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Hallowen discounts for updates

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Hello BFC,

I were you, I would make some discounts on version update packs (I mean V2.0 , V3.0 updates for FI and BN products) for Hallowen Day.

this will lead to add more customers in your base who was not updated till now because of big price tags.

So at final you have potentially more customers to sell new modules and packs.

I have many friends at my social net habitat, they could not have been updated because of price tags.

You can sell , BN v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

FI v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

Individual updates can be sold 5 usd each

And secondly , you can make some discounts at packs + modules at Christmas Period

So you will add more updated customer your base and we can find easily players to play more games.


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All this free advice from you for BFC lately. Are you sure you shouldn't be charging given your depth of expertise and experience?

Nah, a man with so many friends doesn't need money.

Please reread your posts. Is this really the way you want to communicate in this forum?

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It's very interesting. Sometimes I think that are we all customers? When I write something constructively for us as customers . Some interesting human beings are interpreting this demands as they are sellers. Are we at the same in side?


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I guess we differ on line between constructive criticism and annoying and arrogant pestering.

good point :-)

someone testing a product as betatester, but in this product which areas corrected with a patch (3.10) completely unknown by this guy.

I think they had concentrated new goodies, toys and fire :-)


Yes Steve you are in wrong job model now. You should have patched the very old cmbn base game to the latest as freely but modules and packs should have been not free off course so you have all BN buyers potentially to buy all modules and packs. Now you have not such a chance.

Secondly please release this long waited rt patch.


Hello Ian,

No, I think the reverse of it, the non-free contents were pulled front because of economical point of view but not respectfull approach for customers bought RT already.

at least 6.5 months before the problems of RT had been seen but much the sources dedicated to non-free contents already. So patch has delayed because of that . Off course this is my point of view.





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I guess we differ on line between constructive criticism and annoying and arrogant pestering.

Ha ha ha

Especially beta tester post is only about you betatesters . and I knew that truths are always hurt. It's certificated with your post collection. The other posts are about Bfc

The betatester post also constructive if you get something but as I understand , you insist not to get anything


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I can appreciate tha English might not be yur first language but the way that comes across is as an arrogant demnd, not a request as you might have intendedThe other gentlemen who have commented are quite right. You might well have caused offence given the way you phrased what you probably meant as a request.

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I can appreciate tha English might not be yur first language but the way that comes across is as an arrogant demnd, not a request as you might have intendedThe other gentlemen who have commented are quite right. You might well have caused offence given the way you phrased what you probably meant as a request.



is it your first language? it's not exactly understandable from your above message.

you should take breathes at the end of sentences with some punctuations. Also you should learn some word spellings. :-)

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If I were you, Togi, I would keep my money in my pocket and us some of it to improve my English. For that you don't need a discount, but a small fortune.

'Ha ha ha...'

Ha ha ha

Thanks for advices, but I'm not so rich , I prefer to get some CM modules (well tested) instead of learning English in order to express my ideas to your type people. It will be a luxury spent. I mean it's unworty

Hmm, If we turn to top of this topic, are my ideas for you? No

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Hello BFC,

I were you, I would make some discounts on version update packs (I mean V2.0 , V3.0 updates for FI and BN products) for Hallowen Day.

this will lead to add more customers in your base who was not updated till now because of big price tags.

So at final you have potentially more customers to sell new modules and packs.

I have many friends at my social net habitat, they could not have been updated because of price tags.

You can sell , BN v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

FI v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

Individual updates can be sold 5 usd each

And secondly , you can make some discounts at packs + modules at Christmas Period

So you will add more updated customer your base and we can find easily players to play more games.


Why aim so low? Why not suggest BFC give it away free to random customers? Or give cashback?

I think BFC, having been doing this for 14 years either:

a) are mad (and broke)

B) have a faint idea what they are doing

Which do you think?

Oh, and $20 dollars too much? Here you are: http://www.businessinsider.com/20-items-under-20-everyone-should-buy-2013-11

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Why aim so low? Why not suggest BFC give it away free to random customers? Or give cashback?

your idea is greater than me. Free updates :-)

I'm giving this idea because I hope that BFC's customer radar to be expanded with such a discount.

For example with figures not real records.

I think that BFC sold 1000 pieces CMBN base game

But 750 pieces V2.0 update, 500 pieces V3.0 update.

So if the Base games updated to the latest, they will have some chances to sell more modules for updated base games.

But real figures are hands of BFC company, may be , I'm wrong on that

BTW, I have all BN , FI updates ..So this discount idea is not for me :-)


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It is like AKD said, there is a line between constructive criticism and annoying and arrogant pestering. All this so-called well meant advise is nothing more than pestering, as is most of the moaning about prices and discount. We are lucky to have a company like BF which is willing to make the games for us we always dreamt of. People like Togi have no love for these games and no sympathy for what BF is trying to achieve. They just want to be a smart ass and moan, because that is their character. It is revolting.

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It's very interesting. Sometimes I think that are we all customers? When I write something constructively for us as customers . Some interesting human beings are interpreting this demands as they are sellers. Are we at the same in side?


I haven't made that many posts but i tend to creep around on the forums and i have noticed the people that have been here for a long time tend to get very hostile and defensive any time they hear something they don't like or agree with. I don't think most people that post mean to "pester" just would like to see what their fellow CM players think about their thoughts and ideas. Or maybe they want to see what battlefronts response is.

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Why aim so low? Why not suggest BFC give it away free to random customers? Or give cashback?

I think BFC, having been doing this for 14 years either:

a) are mad (and broke)

B) have a faint idea what they are doing

Which do you think?

Oh, and $20 dollars too much? Here you are: http://www.businessinsider.com/20-items-under-20-everyone-should-buy-2013-11

Relax its not like he did not say anything bad about BF all he said was discount for holiday would be cool because his friends cant afford it. no need to get all crazy just chill :cool:

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I haven't made that many posts but i tend to creep around on the forums and i have noticed the people that have been here for a long time tend to get very hostile and defensive any time they hear something they don't like or agree with. I don't think most people that post mean to "pester" just would like to see what their fellow CM players think about their thoughts and ideas. Or maybe they want to see what battlefronts response is.

May be so. Perhaps we are running out of patience, because we know that we are finally getting what we always wanted and now people still complain. Besides, I remember you talking about the price of the vehicle pack as 'absurd'. Such statements aren't exactly a good foundation for a civil and respectful conversation. I can understand that for some people 20 dollars is quite a price. But wouldn't they have complained it it would have been 15 or 10? I doubt it. Those guys of BF are no fools. If they say they have to ask 20, then I believe them.

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May be so. Perhaps we are running out of patience, because we know that we are finally getting what we always wanted and now people still complain. Besides, I remember you talking about the price of the vehicle pack as 'absurd'. Such statements aren't exactly a good foundation for a civil and respectful conversation.

I did say that but i am also frustrated as i can not get any of my friends to buy this game to play as they say prices are to steep for what it is (especially the engine upgrades) and as much as i try and defend the prices sometimes it seems to be a loosing battle to people who have never really played these games. and i was bashed on a few times for saying that which i expected, but the people saying things like "well the editor is easy to use makes your own missions" or the people saying "dont worry we will make missions so these vehicles can be used" were the voices of reason and made my argument invalid not the people insulting or bashing.

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I did say that but i am also frustrated as i can not get any of my friends to buy this game to play as they say prices are to steep for what it is (especially the engine upgrades) and as much as i try and defend the prices sometimes it seems to be a loosing battle to people who have never really played these games. and i was bashed on a few times for saying that which i expected, but the people saying things like "well the editor is easy to use makes your own missions" or the people saying "dont worry we will make missions so these vehicles can be used" were the voices of reason and made my argument invalid not the people insulting or bashing.

That is a statement I can respect. But quality comes at a price. Compare these games with others on the wargame market. A lot more time and intelligence is invested by BF than in most games from other companies. CM isn't for everyone. I've also tried to convince friends to try CM, but or they want a fast shooter, or an easy graphical painting to click in. I don't think reduced prices will change much in that respect.

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May be so. Perhaps we are running out of patience, because we know that we are finally getting what we always wanted and now people still complain. Besides, I remember you talking about the price of the vehicle pack as 'absurd'. Such statements aren't exactly a good foundation for a civil and respectful conversation. I can understand that for some people 20 dollars is quite a price. But wouldn't they have complained it it would have been 15 or 10? I doubt it. Those guys of BF are no fools. If they say they have to ask 20, then I believe them.

You are all the time writing in the third person. Could you explain who is "we", please? The club of 1k+ poster? Beta-Testers? I don’t think that BFC could survive with only "we" as customer.

And if you believe BFC it's completely okay, but let other people believe what they want. Explaining the own point of view should be basically the way in my eyes :)

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