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How to take out IS-2?


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Actually if you hold shift when you set your covered arc you still have to pick a spot to click on to 'set' tge covered arc.  This is the spot the AI designates as the focus of the covered 360 degree arc. so you can solve the problem of units moving out of the arc and turret positioning this way.   Hold down shift + click when setting the arc, and click where you think the threat is. the Arc is 360 but the turret turns twds where you clicked.

Unless this is a feature only present in RT (or you're a beta for BS and just slipped on NDA...), I believe you are mistaken. It's not a bad suggestion but you're writing as if it's currently a way of operating, and I just did a very straightforward test that tells me it's not a feature in BNv3. If you are seeing turret turn on circular TAs, then I suspect you're seeing the tank reacting to information coming out of the C2 net from other assets.
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Womble very odd. No nda, and weird then must be c2. That sucks. Then it is a good idea tho eh?

I think it's a better idea than the old semicircular TAs you got when holding shift in CMx1 that people have periodically requested. It'd have to be very heavily signposted as a change if it was implemented though, since it would have dreadful consequences if people remained casual about where they clicked to set their circular arcs... Maybe it could be activated with Ctrl once the TA has been selected, so "unbiased" (i.e. turret/Facing front and centre) circular TAs could still be set.
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See I did a bit of assumption but also recent experience in qbs on that statement. I admit I should have investigated it more. But it seemed just.. commonsense you have to click on a point when setting the CA so I thought thats where the main focus would be, or at least direction of swivel.  This just changed my gameplay strategy drastically by the way, cheers.


As far as original topic Id like to add the IS 2 has a horrible reload time that you can easily take advantage of. In fact many of my opponents (im on the fence) prefer the IS 1, bc is has the IS 2 armor with the quicker loading 85mm gun.   But thats key on fighting IS2s, once they shoot most German tanks can pump out 2-3 rounds maybe four before the next response..

Edited by Sublime
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womble since you and vanir are looking at this thread and I remember and respect you as the old breed along with me - I have NO mods on RT right now, or BN for that matter. long story my old laptop was stolen by the people who are supposed to catch people from stealing. Anyways What mods are essential for both games at this point? PM or quick post  pls. Not tryng to derail topic.

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Edited - Oh man I should have read the entire thread before getting excited. It is a good idea though.

Now silly looking reply left intact for all to see:D

Hold down shift + click when setting the arc, and click where you think the threat is. the Arc is 360 but the turret turns twds where you clicked.

OMG are you serious? I did not know that. I keep doing all kinds of shenanigans to control their facing with covered arcs. What you describe is so easy - going to be doing that from now on.


Has the problem of vehicles even on pause with movement orders after shooting (while on pause stationary) as if they were moving been fixed?


Edited by IanL
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Good discussion.  I have learned the costly way myself.  No matter if the enemy is buttoned, or unbuttoned they will always, well mostly see you first if your moving into position, whether you are unbuttoned and hunting, the enemy if stationary will have optimal spotting advantage.  As far as taking out IS-2 no problem there with Panthers or even a Pz IV from the side Hull.  Taking on IS-2 from the front not such a good idea.  Unless you have King Tigers, or 88mm AT gun hiding and in wait and they are moving, like everyone here taking them on the flank is best.


NOTE:  Has anyone noticed the rate of fire of the IS-2. I read somewhere the max was around 4-5 rounds a minute and that was with the later version, otherwise it was only about 2-4 rounds per minute.

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Well, I ran a few test just to see if Running Panthers against IS 2 is a bad thing from the front.


I found at 1400 Metes that it was a pretty even duel front on front as long as I made sure the Panthers hulls were at 10 or 2 position at the start.


So running 5 on 5 open terrain  I was able to win with the panthers.


At first I had both sides straight on to each other and the panthers were being penetrated with every hit, where as the IS-2 were able to deflect shots.


Then running both sides at the 10 or 2 position the panthers were then able to deflect some Russian shots also, IS-2's did not seem to improve much with the facing change.


So at that point it became a toss up as to who would win the duel.


So no not a elaperate test to see what is the perfect range to engage at or anything like that.


But it was enough for me to prove panthers are fine as long as you use them correctly. ( they are a tank that really requires good hull positioning to have any real defences and the gun is adaquate vs. even the Russian heavies  at reasonable ranges.


So I would risk it in a frontal attack if I had no other options, At least out to that Distance

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^ Nice tests.


Is there a German tank able to take out IS-2 via frontal attack?

Yes. The Panther. And anything with a better gun, which is Tiger II and... Jagdpanther Nashorn and Elefant all had L71 88mm guns, and the Jagdtiger's 128mm certainly would.

No, the Panther isn't a guaranteed penetration at the better part of a mile, but neither is the return shot, hence "a toss up who would win the duel". I expect the long 88mms won't penetrate every time either, just more often than the high velocity 75 on the Panther, and with more residual energy when they do.

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Then running both sides at the 10 or 2 position the panthers were then able to deflect some Russian shots also, IS-2's did not seem to improve much with the facing change.


Can someone expound on the "10 or 2 position" bit?  The idea, as I understand it, it to "manufacture" additional slope for your armor by generating an angle from the enemy's guns to your armor.

However, the details seem important.  Does it increase the tank's cross-section / target size as it appears to the enemy?  Is the benefit of the 10 or 2 such that you'd rather take your chances with a hit against your side armor (and the extra angle benefit) than against your frontal (presumably thicker) armor.  If this is a viable tactic, I suppose it must be.  

Is this commonly used by CM players?  Are certain tanks especially suited for this?  Unsuited?  

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Does it increase the tank's cross-section / target size as it appears to the enemy?


Yeah, a little, but not much if done right. About 30° off of straight on seems to be optimum. That gives a nice bonus to the frontal armor without exposing too much of the flank, which after all is still on a 60° off angle. Unless a round finds a shot trap on the flank (possible; the running gear presents a very complex shape) it isn't very likely to do anything but ricochet.



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It just so happens I have a duel going right now between IS2s and PzIVs. I started out with my two PzIVs attacking three IS2s. Yeah, sounds foolhardy except I had terrain and surprise on my side. I drove my unbuttoned PzIVs through folds in the terrain until they attacked form the side an rear form a gully. They almost made it. The IS2s are buttoned and under mortar fire and MG fire and an infantry gun go into the action. So the IS2s had plenty of other stuff to worry about. I was getting excited. Until. There were some previously unspotted infantry in the fields near the IS2s and they clearly spotted the impending attack so my two PzIVs crested the hill to face three IS2s facing them. Ick. Well they nailed one and lost one. The other PzIV managed to get back down in the gully out of sight again. Unfortunately another IS2 crested a far away hill and just when I thought my hiding tank was done-fore a [REDACTED] from [REDACTED] nailed the new IS2 before it could get a shot off. Now it is back to two against one but the two need to consider their next move very carefully. The PzIV's next move is not to :)

This was very close range - I did not measure it but less than 200m for sure. So at that range PzIVs 75 can really hurt even an IS2. Mind you the kill took a few hits while the PzIV was toast after just one. The next few turns could be interesting.

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Can someone expound on the "10 or 2 position" bit?  The idea, as I understand it, it to "manufacture" additional slope for your armor by generating an angle from the enemy's guns to your armor.

However, the details seem important.  Does it increase the tank's cross-section / target size as it appears to the enemy?  Is the benefit of the 10 or 2 such that you'd rather take your chances with a hit against your side armor (and the extra angle benefit) than against your frontal (presumably thicker) armor.  If this is a viable tactic, I suppose it must be.  

Is this commonly used by CM players?  Are certain tanks especially suited for this?  Unsuited?  


the 10 or 2 referance is refering to a clock, with 12 being straight ahead. If you turn the tank to about that on the clock you have the front armot at that 30 degree off center slope, and the side is at 60 degrees


If the enemy does hit the side armor, because it is at 60 degrees, the chance for deflecting the round is very high. (A good thing).


Plus in the game it works really well in that the tanks always shoot for center mass. So if you think that through, you can do a pretty good job of getting your tank in a off-center position but still keep the odds high for the rounds to hit the front armor.

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currently  I have a QB going that just started. I have one Pz IV. A lot of schrecks.  And... a 150m Inf gun. Thats it. I spotted an IS 2.  Im basically Fu*ked. However I refuse to give up. I plan to 1. strip away Soviet infantry elements. 2. try to expose the IS2 to as many schrecks as possible when fired upon.  obviously if it stumbles on the schrecks it'll be fired upon, but even though woods and ravines are somewhat sparse on the map they are there, and  I plan to stalk the enemy  IS2 and expose it to being fired upon by 4-6 schrecks at once.

I forget the name of the german unit I used, but it basically comes with 3 inf. squads and 2 schreck teams with it.  The HQ also has a independent schreck jager team.

Finally I hope by some miracle the 150mm gun can score a penetration wiith a heat round. one heat round penetration from 150mm will KO the IS2.   If not HE will destroy subsystems  possibly shock the crew.

The Pz IV is in an ambush position. I hope for a chance to fire on the flanks, and will only move it if I have a chance to essentially 'dash' (e.g. move fast) to the side or rear of the IS 2.  Otherwise this battle will be me killing lots of Soviet infantry and losing to an IS2 and the survivors.

However the IS2 (unless mis-ID'd) has an AWFUL RoF with its gun, and thats definitely to my advantage. I shoulda bought a friggin panther. damn,

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Well my plan... has drastically changed. I moved my Pz IV because theres not just one IS2. Theres.. uhm.. 3. Or maybe 2 and a T34/85.  very very ugly.  I gotta use my Pz IVH, my 150mm, and my schrecks to destroy this and the red hordes. Ok basically Im ... fu*ked.

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