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First Impressions (General)

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Gave up trying to download in UK last night when I realised the whole of the US had probably just started trying :)  Started again this morning and dowloaded fine, up and running without a hitch.  First impressions after only playing through tutorial.... brilliant.  Much faster load times than v3.0 Normady on the same machine.  Everything just seems faster, smoother and nicer. 


Thanks everyone for the hard work, thanks especialy to Chris for all the youtube vids which sold the game to me and then kept me from going crazy while I waited :)  I am just going back to my other PC, I may be sometime.....

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I played the first scenario as the americans (as intended). Got a minor victory but my god, this is NOT the Syrians. Took 50% casualties and I was very careful. A reckless approach will get you slaughtered. The russians are not dying as quickly as the syrians in a firefight and are more resistant to arty (better body armor and helmet). Keeping up a base of fire to cover your advancing troops is not easy ;) 

Edited by antaress73
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Created a QB US vs RUS. Let the AI choose everything, Mixed forces for both sides. I ended up with a Humvee Co. (mix of HMG, GL and TOW, heavy on the TOW), a sniper platoon, two engineer platoons with misc vehicles (including an armoured truck and a FIST Bradley). 120mm and 81mm arty support, 3 drones.


Minor VP areas left flank (farm halfway) and right flank (woods near RUS side) and a major VP area of blink and you'll miss it village in near centre of the map.


Terrain had me put one Humvee Co. on the left, and the other on centre and right. One engineer platoon futzing around in the centre, and snipers and other engineers wandering up the right flank. Truck and misc troops brought up to the major VP area.


First contact was left flank (probing infantry), quickly followed by 3 BMPs up the centre, all of which were reduced to smoking ruins within 30 seconds of contact. 



Well, this isn't so bad.


Then contact on my (weak) right flank, One MBT...two...three, and a BMP. TOW fired at the lead MBT, and APS stopped it. Oh, crap! I had already been shifting some TOW Humvees there, but quickly lost one to a 120mm round, and now my other TOWs are reluctant to engage.


All this in the first 10 minutes of battle. Now to see if I can get some better results on that right flank...

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My download took <30 min.  My first impression is . . . damnation, I forgot you can't linger AT ALL in the modern battlefield or you'll be wiped out.  I got too used to those long waits for arty (that isn't pre-planned) playing the WWII versions. My quiet August Morning wasn't so quiet.   :P


I've just scratched the surface, but so far very pleased.  I'm glad we had planned a quiet weekend at home.

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I suspect a secret wish of Steve's is for someone to knock on his cabin door one day and hand him a big suitcase full of DoD money to develop the ultimate training simulator with. Second-best wish would be if every tank platoon sergeant in the Army bought himself a copy of CMBS for his home PC to practice-up his skills in modern warfare company level combined arms tactics. That second-best wish could be a possibility.  :)

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I bought multiple copies of CMSF to give to some of my Lieutenants.  I am really at a loss why the Army doesn't at least look into Combat Mission as a low investment sort training.  Likely because it doesn't require a dedicated guy to show you how to do things, or a complicated infastructure to run.


So really, I think if Steve just made a "Department of Defense edition" that was less user friendly, and required some retired Sergeant First Class to baby sit it, and made the graphics worse and introduced more bugs, CMDoDE would be the system of record in no time! 

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Love the PDF Scenario design manual from CMBN...I have been wanting to get that in a single file form for a long time...now I can read it all at once and really try and understand that whole AI thing.


Sigh, haven't had a chance to play...BUT I do feel the 3.0 engine will be fantastic and the graphics I have seen so far are awesome...I am a big, big QB player so having 330 maps to choose from is truly awe inspiring.


Sounds like my tricks from CMSF will get my butt handed to me here...looking forward to the new training campaign.

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I bought multiple copies of CMSF to give to some of my Lieutenants.  I am really at a loss why the Army doesn't at least look into Combat Mission as a low investment sort training.  Likely because it doesn't require a dedicated guy to show you how to do things, or a complicated infastructure to run.


So really, I think if Steve just made a "Department of Defense edition" that was less user friendly, and required some retired Sergeant First Class to baby sit it, and made the graphics worse and introduced more bugs, CMDoDE would be the system of record in no time! 

If the military and DoD was a true private enterprise, issued stocks, had bond holders, board of directors and subjected to the whims of market forces and activitst shareholders they Army probably would use this as a low investment training tool and see it implemented in the most efficient way.


But thats not the case and I think in many ways you hit the nail on the head perfectly. I've seen first hand and up close how the private and public sector operate. For all its inefficiencies I wouldn't want to see or think it would be a good idea to run the military like a private business, so its probably going to be people like you who see to it that this sort of training tool gets to where it needs to be via the back door.

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I bought multiple copies of CMSF to give to some of my Lieutenants.  I am really at a loss why the Army doesn't at least look into Combat Mission as a low investment sort training.  Likely because it doesn't require a dedicated guy to show you how to do things, or a complicated infastructure to run.


So really, I think if Steve just made a "Department of Defense edition" that was less user friendly, and required some retired Sergeant First Class to baby sit it, and made the graphics worse and introduced more bugs, CMDoDE would be the system of record in no time! 

I agree..remember when Foreign Policy did an article using CMSF?




I think the writer got a rude awaikening how ugly modern warfare is...for less than $50...


Yea, too bad they don't use this for a quick and dirty tactics trainer.... 

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Well the real genius is training on tanks is expensive, and the training area can be quite small depending where you're stationed.  Something you can hand to your dudes as "homework" or just provided without guidance as a sandbox lets them get a better understanding of mounted tactics at the cost of 50 bucks or so a Platoon Leader.


Also throwing "Team Yankee" at them works well too.

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If the military and DoD was a true private enterprise, issued stocks, had bond holders, board of directors and subjected to the whims of market forces and activitst shareholders they Army probably would use this as a low investment training tool and see it implemented in the most efficient way.



Off-topic, but I think you put too much faith in the private sector. Some of the most bureaucratic thinking, stubborn denials, and useless wastes of money that I've ever seen were done by large corporations. And I work in the Canadian federal government.

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Off-topic, but I think you put too much faith in the private sector. Some of the most bureaucratic thinking, stubborn denials, and useless wastes of money that I've ever seen were done by large corporations. And I work in the Canadian federal government.

No argument from me about what you are saying. Corporations are just as capable of mucking things up as the government can. The economic catastrophe in 2007 was a private enterprise mess. Anyway I don't want to hijack the thread any more than I've already done.


The more I play the more I'm impressed. I just now wonder what the next module will be. I suspect the British and Marines are somewhere on the horizon.


I would really like to see this move to Asia, but from other threads I don't think this is going to happen. Israel vs the Arab states would also be great, but I don't think that's going to happen and I could see that opening a huge can of worms.

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I bought multiple copies of CMSF to give to some of my Lieutenants.  I am really at a loss why the Army doesn't at least look into Combat Mission as a low investment sort training.  Likely because it doesn't require a dedicated guy to show you how to do things, or a complicated infastructure to run.


So really, I think if Steve just made a "Department of Defense edition" that was less user friendly, and required some retired Sergeant First Class to baby sit it, and made the graphics worse and introduced more bugs, CMDoDE would be the system of record in no time!

Quoted for truth!

The retired SFC comment really bugged me. Whenever I'm at the CCTT/VBS3/JCATs those guys are very difficult to work with, and are less than flexible when it comes to altering scenarios.

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The more I play the more I'm impressed. I just now wonder what the next module will be. I suspect the British and Marines are somewhere on the horizon.


Those seem like good choices.  The almost certain Polish module has me more excited, like the rest of NATO is cool and all, but not quite the whole West+East+being serious about defense spending aspect of Poland makes them exciting.




I would really like to see this move to Asia


If there's still a DPRK in 2017, I will be here to annoy Battlfront into setting a game on the Korean Peninsula





The retired SFC comment really bugged me.


Dear god how many Army guys are on this forum?  But yes.  That and retired Colonels who will talk your ear off about when the Army was at peak hardness in 1996.  Exceptions to both apply though.


I'm really happy with this game.  CM is one of the few series that does realistic without it being an exercise in masochism.  BS furthers and refined that great lineage.  

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So, a strange question...is it just me or is there no music for the startup screen?  Not that I mind, but the silence kinda freaked me out at first..thought I had a sound problem....definitely sound...just no start up music


Otherwise, just sneaking in some time with the training campaign...really excellent and polished graphics and soldier animation...ready to complete basic training and start a real campaign....very much looking forward to the mods and scenarios I am sure are cooking...

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