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German Campaign - second Mission - ridiculus!!!


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Try this and share your results:


PIV vs T34/85, 2000m

10 German tanks lost against 9 Soviet. T34's seemed to have som spotting issues, but when they got a bead and scored a penetration the result was rather nasty with higher manpower losses on the German side (24 killed, 7 wounded) compared to the 9 killed and 7 wounded on the Soviet side. I did have to push the last Pz IV forward a bit towards the end, but will run again.

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Of course, since you took time to set it up! :-)

Played 10 times, 5 as German player and 5 as Russian player . 11 tanks on both sides. Completely 'hands off' - no orders given at all. All tanks buttoned up.

No.____German Losses___Russian Losses___Played As__Winner












So, when playing from the German side, the PzIv's lost each time - normally badly. But the story was very different when played from the Russian side! Too small a population sample to be anything but 'interesting' though.

On the other hand, you may have kicked off the inner statistics-nerd in me. :-)

(Although next time a screenshot from Excel - took me longer to format that 'table' than run the tests!)

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EUR 5,- * 8 hours * 5 days = EUR 200,- a week. OR ~800-900 a month. I hope that's after tax AND that you aren't paid in euro's ;)

Over here people get more for doing nothing.

I am 24 now and i ve been unemployed for approxmiately 1 and a half years in total. Right now i have a full-time job, and i have to say that, although i am getting paid next nothing and i would probably get as much money from the social system if i were unemployed, it is still better than beeing unemployed. Beeing unemployed is fun for a couple of months but then doing nothing meaningful all day long gets terribly boring IMO. It is pretty much wasted time.

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So playing this campaign.. I am actually having a blast. I read the scenerios very carefully and actually draw out the tactical map.. and draw up how I am going to approach my Victory conditions.

** Looking at the Map.. and the location of the bridges, I carefully surveyed the landscape. I noticed a small treeline that had a great view to the bridges and my main axis of advance. I knew that the town area itself on the other side of the bridge would be contested. sooo.

Bombardment... Mortar fire the wooded patch on the right flank.. and used my 150mm to prep the town.. you get I beleive 4 Reference points.. so you can target the hell out of the town.. x2 RP, X1 treeline in front of bridges, and x1 the small wooded gnoll on right flank.

Mission #1. I flanked the Left side through the woods to get to the small hamlet. I used, 1 Platoon of Pz IV, with a platoon of Infantry riding the tanks. I avoided the roads initially on my left flank... (Mission said there would be possible infantry and such.

Flanked the Right side as well going through the town.. basically I engaed a few tanks at range and blew them to hell.. x4 tanks I beleive.

Left Flank.. I engaed 3 hidden tanks in a wooded area.. from the rear.. I was amazed that they took off.. luckily I had another platoon of tanks near some building (covered covering my infantry heading down a dirt road to the main intersection. X3 T-34/85 tanks were engaeged and destroyed from the rear and the their right flank.

The rest of the time was getting to the bridges after a few more T-34/85 were destroyed on the other side of the river by the town.. totaling a total of I think 10 or 12 T-34/85's.

I have not lost a Panzer yet.. I play pretty conservatively. and wanted to keep my distance, I know the T-34/85 can outgun my Pz IV's.. and the 75mm AP rounds can penetrate their sides nicely... most of my engagements were at least1000-1400m one was knocked out at 1600m.

Their was a contingent of troops in the woods near the main crossroads... I got some intiatal contacts and set up around the wooded area, knowing my front was secured from any enemy armor as I was pretty sure I had free rein of the battlefield on my side of the river. I brought up my 20mm Flak trucks, and some Stummels, with infantry and some tanks covering.. the mortars hit nicely.. and I was amazed at all the soviet infantry running for thier lives.. they made it to open ground.. and then were obliterated... I took a few casualties in the town to my Right flank.. Our entire KG then crossed the River... under Artillery fire that was off but close at tmes.. took some more infantry casualties in the town.. but it was secured... However only a Tactical German Victory.. BECAUSE 2 russian men were in the green zone... WTF...

Mission #2.. Bombared the first town objective.... I decided to split my initial 4 tanks.. 2 on the left flank and 2 to go with the troops. to the first objective.

Left Flank tanks engaged 2 T-34/85 from range.. then backed off.. then engaged again.. knocking them both out... I decided to wait for reinforcemnts before entering the town. KG Baker.. was stuck because their were no AT weapons available.. and I did not want to follow T-34/85 tanks in Htracks.

More Tanks arrived and I had them group with men in the town.. and I split off two Mk IV platoons to cover the large field.. opposite the treline and buildings and the Train Station. ( I think it is the train station) Not the one in the center of town.

Anyways.. we knocked out 3 T-34/85 at range.. took a couple commander casualties.

After a bombardment.. I sped passed the town with 6 Pz IV tanks and 2 Stummels and 1 platoon of Infantry in tracks... Setting up in a small wall enclosed area on the opposite side of the first objective (Village). 3 Pz IV took position looking down the roads.. one tank took out 2 T-34/85's.. I think they were the same ones theat sped out of the village.

Thats where Im at right now. 44 minutes left.. and I have alot to secure yet.. KG Baker is stuck in position.. I think there are tanks still accross their way.... Left flank.. still sketchy on the tree line.. 2 tank contacts.. but we cant really see them... Russians tried an Air attack.. but I think my two Flak trucks with 20mm scared him off.. the plane did straff the Russians though????

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @ MARS42,

Saw this thread as I was playing and avoided reading it until I finished second scenario.

Disagree with your post and I think the scenario is very good.

1. I defeated all T34's even at long range and lost 4 tanks taking out 14 T34's.

2. Never believe what you see in a briefing, it is war. The first scenario was fun to find 3 T34's my side of the river!! Great small action resulted as I sent in infantry to clear them!!

3. I too thought the Baker group would have tanks... No biggie when they did not, gave them tanks from my main group. See point 2... BTW 1 T34 did not hold off that tank, work the two groups together!!

4. Scenario explained Soviets were pulling back, so NP with them moving tanks, use of triggers helped with that, pity about giving me their rear, but hey I am not complaining.

5. Time limit was fine for me, the AI gave up with 20m mins left of game to play, and I did not know map, just played it blank from fresh...

6. Agree with quantity of troops being off putting, scenario designers did good job of adding chunks at a time so you can start and slowly build up. I must say it does take longer to do turns at teh start but once action develops it breaks down into bite sized actions. So while I was initially put off by map size (PC struggles a bit) I am coming around to it and certainly enjoyed it as much as some of Paper Tiger's epics...

If you have not played any of Paper Tigers campaigns, perhaps have a crack at those... (BTW they are hard.... )

So IMO second scenario very good and thank you for some great game play...

One memorable scene is 1/2 track with German infantry dismounting in wrong place and hidden soviets opening up... I have never seen so much lead fly!!!! A wow moment... Not too good for my pixel truppen...

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I don't mind playing big battles with mutliple units, it usually gives me enough time to plan and execute tactics. However, it would be very very helpful if AI movement can be improved. Simply moving a column of tanks/troop along a road/path requires micro management of individual tank to make sure they all follow the path. That is a lot of mouse click. I was also very surprised at the Russian retreating with their back exposed when playing that battle. It certainly makes my job a lot easier.

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I think I am on Mission #4.. and the map is well done... I have to say this campaign has been both exciting, and refreshing... beautiful maps.. great mix of equipment.

By the way.. in the Second Mission.. I had moved an entire platoon of Mk IV tanks to KG Baker by using the tree-line for cover and fast moving them to KG Baker.. I was not sure but I had a hunch they would have AT weapons or Tanks...

Make a long Scenario short, I had KG Baker move out with 5 Pz IV tanks leading the way... brief and violent fire fight at a Train Station... surprised 3 T-34/85 retreating out... good street fights.. lost some troops and 1 20mm AA H/T, lost one stummel and a couple crew commanders.. not bad for a days work.

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Have always found that the larger battles are preferable imo cos one error usually doesn't cost you the game like it can with smaller scenarios.

What I enjoyed about the regiment-equivalent per side of CM1 on huge maps is that there was a reason for harboring reserves and having a transport reserve to move inf and guns around the large maps as Fire Brigades.

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I don't mind playing big battles with mutliple units, it usually gives me enough time to plan and execute tactics. However, it would be very very helpful if AI movement can be improved. Simply moving a column of tanks/troop along a road/path requires micro management of individual tank to make sure they all follow the path. That is a lot of mouse click. I was also very surprised at the Russian retreating with their back exposed when playing that battle. It certainly makes my job a lot easier.

Yes, my thoughts exactly, I love the idea of bigger battles but the micro managing just makes it tedious like a full time job of hearding cats around a map. If we are gona go big on maps and force sizes then give us more friendly ai support, like auto Ai road movement or some kind of rear area echelon movement handled by the ai. I wouldn't mind just telling an ai platoon to move north and as they move you could make adjustments as they go.

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As noted previously, if you set a "long range" waypoint on a huge map in CM1, the next turn, you would see the exact path that the Ai had plotted. It was relatively easy to adjust waypoints where necessary and reduced the micromanagement a great deal.

Would be great to have that feature in CM2, along with selectable waypoints/lines.

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