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You know what bothers me a bit?

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"in the briefing that the germans are trying to stall you with a small group of rear guard units or something like that.n And then when you play the scenario, it turns out the germans have almost as many tanks as you do (often panther or tiger tanks) which just strikes me as odd. At this time the germans had far fewer tanks than the russians and the norm would be that the russians would outnumber them by quite a lot."

Remains the best comment in the entire thread, and the amen choir whistling Dixie are all full of crap.

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So, how much longer is JasonC going to be permitted to spew his bile before BFC puts a stop to it?

Oh gee, someone says something controversial or maybe is acting in an obnoxious manner--let's ban him!!

Even if the content of this thread does not conform to someones's sanitized view of the "jolly good, old boy" backslapping that should take place on this forum, what possible grounds is there for banning JasonC? In general, and without reference to the content of this thread, he has added a lot to the community over the years.

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Even if the content of this thread does not conform to someones's sanitized view of the "jolly good, old boy" backslapping that should take place on this forum, what possible grounds is there for banning JasonC? In general, and without reference to the content of this thread, he has added a lot to the community over the years.

He has a pattern of being openly hostile, including right in this thread - asserting that BF and its mission designers are hawking Nazi propaganda, and that anyone who doesn't conform to his viewpoint is full of crap. Then there was a thread not too long ago where he told someone it'd be better off if they were incinerated to death:


Agusto - yes, you are the only person on earth capable of "enjoying" such a thread, and it reflects deep naivety, childishness, lack of seriousness, moral blindness, no sense of proportion, etc. You think the greatest crimes in human history and the fate of millions in events coming quickly are perfect fodder for a dorm room bull session. But don't you worry, because those of us who understand are by now so sick of you and those like you that we would not lift a finger to put you out if you were on fire, so you can snore on happily.


Augusto - you wouldn't know morality if it bit you. But since you are still confused, letting you burn would most certainly improve human survival and future generations. You might even learn something from the experience, though personally I don't care whether you do. If you think about it, improves really depends on a standard of some kind or another, and really, you don't have any, so you see, what happens to you has no moral consequence whatever. I note that your own stated standard had nothing whatever to do with factors like pain, let alone mythical notions like innocence, but then in a dorm room bull session what does any of that matter?

It remains a fact that I wouldn't lift a finger to help you, that there is no moral or political solidarity between us of any kind, and I am just fine with that. Meanwhile you pretend to invoke biology but seemed completely shocked when other human beings notice they have no biological reason to give a tinker's cuss about any pain, real or hypothetical, that you might experience. In short you are simply far too stupid and unselfconscious to discuss the matters you think - incorrectly - this thread is about. Back on planet earth, meanwhile, morality is real and exists as a code between men of a certain sort. And sonny, you ain't one of them.

If any posts from anyone deserved at the least a suspension, it is those right there.

I can go on, but I'll stop there.

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what possible grounds is there for banning JasonC?

Well, in this thread Colours has arguably broken 5 of the 7 forum rules. The only ones he's missed on so far are using multiple accounts and hawking another product.

Those would be the grounds. I don't think he should be banned, and I doubt that he will. Winding back on the rhetoric, though, and using his sig as a guide rather than a crutch would be a splendid way to move forward. He could also stand to ease up on the logical fallacies. So far in this thread we've been treated to his old favourite the fallacy of division ('at the strategic level most tanks were PzIVs, therefore tactical scenarios should only have PzIVs!'), as well as a stirring appeal to authority ('I read lots of books!').

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He's probably just really annoyed at playing H2H games and getting the guy who demands meeting engagement, open or rough terrain, day light, rarity off and facing Tigers and Panthers every. single. time.

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I'm not going into the reasons why he is frustrated, that is his personal domain. However he, as others have pointed out, personally attacks certain posters. Even if the whole world would have agreed on his 'views' and he read all the books that exist that's still not justified. That was the reason I fell over his posts. The narcistic, arrogant nature of his posts don´t help either. Dogmatism and pigheadedness are very different. However these too shouldn´t be goals in and of itself; not in a CM forum and especially not in a scientific debate :)

I think a good punishment could be that he is refrained from posting on the forum until he has created and posted a fully autentic historic scenario for CMRT, which we can then all criticize and attack as being unplayable boring. That way we all win. ;)

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I think a good punishment could be that he is refrained from posting on the forum until he has created and posted a fully autentic historic scenario for CMRT, which we can then all criticize and attack as being unplayable boring. That way we all win. ;)

I threw together a pair of delay missions using stock QB maps, just to try to get experience working with exit and force destruction scoring, they were reasonably fun, if really unpolished. I'm pretty sure it can be enjoyable even if you're absurdly outnumbered, as long as the player's forces aren't forced to be wiped.

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Iwallace79 did not actually say ban, but damn that would be an interesting 1st post. :P

I'd have to agree with others, banning is a bit extreme. Yes he posts in an obnoxious, dull witted manner with a level of angry infantile rhetoric that is hard to fathom, but that is far from the worst we've had here. BF has a strong distaste for censoring to that degree. They would prefer it seems we handle ourselves like adults and sometimes that simply means ignoring the blowhard in the room. Any blowhard.. me included - I have had a few stellar moments here.

What I think is most reprehensible is for Jason to provide advice to BG to up the strength of his German units in a scenario to potentially include Tigers in March and then here to label him as another German Armor fetishist over probably the exact same scenario for having any armor at all. It is at best deceitful. If he were adult enough he'd come right out and apologize to BG, confess that it was over the top and then suggest we forget all this and move on and maybe let Oddball have his thread back. I'd vote in favor of that.

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JasonC - Ban - never, stop talking like that.

I enjoy his input too much and have learned to accept him for the person he is. Plus he is very smart and has great resources and never mis-spells anything. (which I will never adchieve any of these feats)

So he is having one of his attitudes about how he knows all and how we should all see the light as to how the game should be and submit ourselves to that great wisdom.

Face it, anytime you deal with someone that has a huge amount of knowledge about any subject. That person will judge themselves as being above those around them and become authorative in their actions. When those they deem as being inferior to themselves do not agree with their knowledge. They tend to get defensive and start to want to prove their superiority.

So that is how I see most of this tread, it is nothing but a ego bash as to who thinks their in the right. (Too bad it is in a area where there is no right or wrong, just a matter of preference). So pretty much most everyone is making fools of themselves. - but keep it up. It is fun watch people act foolishly

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LukeFF is lying, or perhaps projecting. "If they were incinerated to death" he says, I wouldn't lift a finger to help, I said. I even suggested the person would learn something. Kids touch hot stoves and learn things, too. Even if I don't lift a finger. No "to death" about it, except in LukeFFs fevered imagination... As for the context he tore the remark from, it was someone saying how much he enjoyed a discussion of comparative megadeath statistics and half justifications of the tyrants committing them; others in the same thread had already commented on how sick it had become. As for "open hostility", behold, the beam is in your own eye.

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You bunch should play the game more and stop measuring dicks.

JasonC has done a ton for the community and I respect him for it.

What a snakepit this place has become, y'all should be proud of yourselves.

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That's a harsh parenting technique. Although I sense that you adhere to some sort of nihilistic belief totem, so it fits in its own way.

This thread could be viewed as a proverbial hot stove, then. You don't have much in the way of finger prints left, I see. Ah well, all the better for committing your next crime.

Yes, keep this one by all means. His text walls add ballast to the ship, and keep it tilted almost to the waters edge, and just near enough to the point of total capsize.

I do agree that It's time to hand the wheel back to Captain Oddball, if he wants it.

If not, we can stay at the saloon all night. I've got a knife in my boot that I can do tricks with later.

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someone saying how much he enjoyed a discussion of comparative megadeath statistics and half justifications of the tyrants committing them

Sorry, tell us again who it was that was lying and projecting?

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You bunch should play the game more and stop measuring dicks.

we do (play the game) which is why there have been comments openly wondering what game Jason is playing as his descriptions of the content in RT are way out in left field. He has repeatedly been asked a real simple question and continues to dodge it. Then when examples of his own statements contradicting himself completely come up, he quickly ducks behind Oddball's skirts again (no intended offense oddball, it is just an expression).

JasonC has done a ton for the community and I respect him for it.

What a snakepit this place has become, y'all should be proud of yourselves.

So Jason gets a pass for being abusive and dishonest based on whatever it is he has supposedly done for the community and everyone else gets lambasted for calling him on it? Sounds like a double standard. His behavior here should have you questioning what exactly is his contribution to the community. He is obviously dishonest. He either lashes out with some extremely snide bellicose comments with no actual content when asked to back up statements and then when caught in his own lies tries to dodge behind someone else. Is that the kind of contribution this community needs to defend? Face it, he is the classic internet bully. Unfortunately for him no one here is particularly intimidated and few feel tolerant of that behavior.

Only thing I have learned from this is to start being more wary of what he says and make sure it can be validated by another source. I'd actually defended his participation during the Hamel Vallee AAR when another poster made some comment of his role.


I'd have taken a similar position again to maintain the nature of the AAR, but I can't say I feel so confident about Jason's participation.

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As for "open hostility", behold, the beam is in your own eye.

And do you JasonC ever consider that you might have made an error or conducted in socialy unacceptable way? Do you ever question your own judgement? Are you always 100% sure that what you are doing is the right thing and you are doing it in the right way?

I perfectly understand that you might not wish to show any of this but by presenting your view as the absolute and only truth on every subject is only making you look exactly the way you are accusing many of us for: Beam indeed seems to be in someones eye and unfortunately the way you are acting and presenting your views makes me encourage you to take a really good look at the mirror.

You are a person with wealth of knowledge. No one can deny that. And while pigheadedness might help you to stand fast behind your ideas and ideals in the cruel and unforgiving world of grog it has also a debilitating effect on your social appearance and and your ability to truly interact in reasonable and sensible way. The way we should be doing this.

Please do consider to behave like an reasonable person. Take my advice and question your motives and mode of action for even once. And if you come to the conclusion that you are still absolutedly flawless and perfect then have at it. You will find however that even with all the knowledge you will never gain true respect from me nor from most of the others.

Take this as a tactical advice from one strategos to another: This is not the way you want to conduct your mission. Humility and respect gains you more than your blatantly arrogant and hostile demeanor.


-Pasi Paroinen AKA H1nd, Kuopio, Finland.

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