need to do it, precision rounds or dozens of common ammunition.

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Everything changes after few seconds in modern combat... T-90 dominating at battlefield is killed by Abrams platoon (half platoon?) that came through smoke screen... Obviously mech infantry reported them about my tank and they spotted it quick. Krizantema is also killed, it spotted nothing, radar didn't help to watch through smoke. And 2nd BTR with At-13 platoon... Is burning. Squad in the town hears Bradley coming in. RPGs are ready, but what if it has APS?




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Everything changes after few seconds in modern combat... T-90 dominating at battlefield is killed by Abrams platoon (half platoon?) that came through smoke screen... Obviously mech infantry reported them about my tank and they spotted it quick. Krizantema is also killed, it spotted nothing, radar didn't help to watch through smoke. And 2nd BTR with At-13 platoon... Is burning. Squad in the town hears Bradley coming in. RPGs are ready, but what if it has APS?




Hope that it has dismounts and they are next to and outside the vehicle. Between the RPG and APS they should be toast. :D
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Hope that it has dismounts and they are next to and outside the vehicle. Between the RPG and APS they should be toast. :D


Dismounts moved in 2 store building to cover M2, but I randomly laid smoke just in front of that building. :) What Ken will do now?

Next turn will be intersting, Su-25 had arived, hit destroyed Humvee and is coming around.

My arty spotters also have arived. I must decide how to use arty next turn. Precision rounds for tanks or massive strike on the town?

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Video for 4-6 turns. (I forgot to turn sound on while recording, so I added some music to make watching not so boring)
At the end of 6th turn battlefield looks like that:
IanL, you are in that tower to the left, protected by upper floors from sudden round guided by UAV. :)
Now I have enough intel to think about c3k forces. My units spotted 3 M1s, 5 M2s and 4 Humvees. (2 M2 and 2 Humvees are destroyed) It is 5000-6000 points, depending on APS, experience e.t.c.. What else c3k prepared for me?
Looks like small cavalry unit reinforced by tanks and some Humvees. It seems that he has not enough infantry. Uh, if I moved all my platoons into the town... Now second platoon has few chances to break through.
AT-14 laser forced two M1s to move back, so they are in attack zone for my Su-25. 3rd M1 is in the town. I am sure that it has APS.


I called artillery strike on the far part of the town. It will take time, so I stil can adjust misson. I could call precision round on M2, but I hope that Su-25 will kill it.

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IanL, you are in that tower to the left, protected by upper floors from sudden round guided by UAV. :)

Cool got it. So all those teams in the built up area on this side of the bridge what are your plans there? Can they see the bridge area? Since you are getting those ATGM teams setup I guess they can.


AT-14 laser forced two M1s to move back, so they are in attack zone for my Su-25. 3rd M1 is in the town. I am sure that it has APS.

Nice that is probably a good thing. When is the Su-25 due to arrive?


I called artillery strike on the far part of the town. It will take time, so I stil can adjust misson. I could call precision round on M2, but I hope that Su-25 will kill it.

I will refrain from making any comments that could give anything away I'll just be cheering you on.

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I called artillery strike on the far part of the town. It will take time, so I stil can adjust misson. I could call precision round on M2, but I hope that Su-25 will kill it.


Not to discourage you, but like I was saying earlier, Trophy is for all intensive purposes 100% effective against ATGMs - both aircraft and tube launched.


I've seen Ka-52s overwhelm the APS with their Vikhr missles, just with sheer volume, but that still takes the better part of a dozen missiles.


So you might as well start figuring out way to take out the Abrams.

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I need your advices how to deal with Trophy APS! Has it dead zone, 20, 30 metres? Dead zone at the rear? Artillery strikes are too late, ATGMs are intercepted, what should I do? Handgrenades? :)

But this is your AAR, with all the rights of crowing your brilliance to you should you be victorious, or suffering the slings and arrows of ignominious defeat should you lose.


Now get back there and produce some more turns.   :)

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I need your advices how to deal with Trophy APS! Has it dead zone, 20, 30 metres? Dead zone at the rear? Artillery strikes are too late, ATGMs are intercepted, what should I do? Handgrenades? :)

I am currently playing First Clash as the Russians and those APS equipped M1s are nasty business. In that game my missile launchers are running dry and have not scored any hits. What has been effective is T90 canon fire and BMP3s 30mm guns have been scraping the systems off. But the BMPs are not surviving long. I have attack helos arriving now so we will see if they do any better. One thing to note is the APS systems do not recharge forever so eventually they will run out and they you can score some hits - if you have anything left to shoot. What is actually decently effective is salvo fire from the Chrisantema. Even though the APS often gets both missiles the second one often triggers the APS so close to the tank that it can seriously damage it. I have scored many mobility kills that way. Precision artillery is actually pretty good against the M1s if you do manage to hit them with three rounds they will at least be seriously messed up if not toast. But they do have to stay still long enough to come in. At some point in this battle they might settle down in a location you can exploit.

Make note however that if you call in a conventional artillery strike and use up enough ammo your ability to fire guided munitions can be lost. The round accounting is done similar to the smoke rounds: you have a total and of that total you have the option of using x as guided and y as smoke. If you let them fire a conventional mission until they run out of rounds you will end up with 0 total and 0 guided and 0 smoke without ever having fired any guided or smoke munitions.

Also, be careful about getting too close though the APS trigger will cause casualties in your assault troops so if they are going to use RPGs don't do it really close. I am not sure about dead zones - have to test that. Frankly the best bet might just be being in town where the M1s risk getting within grenade range and your infantry can play cat and mouse.

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Although the Trophy APS is a b1tch, it doesn't provide 100% protection (just ~90% ;-)). I have had KH-25 pass by it, among others things. Too bad both your Kryz and T-90 are dead, those were your best tools for the job. Like IanL suggested Trophy doesn't have unlimited reloads (4 per vehicle iirc?).



* RPG spamming to exhaust APS
* Trying to sync fire with multiple AT-14 at the same time

* Damaging M1A2 subsystems with 30mm fire (from BTR, Tunguska or the Su-25s). You might disable the APS?

* Precision artillery (they are a bit faster than normal barrages iirc).

* Praying for lucky hits with the KH-25. 


Good luck!, great AAR  :)

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Probably I had mistaken when was choosing units, but even now I don't know what would be better choice. More T-90s? Against 3 M1s I need 6-9 tanks. And what about M2s and Javelines? In any case, I shouln't take to much ATGMs, they move and deploy too long. Two of them set in setup zone were useful, others - not.


Last screen of the battlefield:




Video will be later, It was brutal...


In fact, I lost town and soon will loose bridge. My BTR killed 4-5 scouts, I lost full squad when M1s shelled houses. Half ot the 2nd squad was killed by M2 burst.

Now I will massively use artillery and airstrikes.

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The thing is that APS change everything. When "Arena" will be able to intercept top attack missiles - chances will be more equal. (Hey, Arena is already used by Russian army, while Trophey is a little fictional for now)


Classical tactical schemes don't work now. Ad-hoc decisions like using small calibers to destroy APS or to use artillery, precision or not, have limited sucess. Tank unit can just move quickly - and arty is useless.


And... Infantry is helpless against tanks, like in early WW II. With exception to Javelines, but only while Arena can't intercept top top attack missiles.

We need RPG-30 in the game! A lot of them, instead of RPG-26!


P.S. By the way, APS saved Ken's vehicles only 3-4 times, he acts very well.

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As has come up in other threads: Trophy only has so many shots; it should be very rare, apparently (hopefully the rarity multiplier plus the high base cost of a top-end Abrams will mean they don't just rule the roost in the QB selection field). I don't know how many ATGM your TacAir brings, but perhaps they'll be able to run one or more of the Abrams out of ADS ammo, so your infantry can use its RPGs to effect. In a lot of ways, the Abrams is a way of buying a very concentrated force. As the Russians, you have to spend the same points on several systems and hope that they can all work together to overcome those Abrams-concentrated points. Difficult when you have to get him to fight on your terms (out in the open for the air, in the town for the infantry) to be at your most effective.

Even with high Rarity ADS, the Abrams is going to be a popular element in US QB picks, especially given the high price per head of crunchies...

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