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AAR "Fester Platz Polozk" RepsolCBR Vs Russian AI

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Firstly... if I have an AI group set to ambush at 75m and a player unit moves within that radius, is it just that individual unit that becomes "activated" or all the units in that group?

All the units that have been assigned to a group will become activated. I usually reserve ambush for individual AT guns or HMGs.

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However...With the new TRIGGER system you can get this to work.

- Instead of giving you AI-group an AMBUSH order

- Give them a HIDE order

- Then paint a TERRAIN OBJECTIVE on the map a distance away from the location you have deployed your troops at


- Give your AI-group an additional order and place that order at the same location as your HIDE order. (If you intend for your AI-group to be stationary you don't need to paint any orderloaction at all. For either of these two orders)

- Make this order an AMBUSH order and have this order triggered to start when the TERRAIN OBJECTIVE you painted on the map is reached by enemy troops.

- Now your AI-group will switch from HIDE to AMBUSH order when enemy troops enter the area you have designated in your TERRAIN OBJECTIVE.

This might sound complicated but it relly isn't...If you have enough AI-groups and TERRAIN objectives to do what you want that is...

I'm sure PanzerMike will be able to give you a better answer but this is how i think it works...

This should indeed work. Good description.

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To be honest the project has spiraled out of control and is becoming enormous. Almost a km by km of dense city with what's likely going to be regimental size forces facing off. Consuming far too much of my free time, but I do get an inexplicable pleasure from creating CM battlefields. I'll post up some preview images when I've completed the city.

Regimental forces on a 1 km x 1 km map :eek: That IS out of control dude :D

I would advise you not to do that for a number of reasons. One being the frame rates that will take a hit. Urban environments eat up more resources. And to put a regiment of pixeltruppen on top of that... test carefully if this is playable. Especially when the lead starts flying.

Huge forces do not necessarily make for a better scenario, though it may look very impressive. Make sure your battle does not get too bloated and more a chore to play than fun. You will turn a lot of players off I fear.

Just my 0.02 :)

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Yep, and I deliberately kept map size and force size down for Polozk, and still it is hardly playable for some players. I like to think that the majority experience acceptable frame rates though.

I try to find a sweet spot, that will appeal to what I hope is the majority. It would be a shame if you design a superduper map with a cracking battle, but only a handful of people are able to play it on their state of the art PC...

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Good luck on your quest Mutunus! And do share some pics of your scenario so we can see what it looks like! What battle are trying to recreate by the way?

I'm a sucker for fall blau so a pseudo stalingrad type scenario (already added a heavily defended "potato silo"). Will post some pics tonight in a new thread in the mods subforum. Think I've hijacked Repsols for long enough. After a little testing performance isn't great, but it is tolerable. I'll see how things are once I add all the bells and whistles to the map. I may need to cut a couple hundred metres off the y and x. Cheers for the advice.

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A city and or industrial looking map as soon as it becomes rather big will be very rapidly only available to players, if they want it to run smoothly, having a good and recent hardware.

That scenario runs pretty well on mine, but on my other older hardware it is not the same.

Anyway these kind of scenarios are interesting, but if large forces are used they might become rather quickly uncontrollable for the player.

We have to keep in mind that in such environment, the German forces (for example) involved were not that many to hold a defence. it was not unusual on a length of one kilometer to have only one Company having 50 to 60 % of its nominal force. .

Most of the time the fighting on such a length was a succession of skirmishes between recon and or probing squads. However, Company size was used for an assault on a schwerpunkt (following probing and or recon intelligence found) and a platoon reserve was kept farther back. A tank or two at the most might also be sent, if available.

If a Designer follows this example close to what was done at the time by the German forces, the player will avoid playing a shoot them up, really not of any interest to me, but rather an interesting cat end mouse tactical fight.

In any case if the attacker, the Reds not to name them, is staging an assault even with a battalion force against a fair German company size well positioned in defence, it will suffer greatly and might even not be able to breach and rout it.

This scenario is staying within this force limitation and therefore it runs well and is a real pleasure to play. I favour RT and I have not been disappointed during the testing despites the fantastic details of the streets destruction and of the many houses standing around; This is clearly felt while seeing the good shots and reading the very detailed account of RepsolCBR. Wego in his case allows him to look back and share his fight with us. A real pleasure. Thanks for the huge work done RepsolCBR

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A city and or industrial looking map as soon as it becomes rather big will be very rapidly only available to players, if they want it to run smoothly, having a good and recent hardware.

That scenario runs pretty well on mine, but on my other older hardware it is not the same.

This scenario runs OK on my machine. My processor is overclocked to 4.6 Ghz. I also have 16GB RAM and a GTX Titan graphics card.

Wego in his case allows him to look back and share his fight with us. A real pleasure. Thanks for the huge work done RepsolCBR

Thanks ! You're welcome...:)

Time for a small update again...

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As promise yesterday...my orders for next turn...

In my 1st attempt to play this scenario i failed to withdraw many of my pixeltruppen in time. They subsecvently got destroyed by overwhelming enemy firepower.

I will try to not make the same misstake again.

But as you have seen. I have already lost some troops this time around also. Knowing when its the best time to withdraw your troops is not that easy.

Misstakes will be made i'm sure...

Oh, well...

I think this time might be now

Starting with my 1st platoons 1st and 3rd squads behind the wall.






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I will give my Hertzer a target briefly order against the courtyard of those building that enemy recently gained controll over.

I'm pretty sure there are some enemy troops in that yard. A target briefly order will do for now to not spend to much ammo.


(the tree trunks only have been toggled on in this picture).

Last turn i ordered my sniperteam to withdraw down to the groundfloor of this building...


I already had a MG42 equiped halfsquad from 2nd platoon down here so it got a bit crowded.

This turn i will order that half squad to repossition to the second floor of a small house on the other side of the street.

That will give them this view of the street to the east.


Enabeling them to assist my tankhunter-team and my newly arrived heavy machingun to deny this street to the enemy.

Well that's it for this turn. No new orders needed to the south...

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The orders a gave last turn are being executed and everything is going to plan...My infantry units ordered to shift possitions have not

quite made it to their new locations yet...

But my Hertzer have...


...and fire 4 rounds into the courtyard.

Others then that. Not that much happened this turn.

One thing that did happen this turn though was this...


The enemy assultguns at the factory started moving forward.

This will require me doing some repositioning of my men infront of them. Time to get out of here...

Over at the southern sector the russian attack on 3rd platoon continued.

They took a few additional casualties on the left flank and on the right this happened...


My southern infantrygun gets a few more kills...:)

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Even further to the south...

The russians have not given up their idea to advance west here. More troops are arriving from Pushka Hotel to reinforce the attack.


These reinforcements are stopped cold by my north infantry gun once again.


My other defenders in the area gives the same treatment to some russians making an other push from inside the opposing courtyard.


Both these attacks are beaten back with no casualties on my part.

Like they say. The russians sure where stubborn back then. Despite simular attacks having failed several times already they just keeps comming back.

Doing the same thing once again...

I think this question has been asked before ? will the russians run out of troops first or will their enemy run out of ammunition ?

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Atleast on the right flank they have given up the idea to advance...No movement there this turn.

The russians have however been able to establish themself in these buildings.


And are trading fire with my defenders...


One of my defensive possitions.


The russian armour-infantry coordination is not the best in the south. They have atleast one assultgun in the area.

But they don't use it !


For now. The southern sector of my front is fully under controll. Let's se what happens when they do commit their armour...

Thats's it for this turn.

An update with new orders and the results of those orders will follow.

(no more today though...)

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Yeah this scenario will teach you not to get cocky.

Yepp, i'm sure it will...:cool:

You are right though...I'm starting to feel a bit 'cocky'...

Things have gone quite well so far i think...but i'm aware that the battle for

Polozk has just started...

tougher times lies ahead no doubt !

Seing one of thoose big guns turning towards you would 'concern' most people i think...

My hope is that i have decimated the enemy infantry to a high enough degree to force thoose guns to take on my foot soldiers unsupported.

We shall soon find out...:)

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Regimental forces on a 1 km x 1 km map :eek: That IS out of control dude :D

I would advise you not to do that for a number of reasons. One being the frame rates that will take a hit. Urban environments eat up more resources. And to put a regiment of pixeltruppen on top of that... test carefully if this is playable. Especially when the lead starts flying.

Huge forces do not necessarily make for a better scenario, though it may look very impressive. Make sure your battle does not get too bloated and more a chore to play than fun. You will turn a lot of players off I fear.

Just my 0.02 :)

Yeah..sadly I can't see it running well at all on most peoples PC's..

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